AN- Hey guys welcome to Chapter 6 of Alone No More: Book 2 - Spirit! Took me a minute to get this posted up and I'm sorry for that. I'm still trying to get back in the habit of writing. Now moving on, shout outs to SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta for following the story and to the quest who reviewed. You guys both rock. Now for the usual announcements, I do not own The Legend of Korra, it is a property of Nickelodeon and I only own my OCs. Now without further ado, enjoy the story and R&R. Peace ~ Deva
P.S. - I put in a small easter egg for a season of Super Sentai (aka the series that Power Rangers is based off of.) in the chapter. Let me know if you find and if you do, you're awesome.
The Sting
The Ocean – Seven Hours Earlier
A lone ship cruised swiftly against the oncoming waves to its destination. From the bridge, the captain overlooks the vessel drinking some tea that a crew member made earlier in the night. A flash of red catches the man's attention.
He sets his tea down noticing two more flashing red lights joining the first on the deck. "What in the blazes?" The boat trembles as they explode sending the crew into a frenzy of panic. A similar device is thrown onto the wall behind the captain. He manages to get a glimpse of it before jumping to the deck below as the bridge is turned into an inferno.
"We're under attack!" Four waterbenders rise out from the ocean, ambushing the ship. The waterbenders summon a tidal wave, swamping it as the crew barely made off on life boats. They watch as the boat sinks down to the depths.
"Varrick is not gonna be happy about this. Not one bit."
Republic City Police Headquarters – Present time
Mako watched on as Chief Beifong finished up questioning one of the captains. Asami entered the room, "Is it true." Mako nodded slowly frowning, "All shipments have been stolen. I'm sorry, Sami"
"Don't worry," Mako rushed out seeing Asami adopt a worried expression. "I'm going to find out whoever is doing this. Beifong just finished questioning one of the captains and is about to start on another." Mako pressed a button linked to the intercom system allowing for the two of them to listen in.
"I know you it's been a long time, but walk me through what happened." Beifong started out.
"The ship was ambushed about thirty klicks outside the harbor. Never heard them coming." replied the captain.
"Is there anything else about the attack that you can recall? Anything out of the ordinary?" Lin
asked again.
"There was one thing. The bombs detonated in a way I've never seen before. They didn't have fuses. It was like they were being activated remotely."
Mako's eyes widened, "Like the bombs at the cultural center." He turns from the interrogation walking out. "Where are you going?" "I have to go grab something from the evidence locker."
Mako left with Varrick making his entrance, "Asami, I heard the news. I can't believe they took my fifth favorite ship in the Varrick Industries fleet! Named her after my mom. Rest in peace, Rocky Bottom."
"Without the money from that shipment, Future Industries is almost broke. If this keeps happening then Future Industries will go bankrupt." Asami stated dejectedly.
Mako came back into the room, now carrying a tray with pictures of the two Agni Kais and the device they used. "Chief, I think I found a link between this case and the attack on the cultural center."
"Okay Rookie, what do you have?" Lin asked.
Mako sat the tray down and pointed to the device, "As you know from my report, during my patrol around the center, two kais came out the back and had that on them. They press a button and the center went up in flames. It sounds pretty similar with this case." He turned to captain. "Did you see anyone holding one of these?"
The captain shook his head, "No, it was too dark and with the attack happening I was too busy trying to make sure that my crew made it to the life boats."
"That makes trying to see if you can identify the two in the pictures pointless." Mako sighed angrily.
"This is turning into the only plausible lead we have in both cases. Miss Sato, Mr. Varrick, I would like to discuss something with you." Beifong asked, opening the door.
The two walked into the room as the captain left, "As it stands right now, we're at a dead stop on both cases. All the captains' accounts sound the same, and as Mako pointed out the only constant in all of this is that the explosions were detonated remotely as was the attack on the center."
"Now with that in mind, I would like both of you to allow me to run a sting operation. Dummy cargo loaded with my men and I. Mako will be in disguise as security on the boat to run as patrol. We could close both cases by apprehending the culprits."
Asami nodded determinedly, "Let's go for it."
"I love being in on things. I'm in for sure." Varrick said in his usual way of over the top fashion.
Beifong nodded, "We should probably see if the Avatars can help in this. Could always use the muscle."
"Can't Chief, they're out of town. Went to the Fire nation to get support."
"Well, I guess we'll have to make due with who we have. Mako, you're dismissed. I contact you all when we're ready to to proceed with the sting."
Outside the Station
Mako and Asami made their way outside and were about to part ways when Mako spoke, "Asami, I think we need to talk."
"Can it not wait till later?" Asami asked.
"And when will that be? Tomorrow? Next week?" Mako voiced his frustration.
