3 Years Later

Jason stared at the computer screen in front of him, but he couldn't concentrate. He sat back in his chair and looked down at the small child at his feet. The little girl's dark hair was falling out of its braid as she sat on the floor playing with her toy horses.

Jason watched her for a while, envying her complete absorption into her own world of pretending. It was all very well him working from home to take care of his daughter, but she was such a distraction; he could happily watch her all day.

Finally sensing his eyes on her, the little girl looked up and pouted.

'Are you finished?' she whined.

'Nearly.' Said Jason, glancing back at his screen. He was nowhere near finished.

'When Mommy back?'

'Soon. When she finishes work.'

'Why she go to work?' The child grumped, she was used to having both of her parents around. As much as she loved her daddy, she hated it when her mommy went to work.

'Because your Mom is a very clever lady who Grandpa needs to run his company.'

The child sighed dramatically and went back to her play.

Jason glanced at the calendar on his desk, not that he had forgotten the date. It was the anniversary of that day. He switched off his screen, work could wait till later.

'Gracie, do you want to go and see Dick?'

The little girl lit up, scrambling to get to her feet and running out the room to find her shoes. With Jason's help, she found and put them on along with her coat, the early spring air still a little chilly.

She chatted excitedly to him from her car seat in the back while they drove the 20-minute drive to their destination; pulling into the small parking lot of Gotham's private cemetery. He took her small hand in his own and led her up the gravelled path towards the Wayne plot.

Jason had always hated it here; waking up in your own grave will put you off a place. But today, with the sun shining and his daughter's presence beside him, it felt oddly calm and still. Peaceful.

As they approached the Wayne's plot, Jason smiled.

'I thought I might find you here.' He said.

The man by the graves looked around, his bright green eyes shining in the sunlight.

'I know I shouldn't, someone might see me. But it felt wrong not to visit on the anniversary.'

'Dick, if you want to visit your parents, it's alright.' Said Jason. His son had forgone every part of his old life, this last connection was something he would never make the boy let go of. Well, he was no longer a boy. In the last three years, Dick had aged and grown taller. He still looked young, but he now resembled the 21-year-old he was.

After the treatment to cure the virus and after Raven's final attempt at healing his broken body, it had taken Dick a further week to wake up from his coma. When he did, he cried in pain as his body felt human for the first time in over twenty years. His senses were dulled, he spent the first few days practically deaf and blind, but slowly they adjusted, and he was able to see. His hearing improved but even three years on he struggled to pinpoint sounds if there was too much going on. The sound filters still came in handy on these occasions.

When he was released from Wally's care and able to return to the manor, the long task of his recuperation began. Over the course of the next year, he learnt to live with his human body; relearning to walk and even how to properly use his hands. Everything felt so weak and useless without his Talon strength.

He had felt especially useless during the last few weeks of Annie's pregnancy. The woman was tired and weary. Dick had wanted nothing more than to help her, but he simply wasn't able too. But after Gracie was born, Dick had instantly fallen in love with her (and rubbed it in Jason's face that he had won the bet), and his frustrations became more contented with the small baby around. He would sit for hours watching her, soothing her when she cried. Dick had cried himself when Annie had finally convinced him he wouldn't hurt her and had lowered the precious bundle into his arms.

By the second year, Dick began homeschooling. Not being strong enough to re-join his classmates had frustrated Dick, especially when he had attended Terry and his friend's graduation. But he had been there, he had already missed so much, so he was glad he could finally be there for his friend on a big occasion. The graduation ceremony had motivated Dick to continue his schooling, within a few months he had completed the work he had missed out on due to his illness.

By the end of the second year, Dick had regained his strength to a degree that would be normal for most people. But having been Robin before he was ever a Talon, Dick knew he was capable of so much more. He began working out again, slowly at first, going for runs and building up his stamina but by the third year, he was once again training with Terry. The training had rebuilt his body, filling it out and finally making him look his age for the first time.

As Jason stood in the cemetery, waiting for Dick to finish arranging the flowers on the grave, he regarded him properly for the first time in several months. It was hard to believe that the man before him, well built, strong and mature, was the same boy who had been led on a bed on the brink of death not three years prior. Time really could heal everything.

Dick wiped the moisture from the flowers on his jeans and turned back to his family. Jason released the little girl's hand and she ran up to her brother. Dick scooped her into his arms and blew a raspberry into the side of her face, making the child squeal with delight.

Gracie adored her big brother, she'd never know how close she came to never knowing him. Her laughter rang out through the quiet cemetery as she raced her brother back to the car.

'Can you watch Grace this afternoon, I really need to get some work done.' Asked Jason when they reached the parking lot.

'Sure,' said Dick. 'I'll meet you back at home.'

