So while I'm waiting for my poll to get a tie breaker, start my Crisis on Two Earth with a sprinkle of Forever Evil (I want to revisit the movie and get the first 3-4 chapters of the story going before I post it), contemplate how to go about one suggestion, and set the ground rules for/first chapter of the Breaking You sequel, I thought I would start a follow up to Rules of Apprenticeship. I guess some people wanted to see more to Rules of Apprenticeship, and an idea was pretty instantaneous. This will give me some Tim centric writing, while also getting something out to you guys will I'm periodically working on my other fics. Again this is a follow up to Rules of Apprenticeship, so if you haven't read it I would recommend reading it to get an idea as to what's going on. Also, this chapter will be using Red Robin and Nightwing, even though Ra's' will refer to them by name, since they are on patrol and takes place two years after Rules of Apprenticeship (Explaining Tim as Read Robin and a reference/implication to Damian as Robin later on). Enjoy.

They should have brought Batman. In hindsight, they probably have told him they were going after him in the first place. NIghtwing had received an anonymous tip about a hostage situation in the abandoned warehouse on the outermost edge of Gotham's factory district, and invited Red Robin along. He voluntarily agreed to tag along, believing that they could handle it, calling the cops when they finished. He also considered it a nice gesture since they hadn't gone on patrol together in a while. It was meant to be a pleasant enough patrol between two brothers.

A residual suspicion sprouted in Red Robin given the lack of information, to which Nightwing could agree having as well. However, Nightwing also noted how it could be real and didn't want to take any chances. So he recommended that they tread with as much caution as possible.

Unfortunately, they were not prepared for what would happen next. When they entered the warehouse, they didn't expect to find Ra's al Ghul with several assassins and no hostages. The scene was a puzzling one, but it didn't take long for them to realize that they had fallen into a trap.

They wouldn't have any time to react, however, as they were instantly ambushed by a group of Ra's' assassins. Nightwing and Red Robin would try to fend them off, wanting to get to Ra's. They were soon render useless as the assassins were able to contain the duo. Their hands were immediately bound and two of the assassins held knives to their throats.

"That was easier than I expected." Ra's stated, approaching the duo. "I thought you'd put up more of a fight."

"What do you want Ra's?" Nightwing growled. "If you're trying to use us as bait, it won't work. Batman doesn't even know we're here, and we will get out of here before you can use us."

An entertained chuckle vibrated through Ra's. The sound was unsettling to say the least as a disturbed expression emitted from Nightwing and Red Robin.

"Oh, I'm not interested in the detective. Not today."

"Then what are you after?" Red Robin barked, the knife on his neck applying pressure soon after.

Ra's raised his hand, letting his subordinate know to put her weapon down. Ra's approached Red Robin, getting uncomfortably close to the teen. It was made worse when Ra's gave the assassin a gesture to back away from Tim, which she followed.

"Get away from him."

Ra's paid no mind to Nightwing's demands.

"To answer your question Timothy, I'm here for settlement."


A hand wrapped around Tim's neck as Ra's lifted him to his feet. An uncomfortable grunt escaped Tim as he let Ra's do what he was doing, not wanting to fight back just yet. Nightwing, on the other hand, tried to strike Ra's, only to be forcefully held back by several assassins. The assassin holding the knife to him reinforced his threat level, piercing Nightwing's neck hard enough to stop him without drawing blood.

"Red Robin!" Nightwing gasped.

"I've been monitoring your progress over the last two years Timothy. I must say that you've turned out better than I expected. You're intelligent, tactically proficient, a proficient detective, and an admirable fighter."

Red Robin didn't respond, not knowing whether to be flattered by the analytical compliment or disturbed by the fact that Ra's had been watching him.

"I also admire you're determination. I wish to take such qualities for myself, by integrating you into the League."

A disheartened gasped left Red Robin. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The revelation was a twisted one, and neither he, nor Nightwing were accepting of it.

"You're crazy." Red Robin growled. "I am not joining you."

"You don't have a choice. I am taking you, and there is no escaping it. You are mine Detective."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Nightwing roared, continuing to try escaping the assassins.

For the first time since their arrival, Ra's gave Nightwing his attention. The assassins still managed to keep a hold of him as he squirmed around.

"Don't worry Richard," Ra's smugly included, "you'll be joining a company all your own. An old friend wants to you a morally grey job."

He snapped his figures, signaling an unseen companion. Stepping into the light, Ra's guest made himself known. Deathstroke proudly stood in front of them, focusing on Nightwing.

"As promised," Ra's greeted, releasing Tim so he could breath, "one adaptably mysterious protégé alive and well. He's a little roughed up, but boys will be boys."

"Better roughed up than dead." Deathstroke admitted, approaching his prize.

Ra's glared at his subordinates, who immediately released Nightwing. Panic rose as Nightwing attempted to back away.

Nightwing went to attack Deathstroke, only to get kneed in the stomach. A pained gasped escaped Nightwing as he hunched over.

"Nightwing!" Tim gasped, attempting to approach his elder.

Hands firmly gripped Red Robin's upper arms. He looked up at Ra's, who was disturbingly observing the scene. Unable to escape, Red Robin watched on.

Nightwing managed to stand straight up, eyeing the assassin. He was unable to react as a fist slammed him square in the face. He stumbled back a few step, regaining his footing only fir Deathstroke to get hit by one last punch to the face. The strength put into it was enough to knock him out. Deathstroke grabbed him by the front of his uniform before Nightwing could hit the ground and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Thank you for your patronage." Deathstroke applauded, leaving the warehouse. "Enjoy your prize."

Red Robin couldn't stand watching Deathstroke walking away with Nightwing. He wanted to stop him and save the unconscious hero. His squirming more violently in Ra's' grasp, which only seemed to increasingly tighten. This only increased Red Robin's tension, adding to his already high panic level. It didn't stop his, albeit futile, escape attempt.

"Nightwing!" Red Robin screamed. "Wake up! Wake up! Nightwing!"

Nightwing still wasn't responding and Deathstroke was not looking back.


One last panicked and traumatic yell got away from Red Robin as Deathstroke disappeared. His legs buckled enough for most of his weight to shift onto Ra's arms. Red Robin seemed to shut down. Any response was negated as he fell into a state of numbness.

Nightwing was gone, and he was trapped with one of Batman's greatest advisories. He wasn't sure if he should feel scared or guilty, or both. The guilt for being unable to save Nightwing was a realistic one, but the fear of what Ra's could do to him was also begging for attention. He was at a loss, and there was no telling what was going to happen next.

Yes it's got a bit of an angsty start, but I wanted to. This story will mostly focus on Tim, but Dick will be scattered throughout.