Sora stood in front of Yen Sid nervously. The wizard studied Chirithy with great interest. The small dreameater paid the wizard no mind as it looked around the room with awe.

"And you say it materialized after you woke up?" Asked the retired Keyblade Master.

Sora chuckled nervously, "Yeah."

Yen Sid stroked his bread, his mind deep in thought. "A Chirithy, an ancient form of dreameaters, in not the first one of its kind."

Riku's eyes widden in surprise. "You know what it is?"

Yen Sid closed his eyes, "I've heard of these creatures back when I was training to become a Keyblade Master. From what I recall, each wielder was assigned their own Chirity. These creatures were sort of... a guide to the wielders of old, meant to advise them, keep them safe. In order to do this, each Chirithy had a special connect with its wielder."

There was a heavy feeling in Sora's heart, "So when the wielder falls to darkness or dies, so does their Chirithy..."

"In theory, however it is assumed that all Chirithy's died out along with their wielders during the first Keyblade War... Which begs the question, Sora. How did you come into possession of a Chirity?"

Chirithy looked up at the wizard. He could sense the light within the man. "It's true, that when our wielders die so do we. However..." Chirithy felt itself become distressed as it recalled its final moments with its previous wielder, "... in our final moment, I felt my wielder's light cast itself into the future. I followed it here, that's how I found Sora."

Yen Sid muses, "Interesting. I must admit, I do not know much of the Age of Fairytales. Knowledge from that time had been lost for generations. But perhaps our new friends can help enlighten us."

All eyes were on Chirithy and Sora. From against the wall Lea scratched his head in confusion. "Wait so is Sora your wielder from the past? Because I've met Sora's mother and she definitely showed me plenty of baby pictures."

Sora choked on the comment "When did you meet my mom?!" But no one really paid to attention to his reaction.

Riku cleared his throat, "Well, maybe it's a form of time travel? After all, Xehanort manged to his heart back in time to recruit his younger self for the war."

"No," Yen Sid stated "If what Chirithy says is true, their wielder and Sora both were born and lived their lives as two separate entities, yet both share the same light. I do believe something bigger is at play."

Kairi's eyes lit up, "Oh! What if it's like my grandmother's story!" All eyes were on her.

"The one I saw when I had your heart?"

Kairi nodded, "Mhm. My grandmother used to tell me a story about a time where all the worlds were connected by the light. But then people began to fight over the light. Eventually a war broke out and the worlds punged into darkness. But thanks to the light of children, the worlds were restore, even if they were now separated."

"The Dandelions..." Chirithy whispered.


Yen Sid fixed his gaze on Kairi, "You know the story of the Keyblade War?"

"My grandmother used to tell me the story when I was little. It was my favorite." Kairi replied.

"Hmm... it seems your grandmother knew more than she let on. It's not knowledge regular people have, it's a story passed down generations from elder wielders." Yen Sid said.

Chirithy turn its attention to Kairi, her pure light felt warm and safe. Somehow she remained Chirithy of Ava, if Ava was pure of heart. "Was your grandmother a Dandelion?"

Kairi blinked in confusion, "What's a Dandelion?"

"The Dandelions were of group of wielders chosen from each union with the purpose of surviving the war, and carry the Light to the outside world. My wielder was chosen by Master Ava, but... they chose to fight. Now they're gone..."

The atmosphere in the room felt heavy. Yen Sid glanced at a few books he's been studying regarding the Age of Fairytales. His mind turned to his old friend Eraqus. 'The keyblade can be passed down from Master to student, but being related to a Master can be beneficial.' He remembered Eraqus's status as a blueblooded wielder, and Xehanort's jealousy of the boy's lineage. Yen Sid glanced at Kairi, he lost contact with many of his old classmates. But is his theory was correct, it seemed one of them manged to move one from wielding the keyblade. Was Kairi blueblooded as well? He sighed, perhaps the key to unlocking the past's secrets was the appearance of the Dreameater.

"Sora, Chirithy, with your permission I'd for Chirithy to stay behind so I can ask it a few questions."

Sora shifted nervously. "I- I suppose that's alright. But only if Chirithy is okay with it."

Chirithy nodded.

Yen Sid gave it a grateful smile. "Good, now the rest of you, I do believe it is time for your daily training. Especially you, Kair, Lea."

As the young keyblade wielders left the room, Sora couldn't help but to feel like there was something missing. He tried to reach Roxas, but the boy was still asleep. If Sora met Chirithy in his sleep, maybe that's where he can find more answers.

He just hoped he didnt go too deep.