The Threnody of Humanity.
Summary: She appeared almost god-like. Colossal erbium wings and swords of many soaring above her. She listened to the music of their world, lyrics of brittle pain to iron strength. A sorrowful song that seemed to rewind endlessly. It brought tears to her eye, one that garnered her to say an unbreakable promise:
"I will put an end to this melody, and lift you all from endless threnody."
Pairing: It will be recognized in due time.
Longer Summary: Erza had accepted a peculiar request from Makarov, in ask that she help rid a country's source of pain. Unquestionably, she took the job. Refusing help from any of her peers the woman went alone to the country, however it slowly becomes obvious that this place wasn't ordinary from the gigantic human-like monsters and the unawareness of magic. Erza Scarlet was far from home.
Author's Note: It's a good thing people realize that Erza in the SNK/AOT world is a hot ass fic. Sadly, no one's doing it right so I'll try and do it. I like to think of Erza as a beacon of encouragement through this fanfic.
No, in this fanfic Erza doesn't save "humanity". However, I think her personality and ambition eventually does leave a mark on the people within the world. That's the story I want to give. Not one where she just shows her badass skills and proves herself the strongest person within their walls or whatever.
Does that mean that this fanfic will have a lot of that familial friendship sappy bullshit? Maybe so. However, it won't be too much like the Fairy Tail shit considering the circumstances are very different for these places.
I've done some tweaking to some things for this fanfic, and I'll name one right now. All of Erza's magic does have actual effects. Which is me saying that people and titans can/will die by her blade. Fairy Tail likes to do that shit where people just pass out instead of dying or whatever when they fight people. I'm not doing that stupid shit here.
The last point I have to say is that I will never have a set update for this fic, or any of my fics, I update them whenever I please because I live a far too busy life. So that's why I'll try to make these chapters long enough to satisfy you all.
So enjoy reading, thank you all for your time,
PSA: I never really put any disclaimers in my work because if I was writing any of these mangas I wouldn't be spending my time here, trust me on that.
What kind of being was she if she could simply waltz through the gate with calloused calmness? Not one they could truly explain because they themselves had no clue.
There was an allure to her, something majestic and overflowing with a virtue. The mere appearance of her tugged the strings of many citizens. Initially, only a few curious lookers had blatantly watched, it was tens, then it became hundreds. A sight to behold, as such feats this woman caressed were ones that could be on par with the many soldiers that fought within these walls.
A mountain of luggage perfectly placed on a large wagon. A feat all too peculiar but also astounding. However, the appeal of such a sight paled in comparison to the woman pulling such wagon with only one hand. Bijouled in silver armor, all guards on her covering most of everything under her chin, metal ornaments protruded from the belt in a feather-like manner. Under that a simple blue skirt and calf high boots.
The woman held a manner of loyalty. Her eye, an aching, inflammable shade of chestnut. All cradled by long locks of red, no, scarlet. A violent shade, one so unbelievably bright it was uncanny. It was a shade that was so surreal yet it bounced on her shoulders and on her back with life. Energy, 'a sense of pride' many might say.
The woman was horrifying. In all forms, in all meanings. A fascinating beauty not known to mankind, one that seemed to bring down war like rain shooting into the earth. A witchery floated in her presence, one that enchants. Before you step into her path, you were greeted with a sense of challenge. She herself was daring you to engage. The spell her existence had brought upon them was created by her and simultaneously broken by her. However, as wicked as such things sounded, you could tell she was nothing of the sort. She enticed them like she was a foreign animal, like a myth, like a fairy. That such a thing was almost of witchery, yet detained the malice of a witch.
She had uttered no word during her entrance into these walls. Yet it felt like she had told this earth that it belonged to her as if the air knelt before her feet. Which had its fair share of irony, as she was clothed as a knight, not a queen.
The woman paused, as if to asses the situation, then looked at the audience before her. A prominent curiosity on such an intoxicating face. She turned her eye to the measly citizen who was equally shocked as the rest of the crowd. A youthful pale woman clothed in various fabrics, her short wavy brown hair shaping her face. She was gripping her shawl with a deadly grip, sea blue eyes drowning with confusion. The traveler let go of the rope of the wagon and made slow steps toward the peasant woman, who ultimately cowered in fear. Eyes now filled with something akin to fear.
