Hey guys Dragonic Demon here with a new chapter. So school is coming up and I won't have much time on my hands to update. So some updates may be slow. So without further ado let's do this

Disclaimer:I do not own Regal Academy in anyway or form

Chapter 5:A Fairytale Wedding and Attending It With A Date.

Kendall was walking down a hallway as he saw a Flyer as he looked at it

"Seems there a wedding happening today. Let's see oh it's the Scheherazade Wedding"Kendall said smiling before he felt the earth shake slightly as he looked to his left and saw Princesses running towards him

"Kendall take us as your date"The Princesses shouted as Kendall pales and began to run

"WHY ME?!"Kendall shouted as he kept running as he bumped into Hawk

"Dude you alright?"Kendall asked helping Hawk up

"I'm fine but why we're you running?"Hawk asked as Kendall pointed behind him revealing Princesses running towards them.

"There's Hawk get him"A Princess said as both teens ran towards the Student Hangout

(Student Hangout)

Students were walking around the Student Hangout as Astoria was walking around with Joy then she noticed that two members of group weren't at the Student Hangout.

"Hey Joy where do you think Hawk and Kendall?"Astoria asked Joy before the two mentioned ran inside as Kendall stopped by Joy as Hawk stopped beside Astoria as they

"Where were you guys?"Joy asked the two before Princesses came through as Kendall thought of something

"Sorry girls but I already got a date"Kendall said shocking them then they looked suspicious

"Who's your date?"A princess asked him as he began to sweat a little

"In all honestly. I was just about to ask her. Joy will you do me the honor by being my date to the wedding?"Kendall asked Joy who blushed

"Sure I would love to"Joy said blushing as Kendall grinned

"Thank you. I was kinda nervous"Kendall admitted to her as the princesses left as Hawk noticed Rose as he nudged Kendall

"Well we gotta head somewhere talk to you two later"Kendall said to them as they went over to Rose

"Don't tell me you're fantasizing about the Scheherazade Wedding too?"Hawk asked Rose before Astoria went over to them

"We don't have Time for that. We have to prepare for portions class"Astoria said as Rose looked at her

"Oh I can't wait to make a potion on my very own"Rose said before they turned to some flowers

"These flowers could be use for ingredients"Astoria said as Rose looked at it closely

"Ooo is that for a beauty potion?Rose asked as she sniffed the flower

"No uh..actually it makes hair grow in your mouth"Astoria said as Hair grew covering Rose mouth

"That one was my bad"Astoria said

(Potions Class)

Doctor LeFrog walked on to the balcony of the Options class as he looked at the class

"Welcome to Potions Class. Let's start with the basics of mixing. Rose why don't you try first. Start with Cauldron Brewing"LeFrog said as Kendall paled as the Team looked at Rose who was shouting in glee as she poured a potion into the cauldron as it exploded

"Awesome an exploding potion"Rose said as she went over to the table and grabbed a Vial and pour in the potion

"Maybe you'll have better luck with Vial Mixing"LeFrog said as it exploded

"Cool another exploding potion"Rose said as she picked up a flower as she picked a flower and took off one of it's petal as it exploded

"Okay enough off of that. Now for your assignment. You will have to make a potion of my choosing"LeFrog said as he went over to Vicky's team

"Vicky a spell breaking potion if you will"LeFrog said as Ruby and Cryus groan in disappointment

"Fine tell me the spell and it'll break it"Vicky said as LeFrog went over to Astoria team

"If you want a pet at the yearly pet ceremony. Your Team must improve. You need a perfect score on your assignment. A summoning potion"LeFrog said

"Of course Doctor LeFrog"Aurora said as Doctor LeFrog walked off as they heard someone laughing as they looked and saw Rose laughing.

"Well at least your hair is improving"Astoria said as Kendall looked at her

"Really?"Kendall asked her as she shrugged

"Let's review the ingredients. Okay a soda glass of Snail Slime and a bag of Giant's gas"Astoria red from the book as Travis looked curious

"Giant's gas? So a bag of when Giant's get gas or a bag of really big gas?"Travis asked as Kendall shrugged

"I have no idea"Kendall said as Hawk turned to them.

"I'll go get them all"Hawk said leaving as they began brewing the Potion.

