Third Person POV

"Greed." Raven whispered in horror, as everyone stared at the demonic newcomer.

The well-dressed intruder simply smiled, "Raven. So good to see you again."

"Wait, you know him?!" Artemis exclaimed, looking at Raven.

Raven only grimaced, surprising most of the team with the most expression they'd ever seen from her. "It's complicated."

"It's really not." Greed chuckled, "We're family after all."

"Family?" Kara asked. "You mean that's your dad or something?"

"Brother!" Greed and Raven shouted at the same time before glaring at each other.

That's when Percy decided enough was enough and stepped forward, "Look pal, I really don't care who you are. If you have a bone to pick with raven or anyone else on this team you're gonna have to take it up with me first."

Instead of annoyance, the demon looked over at Percy with a genuinely joyful smile. "Ah! The gift-giver! Fret not! This visit isn't like that. I only wish to deliver a message from my father, both to Raven and to you."

"To me?" Percy wondered aloud, but before he could ask more, Raven was in front of him.

"What could he possibly want with Percy?" She hissed.

"Only to thank him!" Greed responded. "He has granted a great boon to us, and you know our father doesn't let debts go unpaid."

"A boon?" Percy asked, "I don't remember anything like that. Look I suggest you start making sense, before you outstay your welcome."

Greed only smiled wider. "Of course. My apologies, Perseus. I'll make myself clear." He turned to Raven. "You cannot hide behind your little friends forever sister. You will free our father, even if we have to kill every single one of the to get to you."

Raven was practically shaking in front of Percy, though she couldn't see her face. He glared at the demon, "And with that you've overstayed your welcome. I suggest you leave, I don't care if you are related to Raven, you will die before you get a chance to hurt her, or anyone else on this team."

Greed made a show of looking offended, "Me? Oh no no no! I would never lay a hand on my dear sister. I can't, not after what she did to me. but if you are itching for a fight, I suppose I can indulge you with a taste of what's to come."

Two more blazing red portals opened on either side of him, while a third opened behind him and began to swallow him up, but not before he said, "Trigon sends his utmost thanks for these gifts."

As the portal swallowed him up, two figures emerged from the other portals that made Percy grit his teeth. One was a scaly woman balanced on two snake tails: a Scythian Dracaena

The other was more concerning, a cyclops. Like Tyson, but definitely older. Both were clad in familiar demonic armor, like what the Minotaur wore. The snake woman had a sword and shield, while the Cyclops had an enormous mace to match it in size.

"Perssseus jacksssson!" The monster woman shouted, "Today is the day we shall finally feast on your bonessss!"

Percy took a deep breath, before he activated his shield and pulled on his necklace , causing it to morph into his new sword as he did so. "I don't suppose you guys will give the monologuing a rest? It's a new world after all."

In response, the two monsters roared in outrage charging forward with their weapons readied.

The team charged as well, Robin and Artemis shooting birdarangs and arrows respectively, only for them to phase right through the monsters, or bounce off their new armor.

"They're from my world!" Percy shouted, "Regular weapons won't work on them. Anyone without natural powers fall back! You're not properly equipped for this. Wally! Your arms should affect them, but don't push yourself."

Said speedster gulped, "O-Okay!"

With that the battle began. The cyclops was first met with a flying punch from Kara, which sent it stumbling back a bit, but didn't slow it down much. Jackson followed up with a tackle, but blinked when his target didn't budge.

Luckily Raven used er shadow powers to pull him out of there before the monster' mace swung down. That's when Tyson charged in and clashed with the older monster. He went to punch him, but was blocked by the enemies mace. The sheer force behind the trike sent shockwaves thought out the room, that cratered the floor beneath them, and sent many of them stumbling back .

Meanwhile, the snake woman was putting up a much stronger fight than Percy was expecting. Her speed and reflexes were dialed up to 11 as she slithered around her opponents, slinking around on her two snake legs. She was somehow simultaneously fighting Kaldur, Kori, Killer Croc, and Percy. She was using her speed and their numbers to her advantage. Directing strikes against each other, and occasionally slicing her opponents with her sword.

One caught Waylon, causing him to hiss in pain as it broke his skin easily, "Argh! Come on! One Reptile to another, why don't you make this easier on this?"

The Dracaena narrowed her slits at him, "I don't know what you are, but any friend of Perssseus is an enemy of mine! You will all die, like my thousands of sisssters that Perssseus Jackssson had killed!"

Percy stepped away from his exhausted teammates. "She wants me guys, hang back a bit."

Kaldur frowned, "But Per—"

"That's an order."

The monster smiled as the others backed away for Percy. "Ready to die."

Percy glared back. "You know, I killed most of your sisters with pure swordsmanship. But that's not all I have these days."

The snakes smile disappeared a she conjured a torrent of water out of thin air, before creating several watery tentacles, sharpened at the tips.


The attacking cyclops smiled as he fought Tyson, striking out with the mace, that Tyson was forced to block with is bare arms. "So, this is the mighty Tyson, General of the Olympian Army. I see the tales of your strength were not exaggerated, If only you would grow a pair and actually become a true cyclops!"

He then held up an arm to block Kara's arm blast, then reached out to grab Jackson as he tried to sneak attack him. "For example, you would probably be much stronger, if you practiced proper dieting!" he then brought the clone up to his mouth, ready to take a bite out of the now panicking hero.

Thankfully he was saved at the last minute by Sphere, who threw itself at the cyclops, knocking Jack out of the monster's hands. Before he could recover, the Cyclops was then attacked by Mrs. O'Leary, who had followed the ball to the fight.

As the cyclops fended off the hellhound that was nearly as big as it, Tyson regrouped with Percy, who had just finished dusting his opponent. Tyson was breathing heavily, "He's almost as strong as me brother."

Percy nodded, before switching his sword to trident mode, "Alright then, we'll do it together. Throw me."

The cyclops just managed to pry Mrs. O'Leary off, when a Percy shaped rocket holding his trident forward, flew at him at breakneck speeds. Flying right into the monsters eye and imbedding his trident through its skull.

He landed deftly on the floor as his opponent turned to dust. Looking at the two dust piles on the ground for a few moments, before turning to a very nervous looking Raven. "I think we might need to talk?"

