So, I've gotten back into One Piece and thought, "I've had some ideas for a story," and now here we are. Back at a new beginning. So click inside, pull up a seat, grab the popcorn, take a swig and enjoy.
Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto or One Piece and get no money from this
Kaguya Otsutsuki struggled as the Six Paths-Chibaku Tensei drew stone around her. She could feel the sealing jutsu, the same her sons had used on her centuries before, work to bind her powers. She reached into her bond with the God Tree, and to the chakra of every being resting in the bliss of the Infinite Tsukuyomi and pulled.
"I will not be imprisoned again!"
The sphere of stone erupted as a wave of white chakra burst from the Rabbit Goddess, wrapping around her in the silhouette of the Ten-Tailed Beast; her own Tailed Beast cloak. She regarded the four humans beneath her, like a god of wrath about to let loose her judgment upon those who earned her ire.
"Oh come on," Naruto Uzumaki groaned as he re-entered his Six Paths Sage Mode, "we had her. She's cheating."
"Stop complaining, Naruto," was Sasuke Uchiha's response as he regarded their foe with the mismatched pair of eyes, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and Rinnegan both spinning.
Behind them, Sakura Haruno and Kakashi Hatake took up defensive stances, neither of them truly ready to face the angry goddess but they would not abandon their teammates.
Before any action could take place, Naruto and Sasuke felt a presence within their minds. Time stopped as the voice of Hagoromo Otsutsuki spoke to them, "Naruto, Sasuke, what has transpired? I felt the seal form and break."
"Oh man, Old Man Sage, its bad," Naruto said not taking his eyes of the frozen Kaguya, "We had her in the seal, but she broke out. Her chakra went crazy and now's like a Tailed Beast cloak."
The ancient sage reflected on this revelation for a moment. "She drew upon the chakra of those bound by the Infinite Tsukuyomi. I had not thought of her breaking the seal."
"We just got to beat her down again and reform the seal, right," Naruto asked Hagoromo.
"No," the Sage responded, "I did not take into account her connection to the bulk of the world's populace. If you force her to draw upon their chakra, they will wither away and become Zetsu."
"Then how are we going to beat her," Sasuke asked.
Hagoromo considered the problem, using his connection to his descendants to view the battle from their memories. He saw how the duo's attacks and tactics affected his mother, and how they may fair now that she had increased her power.
"I fear there may be no way to seal away my mother, not without risking the lives of everyone bound to her," Hagoromo said solemnly. "However," he continued, cutting off Naruto's retort before he could even utter one syllable, "you two possess the tools needed to end her threat to this world, but this course of action carries a great cost."
"What cost," Sasuke inquired.
"This reality will be lost to you."
"What the hell Old Man Sage," Naruto shouted, "I thought you said you had a way to not kill everyone linked to Kaguya!"
"Naruto," Sasuke interjected, annoyance at his partner's outburst evident, "let him speak."
"I can understand your confusion, and I must explain this in haste. The dimensions created by my mother and that of the Sharingan's Kamui are branches of our unique Time-Space, bubbles on the outer edge of reality. In my time, as I journeyed the world teaching Ninshu, I became aware of the boundary of reality. I reached out to this barrier while I meditated and understood what lay beyond. A multitude of realities, each with its own natures and rule.
"The only way to end my mother's threat to this world is to sever her connection it completely," the sage continued. "The shock of being torn from this reality will shatter the Infinite Tsukuyomi and free those under its thrall, but the only way to breach the boundary is to employ the Six Paths Yin and Yang to facilitate the use of all of your chakra, Naruto to empower Sasuke's Time-Space technique beyond the limit of the Rinnegan."
"Right," Naruto said, nodding in understanding, "We've got to keep her distracted until Sasuke can warp her away like Kakashi-sensei's Kamui."
"I am afraid such a maneuver will be impossible," the Sage sadly replied, "even if you can project the time-space technique to affect her at a distance, the two of you need to join the yin-yang marks to fully enable the chakra transfer. She will be wary of you joining your powers in such a way."
"So we need to hit her at point blank range. Got it," Naruto said.
Sasuke mulled over everything, working out what the Sage had said. And what he had left unsaid. "If we use my Time-Space technique with the full power of the Six-Paths chakra, I won't be able to make the area tailored to Kaguya. And if we have to get close to catch her off guard, we'll be affected as well. That's what you meant when you said we'd be loosing our world. The only way to beat Kaguya is to exile ourselves along with her."
"Sadly, it would seem this is the only course of action that we can take. Any other would result in my mother drawing more and more chakra into herself to counter you."
"What'll happen to us when we leave," Naruto asked, his voice quiet.
"You will be thrown through the void between realities until you encounter the edge of a new reality. Once you pass through it, you will become of that reality, your bodies changing to obey its rules. You will lose you chakra, which is why I can abide just letting my mother loose on another world; she will lack her most dangerous powers."
"And we'll be there to finish her off," Sasuke concluded.
Naruto closed his eyes and took a breath, steeling himself to follow in his parent's footsteps, ready to sacrifice to save others.
