Dean woke with a start to an empty bed. Groaning he ran a hand over his face before reaching for his phone. He flinched at the bright light before reading the time.

"Two in the morning?"

Sitting up he sighed feeling the cold sheets of Ana's side. Throwing the blankets off, Dean shuffled to the living room seeing Ana curled up on the couch.

"Darlin?" When she didn't Answer he walked over and knelt in front of her sleeping figure, her phone held tight between her ear and shoulder. "Ana?"

Ana's eyes slowly opened at Dean's gentle shake. "Hey… what are you doing up?"

"I woke up and you weren't there. Why are you sleeping out here darlin?" He didn't Mention his nightmare not wanting to ruin her serenity.

"I was on the phone with my dad and I must have fallen asleep."

A small smile found it's way into Dean's face. "Will you come back to bed? I can't Sleep without you.."

A tired giggle escaped Ana's lips. "Will you carry me?"

"You are lucky I love you." Dean joked but picked Ana up anyways ignoring her smartass remarks and carried back to the room.

Setting Ana on the bed she quickly climbed under the covers with Dean following close behind. A smile pulled on Ana's lips as Dean wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his head on her chest. Dean would never admit it but he loved to cuddle and occasionally he liked being the little spoon. Ana ran her fingers through Dean's slowly growing hair happy that it was starting to grow back so she could play with it.

"I love you Mrs. Good." Dean mumbled slowly drifting to sleep.

"And I love you Mr. Good."


"Ow fuck! Stupid stove!"

That's all Ana heard when she woke up that morning. She sadly left the warmth and comfort of the bed and walked into the smoke filled kitchen. There Dean stood making breakfast… or well trying to.

"What are you doing?" Ana asked startling Dean before saving what was left of breakfast.

"I was trying to surprise you with breakfast."

"I appreciate it but you and cooking g does not end well."

Dean looked down wanting to hide his embarrassment. Noticing the change in his demeanor Ana put her hands on his cheeks, lifting his head so he was looking her in the eye. Ana was concerned not used to this shy, reserved, embarrassed Dean.

"What's going on Dean?"

"Nothing." He said a little to quick.

"Don't Lie to me Jonathan Good. Something is on your mind."

"I don't Deserve you darlin. I'm this crazy Lunatic who could snap at any minute and hurt you. I don't Know how to be this loving husband and one day be a fantastic dad."

Ana led them to their room not wanting the boys to Interrupt. She knew Dean needed privacy to talk about this since he didn't Share his insecurities often.

"You mean the lunatic Moxley who refuses to touch me because I'm yours? The same Moxley who wanted to end the Authority and every person who thought of causing me harm?"

Ana took Dean's hands in hers. It hurt her to see him like this. He thought so little of himself sometimes when he shouldn't.

"And you already are the husband I need you to be. You have been that man since day one. And no matter how much we argue and say we hate each other we always find a way to work through it and make it back to each other somehow. Before you came into my life I thought I was gonna be a crazy cat lady. But no you walked into my life with a cocky smirk on your face that i wanted to slap off."

"But what if we have kids? I didn't have a dad.. I don't Know how to be a father…"

"Yes you do. You don't Need a dad to know what to do Jon. I've watched you with Jojo and you are natural. You're a kid at heart and you're perfect.

Dean pulled Ana into a hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck but not before she saw the tears in his eyes. Ana fought back her own tears as she hugged Dean tight. This man was perfect to her she just wished she knew a way to prove it to him.

What about that fluffy chapter? I hope y'all enjoy!