I DO NOT OWN Rosario + Vampire!

Sparking, heaving, and trembling the silver-haired vampire finally hauled her body to the top of the cliff. "This isn't good. I took too much damage from the water. I can't keep the fight up for much longer." Moka looked around for her companions confused at the lack of sound. No battle cries, no scraping from Kurumu's nails, and the sounds of ice shattering were all gone.

"Yukari!" Moka's head snapped up at the sound of her sister's voice. The mature and strong-willed monster found herself slack-jawed and near tears at the sight before her. Through stinging eyes, Moka saw the lifeless body hanging limply from the Lizard man's tail. "Yukari…"

"No... she was just a child! How could... no. How dare he do something so vicious to an innocent child?" Ignoring the uneasy feeling in her stomach after watching Yukari's body slide from the tail she looked around to find the others. "Tsukune is still out cold. Ruby is helping, but where are Mizore and Kurumu?" Moka stood to her feet shakily looking around for the snow woman and succubus.

"They must have been thrown somewhere far off. Dammit! I can't fight this beast by myself in my condition!" Moka's attention was drawn to the beast as he guffawed.

"She's dead? Finally! This is one of the best jobs I've been assigned. The monster world doesn't need to be tainted with her kind. I feel dirty just having her blood on me, but as the old saying goes 'ding-dong the witch is dead!'" Fire coursed through the Vampires veins. Before Moka could make an unstable attempt to get up, a sudden shift in the air had Moka turning her head towards the cause. "Kokoa?"

Kokoa unleashed a primal cry too loud for someone of her size to produce. Moka watched in trepidation as the being she knew was not her sister pumped out immense monster energy. The orange aura distorted the pulsing air around Kokoa. Goosebumps trailed across Moka's skin. A sense of dread settled heavily in her stomach as Moka looked into her sister's eyes. The mischievous glint they once held was replaced with primal fury. No trace of her sister could be found in the emerald pools.

Kokoa charged at the lizard man with a snarl. The gargantuan monster took notice with disinterest. Lazily his scaly tail was sent to divert Kokoa. That was his mistake. Kokoa did not veer off course and collided with the tail the impact creating a shock wave. Swiftly the young vampire crawled her way to the base. The lizardman thrashed his appendage to throw off the nuisance, but the young witch held strong.

"What is that girl doing?" Kokoa lifted her hand catching the sword her bat companion transformed into and sunk it deep into the base of the monster's tail. Thrashing and howling in pain the lizard man tried harder to throw off the young Vampire. Kokoa's lips curled into a cold, cruel smile as she tore off the appendage with ease.

Moka gagged at the sight trying desperately to ignore the gore and thick smell of blood. It shocked Moka how calm her sister was. Even after landing on the ground, Kokoa showed no sign of discomfort despite being soaked in the thick liquid. A small pool of crimson formed beneath her.

"That look in her eyes. She's going to kill him!" Moka tried running to her sister calling out to her.

"Kokoa stop! Calm down! You're not in the right state of mind!" Kokoa didn't even twitch at her sister's plea. Every bit of her focus was on the screaming monster. Eyes scanning over her opponent with the calculation of a predator stalking its prey. Of course, like most injured prey, they attack when backed into a corner.

"I don't care what the boss said you're going to die you little shit!" The monster opened his mouth to Moka's confusion. A glow forming in the back of the monster's throat had Moka's blood run cold. Kokoa launched herself into the gaping maw. "Wait! Kokoa don't-" Flames spewed forth engulfing the young witch in the blazing inferno. Moka watched in horror while her sister disappeared in the flames. Her hand still outstretched grasping nothing. Nothing where her sister should have been.

Desperately. Frantically. Moka looked for any sign of her baby sister. A few charred remains of a school uniform floated to the ground at her feet. Moka's knees buckled and met with the harsh ground. "No…why did that bastard send a descendant of Godzilla! He killed his own Daughter!" Tears burned at the back of Moka's eyes.

"She...did nothing wrong…" Moka sobbed out in a trembling voice. The brief moment of silence was soon filled with the wails of agony coming from the gargantuan beast. Through teary eyes, Moka saw something that would forever be burned into her nightmares. The young vampire tore through the monster's chest in a shower of blood and gore. The monster fell to the ground lifeless. A gaping hole in his chest, where his heart should have been, leaked out the rest of his vital fluids.

This time Moka actually did lose control of her stomach unleashing its contents onto the floor. Wiping away the bile from her lips Moka's attention centered back to Kokoa once more. Kokoa walked up to the corpse and began to tear into it with her bare hands. Eyes were pulled out of their sockets. His tongue was severed and cast aside. The young witch snapped off his teeth one by one. Moka couldn't watch any longer and ran to her sister grabbing her from behind.

Kokoa rammed the back of her head into Mokas nose. Ignoring the burning pain and warm liquid streaming down her face Moka held onto her sister with a death grip. The deep emerald orbs were filled with so much hate, sadness, pain, and malice. All things that didn't belong in the eyes of a child. Kokoa continued to snarl, kick, and scream. Fighting to continue destroying the corpse. Digging deep to find her voice Moka desperately called to reach her sister praying she wasn't too far gone.

"Kokoa he's dead! He's dead now so stop!" Crushing her baby sister to her body Moka whispered in a broken voice. "He's dead. Please... come back to me." Kokoa stilled in Moka's arms. Carefully Moka pulled away from her sister to get a good look of her. The feral look in her eyes was replaced with hazy confusion. Emerald orbs cleared then widened as she looked at her surroundings. Kokoa's body trembled when she looked at herself and the mutilated body.

"What have I done?" Kokoa shivered at the sight of the blood coating her body, her hands, her face. God, she could taste it! Kokoa shoved her sister away and choked out. "I'm a monster!"