The Team holding the ingredients approached Astoria who was reading from the book as they poured in the ingredients into the cauldron.

"Yum looks like My breakfast"Joy said as Kendall looked at her curiously as he tilted his head as she blushed since he was cute when he looked like that.

"Almost done"Astoria said stirring the cauldron as she looked at Travis and asked "Where's Rose?"

Travis pointed to his left as Rose was fangirling over the Fairy Tale Kids

"Rose we need Fire Ants"Astoria said as Rose stopped

"On it"Rose said as she went over to them holding the Jar

"Be careful"Hawk said before Rose opened the Jar.

"Why there now even on fire"Rose said reaching in the Jar as she burned her hand as she ran holding her burning hand.

"Now for the most important ingredient Magic"Astoria said as she brought out her wand. As Rose was still running as a Ant landed in the cauldron as she looked at Doctor LeFrog and Joy.

"The potion should summon a small animal"Astoria said

"I hope it's a Frog"Joy said hopefully as LeFrog smiled at his granddaughter

"Me too"LeFrog chuckled as he and Joy did their handshake as Kendall giggled as he smiled at Joy.

"Give it a touch of magic Astoria"Hawk said as they approached the cauldron as it began to glow.

"Its working"Joy said as they took a look as it glowed

"Yeah looks perfect"Hawk said as the vial in Hawk jacket fell into the cauldron.

"Hawk what's that thing?"Astoria asked as a troll appeared.

"You summoned me. Will You marry me?"The Troll asked as Kendall eyes narrowed

"If I puke will it affect my grade?"Astoria asked as she turned around and began running as the Troll followed her.

"You no You are the love of my life. I made you a Tiara of toenails"The Troll said as the Princess ran away holding in her barf as the Troll chased her as he looked at another princess.

"Okay then you are the love of my life. I made a wedding gown out of my Pit hair"The Troll said as the Princess ran covering her mouth.

"Why are the princesses running away? Do they have to go potty?"The Troll asked as Astoria looked at him

"No you disgusting Troll. It's because you're repellant"Astoria answered as Hawk realized something.

"Repellent. Vicky? Where's Vicky?"Hawk asked as he saw Vicky stealing ingredients.

"I should have known. You did this"Hawk said as Vicky picked up the bag.

"Well you wanted Princess repellant. He's repelling princesses"Vicky said as she left as Hawk turned around and saw the Troll kneel down in front of Rose

"Marry me. I'll share my Rat Collection 50/50. I swear"The Troll said as Rose laughed then ran away from the Rats.

"Hold it Ugly. Take this"Travis said tackling the Troll into a bunch on options as the Troll became huge. The Students ran away from the Troll in fear.

"More Princesses. I want to marry the Prettiest one"The Troll said as the Princesses ran away in fear.

"Now what?"Astoria asked rhetorically.

"ATTACK"Hawk said charging at the giant as he punched at the Troll as Kendall looked at Travis.

"Ten bucks say he doesn't too any kind of damage and will only hurt himself"Kendall bet to Travis who grinned.

"You're on"Travis said to him as they watched Hawk hold his hand in pain as Travis handed Kendall ten dollars.

"I Can turn him into a Frog"Joy said as she brought out her wand and as a wart grew on the Troll's.

"A New wart. Yay I'm more beautiful. I should raise my standards. Hey who's that?"The Troll asked pointing to a Flyer as they looked at it.

"Scheherazade the story teller from one thousand and one nights. The best Fairy Tail teller ever"Rose said excitedly as the Troll sighed blissfully

"She's my one true love"The Troll said as Astoria opened the flyer.

"Well that's too bad. She's getting married right now"Astoria said holding the poster.

"Then I have to stop it"The Troll said determined as he leaped off to Town.

"Bad luck Beast we're definitely not getting pets now"Travis said

"No we are stopping that troll and fixing our potion cause I deserve a pet Griffin"Astoria said determined.

"Alright you know what that means"Hawk said to them as Kendall grinned

(Dragon Arena)

The group ran in as they went over to the Forge Dragon as Rose kept Dragon Time.

" Dragon we need our Regal Armor"Astoria said as the Forge Dragon stood up

"Do you know how many Armor I conjured today. I'm tired"The Forge Dragon complained

"It's an emergency. Princesses to save"Hawk said pleaded as Rose stepped forward.