Asami Huffed, "And what do you mean by that?" "I mean we're a couple that barely spends time with each other." Mako sighed after raising his voice as Asami was taken aback.
"I'm sorry about yelling. But I just think that you're this amazingly brilliant girl and I love you a lot it's just… we've grown apart since I became a cop and with you trying to bring your company back we drifted apart."
Asami is silent for a moment before speaking, "Are… are you breaking up with me?"
Mako nodded sadly, "I love you a lot, Asami. Don't forget that but I just don't feel like it's right to keep going like this. It's not right to you or to me. I think we need to take a break and get our lives in order. I mean with this case and your company in it's current state, it's just to chaotic and lets not forget the war. I hope someday we can pick up where we left off, but I think for the moment could we be friends?"
Asami sighed out, "I guess I see what you mean. We never tried to spend more time with each other with how our lives are going. Friends?"
Asami gave him a peck on the cheek, "You're a good person, Mako. I hope that someday we can make this work."
She left and Mako sat down on the bench, looking at the city around him for a moment of peace. "I hope so too."
Southern Water Tribe – Spirit Portal
The spirit portal was now fortified with a surrounding wall and watchtowers with 24/7 patrols by Northern soldiers. Unalaq didn't want anyone getting in or anything getting out.
"Where is he?"
"Father said he would meet us at this location, sister. He'll be here." Desna responded in his usual cold tone as Unalaq stepped out of the spirit portal. "Were you just in the Spirit World?"
Unalaq disregarded the question with his own, "Never mind that. Where are the Avatars?"
Eska growled, "They were in our grasp until a dark spirit attacked them."
"They're out of control." Desna added.
"You didn't get them?" A deep rage found it's place in Unalaq's voice.
"The Avatars are dead." Eska stated solemnly.
Unalaq's rage vanished and was replaced with disappointment. The Avatars are dead. Those four words left the man speechless. He thought it as some cruel joke, but Unalaq knew his children and they joked about something so serious.
Fate was diverted.
Republic City – Theater
The Theater was packed as the mover started up with "Nuktuk" hiding behind a mound of snow near a foreboding castle. "We finally made it. Now, we must stop the evil Unalaq and whatever wicked scheme he enacts." The crowd cheers at the scene.
The scene changes to show "Unalaq". It was safe to say that Varrick didn't even really try find someone that could pass off as a water tribe citizen, much less someone that could look like Unalaq. "The Southern Water Tribe is mine. Next, I will conquer the world with my waterbending doomsday device!" The crowd sent jeers of disapproval while throwing popcorn at the screen.
Who would have thought the only people to enjoy this would be kids. To be fair there were some adults there too. The film goes on to show "Juji the snow raccoon" and "Roh-Tan the arctic panda", who are really Naga and Pabu with make-up on for the film.
A montage starts with the narrator singing a song as it shows "Nuktuk" using his "waterbending" to fight off some northern soldiers. The "waterbending" being that Bolin would do some dance-like moves and water would appear off screen to hit the soldiers. This film obviously had a very large budget.
The montage comes to a close as Nuktuk socks Evil Unalaq in the face knocking him off balance and with the hero standing next to Juji and Roh-Tan with a grin on his face. The crowd whoops out happily enjoying the sequence.
Up in a V.I.P. booth sat Bolin, Varrick, and Ginger, who Bolin might or might not have been hitting on and was failing miserably at it. Varrick smiled at the scene in front of him, seeing the people enamored by his mover.
"Bolin, look up there. What do you see?"
"Is this a trick question? I didn't study for it." Ginger shook her head disapprovingly before going back to the playing with her hair.
"I'll tell you what I see: a star being born. You're a star. People love stars. Stars tell them how to act or what to think. Bolin, have you ever tried to force monkey marmot to ride a bicycle."
Bolin thought it over for moment, "Uh.. not that I can remember."
Varrick laughed, "Of course you haven't. You can't force monkey marmots to do anything. They've got to want do it themselves!"
"Right..." Bolin had no idea where he was going with this.
"With these movers, we'll have the support of the people, and before long, they'll persuade the president to his troops to the war effort. Bing bang boom, done!" Varrick explained excitedly before turning his attention back to the mover.
Back on the screen, a detained Ginger was escorted to the throne room where Evil Unalaq was waiting. Nuktuk made his dramatic entrance claiming that he would stop Evil Unalaq schemes and save his love. He defeats the guards with his waterbending dance. Evil Unalaq was unimpressed and sent in the rest of his guards.
Nuktuk made short work dispatching the guards with his waterbending dance and a swift strike of a spear. Two more guards sneakily approach him from behind and toss a net on him, capturing him.
