Renesme's POV

I don't remember much except for leaving the airport and the rain. So much rain. I grabbed a cab and asked him to take me to the nearest hotel. When we got there it looked really familiar, but it was a house. "I said hotel" " this is a bed and breakfast. The closest thing to a hotel this town has" "oh" so I got out and found a wallet in my pocket, it had my picture in it so I assumed it was mine. I gave him a ten and then I grabbed my two suitcases and walked inside the B and B.

Charlie's POV

Even though no one came I kept it open. after renesme got kidnapped I started drinking... a lot, then I got fired. So I turned my house into a BB.

Renesme's POV

When I walked in the man at the desk looked up at me. He had black hair he looked around 60. "Name?" He asked while he was reading the town newspaper. I took out my ID card and said "renesme" he looked up at me like he saw a ghost. "Right this way" he said With a weirdly big smile.

Bella's POV

We were in the middle of hunting when I got a call. " dad? What's going on? You never call."

" I found her." As soon as he said those words I shut my phone and took off. As soon as we got to forks we went to our old house.

Renesme's POV

I heard a knock on the door. "Hello?" Once I saw her face it all came flooding back ...