"No choice"Rose said smiling as Kendall paled when he saw that.

"Tickle torture"Joy added as they giggled and began tickling the Dragon as he let out a green smoke as their Armor appeared as they posed. Rose and Joy then saw towards them as they fell down in a pile as Kendall landed on his back and Joy landed on top of him.

"We got to stop meeting like this"Kendall said as Joy blushed.

(Royal Palace)

The Troll arrived as he landed as a crack as the story teller backed up in fear

"Someone help me"Scheherazade pleaded as Hawk and Kendall jumped off their Dragons as Kendall summoned his Dragon Armor as it appeared on top as they landed. Hawk them brought out his wand.

"Snow Magic"Hawk said as a umbrella appeared as Hawk held it as he grinned at the story teller as More rocks began to fall as Kendall played a tune on his flute dagger as he speed off and saved the story teller before the Troll got her

"You alright?"Kendall asked her as she nodded.

"Nothing can stop me from getting her it's true love"The Troll said as Rose brought out a book

"Good I always have a copy on me. One thousand one nights"Rose said as Astoria eyes widen

"Good thinking Rose"Astoria said as Rose tossed the book to Scheherazade as she caught it.

"Read a story"Rose said

"Yes of course"Scheherazade said as she turned to the Troll.

"If I were to marry you. It's tradition to first tell you a story as the story tell began to tell a story as the group began to circle the Troll.

"Hawk and Kendall Yay!"Ruby said as Vicky brought out a Potion

"One berserker potion might keep things evil"Vicky said as Ruby flies past her knocking the potion out of Vicky's grasped.

"Wait a wedding. If I caught the bouquet. I might get married"Ruby said.

"No my spell breaking potion"Vicky said as it fell on the Troll as he began to melt.

"Guys that Troll is made out of potion. If it falls into the ground we fail"Astoria said as Hawk pushed a cauldron

"Got it"Hawk said as the potion returned to the cauldron. They then saw Scheherazade run past them.

"Great thinking distract the Troll with a story. What a brilliant plan"Scheherazade said as Rose looked at her confuse.

"Plan. I just wanted to hear you tell a story. Kidding"Rose said to her as she began to get nervous.

"Sorry I choke when I'm nervous. Like when I'm meeting one of my biggest heroes"Rose said nervously

"You're the hero. You saved me and my whole wedding"Scheherazade said. Kendall then saw Rose ripped off a page

"So cool a page from One thousand and one nights"Rose said grinning

"Right we still need to head back to Regal Academy"Kendall said as they left heading back to Regal Academy.

(Regal Academy)

Kendall was waiting for his turn as he saw everyone got a pet. He couldn't help but smile at how Joy acted when she got her Frog.

"Well it's my turn"Kendall said bringing out his wand as he aimed it at the puddle.

"Come forth my partner...Ghost"Kendall said suddenly as a Eagle was shown wearing the Red Vest and Blazer. He was slightly taller than Hawk's owl

"Welcome back Bud"Kendall said as Ghost flew up to Kendall's head. He couldn't help but grin at that point.


Kendall now dressed in a Silver Prince Blazer with Black Slacks and Shoes as he grinned as he adjusted his Rolex Watch. He then heard someone as he turned around and saw the Hawk and Travis were dressed. They were in Sleeping Beauty Castle getting ready for the Wedding. Every guest has to wear Formal Clothing. Men have to wear a blazer and Women must wear a Dress and a Corsage.

"Shall we Gents?"Kendall asked them smiling.

"Let's"Hawk said as they went outside as they stepped into their Respective carriages as they went to pick up their dates.

(Cinderella Castle)

The Girls were getting ready for the wedding. They were dressed in a formal dress. Blue for Astoria. Pink for Rose and Green for Joy. They then heard a knock on the door as they went over and saw the guys were there holding a corsage.

"Hello Rose"Hawk said as he went o tver to Rose and gave her a Pink Corsage. The two went over to Hawk's Carriage.

Travis went over to Astoria and handed her a Blue Corsage as they went over to Travis carriage. Kendall approached Joy holding her corsage.

"You look Beautiful Joy"Kendall complimented her as he handed her corsage. Joy blushed as she took it.

"You look Handsome yourself Kendall"Joy said as Kendall blushed as he held his arm out.