The redhead noticed this and raised both hands in surrender. "Fear not, for I have no motive to harm you." Her lips now transitioned to a creamy smile, and with her deeper and melting voice, left the civilian in a flurry of blush. Weakening the poor woman's feeble defense. "I happen to be looking for Darius Zackly, does that name ring any bell?"
The smaller lass trembled, eyes wavering but before she could utter any words. She promptly fainted, only to fall into the arms of the woman in silver. She sighed, hand over the swooned girl's head, and looked over at the man beside the two. "How about you? Do you know that name?"
The man, one of older experience as it shown through the gray wisps sticking out of his hair. His face was tight but eyes shone in esteem, hesitantly nodded. He grabbed the weakened woman that the redhead had gently pushed towards his direction. "G..General of all the military branches. "
"And am I safe to assume that he is close-by?"
The man nodded, shifting the moaning woman in his arms. With that, Erza nodded in satisfaction before turning from the civilian and towards her wagon. "Thank you for informing me, I am not familiar with this place."
"H-how? Did you perhaps come from outside?" Another civic cried out, fists clenched in anger but eyes of bubbling confusion. The traveler nodded and it caused a wave of whispers.
Talk ran like water among the crowd, as such truths were swords to the heart. And as the knight began to retie the knot around her wagon, mild but nerve-wracking hysteria ran amok and the people that crowded could not help but feel anything but safe. Children were clenched with an overwhelming power of security, men gripped objects as if they were weapons, and the woman stepped back. The idea of such a brazen being coming through their walls gave them nothing but fear. Lessons were learned that monsters could always be hiding within the most. This did not exclude her.
"What could you possibly want with the general? Better yet, us?" A virile man shouted towards her. His voice the thoughts of many. The woman stopped, her eyes looking at everything but nothing at the same time. She hummed before a small smile rested on her face that didn't escape the eye of the people.
"I'm simply here," The wagon slowly cried as it began to move. The resounding steps of her boots once again hit the ground as she began to continue up the pathway.
"To fulfill his request."
Erwin wasn't sure what to think at this moment of time. Hence, why he stayed silent throughout the meeting.
It wasn't a meeting that held the interest of the many grand people within the walls. In fact, it only held about four people. All holding their respective opinions towards the point in front.
Erwin Smith, Nile Dawk, Dot Pixis, and Darius Zackly all sat within a respective seat across from each other. With most of the eyes being on Darius as he fiddled with the pen in his fingers and promptly wrote across a sheet. Almost at ease. However, the rest could not be said for the others. What Zackly had said unto them had left them with bewilderment and confusion. Erwin couldn't begin to really comprehend what the man was saying, almost sounding mythical to him.
He could see he wasn't the only one troubled in a way. As the way, Dawk enclosed his hands with one another. His eyes cast downward, leaving not enough room to judge from. Yet from the way his shoulders trembled ever so slightly, he could feel the distress on the man. For Pixis, the man wasn't drinking and seemed just as in thought as he was. However, his green eyes narrowing said enough for the Scout Regiment commander.
"With all due respect," Erwin began again, Zackly had not moved from his position however his eyes flew toward the blue-eyed man, beckoning him to continue. "Commander, do you mean to tell me that people live outside of these walls?"
Zackly's eyes went back to his paper, and after what felt like a decade he replied. "I suppose so."
Dawk slightly slammed his hand on the table. "That wouldn't make sense! No human being could survive living outside these walls unless they were a titan-shifter. We already have our hands full on just one of them!" The Military Corp soldier sent a quick but inescapable glare towards Erwin, who did nothing but push it aside. "For all, we know that flyer is a trap!"
Darius hummed, "I don't recall titans being able to read or write."
Nile clenched his teeth, hands now fisted. "Intelligent ones can, and if they are titan-shifters like the lackey in the Survey Corps legion then they could get a simple pen and paper and do what they please!"
Erwin wouldn't deny, such thoughts had encountered his mind. Each day concepts were blending into one another, beliefs were shattered and new ones grew. The existence of Eren Jaeger caused a rift in the knowledge they thought they knew of Titans. Each day it broke into the thought of, what if? What if they had to see Titans in a new light? What if they were far smarter than they assumed, what if they had feelings? If the link between humans and titans wasn't so far-fetched?