"You're what?!" Percy exclaimed

"Leaving." Raven stated simply. The two of them were in her room, which was decorated with mostly candles, incense, and books. Lots and lots of books, which Raven was currently boxing up. She went to her room without a word after they were finished dealing with the monsters, after taking a few moments to compose herself once more.

"Wha—wait—why?" He asked. he tried to move towards her but she just kept moving farther into the room, and he wasn't about to start chasing her.

"We agreed when we started this that if I chose to leave, you wouldn't stop me. Are you going to go back on your word?" She turned to stare at him intently.

Percy winced. "No, of course not. But I'm asking you to at least tell me why first and give me a chance to convince you otherwise."

The girl stared at him a few moments more, before turning away, pulling her hood to cover her face as much as possible. "You heard what he said. That was my brother. Our father, Trigon, is an extradimensional demon, that will stop at nothing to control this world, and every other one. There is nothing he won't do… he will kill every one of to get to me."

Percy scoffed, "I'm sure he'll try. But in case you haven't been paying attention, demons coming to kill me isn't exactly new, and I'm still here."

"You don't understand." She stated, "He's not just a demon. He's the devil. The devil. He comes from his own dimension. Hell."

Percy shrugged, "Again, not seeing your point."

"I think it's obvious right now that monsters from your world are now part of this one. you told me that every time they die they reform in Tartarus right?"


"My father's dimension looks almost identical to the Tartarus M'gann saw in your memories. It's basically the same place."

At that Percy had nothing to say.

"Now he has an uncertain number of undying monsters at this command , as well as his own forces. And there is no doubt he will use them to get to me."

Percy sighed and sat on her bed, "Why does he want you anyway?"

"I'm his daughter. He can't enter into other dimensions without being there first. The only way for that to be possible is to have a child with someone from that dimension."

"Then why doesn't he use greed? He looks like he's from here."

"Greed isn't like me. I was the firstborn, which makes me the most powerful. Father needs me to get here, but I won't do it. So, he's been sending everything he has at me to force me to do it."

"Okay…" Percy said as he processed it all, "In that case, why do you want to leave? You're better protected here."

She shook her head. "Here I'm more likely to get you all killed."

Percy felt his eye twitch, "Raven that's so wrong It's not even—"

"Percy!" she whirled on him with an annoyed expression "You're not hearing me. My father is immortal, he will never stop. staying in one place just makes it easier for him. And he's powerful, more powerful than anything I've ever encountered… including you."

Percy sighed, "That's probably true but, it doesn't disprove my point."

Raven looked away again. "I can take care of myself. It was a mistake to come here in the first place."

Percy frowned. "Look, I can understand where you're coming from, appreciate it even. You're trying to look out for us and I get that but we can look after you as well."

She laughed, causing Percy to freeze in confusion. "You don't get it! I can take care of myself, and I don't need you to take care of me."

Percy narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to say?"

Raven looked back at him, and an eerie look appeared on her face. She started walking towards him. Out of sheer respect for personal space he backed away, but he stumbled a bit when she started to grow taller, and more muscular. Her skin darkened to red, and a second pair of eyes appeared on her forehead, all four of her eyes glowed violet. Soon she met him in height and was inches away from his face, one that was frozen in confusion "I'm saying, good bye.'

With that, a glowing purple portal appeared behind her, before swallowing her, and everything in her room in an instant, leaving Percy in an empty room.

He tried to process everything that had just happened, but he couldn't get one annoying that out of his head.

She smelled like moonlace…


The League came soon afterwards, to be briefed on both the robots, and the demon problem. \

"I think it would be safe to assume that any monster you've killed is viable to be part of our universe now." Batman stated. "which would include…"

Everyone sweat dropped as Percy sighed, "Almost all of them."

"What about Raven?" Zatara spoke up. "You said she's a demoness?"

"Half-demon!" M'gann corrected before blushing. "I mean… uh…"

"Let's say demi-demon." Percy stated, saving her from her embarrassment. "And she's made it perfectly clear that she's not supportive of her dads goals."

"She could be lying." Red Tornado suggested in his usual monotone.

Percy narrowed his eyes at the android. "She wasn't."

"You sound certain." Wonder Woman stated with a raised eyebrow.

"I am." Percy stated. "What I'm not certain of is why we were attacked by androids that look remarkedly similar to Red Tornado."

The android had nothing to say in return. But Batman spoke first. They were created by the same person who created tornado. I believe they are prototypes of a sort. They were probably here investigating what Tornado has been doing here all this time. T. O. Morrow has always been obsessed with destroying the league with the perfect android, and he likely still wants Tornado to help him do it."

"That is why I will be retiring as your care taker for a time." Red Tornado explained. "In order to track down my creator and put a stop to whatever plans he has."

"Now hold on," Wally spoke up, "Shouldn't that be our job?"

Batman narrowed his eyes, "And why would you think that?"

"Because we're the ones who got attacked!" Kara exclaimed in irritation.

"You all handled it well enough."

"That's not the point." Percy spoke up, "This guy likely knows where we are now, and what we can do."

"That is why I am making it my personally mission to find and put a stop to my creators plans." Tornado stated, "I will not rest until it is finished."

"Obviously..." Wally muttered,

Percy was about to speak up once more, but Wonderwoman cut him off, "Percy please, I know you and your team could handle this, but this is Red Tornado's problem, first and foremost. Please respect that."

Percy didn't look happy but he nodded begrudgingly.

"Good." Batman stated, "Now then, since Red Arrow will be preoccupied, the League will be instating a new supervisor to watch over the cave. I'm sure you've heard of Shazam,"

As an enormous caped figure rivaling superman stepped forward, having previously been helping repair any damage. Percy had not heard of the man, or his somewhat unique personality, so he was startled, when the man zipped in front of him in a blink of an eye and began shaking his hand in reverence. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Perseus!"

The man kept shaking his hand even as Percy stepped back a bit in shock, "Uh… just Percy is fine… sorry could I have my hand back?"

The larger man blinked before pulling away quickly, with a nervous smile, "Sorry, I just got a bit excited. I mean after everything I heard about you…"

Now Percy blinked, "What have you heard about me? from who?"