It was cold. So very cold. Darkness was everywhere. What was up? What was down? Left? Right? Yukari's mind buzzed with questions as she continued to be wrapped in the suffocating darkness. Oddly, despite the situation, she felt calm. Not an ounce of fear, uneasiness, or distress coursed through Yukari's soul. She couldn't feel her physical body, but she could sense her existence. The spiritual essence of herself was all she was. All that was left. The darkness was suddenly breached by two brilliant lights.

The one on the left was blinding. Painfully so. Something inside Yukari was flaring up like a warning. The more she looked the more her existence felt like it was slipping away. The light beckoned her with an invisible force, but another was telling her not to go. Yukari looked away, to the light on the left.

The light wasn't as harsh to gaze at. It filled Yukari with a strange feeling. A sense of comfort wrapped around Yukari like a blanket. The suffocating atmosphere of the darkness began to dissolve along with the other light. Yukari could gradually feel her physical body come back. It started at her head moving down to her shoulders. When it reached her chest, Yukari gasped in pain. The rest of the process was painful, but Yukari could finally feel. She felt her chest heaving as she tried to fight through the burning pain. Soon enough it faded to a dull throb. Yukari reached out to touch the warm light. When her fingers brushed against it, Yukari was surrounded by light. Images began to flood her mind. Almost all of them containing an orange haired girl that Yukari could not recognize.

"Some entrance you made back there. Could you have made it any more dangerous?" Yukari heard her voice say as she watched herself interact with the orange haired girl. She wasn't there physically. She was watching it play out in front of her as if it were some movie. The orange haired girl turned around stealing away Yukari's breath.

"I don't have to deal with insults coming from a witch." The last word was spat with so much venom Yukari was surprised it didn't bring her any anger or frustration. Instead, she was still enraptured by the beauty of the girl standing before her. The other Yukari however visibly bristled at the comment.

"Enlighten me as to why that is such a bad thing miss high and mighty vampire." Yukari chipped through clenched teeth.

"You don't belong here. Plain and simple. Without your little tricks, you'd be nothing but one of those filthy humans. Close enough to it already, so why don't you go and join them?" The orange haired vampire spat with a mocking grin.

"Don't you think we've tried? Remember the witch trials? All the bloodshed of my ancestors for something as simple as fear? Yes, humans are a part of my bloodline, but I refuse to go back!" Yukari watched herself take a step forward forcing the orange haired girl back slightly. "We were killed because humans feared our superiority in strength. At least here we only get slander and dirty looks, but I will never give in to my fear and let it control me. I will make my own path as a witch in this vicious monster world and the human one!"

Kokoa took another step back. An unreadable expression on her face. An amused grin made an appearance on her face causing a different warmth to envelop Yukari's cheeks as she continued to watch in awe. "Your words are bold. I like that. However…" In a flash, Yukari's face was mere inches from the vampires. A tight grip on her collar kept her from pulling away. "Actions speak louder than words in this world. Don't think a few good lines of bravado will take you anywhere." Yukari met Kokoa's intimidating glare with her own resolute one.

"I'm not just bark. You definitely don't want to see my bite." With an amused chortle, Kokoa released the witch.

"One of these days I do. If you don't want to be treated like a piece of shit, then show me you deserve my respect." The young witch straightened her collar and turned to walk away.

"If you don't respect who I am now then I don't want any of it. The day I try to earn said respect will be the day I stop respecting myself." The witch walked off with that last statement leaving a shocked Kokoa behind. Yukari's attention wasn't focused on the receding back of herself but on the young vampire's face. Kokoa faced the direction Yukari left with an affectionate gaze. All traces of shock forgotten. A small dusting of red on her cheeks and fondest filled those deep green pools. Confusion soon followed then annoyance. Shaking it off Kokoa stomped away in the other direction.

More scenes began to play in front of Yukari with herself and the Orange haired vampire in brief flashes. More often than not they were screaming at each other or having some sort of Stand-off. There was the occasional scene with multiple people where they would all be laughing. Yukari found herself in some very intimate scenarios with the vampire making her face heat up. The flashes stopped at one scene.

Tears fell from emerald eyes as Kokoa desperately clung to Yukari's bloody body. "I love you Yukari," Kokoa whispered. Warmth exploded in Yukari's chest. The confession replaying in her mind like an echo.

Yukari's world was once again concealed in darkness. This time the images of the vampire passed through her mind with precision and understanding. Soon everything was gone in a burst of white as Yukari opened her eyes.

"Ugh…" Yukari groaned in discomfort when the bright lights of the room hurt her eyes. Shuffling around her was heard along with some animated whispers. This time Yukari opened her eyes fully blinking away the haze in her vision. Everyone that fought was in the room surrounding the hospital bed. Violet orbs quickly locked on to the Emerald pools gazing at her from her bedside. Yukari wanted to tell her what she heard. What she knew. Shakily she reached out for Kokoa's hand. Kokoa violently jerked back, stepping away from the bed.

Confused Yukari watched the worried look of Kokoa's face shift to one of shame and disgust. Wrapping her arms around herself Kokoa slowly backtracked towards the exit looking everywhere except for Yukari. "If you come near me… you won't be opening your eyes next time." Kokoa whispered in a broken voice running out of the room leaving Yukari and her conflicted feeling in the dust.

Authors Note: Hello my loyal readers. I hope all of you have been enjoying the holidays. Think of this as an early Christmas present if I don't update in time for Christmas day. Also to avoid confusion in the future this story isn't completely based off of the cannon. Most of it is, but not all of it so if something doesn't appear to line up you'll know why. I myself have only seen the show I haven't read the books yet. I hope all of you continue to read and enjoy this crazy fanfic. Reviews are greatly appreciated. Happy holidays!