Sasuke, likewise, took a moment to reflect. He had no love for the world that had taken his family from him, but he wouldn't let Itachi's sacrifice be in vain. He did have one question for the spirit of the Sage of Six Paths before he would take action.
"What will happen to the Tailed Beasts?"
"Their souls are trapped within the chakra of the Ten Tails, within my mother. They will be brought along with you and will incarnate in the new world as you will. Although I suspect they will assume forms appropriate for the world."
Finding the answer acceptable, Sasuke nodded.
"Yosh," Naruto exclaimed, eyes burning with resolve, "Let's go banish a god."
"You got an actual plan this time. I don't think your joke jutsu is going to cut it this time," Sasuke remarked.
"Hey, we almost got her that time," Naruto smirked, "but yeah I have an idea.
"Remember when we fought Zabuza on the way to Wave?"
The instant time resumed its normal course Naruto and Sasuke took off like a shot, Naruto raising to the sky and Sasuke moving to flank. As he flew towards Kaguya, Naruto summoned a large number of clones and began to rush the Rabbit Goddess. Kaguya did not move against the Uzumaki flood, opting to utilize her chakra cloak to repel the clones.
With the swarm of clones drawing Kaguya's attention, Sasuke waited to make his move. With a clarity of vision afforded to him by his matured Sharingan, he kept track of Naruto's clones, poised to make his move.
'There,' he thought as he saw a clone fly into position, 'Amenotejikara.'
In an instant, Sasuke switched places with the clone; the cry of a Chidori in his right hand ringing out as he launched his attack at point blank range.
Kaguya's Byakugan eyes widened only a fraction as Sasuke's attack reached the outer edge of her chakra cloak, before she shot out her hand. She batted the lightning jutsu aside with ease, grabbing Sasuke by the throat.
"I have grown tired of this farce," the Goddess said somberly as a mass of Black Zetsu began to encroach upon the Uchiha. The tails of her chakra cloak grew as she drained Sasuke of his chakra, the lengthened tails batting away the army of Naruto clones.
The true Naruto flew back from the swatting tails, the Truth-Seeking Balls moving from his back to hover at his sides. He then took of at high speeds, right for the Rabbit Goddess and Sasuke. What clones remained took to blocking and redirecting Kaguya's tails as the original rocketed forward.
Narrowly avoiding a tail his clones couldn't block, Naruto launched the Truth-Seeking Balls, the black spheres flattening into a kunai-like shape. The projectiles flew, their aim lock onto Kaguya. The Rabbit Goddess was unmoved by them, opening a rift to intercept them.
Naruto grinned as he directed his attack away from the time-space rifts, speeding up both his projectiles and his own flight path. With a push of Senjutsu enhanced wind chakra, Naruto drove the Truth-Seeking Kunai as fast as they could, all of them aimed for Kaguya.
Kaguya focused her attention on Naruto's attack, reducing the drain on Sasuke to its lowest point. Space warped between her and kunai, a rift forming directly in the path of of the attack.
Naruto grinned as he let a standard kunai slip from his sleeve. 'Even with your Byakugan, you can't see something you don't expect.'
He threw the sharpened steel with everything he had. It cut through the air of the strange dimension, drawing closer to Sasuke. As Kaguya's rifts closed and her attention returned to Sasuke, her eyes widened as the flying knife neared Sasuke's outstretched left hand.
With a flash of brilliant yellow, Naruto took the place of the kunai and clasped his right hand into Sasuke's left, uniting the marks of the Six Path. Power surged within the pair as Naruto channeled his all into Sasuke. The air around them shook as everything drew to a standstill; time itself froze as the power of the Sage of Six Paths worked through the Rinnegan.
And then, with no flashy display of chakra, no sound other than the rush of air to fill the void, the three figures vanished.
With a start Naruto woke, gasping for breath and coughing up sand. Shielding his eyes from the bright sun, he shakily got to feet and took in his surroundings. The beach he was on seemed to stretch on for miles as did the ocean, though if he strained his eyes he could just make out a landmass in the distance.
Turning inland, Naruto took in the forest that rose beyond the shore. He walked towards the treeline and was about to take to the canopy, when he noticed something wrong and remembered the words of Hagoromo.
"I really don't have my chakra anymore," he said aloud, "Guess Old Man Sage was right. Man, it's gonna be a pain without my clones." A sad smile crossed his face. "Must've sound like Shikamaru there. Hope the old man was right about the Tsukuyomi breaking."
Shaking his head clear of negative thoughts, Naruto made his way to the base of a tree and surveyed it. "That branch's low enough. I can make that."
Drawing back, Naruto took a breath and ran at the tree. As he neared the base, he jumped, intending to reach that low branch and swing higher. Instead, his jump proved more forceful and took him higher than he had intended.
Naruto sailed over the branch he aimed for, slamming into one of the higher limbs. "Ugh," he grunted as he pulled himself onto the branch, "Didn't think my jump would be that high."