"Shall we?"Kendall asked her as Joy took his arm.

"Lets"Joy said as she and Kendall got in his carriage as they left for the wedding.

(Scheherazade Wedding)

The three arrived as they found their seats as the wedding began. After the Wedding finished. It was time for the reception. The Group was charging happily when they saw Scheherazade walked over to them.

"How's everyone doing?"Scheherazade asked them as they smiled

"We're doing great"Astoria said to her as Scheherazade smiled at them.

"Well I need to ask a favor from Kendall"Scheherazade said to him as Kendall nodded.

"What do you need me to do?"Kendall asked the story teller

"Well I was hoping you could perform tonight. If it's alright with you?"Scheherazade asked him as Kendall looked at Joy.

"Joy If you don't mind then I would do it?"Kendall asked Joy. Joy looked at him smiling

"I don't mind"Joy said as Kendall grinned as he was about to get on stage as he grabbed a guitar. He then felt someone hold his arm as he turned and saw the Groom looking at him.

"What can i help you with?"Kendall asked him as the new Husband smiled at him.

"I need to ask a favor. I want you to sing a song about her. One that describes how I feel for her"The Groom said as Kendall grinned.

"I think I have the right song"Kendall said as he went on stage as He turned on the Mic as he looked at everyone.

"How's everyone doing?"Kendall asked them as they reacted positively.

"Well I'm gonna perform a song for the newly wed couple. This has been requested by the Husband"Kendall said grinning as he began to strum the guitar. Scheherazade looked at her husband shock as he smiled at her.

(Play Beautiful In White by Westlife)

Not sure if you know this

But when we first met

I got so nervous I couldn't speak

Kendall couldn't help but remember the moment he met Joy. He couldn't speak to her cheerfully because he was mesmerize by her. He then saw the Newly Weds began to dance as the crowd watch.

In that very moment

I found the one and

My life had found its missing piece

Kendall and Joy began to think over their feelings and realized. They found the missing piece the were finding. They found it in each other. They just continued to watch the Newly Weds dance as the crowd smiled at them.

So as long as I live I'll love you

Will have and hold you

You look so beautiful in white

And from now to my very last breath

This day I'll cherish

You look so beautiful in white


Kendall sang as he thought it over. He will gladly spend his life with Joy up to his final breath. Joy looked at Kendall as she thought the same as him.

What we have is timeless

My love is endless

And with this ring I say to the world.

They watched the Wedded Couple slow dance as Kendall and Joy thought one thing. When Kendall proposed their will love will be endless. Once they finally confess they love each other.

You're my every reason

You're all that I believe in

With all my heart I mean every word

Kendall thought of the day he would say his vows to Joy. He would mean every word. Joy couldn't help but also think of the day. She would smile as she would smile at the thought of the life she had with Kendall.

So as long as I live I'll love you

Will have and hold you

You look so beautiful in white

And from now to my very last breath

This day I'll cherish

You look so beautiful in white


You look so beautiful in white

So beautiful in white


And if our daughter's what our future holds

I hope she has your eyes

Finds love like you and I did

But when she falls in love we'll let her go

I'll walk her down the aisle

She'll look so beautiful in white

Kendall and Joy thought of the day their future daughter will have. Once they finally got together and Kendall will walk her down the aisle.

You look so beautiful in white

So as long as I live I'll love you

Will have and hold you

You look so beautiful in white

And from now to my very last breath

This day I'll cherish

You look so beautiful in white


You look so beautiful in white


Kendall finished as the crowd clapped for him and the couple as he smiled.

"Thank you guys. To the Newly Weds. I would like to wish you guys a long and happy Marriage and no matter what May your love stay strong"Kendall said to them as he went off stage and went off to the group.

The moment they saw him. They clapped as Kendall bowed playfully.

"That was amazing Kendall"Astoria complimented as Kendall smiled softly.

"Thanks. It's been a song I've been practicing on for a while"Kendall admitted to them as they nodded at him.

"Well I still think it's beautiful"Joy said as Kendall blushed.

"Thanks and knowing us. Our future will always be bright"Kendall said to them as they nodded. They then went to their respective houses to rest.


Well guys the next update will be in July. School here has officially started so updates may be slow. Until then Dragonic Demon signing out.