She is currently setting the table for the boys and herself. Mei is sleeping soundly in the bassinette close by. Sasuke is out of town working on a big project with his brother. There is a knock at her door, she stops what she is doing to answer. She is surprised to see Fugaku Uchiha standing there. He says nothing, so she decides to invite him in for dinner, telling him that she made spaghetti.
She quickly sets another place and calls the boys to eat. She watches Fugaku as he watches her boys. She introduces them to him and gestures to where the baby is sleeping. He nods and joins them at the table. The boys are quick to warm to him although he says nothing, they tell him all about themselves, school, sports everything they can think of.
When they are done eating, the boys help her to clean the table and wash the dishes. Before they run off to drag their grand-father to their room to show him all their toys. She lets them be, hoping that he will bond with them. After a while he emerges from the hallway. She offers him a cup of tea.
There is an awkward silence between them as they sip from their cups. She doesn't know how to start a conversation with him. And is startled when he speaks. He's asked her where she sees herself in Sasuke's life. Although it's a question she knew to expect, she is still put off by it. She answers it honestly, she is the mother of his children. She is quick to continue that if she'd wanted anything at all from him she would have made that clear years ago instead of struggling during rougher times.
He is back to being silent as he finishes off his tea. He thanks her as he rises from his chair and excuses himself heading to the door. She walks behind him wishing him a goodnight and safe drive home. He pauses, turning back to look at her. She sees the clench in his jaw. She expects him to say something unkind to her but the words that come from his mouth are thoughtful.
He tells her how her apartment is to small for three children. How she is too far away from Sasuke, how it doesn't seem fair how he makes the drive as often as he does, and if she would consider moving back, it would mean much to his family.
She tells him she will think it over. He nods in affirmation and begins to take his leave when the boys run out giving him lots of hugs and goodbyes. She watches the smile on his face knowing that whatever wall he was trying to keep up they obviously broke through. He nods at her again and makes his way out of the building.