Wonder Woman coughed, "I, ahem, might have shared a few of your deeds with our fellow Leaguers. They were quite impressive after all."

"You held up the freaking sky!" Shazam exclaimed before earning a sharp look from Diana "Sorry, but how does that even work? And how did you do it with 'pure willpower'. Are you as strong as Hercules too?"

Percy winced at the name of his arrogant cousin, "No, not really. I just, had people counting on me I guess? I don't really know how I did it… wait did you say too"

That only seemed to fill the man with more awe, before he gathered himself, "Well yeah! It's part of my powers! I have the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the lightning of Zeus, the durability of Atlas, and the speed of Mercury!"

Percy raised an eyebrow at the mixing of roman and Greek mythology, as well as the odd biblical figure at the beginning, but decided not to question it. "That's cool I guess."

"Not as cool as you!" the man exclaimed, before seemingly just noticing the other team members, though only half of them were paying attention anymore "I mean you all are of course!"

Robin snorted half-heartedly, "Nice save."

"I mean it! Before, well Percy here, you were always my id—inspiration you guys take on villains even though you're just kids if that's not awesome I don't know what is.

Wally sniffed, "Yeah. I guess we're pretty great.

"I'm sure we can learn much form each other, "Aqualad spoke, diplomatically as always.

"Alright, now that we have our den mother figured out," Jackson spoke up, "What are we going to do about Raven? We're going after her right?"

There were mumbled agreements all around, except from Percy. Tyson frowned at him, "Brother?"

"I promised when I brought her here that she was free to leave whenever she wished." He Stated. "I don't like how she left, but I usually try to keep my word. As it is, I have no idea how We could track her down. Mrs. O'Leary has her scent, but she apparently can make her own portals, so I doubt that will get us anywhere."

M'gann, who had been quiet for the longest time, spoke softly, "So… your just going to give up on her?"

Percy inhaled sharply, causing the Martian to wince as he took calming breaths, "I don't know what else you want me to do M'gann."

"There must be something though!" Tyson exclaimed desperately, "Right? Raven is our friend!"

"That's not the issue here." Percy stated, "She made it very clear that she doesn't want our help. She's worried that if she sticks around she'll get us all killed."

"That's ridiculous!" Jackson exclaimed, "We're in danger of dying literally all the time, but we always handle it! That's what heroes do!"

"Yeah!" Robin exclaimed, "Does she think we're useless or something. She's more likely to get hurt without us! Why didn't you stop her dude!"

Percy looked sharply at the young hero, "I've already explained that. I promised her before she came that I wouldn't."

"But you know it will only end badly for her!" Artemis stepped forward, "Why didn't you at least try!?"

Percy frowned even deeper, "I—"

"Yeah you're always going on about how you know better than us, and what's good for us." Kara joined in. "What was different about Raven?"

M'gann didn't meet his eyes, "Did… did it have anything to do with her demon form? You said she showed it to you before she left…"

At that Percy had no response only gaping as he tried to formulate an answer. Unfortunately that was all the answer that the team seemed to need.

"Dude… not cool" Wally stated before walking away, followed shortly by several other members. Kori didn't seem to know what to do, and ended up following Jackson. Soon only Aqualad and Tyson stayed by his side, though he didn't seem to know what to say.

Thankfully a certain human crocodile did, as a scaly hand rested on his shoulder, "Hang in there man. I don't know what you were thinking, but I doubt her looks were it."

Percy sighed and looked down, "What makes you so sure."

"Well you made friends with me didn't you?"

Percy chuckled, "Fair enough."

As the trio separated, Percy turned to go to the stables, only to find Batman still standing there. "Oh, did you need something still?"

"Is everything alright with your team?"

Percy looked back at the few team member still in the area helping with repairs and occasionally sending him dirty looks, before turning back,, "I'm sure they will be fine. Eventually. Probably."

Batman didn't comment, "Let's hope it's sooner than later, because I have a mission for you." he swished his hand and a hologram appeared next to him. Confusing Percy, as he was getting more and more convinced that he would never know how the room worked. The image showed a newspaper headline: GOTHAM MAYOR ATTACKED BY GUERILLA GORILLA

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

Batman only looked at him, "I'm always serious."

Percy sighed, "Alright fine. I'll go get the team ready. I assume we're leaving soon?"

"As soon as possible."

With that, Percy was off to round up his disgruntled team for the mission. He also decided to take Tyson with him this time, both because he thought he was ready and there was no way he was leaving him alone at a time like this.

As he was walking through the halls however, he was cut off by a certain assassin, "Cheshire, good, we have a mission, so go suit up."

He turned to continue on, but she got in his way, "Actually Percy, I have something I need to talk to you about, in private."

Percy frowned "Can it wait? I know it's last minute but we're kind of on the clock here."

For the first time, Percy thought he saw hesitation in Jade, but it was gone as soon as it appeared, replaced by rolled eyes instead. "Fine, whatever."

Percy wasn't sure what her problem was, but continued on anyway. It seemed everyone was pissed at him at the moment. Well that was just too bad wasn't it?

Gathering everyone up didn't take as long as he reared, much to his relief, and soon everyone was boarding the Bioship, including Shazam, much to Percy's confusion.

"You're coming with?" he asked.

"Sure! It'll be a blast!" The taller hero responded before flying into the ship.

Percy sighed before mounting Blackjack, and following after the ship as it flew out of the hanger

Percy frowned as they began their flight. At this point M'gann should have already set up a psychic connection with him and the rest of the team. He considered flying alongside and gesturing for her to set it up, be he decided not to. She obviously has a problem with him right now, and if some time away from him will help before the real mission starts he'll let her have it.

The rest of the flight was a bit boring, left to converse only with his mount. Though there was one point where Blackjack swerved frantically to avoid a spray of vomit that fell out of the ship. Percy laughed a bit, wondering just who was having air sickness. He decided it was probably Waylon.

When they finally reached their location in India, Percy was the first to touch down in a small clearing, checking for any enemies before gesturing for he Bioship to land.

