Ana-Lucia Calaway, born October 31st 1990 started training at the young age of 13. 5 years later she was in NXT fighting alongside some of the best new talent the industry has. Having gotten training from Jeff Hardy she was known for a high flying risk taking style which separated her from the rest of the women. She didn't have many friends in NXT mainly for the fact that a lot of them seemed fake and she hated drama.

Ana stood at 5" with light skin, long black hair and pale green eyes. She is the true definition of an underdog. The constant judgement of in ring ability based on her height only caused her to fight harder and train longer. One of her more popular moves which people don't see often is the bait and switch. All it is, is when she is knocked onto the mat or fakes taking a long time to get up and the opponent puts space between them to taunt or set up another move she quickly gets up catching them with a super kick.

Only certain situations she can pull it off making it a rare move but when she does pull it off she does it quickly. Her other finisher is a moonsault off the top turnbuckle. One thing her father and Jeff had taught her was to constantly alter your moveset. Learn new things to catch your opponent off guard but never forget your origins. Ana's ring name is Ana Hunt and the catchphrase the fans gave her is 'When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted.' And 'Don't Hunt What You Can't Kill.'