In that ally she catches up with some feral dogs, she is of coursed spooked which is understandable as she is trapped and doesn't know her way around. However she ends up going to Tramps neck of the woods, Tramp gets there in time and rescues Lady from the feral dogs. They put up a big fight but Tramp is a better fighter than they think. The feral dogs run quickly away from Tramp. Tramp catches his breath and turns back to Lady.

"Hey Pidg. What are you doing on this side of the tracks? I thought-*she comes out showing her muzzle* Oh you poor kid, we got to get this thing off, I think I know the very place, Cmon," says Marlin.

He takes her leash leading her to the zoo.

"Well, here we are," says Marlin.

"The zoo?"


Tramp leads her into a safer way, she gets a closer look and stops seeing a No Dogs Allowed sign.

"What's the matter, Pidg?"

"We can't go in."

"Why not?"

"Well the sign says-"

"Well that's the angle."


"We'll just wait for the right-uh oh here he goes, just lay low."

Tramp distracts the guard, and makes him think that Tramp belongs to the man. The man and the guard get into it. Tramp has Lady sneak in during the commotion. He shows her around the place going over to all the alligator. He saves Lady from being ate by an alligator, then a tree.

"TIMBER!" yells Charlie.

They look for the culprit and find a beaver, they head down to the beaver.

"Pardon me friend, I was wondering if you would do us a little-" starts Marlin.

"Busy sonny! Busy! Can't stop to gossip now. Gotta get this sycamore over to the swamp," says Charlie.

"Well this will only take a second of your time," says Marlin.

"Only a second?! Listen sonny, you realize every second 77 centimeters of water is wasted over by that water way?!" asks Charlie.

"Yeah but-" starts Marlin.

"Gotta get this log moving, sonny," says Charlie.

He tries pushing the log with all his might. Tramp gets an idea, he convinces the beaver that Lady's muzzle is a log puller. The beaver takes Lady's muzzle off of Lady. Tramp and Lady trick him kind of, the "log puller" does it's job as they said it would. Tramp decides to take Lady out for dinner after the day she had. Lady explains to him what happened, and Tramp tells her he understands and blames it on having only one family.

"Have you ever had a family?" asks Dory.

"One for every day of the weak, now they help me," says Marlin.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," says Dory.

Tramp smells dinner and leads Lady around saying that he has different names going to get food every day of the week.

"Hey Tony's! A very special place for a very special occasion, this way Pidg, I have my own special entrance," says Marlin.

They go to the back of the alley where Tramp gets the chef's attention. He shows Tony to Lady, where Tony tells him to settle down with Lady. They set up a special table with some spaghetti with meatballs. They set it up where they sing to the cute couple, they share the spaghetti getting distracted by the music they don't realize that they grab a piece of spaghetti together. They end up kissing happily, Tramp pushes the last meatball over to Lady with his nose. The evening is very enchanting for Lady, she has the best night of her life. They also have a wonderful walk through wet cement in the park where they put their paws inside of a pre-made heart. They spend the night together happily. The next morning, Tramp convinces Lady to chase chickens on her way home, but things go wrong and Lady ends up going to the pound.

"You know there is a little bit of bird dog in us, right Pidg? Pidg?" calls Marlin

He turns around and sees that Lady is nowhere to be found, he gets scared. He starts looking everywhere calling for her not knowing where she is. In the meantime at the pound, the pound dogs are singing sadly. There is old dogs and little dogs nand baby puppies that owners didn't want anymore. They stop singing to check how the hole to escape is coming. They stop everything when Lady is brought in, sent into number four. Two dogs crowd her but Peg jumps in and stops them.

"Alright alright, lay off will ya?" asks Deb.

"Oh what's the matter Peg?" asks Gurgle.

"We were just having a sport we was," chims in Bloat.

"Can't you see the poor kid is scared enough already?" asks Deb.

"Pay no attention to them," says Jaques.

"That's right dearie they don't mind no harm," says Deb.

"It's like Gorky says in law of Babbitt's quote: 'Miserable being must find more miserable being and then he happy.' end quote," says Jaques.

"Boris is a philosopher," explains Deb.

"Besides little boobilski wearing license here that is like waving you should excuse the expression a red flag in front of wolves," says Jaques.

"My licence? But what's wrong with it?" asks Dory.

"There ain't nothing wrong with it dearie," says Deb.

"A confidential is that one dog here would not give a left hind leg for such a click-clack," says Jaques.

"Lety you passport to freedom honey, without it-" starts Deb.

That is when they hear clanking.

"Hey, hey hey you guys look poor Nutsy is takin' the long walk.." says Gurgle.

"Where is he taking him?" asks Dory.

"To the one way door sister…" says Gurgle, sadly.

"You mean he's…" says Dory.

The one dog nods and they start talking about Tramp about how he never gets caught.

"You won't believe this dearie, but no matter how tight a jam he's in that Tramp always finds his way out," says Deb.

"I can easily believe that," says Dory.