"It's no use to try and fight, Nuktuk. My anti-energy net makes bending impossible!" Laugh Evil Unalaq as Nuktuk struggled under the net's influence over dramatically. The crowd cheers out a standing ovation for the mover as the credit rolls leaving a cliffhanger.
Bolin grins, "Wow. We got some major chemistry on-screen. Am I right?"
"Yeah. On-screen." Ginger scoffed and left with Bolin following after her, desperately trying to go out with her. Zhu Li approached Varrick, "It appears that your first mover has gotten great reception."
"Great, we'll get over to the set later. Right now, that weird rash from last month is back and I need you to do the thing." Zhu Li nodded and the two departed from the theater.
Ocean- Dummy Ship- Late Night
The sting operation was underway as Mako patrolled along the ship in his security get-up. After a couple of laps around the ship, he saw a shadow person make a turn around the corner. Mako called out, "Excuse me, you're trespassing. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." When he shone the light on the person he was stunned. "Asami? What are you doing here."
"I have to be here to see this through, Mako." Asami stated persistently. "I know how awkward this is after the break up, but we both agreed to it. So come on and lets patrol the ship."
Mako shook his head defeated, "Ok, but you have to make a promise that this stays between us. If Drew found out about this, he'd let me hear the end of it. You know he still makes fun of me for when I was on parking duty."
Asami giggled light much to his dismay, "Come on Asami, not you too"
Asami stop laughing for a minute, "I'm sorry, it's just that sounds like something he would do." Her face saddened after a moment. "I must be a horrible friend. I haven't really spent time with everyone, save for a couple times we went out to eat at Narook's."
"No you're not. Everyone knows how much your company means to you. They're still your friends." Mako corrected making Asami smile. "For now lets just patrol the boat. Together."
The two walked off, "I hope Korra and Drew are okay."
"Me too."
Some Time Later
After a couple hours of patrolling the two stop and lean over the railing. "I don't get it. This is usually the time my ships are attacked. What makes this time any different." Asami asked befuddled.
Mako pondered for moment before his eyes widened in realization, "The boat isn't their target!"
Mako and Asami sprinted down to the cargo hold and Mako beat on the container doors, "Chief! Chief, this ship their mark. I think they're gonna try and go after the contents of the warehouse."
The door swung open with Beifong having a small smirk on her face, "You thought right, kid. That's why I stationed some men at the warehouse. Piece of advice, rookie. You have to take all possible targets into consideration when going into a sting op. Can't put all your ostrich horse eggs in one basket."
Beifong arched an eyebrow at Asami, "Ms. Sato, I would question why you're here, but keeping in mind the group your apart of it's not necessarily something I didn't account for."
Asami breathed a sigh of relief before continuing, "But let it be known that the only reason you're not in hand cuffs is the service you did defending the city. Keep that in mind the next time you decide to interfere in an investigation without consulting me first."
Beifong brushed past the two radioing to the captain to turn the ship around and head back to port.
Harbor – Hour later
Varrick pulled up in a luxury automobile as a multiple gang members were being loaded up into armored transport vehicles. The gangsters in question from the Triple Threats Triad including Viper, Two-Toed Ping, and Shady Shin. They all sent their own assorted glares at Mako while they were being loaded into a truck.
Beifong talked with Asami while the walking over to the warehouse entrance as the metalbenders left out of it after checking to make sure everything was there and accounted for. "Now just because we caught these thugs doesn't mean this is a shut and closed case. I recommend that you increase securi-"
The warehouse exploded unleashing a searing inferno as debris from the building was launched high into the air. The explosion sent those too close to it flying as the flames started to grow larger. Thinking quickly, Mako jumped in front of the blast and started to tame the fire making it dissipate harmlessly.
But it wasn't over yet. The other warehouses started to simultaneously blow up, one by one. The dark night sky was set ablaze as the conflagration raged wildly as Beifong radioed for medical personnel and fire department, while helping up some of her men that got knocked around by the initial explosion.
Asami sank to her knees, her eyes filled with hopelessness as what was supposed to help save her company was bathed in fire and destroyed. All her hard work gone burned away. "Its gone...all gone. It's over."
"Aww flameo!" Varrick strolled over sucking his teeth as he watched the buildings burn. "I think I left my second favorite winter jacket in warehouse 38-TQG. Darn, that was my favorite party jacket too. I'll just have Zhu LI commission another one."
Mako stepped to the side as Beifong began to bark orders to get the gangsters back to the station for immediate questioning.
"The plan was solid! Beifong's men couldn't have been late. Someone must have came earlier and planted them." Mako rationalized as the gears in his head started turning. "But how would they know she wouldn't have more men. Unless someone knew about the plan and had access to it."
Mako paused at that thought, "Access to the bombs and knew the plan from the start."