THE first one out of the ship was Jade who rolled her eyes "I swear, next time I'm riding with you! if I have to ride with a bunch of teenagers one more time…"

Percy resisted the urge to mention her own age of 19. "I'll see what I can do. Any clues to who almost projectile vomited on me at Mach speeds?"

She tensed, "That… okay it was Waylon, but don't tell him I told you and don't bring it up. He's embarrassed enough as it is."

Percy chuckled to himself, "I totally called it."

Soon the rest of the team was gathered outside the ship, and Percy prepared to give the game plan, "Alright our first plan of action would be recon, so, robin, Kid flash, Artemis, you three need to—"

"Dude, it's recon." Robin interrupted. "We know what to do. Come on guys."

The trio turned to walk away, only to find three pairs of watery barriers blocking their paths "Take another step I dare you." Percy told them

Robin looked back in outrage. "So, you're threatening us now?"

Percy quickly dissipated the barriers, "Just getting your attention. To put it simply, I don't care if you are mad at me for whatever reason, I won't allow you to run off on your own in the middle of a mission. If you want a new team leader we can figure it out when we get back, but until that time, you will get in line and follow orders. Now."

The two teens glared at Percy, but begrudgingly followed orders and lined up in front of the raven haired hero. Once they were all together Percy sighed, "Alright. As I was saying, Robin, Artemis, and Kid Flash will head south east, along the area the reports have been coming from. Cheshire, please go with them and make sure they follow orders."

There was a cacophony of curses and protests, all of which Percy ignored, while Jade only nodded.

"M'gann, Kori, and Croc head southwest. Superboy and Mr. T go due south. also… wait a minute.

He turned around and whistled loudly, causing some of the more sensitive heroes to wince at the New York taxi whistle. A moment later Mrs. O'Leary burst out of the shadows and bounded over to him in regular dog size, wagging excitedly. "Mrs. O'Leary go with T and SB okay?"

The hellhound barked in reply and bounded over to the pair. Percy then noticed Shazam watching the animal in awe and barely restraining himself from going to pet her. he rolled his eyes

"Shazam, Kara, Aqualad and I will go ahead in the air." He turned to Kaldur, "Which would you prefer? Carried by Kara, or hopping on Blackjack?"

The Atlantean quickly chose Blackjack, hopping on the pegasus while Percy Turned to the others one more time, "We have our comms link set up now, but the minute trouble arises, Miss Martian will set up the telepathic link. Understood?"

The all nodded, and he gestured for them to leave.

Soon Percy was flying over the jungle with Kaldur behind him, and Shazam and Kara on either side. After a few minutes of surveying, Shazam finally spoke what was on his mind, "This team seems to be having… issues."

Percy snorted, "Putting that wisdom of Solomon to use huh?"

"Sorry! I know it's none of my business but… I just don't understand what's wrong."

Kara sniffed, "It's pretty simple. Mr. Almighty here let Raven go without even trying to stop her."

Percy narrowed his eyes but kept them forward "I did try to stop her Kara. She didn't listen. "

Kaldur sighed, "Percy, I don't think that's all there is. From the story you told. It sounds like you stopped trying the moment she showed you her demon form."

Percy stiffened, "T-that's not true. I was just… surprised is all."

"That's the problem." Kara sneered, "the minute she doesn't look human you give up on her."

Percy snapped to look at her with a glare, "Are you seriously accusing me of being racist? My brother is a cyclops, and around half the team are aliens! When have I shown issue with that?"

Kara looked ready to answer, but Shazam spoke up first, "But if that's the case, why did her form surprise you?" when Percy looked at him he held up his hands in surrender, "I'm not taking sides here I'm just trying to figure it out. you've spent a lot of time around inhuman folks, why did her form startle you or whatever"

Percy stared at him for a moment, apparently searching for an answer , but didn't get a chance to find one. "Blackjack, dodge!" Kaldur exclaimed.

The pegasus whinnied at being told what to do but quickly complied, as he noticed a giant rock flying up at him

after dodging successfully, The heroes looked down to see the source, and were quite confused at what they saw.

Mammoths, or at least, elephants that had grown to the size of mammoths. As well as unusual size, their skin was darkened, and torn in some places, revealing taught, painful looking muscle. And somehow, they were using their significantly thicker trunks to lift up boulders and hurl it at the heroes.

"'That's not natural right?" Kara asked, "I mean I'm pretty sure earth doesn't have anything like that."

"Kaldur, does that look familiar to you?" Percy asked."

"Indeed, it bears a disturbing resemblance to the Kobra Venom formula. Do you think that this has something to do with the guerilla gorilla?"

Percy snorted, "I honestly don't see how it couldn't be related."

Whatever the case," Kara stated, "These guys just picked the wrong person to throw rocks at."

She shot down towards the elephants, fists at the ready, causing Percy to sigh. Shazam looked at him uncertainly, "Are we going then?"

Percy shrugged, "Yeah I guess."


Robin scoffed as he ran through the tree branches, with Artemis and Wally walking along underneath, "I really don't get what you see in that guy!"

Jade, who was running through the trees ahead of them, laughed loudly, "What's not to get? His face, his physique his di—"

"TMI!" Artemis called out from below.

Jade rolled her eyes ahead, "His divinity. Honestly little sis, how corrupt have you become since I left?"

Artemis glared after her sister.

"Ignoring that…" Robin continued, "I thought he was cool, I really did, despite all the times he nearly killed everyone around him in a blind rage. But now this? Not only that, but he threatens us afterwards.

"To be fair." Jade called back, "You were disobeying orders, in the shadows, those barriers would be tridents sticking through your skulls.

"Still," Wally grumbled. "Honestly I'm still a bit on the fence. I just never took him for a… well you know. "

"A racist." Artemis finished for him. "Yeah me neither."

"Wait," Jae stopped moving and looked back at the party, "The thing with Raven? That's what you're all so pissy about?"

Robin scoffed, "Duh! He takes one look at her and immediately stops caring! Just because she's different? That's so not cool."

Jade cocked her masked face to the side, as her brain attempted to process this, "You think he was being racist?"

"Well what else could it have been?" Artemis asked.

Jade dropped to the ground and walked closer to the younger teens, "Maybe the fact that someone he thought he knew well turned into a red skinned four eyed demon in front of him? You honestly don't think that would make any of you hesitate?"