"Now remember my friends even tramps has his Achilles heel," says Jaques.

Boris has to explain to his little friend what he means, in this meaning all of Tramp's exs.

"What a dog," says Deb.

"Yeah tell us about it, Peg," says Gurgle.

"What a dog," says Deb.

"Peg used to be in the dog and pony follies," explains Bloat.

"He's a tramp, but they love him. Breaks a new heart every 's a tramp, they adore him. And I only hope he'll stay that 's a tramp, he's a 's a rounder, he's a cad. He's a tramp, but I love him. Yes, even I have got it pretty can never tell when he'll show up. He gives you plenty of trouble. I guess he's just a no 'count pup. But I wish that he were 's a tramp, he's a there's nothing more to say. If he's a tramp, he's a good one
And I wish that I could travel his that I could travel his way. Wish that I could travel his way, If he's a tramp he's a good one. And I wish that I could travel his way.. I wish I could travel his way. Wish I could travel his way," sings Deb.

They wish that he would find someone to calm him down, they think that Lady is that dog to do it but also don't think so. That is when Lady gets picked up by Aunt Sarah who ties her outside in the doghouse. Jock, Destiny and Trusty come to talk to Lady evening offering their places but Lady declines. Tramp comes to apologize but they all four ignore him. Jock, Destiny, and Trusty leaves and Tramp tries to explain what happened. Lady gets upset at the mention of the pound.

"Who could ever harm a cute little trick like you?" asks Marlin

"Trick? Trick?! That reminds me, who is Trixie?!" asks Dory.

"Trixie?" asks Marlin.

"Trixie and Lulu and Fifi and Rosita Chiquita whatever her name is," says Dory, angrily.

"Ch-*starmers* Oh oh! Yes I-" starts Marlin.

"As far as I am concerned you can worry about your own heel!" says Dory.

"My heel?"

He starts backing up as Lady comes out and corners him kind of.

"I don't need you to shower and protect me!"

"Yes but but-"

"I don't care if you are careless and don't blame me, I don't care if the chiquitas pick you up! Goodbye! And take this with you!" says Dory, she kicks the bone at Tramp.

Lady starts crying, Tramp stops for a second but starts leaving not wanting to bother her. Tramp doesn't make it far away when a rat scampers into the yard, Lady tries to make the rat go away but can't because she is stuck on the leash. Tramp hears Lady barking, and makes his way back to Lady.

"What's the matter, Pidg?"

"A rat?"

"In the babies room!"

"How do I get in?"

"The little door on the poarch."

Tramp hurries up the poarch and goes up the stairs. He finds the rat hiding in the babies room. He goes in to scare the rat away in protection of the baby. The rat and Tramp fight scampering with each other. Lady barks louder managing to break the chain she heads inside to help Tramp. The rat climbs up the crib which Tramp gets the rat away but in the process knocks over the crib on accident. Aunt Sarah comes in misunderstanding that Tramp saved the baby from a rat. Aunt Sarah locks Lady in the basement and Tramp in the closet. Darling and Jim Dear get back in time to see that Tramp is taken to the pound thinking that he attacked the baby. Jim lets Lady out, Lady shows them the rat. Jock, Destiny, and Trusty are nearby when they hear what happened. The three of them decide to rescue Tramp from going to the pound and his ultimate demise. Jock and Destiny follow Trusty as he uses his nose to find the truck. Trusty surprises them when he finds the scent before losing it again. He finds it again and the hunt is on again. Tramp hears howling and looks up, and sees the three of them.

"Now Destiny stay low! Don't move!" says Bailey.

"What about you?!" asks Destiny.

"We will be fine lass, stay here!" orders Hank.

She stays low while the two go nipping at the carriage. Rain happens and they end up tripping. Jim Dear and Darling hurry to try to stop it, they see the accident and Lady gets out quickly running to the back.

"Hi Pidg," says Marlin.

There is whining and Lady hurries over to the accident where she sees Destiny nudging Trusty with Jock. They cry sadly, after a few months, Tramp is the new dog for Jim Dear and Darling. Also, Lady and Tramp is blessed with three dogs that look like Lady and one that looks like Tramp. Jock happily only got a broken paw out of the accident, he, Destiny and Jock come to see the new puppies.

"No doubt about it, they have their mother's eyes," says Bailey.

"I, but there is a bit of their father in them, well I see you finally acquired a collar," says Hank.

"Oh..yes, complete with license," says Marlin.

"Oh yes, I smelled it a mile a way. Trusty, I say somebody is wearing a new collar. Of course my sense of smell is highly developed," says Bailey.

"There is no living with him for now on," says Hank.

"As my grandpappy, Ole Reliable,I don't rectalect if I ever mentioned Ole Reliable before," says Bailey.

"No you haven't Uncle Trusty," says the puppies.

"I haven't? Well as Ole Reliable would say...he would say...hmm..done gone it, I dun forgot what he used to say," says Bailey.

The End