'I wanna go with Dick.' Said Gracie, clinging to her brothers' leg.

'Dick's got his bike baby.' Said Jason, opening the car door for her.

'I wanna go on the bike.'

'Maybe when you're a bit bigger.' Said Dick, lifting his little sister into the car.

'Yeh, I'd like to see you get past your mother.' Jason chuckled, 'She's not keen on you riding that thing again, let alone Gracie.'

'I'm perfectly fine!' Dick responded.

'I know, she just worries.' Said Jason, 'You're not indestructible remember.' He winked and got in the car himself.

'Yeh, trust me I know.' Dick held up a hand that was bandaged from his last work out. His flesh was still building resistance and his knuckles still split often when he was using the punching bags. He waved them off as they drove away.


Later that evening, they were all hanging around the kitchen. Jason was cooking whilst talking to Bruce, who sat at the island petting Ace. The old hound looked up at his master with loving eyes.

Dick was sat on the window seat, Gracie on his lap showing him the latest stickers in her collection.

'Have you thought any more about college Dick?' asked Bruce. The young man shook his head.

'I dunno what I want to do.' Said Dick, 'It wasn't something I needed to think about until recently.' He shrugged.

'You said you wanted to look into joining the police.' Said Jason, stirring the sauce on the hob absentmindedly. 'Why don't you have a chat with Gordon?'

'I did.' Said Dick wistfully. 'Apparently, almost D-Y-I-N-G of multiple organ failure counts as having a pre-existing medical condition. She said to give it a few more years.'

'Give it time Buddy.' Jason said encouragingly.

Dick smiled a genuine smile. 'I don't mind, I'm happy where I am at the moment.' He was currently working shifts at a bar in Gotham, it wasn't much but he enjoyed it and it was something to occupy his time. For once, time actually seemed to be on his side.

The front door opened and shut, and Gracie launched herself from Dick's lap.

'Mommy!' she cried, running to Annie's arms as she entered the kitchen.

'Hello, my angel.' She planted a kiss on her daughters' cheek before leaning over and giving Jason a quick peck too.

'Hey, mom, good day? Said Dick.

'Yes, thank you, honey.' Said Annie, kissing the top of his head. 'As of next week, we will be officially Wayne Tech once more. All trace of Powers finally dissolved.'

'That's what I like to hear.' Said Bruce. 'You've handled it all beautifully.'

'That's why you put me in charge.' Annie winked before turning back to her daughter. 'And what have you been up to today?'

'Mommy, can I go on Dick's bike?' the child asked innocently.

'Absolutely not.'

They went about their evening routine of dinner, clearing up, bathing Gracie and then settling down on the couch for family time. Annie was led across the sofa while Jason rubbed her sore feet. Dick sat on the recliner with his sister draped across his chest, deep in sleep. They were watching Dumbo, which was one of Gracie's favourites. The film brought a warm feeling to Dick's chest as he thought about his time in the hospital and the woman, he now called Mom, comforting him.

'Well isn't this a pretty picture.' Terry popped his head around the door. He looked over to Dick. 'You ready to get going?'

Dick nodded, gently sitting up and lifting Grace up with him. He carried her over to Annie and slowly lowered her into her mother's arms.

'Be careful.' Annie said quietly. 'Don't take any unnecessary risks.'

'Ok, Mom.' Dick grinned. 'See you tomorrow.'

He followed Terry down to the cave where Bruce was already set up at the Bat-computer.

'A few hours, and then you come back.' He said to Dick, who nodded.

'I know Bruce.'

'It looks like a quiet night but take it steady. You've been out of service for a long time.

'He'll be fine.' Said Terry, already suited up. 'Go get suited, I'll wait in the Batwing.'

An hour later they were both stood on the roof of one of the tall buildings in downtown Gotham. Below them were a group of thieves running from the police.

'You ready?'

'Let's go!'

Batman jumped down in front of them.

'Shit it's the Bat!' They turned on themselves and tried to escape from the direction they had just come. But another figure blocked their path. Dark hair and a domino mask covering his face, his suit was black apart from the large blue bird emblazoned on his chest.

'Who the hell are you?'

Dick smirked, adrenaline fuelling his body. How he had missed the adrenaline.

'I'm Nightwing.'


A/N OMG, I can't believe it is finally finished! This was originally meant to be a quick story, but it took on a life of its own and became a full-length novel! I am actually very proud of this story, I think it is some of my best work. Thank you for sticking with me on this journey and for reading through all of the chapters! I may make a prequal at some point, as I mentioned in an earlier chapter. But for the moment I think I am going to leave this story where it is! Thank you again for reading, please review to let me know whether you enjoyed The Boy In The Ice! Until Next time - Karin x