Wally looked unsure, but the others did not. "Of course, it wouldn't! Robin stated proudly, "We're her friends. We wouldn't treat her like that."

Jade stared at them for a moment more, her bewilderment hidden with her mask, before turning around, "let's just get this over with so I can drag you home and beat some sense into you all until you see reason."

"I'd like to see you try.' Artemis stated with an edge in her voice.

Jade stopped and turned to look at her slowly. "You really don't."

Artemis huffed, "Please, there's three of us and one of you. you really think you stand a chance."

"I think you need to take a serious chill pill sis." Jade said as she leaned in close to her sister, "whatever you kids are angry about, it shouldn't distract you from the mission at hand."

"Who cares about this joke of a mission!" Robin shouted, jumping down to join Artemis, "You know the league only sent us here to keep us busy right? I've been real fed up with them lately. Especially since they now find it prudent to let killers onto our team!"

The two heroes started stalking towards the ex-villain, who backed up, if only to delay the violence for as long as possible. She glanced at wally, who had a disturbed look on his face, as if he was warring with himself internally, "A little help?"

"I…" He thought about it for a moment

, before shaking his head , his eyes filled with clarity, "Right. Robin, Artemis come on! We can't be fighting right now, we're on a mission!"

He leaned back when Artemis whirled on him, "You're taking her side!?"

"What? No! Well-I mean—"

Artemis let out a cry of frustration, "Figures. Honestly you have been completely insufferable ever since you lost your arms!"

Wally literally stumbled back at her words, unable to grapes that I was her who said it. Apparently neither could he, because a moment late , her eyes seemed to refocus, and she whispered , "Wait…. What did I just say?"

Unfortunately she didn't have to figure it out as a pair of oversized talons suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and flew off with her.

With Jackson and Company

Jackson roared angrily as he threw another superpowered wolf off of him. He was covered in bite and scratch marks from the beasts, something he hadn't thought possible until now. Tyson, Mrs. O'Leary and him had been accosted by an enormous pack of them soon after they had split from the others . they had immediately dog piled, so to speak the cyclops with numbers, and he was so afraid to hurt the "dogs" that he was barely fighting back.

Mrs. O'Leary on the other hand was a different story. She was swatting the smaller creatures away with great prejudice , but, only because they were using their numbers to distract and get behind her, was also becoming covered in small scratches and bite marks.

After everything that had been going on today, he really didn't need to be ambushed by a wolf pack. So he held nothing back as he punched kicked and occasionally clawed back at the monsters, matching them in ferocity.

He back handed one of them as they lunge, Damn Cadmus not making me completely invulnerable.

He side stepped ad kicked away another, "Damn Percy for making me look up to him and then pulling this crap

He howled in rage as another bit into his shoulder form behind, "And damn these wolves for daring to fuck with me!"

Still screaming, he began tearing his way through the pack. Punching and kicking with all his strength. Each hit that connected elicited a single yelp before silence. Thankfully, they weren't dying, but it would be a while before they were up and about again.

The rest of the pack noticed this, and quickly left their own opponents to join in on the fight with the clone. Once the last one had moved off of Tyson, the dazed cyclops looked up to see what his friend was doing, and frowned deeply.

As the last wolf fell, Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary approached the visibly irate hero. Tyson gulped. "Jackson, are you al—"

He gasped, as Mrs., O'Leary had gone forward to sniff the boy out of concern, only for the clone to instinctively backhand the hellhound in the face.

As Mrs. O'Leary yelped, Tyson was already moving. Jackson turned and seemed to be realizing just what he had done, when his head was slammed into the ground by Tyson's much larger hand. "Calm down Superboy!" The cyclops bellowed.

Jackson winced as his face was ground into the dirt, "I… I didn't mean to…"

"What!" Tyson asked, and with a start, Jackson realized that he had made the cyclops angry, and that, up until now, he had never even seen his friend angry before.

"Tyson I swear, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just so angry, and I saw something out of the corner of my eye and…"

Tyson shifted above him before asking, "Are you calm now?"

Jackson nodded, and Tyson let him up , while eyeing him warily.

The clone immediately turned to see how Mrs. O'Leary was doing. The poor dog was rubbing at her nose with her paw smearing a collection of monster dust for a small wound on her cheek. He tentatively approached, intending to try and apologize, but was surprise when the hellhound turned towards him with a snarl

"W-woah girl!" he backed away. "I'm sorry okay! I didn't mean to—" He was cut off as an enormous black paw swatted him away, sending him slamming into a tree with a grunt.

However, what seemed like an act of aggression turned out to be something else. As Jackson was swatted away, an enormous white wolf came flying from where he was standing, sinking its teeth into the hellhounds shoulder.

While the new wolf was larger than all of the others, it was still much smaller than Mrs. O'Leary. Despite this, it seemed to be much stronger, and was somehow holding its own, for a. While that is. After taking a few swipes and nips at the hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary seemed to decide she'd had enough.

She jumped back into her own shadow, confusing the Alpha immensely, until she reappeared again from beneath him. She latched onto his throat and pinned him to the ground, now a whimpering mess as he realized his defeat. With a victorious huff, the hellhound began dragging the alpha wolf away into the nearby bushes, shrinking down to match his size in the process, for some reason.

Jackson started after them, "Where are they going?" he started to follow them for a moment, when Tyson stopped him, "maybe that's not a good idea…"

Jackson looked at the cyclops to see him completely red faced, though he was trying hard to hide it. "Why? It's not like their… oh… wait WHAT?"

Tyson looked away, "I-I think canines sometimes do it to assert d-dominance or something. We should give her some time alone."

The two teens stood in awkward silence for a moment, trying to ignore the increasingly loud grunting coming from the bushes, before Jackson said, "She can probably find us if we leave right?"

"Good idea.

With M'gann

M'gann had been through many uncomfortable scenarios in her long life. Constant discrimination on mars, facing her uncle when he learned she stowed away on her ship, and of course, looking into Percy Jackson's mind.

Compared to all that , one could think her current dilemma would be nothing. He was alone in the woods with a fellow alien visitor, and a formerly villainous mutant. However, she was consumed with thoughts of Raven. She had known about her demon form, but hadn't told anyone, both out of respect for her privacy, and out of fear of her revealing her own true form.

