Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars.

"Master Windu!"

Mace Windu peered towards where he heard himself being addressed. He was surprised to see Anakin Skywalker approach him with a solemn look - and with Chancellor Palpatine in tow.

"What is it, young Skywalker?" Windu asked.

Stopping before the Jedi Master, Anakin glanced at Palpatine. He was still in shock to learn that the powerful old man side him was in fact a Sith Lord. Having realised he was the enemy the Jedi Council had been looking for the whole time, the young Jedi was determined to hand him over to the council.

"The chancellor has something he would like to confess," Anakin said.

Windu turned towards Palpatine with a puzzled look. "What is it?"

"Well go on, Chancellor..." The youth nudged the old man with his arm, a stern glint in his eye. "Tell him what you are!"

Palpatine turned towards the young Jedi, looking very pathetic as he tried to get him to not make him do what he was ordering. "Anakin, please..."


Everyone around Anakin jumped in fright as he exploded at the top of his lungs, in no room for the Chancellor repeating what he had just confessed to him a few moments ago.

"Alright, Anakin, alright..." The old man raised his hands up in defeat. "I shall tell him..."

Feeling Anakin's eyes burning into him like lightsabers, Palpatine met Windu's, taking in all the confusion that filled them over what he had to say.

Palpatine sighed, then closed his eyes as prepared to confess the terrible truth about his true identity.

"I am..."

Anakin edged closely, listening with baited breath.

"I am..."

Mace Windu braced himself to hear something truly horrible from the old man.

"I am..."

Everyone in the room surrounded Palpatine, Ready to hear what he was about confess about himself which would reveal the kind of person he reveal about himself.

"I am..."


Right at that moment, Palpatine's eyes shot open as a deep glare crossed his face, directing it at Mace Windu as the way Anakin was pushing him around drove him to change the words of his revelation at the last minute.

"I am - the Senate!"

The end.