It caused a hysteria and brought a knife of realization that would only cut through until someone stepped out of their own comfort zone.
However, Darius seemed to not mind. In fact, he looked, particularly at ease. He made no flamboyant scene as he set the pen down and grabbed the oddly colored envelope near him. Staring at it with eyes unreadable to Erwin.
Darius huffed, then proceeded to throw the envelope to the center of the table. All eyes now on it. "I had initially got a letter about the time of the graduation of the 104th Cadet Corps." The envelope was a color similar to gold, however, the texture resembled thin flute. A prominent wax seal at the center.
"In the beginning, I disregarded it. However, it's appearance intrigued me, though not as much as the content inside of it." Darius beckoned with his hands and Dot had placed the envelope back into the general's hand. "When I replied to it, it had disappeared into thin air."
"Disappear, you say?" Erwin's eyes widened, and while he wanted to debunk such an idea from the general, he knew better than to think the man was playing any other games. Pixis's expression never seemed to change for the bit but Dawk's was one of fragile annoyance.
"It is quite unbelievable," Darius began, now grabbing the pen again. "Such a feat had me thinking I was a bit loose in the head.", "Yet another one is here." He began to write the letter again, something looking oddly like his signature. "So I hope to test it again with the three of you, in hopes that my insanity is nothing but creative."
Zackly signed the paper, and they all glared in masked anticipation. The effect was almost instantaneous, as once he settled the pen down. The paper began to dissolve between the men, and the remnants of it basically non-existent. The only thing remaining was the envelope.
All three men gaped in awe. "I-Impossible.." Pixis's eyes widened and Dawk looked over to the bald leader, then to Erwin whose had a similar look, then to Darius. A face that seemed to never change throughout the meeting. Only nodding in satisfaction.
"As I thought," His words couldn't come out more proud. "Such a thing existed."
"Chief, If I may ask?" Erwin looked over at Darius with heavy eyes. "What was the context of that letter?"
"Hm?" Darius cracked his fingers. "It was a request." The man pulled out of his seat and strode towards the window near him. Looking onto the scenery below. "The writing was indecipherable to me earlier on, but it then switched to our language. An advanced system of mailing..." A hand now under his bearded chin. "It just confirms to me that there is a whole community out there."
Darius turned around towards the table. "If you still refuse to comprehend, simply look at the seal on the wax." The three military commanders leaned forward and sure it was, bright as day.
A sign that oddly resembled something of a bird. Nothing of the woman used to represent their walls.
"Such a symbol is not of here if they are that intelligent to symbolize their own system of deliverance. Then it's safe to assume that they are far more intelligent than one simple titan-shifter." Darius commented, his face once again facing the window.
Suddenly a knock drifted through the room and with the consent of Darius, a man with a messy short hair and an awed expression come through. "General Zackly, someone… is here to see you." The three military commanders looked at the man in confusion but all Darius did was nod. "Send them up here anyway. "
"W-Well, you see.. She already brought herself in."
The man (Who they could see was part of the Military Police Regiment.) stepped forward, and the armored hand that was now resting on his shoulder stole the stage. He looked utterly weak and his frame was now resembling something of a shaking twig. The hand that seemed to grip his shoulder had let go and slid past him. Now showcasing an unbound woman with the curves of her lips alike of a simper.
A glance at her body could tell you that she was indeed voluptuous. Lurid eyes, endless brown, that bore into them with nothing but patience. Heavy strands of her jeweled hair moved like serpents as she strode over. Her hair, it was the most intriguing of it all. Such a gruesome red, not copper but bloodred. Having her look more paradoxical.
"Greetings, Darius Zackly. I hope that I have not come a little less of late." Bloodred hair waved as the woman bowed proportionately. She looked up at the men near him and bowed once again. "I also apologize for intruding anything."
"My name is Erza Scarlet, and I was notified that you had appealed a request from our guild."
Darius, who was all too silent, slowly moved and picked up the envelope between his two fingers. Waving the paper and garnering Erza to move towards him. She took the mail with the both of her hands and began to examine it. Darius then rose a brow and folded his arms within themselves.