What if she hadn't kept it secret though? What if she had convinced Raven to reveal her self? Maybe then they wouldn't be where they were now.

Alongside that, what if she had revealed herself? Her friends were undoubtedly very accepting, she knew that now, but after lying for so long, what if they hated her for it?

What if Tyson hated her.

The idea was almost too ridiculous to consider, but she couldn't bring herself to rule it out. the cyclops was still obviously not over all that happened to him, he might not take something like that very well.

All of these thoughts in her mind distracted her as they walked near a swamp, so she barely noticed when an enormous crocodile flew out of the water, jaws wide open, ready to bite her in half.

Lucky for her, Waylon did notice. Before the creature could reach het Martian, he rushed in between them and held his hands up. He caught by the tips of its jaws and gritted his sharpened teeth ads the momentum him sent him sliding back along the ground, knocking a shocked M'gann over in the process.

"It had to be a fuckin' croc didn't it." The mutant chuckled humorlessly, before yelling a battle cry and tossing the enormous creature away, sending it crashing through a few trees before it stopped..

M'gann was brought out of her stupor only when Koriand'r knelt beside her, "friend M'gann? Are you alright?"

She cleared her throat as she stood up, "yes uh… T-thank you Waylon."

The man aid nothing, with his back to them he was still watching the mutated crocodile as it regained its senses and got to its feet. "A fuckin' croc…"

M'gann didn't have a chance to ask if something was wrong, ash er answer came in the form of Waylon charging the beast wildly, answering its furious hiss with his own. they met in a mess of scales and claws, wrestling for dominance.

The two alien heroines went to help him, but he bared his teeth at them as they did so "stay back! I'll kill it myself!"

Despite his words, Kori still soared forward to help him, only as she got close to the fray, a scaled appendage flew about and sent her flying backwards. To her surprise , the appendage was Waylon's arm. His slitted eyes were burning as he told them, I said, it's mine!"

M'gann looked worried but didn't try to help. She was on full alert now, which is why she was completely aware of the second crocodile lurking in the water, preparing to leap at her.

Lots of scene shifts in this chapter huh?

Jade was having a very hard time not laugh at her sister right now. Most people wouldn't have that problem when a loved one is carried off by an enormous vulture, but to be fair, Artemis had been acting unusually bitchy

Also she knew her sister could handle herself. To prove her point, the archer slammed er bow into the creature carrying her, causing it to release her. As she plummeted, she drew a certain arrow from her quiver and aimed it at the ground. The arrow exploded as it hit the ground, expanding into a giant pile of pink foam, that she landed safely upon.

The rest reached her position. shortly after, and seeing that she was fine, faced their opponents. The vultures coming in for another swipe soon, and a second one had appeared alongside it.

"I thought Vultures were supposed to go after dead things!" Wally exclaimed as he dodged a pair of oversized talons.

Robin grunted as he did the same, following up with a birdarang that didn't seem to faze their opponents, "Well obviously these ones are more openminded. Artemis, can't you hit them? you're kind of our range expert!"

The girl snarled as she fired a steady stream of arrow , unfortunately the one's that didn't bounce off their hide were knocked out of the air by their talons, "trying my best here pipsqueak!"

"Pipsqueak!" Robin exclaimed, in unfortunately , a rather high pitched tone. "That's it!"

The two were now getting into each other's faces, violence practically inevitable, "You wanna go bird brain!" Artemis yelled

"Bring it on Air-ow head!"

Wally and Jade knew that they had to stop them, and not just because their insults were getting so lame.

"I have an idea. Can you keep them from killing each other?"

"Possibly.." Jade said, eying the pair as they started slapping at each other like children, "What's your plan?"

Wally chuckled nervously. "Not so much a plan as… a really dumb idea."

Not giving her a chance to respond, the speedster ran off.

Wally searched his memory to remember out what Tyson had shown him. After a moment he cracked his bronze knuckles, and smirked as his hands turned into large studded clubs.

He stopped for a moment and looked at the vultures, "hey! Over here!"

They didn't look at first, so he tried something different, "uh… hey! Testicle necks!"

The tow oversized vultures snapped their grotesque necks over to him.

"huh, didn't think that would work." '

He didn't have a lot of time to celebrate however, a s the vultures were both now flying straight at him. With a yelp he turned and ran, going just slow enough for them to keep up, but not catch him.

He ran until he found a tree that fit his purposes and sent a quick prayer to whatever god that would listen that this would work. He used his speed to run straight up the tree, before leaping backward off of it. he then spun around mid-air so he was facing the two monsters coming for his, so he could look them in the eyes as he held his bronze clubs right into their faces.

Now, while Wally might not be the strongest member of the team, he always had his speed. He put all the speed he could into his arms as he swung them out, and combined with both his and the vultures velocity, made for a satisfying crunch when his clubs impacted with the Vultures' faces.

They dropped like rocks, unfortunately bringing wally with them.

"Crapcrapcrapcrap!" he exclaimed as he fell. He was never good at falling. He knew flash could just point his arms down, start spinning them really fast and create enough wind to slow his descent, but Wally couldn't. just another reminder of how much slower he was than his mentor..

Despite that however, he tired it anyway. It was better than just accepting his fate and allowing his legs to break. Ideally he would have done a parkour roll to lessen his impact, and dealt with the bruises, but he hadn't anticipated that meeting the birds would stop both of them dead in their tracks, and send him straight down.

As he spun his arms desperately, he cursed internally and thought how much easier this would be if he had fans on his arms or something. That's when felt his arms start to shift. He looked own and let his jaw drop as his bronze clubs had changed into a pair of large fans, that were twisted and angled so as to help create thrust with his spinning arms. He could only smile and think how big of a hug he was going to give Tyson when he got back.

With the fans, he soon felt his descent slow down drastically e landed on the ground gently and looked at his prosthetics. With a thought, he willed them back to regular hands.

"I love magic."

Back with Percy.