Next Day – Movie Set
Mako walked around aimlessly waiting on Bolin to come back from "dressing" or whatever he called it. "I really think Bo is letting this mover stuff get to his head." Mako thought watching members of the cast and crew scramble around changing the set to match the scene they were trying to shoot.
He just got out of the precinct after watching Beifong question the Triple Threats non-stop since getting back from the scene of the explosions. All they could scrap up was that they were hired to blow up the warehouses by an unknown party. Viper wouldn't say anything other than that or ask for his lawyer.
"Well, bro. How do I look" Mako turned around to see Bolin in a revealing fur vest that fell to his sides and Blue short shorts. Mako had to hold a hand to his mouth to stifle any laughs that would escape from his throat.
After finally getting himself back under control, much to Bolin's chargin. "Thats what they make you wear for these things? You look like you'd actually freeze to death if you were actually in the South."
"Hey to you too, Mako. Yeah this is the uniform my hero wears. Makes me feel empowered when I put this." The younger bending bro defended confidently posing his hands on his hips flashing a bright smile.
"Yeah empowering, cool. Where's Varrick. I gotta talk to him about something." Mako quickly changing the topic away from Bolin's "hero" costume.
Bolin mulled over the question for a moment, "Yeah, I think he said something about heading back to the office." Bolin's mouth curved into a smirk. "Hey before you go I want you to check out this cool thing that Varrick thought up."
"What is it?" Mako asked as Bolin lead them over to a pyrotechnics technician.
Bolin leaned over the demolition man, "Show him the thing."
The technician smiled and pulled out a small remote from a box case, showing it to Mako. The device was similar- no almost identical to the one Mako had in the evidence locker back at the precinct. "Neat, ain't it? It's a Varrick Industries exclusive. Here watch."
A few minutes passed as the set hushed and the technician pressed the button on the remote resulting in a couple of small explosions destroying the fake castle that was constructed for the one scene. To anyone else on the set, it was a fire work show, but to Mako the explosion was all he needed to see.
"Varrick." Mako exhaled quietly before turning to Bolin. "I have to go, bro."
He left quickly leaving a confused Bolin. It only lasted for a moment before Ginger walked by grabbing his attention before he took to try (and fail) to woo her. Poor girl.
Sato Estate – Asami's Office
Mako rushed into the room almost slamming the door as he entered the room, "Asami I think I got positive lead on who hired the Triple Threats."
A chair in front of the ornate desk swiveled to reveal Varrick with a sly smirk adorned on his face, "Hello, Mako."
"What're you doing here?" Mako asked cautiously.
Asami stood up, smiling broadly, "He just saved my company. Varrick bought a controlling interest in Future Industries. Isn't that great!?"
Varrick leaned back into his chair with a smug look on his face, "Yep, I like to think I'm always there to stand up for the little guy. Especially, if that little guy can help this guy become an even bigger guy."
"So what were you saying, Mako? You think you know who hired the Triple Threats?" Asami questioned brightly feeling no more stress with Varrick now helping her further.
"Yeah, and I'm real close to proving it." Mako stated confidently, shooting a glance to a smirking Varrick. "I'll fill you in later, 'kay?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Lateroni, Mako." Varrick called out as Mako exited the room.
Location Unknown
The ocean was calm as a soft breeze swept across the beach as three tribesmen loomed over Korra as she rejoined the world of the living. Shocked and scared, she sends an arc of air directed at the sages, but was to weak to keep on her feet. She lets out exhausted pants as she sags down to her knees.
"It's okay, we're here to help you, Avatar Korra." reassured one of the sages.
"Who's- who's "Avatar Korr-" A scream cuts her off as more tribesmen surrounded another body.
"Everything is fine now, Avatar Miche-" The tribesman is interrupted as the Drew uses all his strength to barrel past the group that encircled him.
"Who the hell are you people?! Get away." He screamed trying to create a water whip only for him to drop as in exhaustion. The water whip splashing down harmlessly on the sand. The tribesmen try again to help him up, this with out resistance from the male Avatar.
"Rest easy now, Avatar Michael. We'll help you and Avatar Korra to the best of our abilities." The names catching the younger male's attention.
"Who's "Avatar Micheal and Avatar Korra"?" He heaved out the question tired before passing out once more.
The tribesmen look to each other in apprehension before turning back to Korra, "What happened to the both of you? How did you end up on our Island?"
Korra's dart around as if trying to find the answer in the sand, "I… don't know. I can't remember anything."
She muttered those last words before she sighs and loses consciousness again leaving the tribesmen to wonder what could have done this to the Avatars. They resolve that they must move them back to the temple to see what is afflicting them.
The sages pick them both in teams of two before heading down the beaten path to the temple as the sun shone brightly upon the tropical island.
But in both of the Avatars' minds, a single word, a single name circulated and would not stop.