"Am I right to assume that the sign is related to you, perhaps?" Erza nodded, the smile on her lip never changing. "Yes, that is the guild sign of Fairy Tail."
Erwin couldn't help but say something, "And what is it that Fairy Tail was asked of them to do for us?"
Behind her eyes, something gleamed, something of a savage assurance that almost brought a chill to his spine. "To save 'humanity' as it would seem."
"Your land is covered by sea." Erza spoke.
The men in the room looked to the front, where the young woman stood strongly. Her eyes preying on each man in the room. "It took me quite a while to make it here." She paused for a minute. "At least ten days."
"Ten days?" Dot said as he leaned in forward. "A beautiful woman like you must be tired."
Erza stared at the man impassively, before a disarming honey smile graced her full lips again. "I've dealt with far worse, sir."
"Such a shame."
"Perhaps so, but they all taught me valid lessons."
Nile, who had given her nothing more than a glare after he caught himself from his fixation, furrowed his brows slightly. "Did you encounter any titans?"
Erza had paused, seemingly taking in what the man asked. "Would those be the giant human-like creatures?" Nile nodded, then Erza nodded. "Then, yes, quite frequently."
"Then how did you kill them?" Erwin was the last one to ask, his eyes meeting with her brown ones. They seemed to grab anything in their sight, he couldn't elude such orbs.
Erza somehow shrugged, "There was no need."
"And why not?"
"They never interacted with me, so I deemed it unnecessary."
There was a silence within the room, a tension that ached horrendously. Distilling all hopes and birthing fear all over again. Erwin's gained a sense of iron, and Erza the level of authority laced with his next words could wrestle with those of Makarov. "Are you human?"
However, she was not one to fall to the knee for a man nowhere near her level. "I'd believe so." The silence ensued.
"Carrying on," Erza's eyes fell back to Darius, the man silently taking in the conversation as it tred on. "Initially I had thought I was lost since the land was miserably barren. I pursued through," The titania turned towards Nile. "Your titans roamed around everywhere, but a few seemed to be going in the same direction and so I made a hunch."
"Thus," Dot finished for her. "You were greeted with our walls."
Erza stared at him, dark honey optics seemingly saying nothing. Then slowly tapped a manicured digit at the hilt of her sword. "Even so, I have to think that the place I come from is far from here."
Erwin's fingers began to drum on the oak table, Erza had to give him silent respect. As the man gave off an air of authority that matched Zackly's. Unintended or not. "How so?"
"A very peculiar passageway,", "After that, most of it was just walking."
Erwin's eyes were narrowed. As if she would whimper and unveil every thread of secret sown within her.
A pointless attempt.
Darius clasped his hands, garnering all the looks back to him. "Your existence here means that there is human life beyond these walls. that is the first step to our success outside."
Erza's face was quizzical, and something clicked. "Have you ever ventured outside these walls?"
"Yes," Smith spoke. "All considered failed attempts, however."
Erza seemed to scoff. "They do not seem too difficult, just a bit trifling."
The men became silent. The same woman who had just told them she had not engaged in any interaction with the Titans, was now telling them that they were nothing more than overgrown pests?
Darius's face was unreadable, but Erza could feel that he was radiating some kind of amusement from it all. "Erza Scarlet, may I ask what are your abilities?"
The excitement in her eye failed to be diluted, as that intoxicating simper laid on her lips again. "Would you like to see?"
Hence why all four were currently in a carriage. Erza sitting diligently next to Darius, as the lesser commanders sat sandwiched to each other on the other side. Her fascinating face in a vague sense of serenity even with her eyes closed. Her hands were placed on her lap as her legs were crossed with each other leisurely. She seemed to be in her own thoughts, hence why she hadn't moved one bit.
"By grace, it's been a while since I've seen the likes of a woman like her." Dot whispered, his fingers chafing his beard, if only he had a drink right now. "You oughta be careful around some women, their looks will be the cause of your death if you're not careful enough." Dot had chuckled while nudging Nile.
Childlike glee in his voice odd with his older voice was not a good combination. Which moreover almost made Nile rolls his eyes, but instead sought to not answer. His eyes looked over to the mage, to Darius whose eyes were equally as closed as the woman's, then to Erwin. The man seemed deep in thought but Nile had no intention of knowing what went through his head, not even at such a dramatic spectacle could he let his pride lay low like that.