Percy took a moment to catch his breath as he watched the now passive mammoths stomp away. It had taken a an embarrassingly long time to make the connection between the collars and the elephants uncharacteristic aggression. Even then it was Kaldur who pointed it out. Not His proudest moment, but he felt better when he realized Shazam hadn't realized either . so much for wisdom of Solomon.

However as he was recovering from being swatted like a fly for several minutes, he heard Wally's voice "Please let this work!"

He was initially confused as the voice seemed to be in his head, and, M'gann had not set up a psychic connection, until he remembered he still had the comm link.

To be fair the team rarely used it. He turned on his mic. "Team?! Check in! What's happening?"

There was no response for a moment until finally, "I don't suppose you're helping problems with the wildlife too?"

Percy sighed in relief, "A little, what happened with you?"

"Giant Kobra enhanced vultures. You?"

"Kobra enhanced elephants. Anyone else hear me? check in."

"Brother! We had a similar problem with wolves!" Tyson chimed IN.

"And we're dealing with crocodiles," M'gann tuned in, "Or at least, Waylon is. I think… Percy something's wrong , he's completely out of control, he isn't responding to us, and his mind… it's nothing but anger."

"Weird." Jades' voice popped in, "I think something similar is happening with Robin and Artemis, they're both currently try to kill each other, and occasionally me."

"What!?" M'gann shouted over the comms "That's it I'm forming the psychic link!"

The entire team felt her do so, and all stumbled a bit as the wave of negative emotions screamed over the psychic frequency, originating between the two squabbling humans and Killer croc

Percy himself was floored for a moment before he grit his teeth, "QUIET! All of you!"

The three were silent for a moment before turning their hateful thoughts on him.

"Stop telling me what to do!"

"I'll never forgive you for what you did to Raven, much less wally!

"Why did I get the GOD DAMN CROCODILES!?"

Percy opened to first deal with the easiest issue, tuning out Robin and Artemis, "Waylon, I'm assuming you're fighting giant crocodiles right now, which is cruelly ironic for you."


"BUT it doesn't mean anything. You are above this. You are not an animal. Which is why you will show those creatures who is boss before rendezvousing back at our landing site. Please do not ruin your new life on your first mission."

"I… y-yer right kid. Thanks".

Percy nodded before turning his thoughts towards the squabbling teens, "Now you two… what the hell are you thinking? I know for a fact that Batman won't be happy when he hears about his, and I doubt Arrow will be thrilled either .

The mention of Batman seemed to give Robin pause, "Oh shit…"

Artemis however was not impressed. "Now you're threatening to tell on us? How low can you get?"

"What exactly are you angry at me for? "

"What am I not angry at you for? You hurt Wally, you didn't bother to try to stop Raven all because of how she looked, and now you're trying to boss us around—

"ALRIGHT!" Percy thought very loudly, "I've had about enough of this, how many of you think I actually let Raven go because I was disgusted with her looks?"

There were a few murmuring thoughts that told them all he needed to know.

He sighed heavily out loud, before speaking again "If I tell you the real reason I hesitated, do you all promise to drop it so we can move on with the mission?"

"Gladly!" Artemis stated, obviously preparing to not believe him. The others agreed as well.

"Fine then. I didn't hesitate because I was disgusted with her looks. I hesitated because of how her demon form enhanced her… figure."

There was silence for a moment as they all processed what he meant, and when they figured it out, they all spoke at one

"You were checking her out!?"


"Good lord.."

"Right then, can we get back on track then?"

"Now hold on~"


"NO, we need to move on."


"But can't we just—"



"What Kara?!" Percy said turning to the Kryptonian in irritation.

'Where's Shazam?"

Percy looked around and realized that, yes, the older hero was nowhere to be found. He LOOKED At Kaldur "Weren't you watching him?"

The Atlantean raised an eyebrow, "I Assumed a full-fledged member of the league did not require watching."

Percy cursed under his breath, "M'gann did you not set up the connection with Shazam as well?'

"I did but… I just checked his mind. Percy he's unconscious!"

"Fuck!" Percy shouted, surveying the jungle around him for whatever was powerful enough to knock out someone like Shazam. "Can you figure out where he is?"

"…Maybe. I know it's possible but I've never tired it before. I'll need some time to get a read on it."

"Do so while we're regrouping. Everyone meets at the bioship. This mission has now changed form an investigation to a rescue, not in small part due to our own failure to work as a team. So, are you all ready to do this, or do you want to yell at me some more."

"I'm sorry Percy," Robin stated, ""I don't know what came over me, I was just so angry..."

"Me too," Artemis chimed in, "And come to think of it… I ', not sure why. Looking back, I don't feel like my reactions were at all realistic… weird. "

Percy narrowed his eyes at that, but set it aside for now, "You're all forgiven. now that that's behind us let's focus on the task at hand. See you all at the bioship in 2 minutes."

Percy ran through several scenarios in his head on the way back, trying to figure out what could possibly be behind the animals. Whoever it is has to be powerful or exceedingly clever to take out Shazam. Neither bode well for the team, but Percy had faith that his team could make it through. He refused to consider any other option.

However he was caught off guard when he reached the bioship. Kori and M'gann were already there, along with Waylon… and two enormous crocodiles.

Before Percy could launch an attack, M'gann was already in front of him "It's okay! They're tamed… sort of."

Percy took a second look and saw that what had first appeared to be Waylon squaring off with the two beasts, was actually him talking to the pair like a parent might lecture a child, occasionally bopping one on the head when they snapped at him.

Percy forced himself to relax as he approached the man. "Waylon, how you doing man?"

The mutant gave Percy a toothy grin that would have made anyone else shudder. "Hey kid! I did what you said! They still need a bit more training, but they know who's boss I can tell you that!"

Percy took a moment to process this before rubbing his forehead, "Waylon please don't tell me you're planning to take these home."

The mutant tensed up, "I mean… yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"What do you think Batman would say?"

"Screw him!" Waylon shouted, surprising Percy with the emotion behind it.

It seemed to surprise Waylon as well because he quickly backed down "Sorry I just… I had another pair back in the day. they were… put down by the cops when Batman caught me. it wasn't their fault! I'm the one who trained them the way I did… I know it's a lot to ask but—"


He blinked, "Really?"

