Shunned Aside
by Wusai, the Dark Phantasy

Disclaimer: Flame of Recca belongs to the mangaka-which-I-have-forgotten-the-name-of-sorry.
Claimer: I own my ideas.
A.N.: With all this Riaha x Fuuko and other pairings like that, it makes you wonder what Domon thinks. Hope he doesn't seem too OOC.

I'm not just a blundering idiot. I have my feelings, too, and I can be gentle. I've admired and loved Fuuko-chan since the first time I met her, and no one else makes me feel the same way. To make things simple, I've been in love with Fuuko-chan since the beginning of time.

Sure, I'm not the best looking guy in the universe, or the smartest, or the strongest, but I'd like to get some attention from her every now and then. All right, maybe get attention from her often. So what do I do? I act like an idiot. I do stupid things. And, of course, that's a stupid choice.

All she thinks about is Raiha. She has much more appreciation for him, thinks he's the greatest. I'm not whining about it; I can understand why she appreciates Raiha a lot more than me. He's like a silent hero, arriving always at the right moment to save her or to aid her. And me? I'm just… there. Wrong time, wrong moment, always wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

I hate it. Hate the feeling I get in my chest whenever I see Raiha and Fuuko. I'm not an idiotic schoolgirl, wondering what the feeling in my chest is. I'll identify it willingly, and I know that it's hate, it's jealousy, and it's possessiveness.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't hate Raiha. Well, maybe I dislike him a little. Who in their right mind wouldn't? He's got the looks, the strength, the charm. And what am I? The-boy-who-tends-the-flowers-and-is-an-idiot. The-boy-who-only-has-one-little-fan.

Meh. I guess my lifelong goal is to be like Recca or like Raiha. Who would've thought that Recca, one almost as idiotic as me, is undefeated? Truly, I want to be like Recca. Be able to protect the one I love. Be able to be admired by the one I love. Be able to be loved by the one I love.

Sometimes I want to simple swoop down and snatch Fuuko for myself, like a bird and its prey. To be with her. To be the only person she thinks about. But, I guess that wouldn't be fair for Fuuko-chan. That's, really, a selfish thought.

I should just let Fuuko-chan love whoever she loves, right? Yes, of course. I'm too idiotic to commit suicide over these kinds of stupid things, anyway. I'll just let Fuuko-chan love and admire Raiha. Who knows. Maybe it's just a little crush, and maybe she does love me. Or like me.

Yeah, I should follow those pieces of advice that come in handy only once in a while. Never give up hope, eh? Hm. That sounds good.

A.N.: Whoo. Hope it wasn't too much rambling. Please leave a review; it'd be muchly appreciated. Yes, I know that the ending is fairly… abrupt… but too much rambling would be boring.