To be quite honest, Nile couldn't really believe that this woman would do them any good. As if they already didn't have that Eren boy in the Survey Corps. Was that not enough? What was Zackly thinking? Bringing a woman in some armor as if she could amount to the thousands of soldiers that had trained ruthlessly to defeat these heartless beasts?
Even now, he couldn't seem to understand. To bring her in on questions about the outside world made sense, but to ask her to save humanity? It was almost laughable.
Not even their strongest soldier could do that, how much better could this dainty fairy do?
He wasn't sure if he was staring because he quickly found himself eye to eye with the swordswoman. A steely gaze that almost had him twitch.
"You doubt me." She stated and Nile felt the anger crawling like acid in his throat.
He sneered, before turning his eyes towards the window in a pseudo-haughty manner."Who wouldn't? a simple girl in big armor is supposed to be better than half of our soldiers? we should ensure humanity in her small hands and let more of our people die in them?" By now all the men were staring at the Military Police commander. A sense of empathy all shifting through their eyes. "Do you even understand what our soldiers go through on a daily basis just to live?"
"It's something you couldn't understand with even a thousand scars of war."
When Erza said nothing and the carriage was only filled with the sounds of the wheels creaking and his heavy breathing, Nile's roar of a confession was the only thing that kept his confidence soaring. If it weren't for such, he would surely be swallowed by her look. Her eyes had not changed from an impassive stare, but he was unsure if he had stepped his boundaries so his eyes flickered towards Darius. The man seemed aware, but he couldn't tell from the opaqueness of his glasses.
"Tell me, Nile Dawk." Had he wished he hadn't turned back to look at her now.
Her eyes, they seemed to the biggest feature of her face. How they shone with such febrile, a delirious wave almost hit him, like pools of challenging fury just blocked by a flimsy lock, she looked as if she would devour him right now. The pit of her stomach would be rivers of flames, licking every part of his skin. Such a gaze was not feral, but he could see himself in the middle of a pathway. The moon high and mighty and the one at the top of the hill, sparing him (weak, helpless, him) was a wolf. Her.
"Are you speaking out of insecurity or true patriotism?"
Nile's brows furrowed but quickly spoke. "Excuse me?"
Erza's position changed, and now she leaned forward. Stunned was he to see but that redness of her lips was as cherry as the blush of fair woman's cheeks. "Why need I repeat myself?"
"Why you-!" He rebuked, pointing a crude finger toward her direction. "You had told us that you had never interacted with the Titans but that automatically means you have the upper hand on those unpredictable things?"
The carriage was silent again.
Until Erza's hand pushed through the small window of the carriage, her body exuding an appearance of little to no care. Without delay, a sword appeared in her hand and the swordswomen slammed the weapon into the earth.
The carriage stopped. A force that knocked the men off their seats. The horses neighed, and the yell of a man tumbling to the ground was prominent. Yet what caught them was the thunderous steps outside. The feet of titans.
Erza's eyes were still on Nile. The man now haphazardly across the carriage.
"As I suspected, you speak from pride... insensitive. I assumed since your men were dying for a bigger cause then they would be humble," Her eyes were a storm of rile.
"But as usual, authority is born from the rotten."
Erwin frantically looked within the carriage, eyes now widened. It seemed that Nile was the only one unaware of what this woman did in hindsight. While Nile still had his eyes on the younger dame, he had seen it all. The giant embellished oversized sword that appeared in her clothed hands, those "small" hands thrusted it into the earth like it was a stick.
The sword that halted the carriage was nowhere comparable to the one that rested between her calves.
Erwin turned to eye Dot, who held a confused look. Nile was still lost within his argument with Erza and Zackly seemed to willingly allow Erza to rattle the man. "General, allow us to-"
"I applaud you for your confidence. " Erza continued, completely disregarding them to shadow Dawk in a voice of silent fury. "However your incompetence to learn and take a step back will ultimately lead to your fall."
Erza slammed open the door of the carriage and casually stepped out. The sword of their cataclysm had now disappeared and Erwin found himself dealing with the paradoxical. Darius followed suit and the shocked faces that matched the three commanders had only delayed them from getting out. However, the titania's voice still reigned louder than all the noise among them.