Percy groaned as he rubbed his face in exasperation, "I suppose it wouldn't be fair to keep my own pets and not allow you your own. just… keep them away from the Pegasi okay?"

"Of course! I'll have them trained in a couple weeks."

"Good." Percy stated "Now, any more pets I need to know about?"


Percy turned to see Tyson and Jackson, looking sheepish as they seemingly tried to block the view of about two dozen or so enhanced wolves, all centered around a happy looking Mrs. O'Leary, and a sheepish white, formerly alpha wolf that stood beside her with his head lowered

"I think they're more Mrs. O'Leary's than anyone else's." Jackson commented idly.

Percy sagged, "Whatever."


Percy rode in front, gripping the fur on Mrs. O'Leary's neck for support as they bounded through the woods. Behind him sat Cheshire, Kaldur and Artemis, with robin riding the large white wolf beside them. The other team members either ran or flew to keep up. Waylon and his crocodiles were doing an impressive job at keeping up on their own.

Behind their group stampeded the entire wolf pack, making their procession an alarming sight for any creature they came across. A few more controlled animals tried attacking them, but they were swiftly taken care of and decollared. Once they returned to their senses, they took one look at the force before turning tail to run.

Mrs. O'Leary was in the lead because she was the only one who would undoubtedly be able to find Shazam's scent, on account of Percy's order, which she had yet to fail to carry out.

They eventually found what they were looking for. A large facility hidden in the middle of the jungle, protected by large coils generating a force field around the perimeter

Percy was the first to dismount and approach the force field. He tried using the water from his pack to penetrate the field, but it evaporated on contact.

Kaldur stepped beside him, "With my magic, I might be able to make an opening. From here I see a switch on the building that I believe will disable the field."

Percy looked where his friend was pointing and saw it to be true. "Good eye, but no. we can't settle for just turning the thing off. What if they have away to trap us with it when we're inside?"

"But there's a button right there…" Robin commented in confusion.

"You probably could hack us out if necessary." Percy conceded, "but I don't want to take chances. Why walk into a potential trap when you can just break it beforehand?"

He walked to one of the coils and put a hand on it, before wincing' he looked the small burn on his hand. He put some water on it as he spoke out loud "no direct assault then…" he muttered. He looked at Kori, "think your energy blasts could do the trick?"

The alien perked up at being called out and stepped forward, "I can certainly try!"

She charged up her shot before blasting the coil with green energy. To Percy's relief, it destroyed the coil in one go. He patted the girl on the back before turning to the others "let's go."

As the others passed by him, he swore he could hear Kara mutter, "I could have done that…."

He was about to follow his team into the building when he stopped and looked at the pack of wolves following them, "Hold up guys!"

He smiled as they looked at him curiously. "I have a better idea."

inside the facility

Though he didn't show it, Shazam was getting a bit nervous.

To be fair who wouldn't be nervous when The Brain was about to slice your head open and dig around in your skull?

"Now then." The brain in the jar spoke, with a French accent of all things "Let us see what he wisdom of Solomon has to offer shall we?"

He was about to touch the power saw to Shazam's head, the tool held carefully in the villains robotic arm, when all hell broke loose.

More specifically, a hellhound broke into the room, followed by a horde of Kobra enhanced wolves. The villain and his gorilla henchman barely had time to react before they were upon them. To Shazam's surprise, the wolves were not going for the kill, but instead working more to subdue, as evidenced when the gorilla was held to the ground by all four of his limbs, barking angrily, While the wolves dogpiled (literally) on the Brain's mechanical body, tearing away his mechanical l9mbs and disabling his mobility completely.

They likely would have broken his life support system had Mrs. O'Leary not let out a deafening bark, causing them all to stop and simply hold their victims down.

"Good girl." Percy stated as she walked into the room, followed by the rest of the team.

"What is happening! This is an outrage! Who dare interfere with my operation!" The Brain ranted as he lay helplessly on the floor beneath the wolves

Percy looked down at the pickled gray matter and wrinkled hiss nose, "Gross. Robin can you make sure there are no nasty surprises in his set up?"

The boy wonder nodded and went to tinker with the villain, causing more cursing in French that everyone ignored.

Percy summoned his sword and sliced Shazam's restraints away, allowing him to sit up. "You alright?"

The Leaguer smiled at him embarrassedly, "Yeah, sorry about the trouble. That was really cool with the wolves though! Where did you get them?"

Percy nodded to Mrs. O'Leary, "Apparently my dog became their alpha while we were scouting the area. Funny how things work out. now, mind telling me how you got captured?"

The larger man blushed, "I was tricked! I was trying to help this tiger." He spoke as he stood over a large tiger that was also in restraints, one's that were promptly ripped off. The jungle cat gave a stretch before rubbing affectionately against the hero.

Percy nodded slowly, "Okay. Let's get out of this stupid jungle before we pick up any more strays. I had It bad enough with just Superboy.


Soon after the team decollared the rest of the animals, they set off to turn in the brain. Percy left it to Mrs. O'Leary to transport the rest of the pack home. She happily obliged

Unbeknownst to them however, as the bioship took off with Percy riding Blackjack behind it . A pair of brothers watched them from the trees.

Greed was a smiling widely as he watched them go, un like his brother wrath, a towering behemoth who was nearing a hissy fit

"it didn't work man!" He cried as he punched down a tree in anger. "I only got a couple of the weak ones in the first place! And he broke them free without even trying! We're useless like this, father will—


"Enough little brother." Greed stated, being sure to keep the annoyance out of his voice. "You know that's not why we're here anyways."

Wrath snorted before begrudgingly acknowledging. "He is impressive. You were right."

Greed nodded, smiling even wider, "Yes, he is... We will continue watching, learning as much as we can, before dear sister realizes our little ploy with scaring her off, and only then will we strike. Understand brother?"

Wrath rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah… "

Greed eyed the retreating form of Perseus Jackson, and couldn't help but chuckle at what was in store for him.

Chapter 19

Bit of slower one, not much going on, except for the obvious. It wasn't easy to write because of it but that's how it goes I guess. Next one is one I'm looking forward to, partly because but not only because it will be the chapter that Percy Jackson meets the Joker.

I'm sure it will be interesting.