He closed his eyes as he tried to gauge his strength. "I feel stronger, almost like I'm in Sage Mode." Opening his eyes, Naruto looked up, finding a limb about twenty feet above him.
Naruto crouched down and jumped. The air rushed in his ears as he ascended, the limb growing closer until his momentum began to slow as gravity began to take its toll. He reached out his hands and just barely took hold of the rough surface.
Taking a seat upon the limb, Naruto mused on his new found physical prowess. "I'm definitely stronger than I was without chakra, but I could jump way higher if I still had it."
After a brief rest, Naruto bound his way up the tree, handily reaching the highest limb. From his high perch, he gazed upon the land he had woken up on.
"An island, huh."
And not a large one. From his vantage point, Naruto guessed it would only take him half an hour to make it to the other side. Turning back to the beach he woke on, Naruto peered out over the ocean. The land he saw before was far larger than the spit of land he was on now.
"Guess I'm gonna need to make a boat. How hard can that be?"
Six days. It had taken Naruto three days to scrounge up the materials to build his escape craft and three days of trial and error to build something seaworthy. Mostly seaworthy. The raft he had cobbled together was made of only three meter wide logs he had hacked down with a kunai. A number of vines served to keep the craft from falling apart and he had fashioned an oar from sticks held together with the cut ribbons of his sleeves.
Naruto sat a little ways away from his raft, eating a fruit he had grown accustom to eating before a burned down fire. Once he fished his meal, he stood and picked up the bundle of fruit he had made from his jacket. With a vine, he tied the bundle to his back and made his way to the raft.
"OK," Naruto said going though his plan, "Get to that land over there, find people, and get to work finding Sasuke and the Tailed Beast and make sure Kaguya's not being evil." His stomach gave a slight rumble. "Oh and find some ramen, those fruit are tasty but I need some meat."
With his plan set, Naruto pushed his raft into the surf, walking a fair distance into the sea until he could no longer keep above the water level and rode the raft into open waters. The calm sea and cloudy skies made his trip uneventful and within a few hours he could make out the details of the coastline.
"Looks like there's a town over there," Naruto remarked as he adjusted course, "looks weird thought."
As he drew nearer, he became aware how 'weird' the town was.
"What the hell," he exclaimed, "Why are the building all upside down?"
The town looked like a storm had come through and flipped everything on its head. Naruto had managed to land his vessel upon the shore and hurried into the town.
"Doesn't look like anybodies around," he muttered, inspecting one of the upturned buildings. The town was oddly silent, like whatever happened had scared away even the birds.
And then a scream broke the silence.
'That came of over there,' Naruto thought jumping onto the top of an upturned house. He perched on the edge of the ruined building in time to see a small kid with a sword trip some long nose guy. Before the kid could use said sword, a young woman rounded the corner and knocked up in the head.
Naruto's attention was drawn down the road from the three humans by a cry of "Wait right there!"
'Kisame!?,' he thought as he took in the appearance of the newcomer. 'No, that guys to fat be him. Guess there's fish-people in this world.' The Kisame lookalike drew nearer to the three human; the kid seemed fearful of the fish man while the woman remained calm. The sole grown man, with a rather long nose had slid in front of the other two and had drawn…
'A slingshot?'
Slingshot guy look ready to fight the charging sharkman but Naruto was never one to just let some brute attack a kid.
'And I've got just the move to take him out!'
"Food Cart Destroyer," Naruto called out as he leaped down from his perch, slamming into the sharkman from above. The force of the impact drove his target into one of the upturned buildings.
Naruto turned to the three humans only to see the sole woman had knock the long nose guy out with hammer, looking at him in abject horror.
"What the hell are you doing. You don't attack the fishmen," she yelled out.
Naruto was about the respond, when the pile of rubble that the 'fishman' had been knocked into began to shift as he began to regain his senses.
Naruto began to shift into his taijutsu stance when the girl had bolted towards him and grabbed his arm. "Don't," was she said as she pulled Naruto away.
He let her led the way. 'Getting into a fight is not the best thing to do right now. Might piss off the wrong people, or fish people and get others into a mess.'
The girl had let him go when she knew he was moving on his own and had picked up the long nose guy, throwing his at Naruto. "You carry him."
Naruto sagged a bit under the dead weight of the unconscious man before slinging him over his shoulder. "Hey, you're the one who knocked him out, ya know!"
"Less complaining, more running you blond idiot," she yelled back at him.
"Oi, my name's Naruto!"
"Nojiko," she responded, "just follow me. I'll explain why you're an idiot when we're safe at my place."
Naruto grumbled about being called an idiot but kept pace, curious about this land's issue with these Fishmen and if they had upturned the town they were fleeing.
He had no idea that the winds of fate had begun to stir up a storm.
So there we are. How will Naruto cope with ending up in the Conomi Islands right as the Straw Hats make there arrival? And how will the Blues handle the Number One Most Unpredictable Ninja, his broody teammate, nine ancient tailed beasts and a fallen goddess. Well you'll just have to tune in next time. And feel free to leave a review. See ya!