It reigned louder than even the cries of the Titans.
"Maybe this experience will show you."
Titans were mountains as they loomed over the small group, however, what rose higher than them were sterling articles in the sky, like a crowd, like a choir. What was on eye-level was, at simplest forms, a cladded angel but at bigger terms was a divinity.
What they were met with, exceeded comprehension.
"What it would take to compare your soldiers to me."
Nile couldn't tell if what he saw in the sky were angels or swords.
"Dance my blades."
"I have a few requests." She now sat between them all, the gloriful look of signifying loftness on her face glowing with unbashful brightness, hand gripping the elongated saber with a vice. She sat there, in that worn and creaky seat and still exuberated an aura of higher power. As if their whole world could belong to her if she willed it.
There had to be a God. Erwin was sure of that. If it wasn't the redhead sitting poised in front of him, he was not sure if he should begin to fear it.
It had only been a day since she arrived, and the events that tumbled through had been such a strain on Erwin mentally and physically. She had situated herself into their system as an autonomous being and they couldn't find themselves saying otherwise.
Now that controversial lady sat before him. Lush carmine lakes that ran down her shoulder were now raised up in a long streak of red, heart-shaped face cupped by the few tresses of hair near her face, instead of the bulky armor, she came with originally this time it was slimmer but still not of the likes he had seen. A long-sleeved black tight top that seemed to cover a good portion of her neck, equally tight but very short red skirt, under it was a sheen of red transparent fabric, all ending with black heels. It was an outfit he was sure was made to accentuate her figure, because that's all it seemed to do.
"I'd like to be present in any of these meetings, seeing that I am now a prominent piece of this war." Her eyes met with Zackly's who gave her a nod.
Erwin wasn't one to fall to human needs such as lust and all the other, he simply found no time for it. Yet he was no fool, the young girl before him was absorbing. A tang of sweetness, around her. A feline beauty that was such a novelty here, he wanted to object when such a taint woman had said that she was requested to save humanity. A girl with all lips, hair, and hips was supposed to bring down giants?
'A foolish assumption to make,' Erwin grimaced in his head, 'Assumptions are the worst mistake to make in battle.'
The kind of power Erza Scarlet weld was unlike any other. Otherworldly. It only took the swords soaring down to the backs of the Titans, her form was something of a silver seraph, pinning them down to the earth for him to decide that. He couldn't explain that, not with the science and technology they had.
"Next, if it's possible. I'd still like to learn the maneuvering equipment you use to defeat the titans." Confusion bubbled in the heart of the men but Zackly chose to be the voice of all of them.
Zackly rose his hands towards his face, eyes studying her. "Why would that be? do you not believe that your own abilities are not enough?" Erza paused, brown pupils, facing toward her lap in thought. A jumpy second ran past and her head pulled back up.
"I know my powers seem to wonder you all. however, I am not an over-powerful being. at the very end, I am still human and when my magic fails me I must use my hands like every other man before."
The blade that stood diligently under her grasp disappeared and Erza's hands fell to her lap. "If my magic fails me, I'd still like to fight with everyone else. that is my wish."
Erwin found his lips twitching, a smile threatening to slip through.
Through all the holy light, Erza Scarlet was still exceptionally human.
Her wings, continuous, swallowing, like a thousand knives boasting in sunlight. They were the only thing he could find himself looking at.
He was convinced, such a being could bring worlds down.
"Erza Scarlet." Erwin nodded towards her and she went to reciprocate the gesture, "It's a pleasure to see you again."
Erza smiled, eyes shining once more. "I hope you are doing quite well, today. I caused a bit of commotion today but I think it was to be expected."
The commander raised a brow, however, none of his face truly changed. "Oh, how so?" Erza tilted her head as if to think on the matter. "Originally, I wasn't sure. however, it only took me a few days to realize why."
She leaned forward in her seat and Erwin found himself performing the same thing. "Most of everyone's appearance here is quite similar, I think I'd be considered the odd one out."
Ah, so she realized this herself. Her whole look must've gained her many eyes, from both respective genders. The black shield emblem that hanging over her neck must've stopped anyone from advancing towards her, seeing that was the same emblem Zackly wore.
Erwin nodded before crossing his hands, "I'd take it that you've accustomed living in the Utopia district?" He had remembered them coming back and seeing the immense wagon she had dragged. She insisted on taking care of it herself and he wasn't sure how she had gotten it through without any repercussions
Erza's glowed once more, dark honey eyne gaping and wide before she lightly clasped her hands together, the action making her look youthful. "The town is very lively, and the people albeit a bit perplexed are all very helpful." Erza leaned back into her seat, and as the sun shone on her face he could see the rose petal blooming on her cheeks. "A chunk of them insisted on helping me into my lodging, and I couldn't have the heart to resist."
He couldn't lie, he didn't expect such a look from the girl. "I see."
Erza, however, did not notice Erwin's slightly exasperated and confused look. "The towns are bit closely packed I see. I noticed that for the previous town I traveled through. I'd ask but I think there a few things we must address before that, right?"
Erwin's lip twitched. "Yes, we saw to it that as for now, with your abilities, it only makes sense to have you situated in the Scout Regiment. of course, you'll dabble in the other branches when needed but a majority of your time will be with us."
"We wouldn't want too much commotion so we'd advise you'd wear standard military form at least during most of your days. off duty, you are to do as you please." Erwin made a gesture towards the door. "It'll be the same uniform I have on. So your ranking will be equal to mine, so by all means. just call me by my name, Erwin."
"If you insist, thank you very much for your aid." Erza gave the older man a curt nod. "About the request I made.."
Erwin's eyebrows raised. "Ah, to learn the gear? I don't find it necessary with a skill set of yours but if you insist." Erza nodded quickly, the jovial grin on her lips did not escape his eyes. "I wonder, will it be you training me?"
"Sadly no," However, the smile on Erwin's lips contradicted the hapless introduction. "I do believe there is someone far more suitable for such a thing."
"Oh?" The high arc of her brows resembled one of a bridge, she undid her legs and once again leaned in. Holy eyes, ones that speak more than words, ran like rivers in curiosity.
"A quick learner like yourself wouldn't give him too much to deal with now."
Her face seemed to contract to a face of jest, and her strawberry ricotta cheeks glowed. She was truly a sight to see, and the more she talked. The more he focused on her dainty mannerisms, he realized how very human she was. All the more inspiring. "I look forward to it."
Erwin's smooth lips curled. "He has quite the mouth, so please bear with him."
"I'll see what I can do to not disappoint you."
He couldn't lie, she was truly a pleasure to talk to. "I like your cooperation, Ms. Scarlet."
A spring-wrought face, and black feathers for lashes crinkled up as she chuckled. "Erza is fine."
"And lastly, I'd like to introduce myself to the whole of the military regime one day."
Pixis rose a brow. "All as one?"
"And why is that?"
Though her face stayed indifferent, there was that whirl of golden confidence in her eyes. "I think it's only right to speak my truth."
Author's Note: Agh, I feel like I'm going at an incredibly fast-pace. I can't help myself I wanted to get the first chapter done aside.
You know my favorite thing about crossovers? It's the art style. I don't think people realize this as much, but when two shows have a very distinctive look, it should be prominent within the story. Which is something, I knew when making this fanfic. Hiroshima (FT mangaka) has the body types of his woman mostly the same within the work. That art style is far different from Mashima's
However, I do know that Mashima drew Erza Scarlet in his art style and if you are looking at Erza in the lens of that then I completely understand! Though, the Erza that takes place in this works in the Erza of the last arc. This was before the 100-year quest that the Natsu team took, but after them defeating Zeref and Acnologia. If that changes how she looks, I apologize. This is the reason, I've put a lot of emphasizing on her looks though because it's a look very unusual of the people living within the walls.
I pretty much have how the story is going to pan out, and I don't think this story will be particularly too long as I don't plan for Erza to stay to the very end. A reasoning, that I will explain sooner or later.
A lot of things will begin to align sooner or later, and the fanfic will be a lot clearer as the story goes on. Also, there was actually a song that heavily inspired me for this fanfic. Could you guess it? If not, that's okay!
Please leave reviews, questions, critiques! I'll try my damn hardest to explain them and fix them if you say it nicely. However, I would definitely love to hear opinions on this and I think that they could be my biggest motivator to continue!
Thank you for the read,