Just a heads up this is a very short one, maybe two shot crack ship. I love my crack ships btws, Nalu is hella overraded. Plus Natsu is a complete and total moron in my opinion and who needs that shit in their lives. Also warning, never written anything like this... hope I do it justice.

Lucy could not even begin to wrap her head around how this could possibly happen. Of all the situations and problems Team Natsu seems to drop in her lap this by has to be the worst.

It was only supposed to be a simple body guarding job, a Duchess and her son across the borders of Seven for a gathering between her son and a potential bride and the son disappears in the middle of an attack from bandits. And of course, of course she was on body guard duty for the teen because of his own wishes. It was her fault Natsu literally grabbed her from the fight and shut her in the carriage with the duchess! Going off about how she recently broke her arm and he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

In doing so the flaming bastard had lost her ward! Either completely forgetting about him or just not paying attention due to the fighting, and now the magic counsel and the duchess were faulting her that the teen had gone missing. It has been two weeks and still no word, so now she was to stand trail of all things. Her, her! The one who follows the rules the most and does her best to keep her team mates in check. What a load of bull!

So yesterday while she was minding her own business at a book shop in Crocus because they were the only place that had the new book in a series she was dying to get, she is snatched up. Right there by Lahar and his lackies. Her team and guild more than likely have no idea, because she was on her own personal mini vacation. First day in too.

And apparently this isn't a big enough problem to be trailed by the whole magic counsel oh no, just by Lahar in a dingy drab interrogation room like some criminal! Which apparently the duchess is trying to make her out to be since her son is still not found, yet the ditches knows Lucy was literally locked in the carriage with her due to the melted door. The team searched for a steady week even with the help of local authorities and nothing! They weren't getting paid for the escort or hunting down the son. So they couldn't do more, plus Natsu couldn't even find a sent trail. Then Seven kicked them out saying they had no purpose there and had to leave!

Lucy adjusts in the cold uncomfortable steel chair, blowing her bangs out of her face since her hand are literally shackled to the god damn table.

The only sound in the empty room is her breathing and the occasion rattle of the chains as she attempts to get more comfortable. Lahar hasn't shown his stupid face since they locked her to the table and slammed the door behind themselves. Trying the silence tactic as if she would break however there's nothing for her to confess to! They already asked everyone the questions got all the testimonials. Why her!?

Lucy sighs making direct eye contact with the black glass on the wall across from her. Keeping her gaze steady she calls with a stern voice.

"Lahar, get in here I'm not waiting all day for you."

Her patience has worn thin, they uprooted her from one of her favorite places on false accusations long after the boy had gone missing where there is literally nothing they could do after being kicked out of the country. Her back was sore from the uncomfortable chair, her butt numb, even her wrists her starting to rub from the hard metal. They already had her sit her for at least two hours. Her award winning personality and attention span were wearing out.

Surprisingly enough not even a minute letter the door behind her cracks open, she didn't even bother to look back.

"How kind of you to join me Lahar, sit please." She demands.

The chair across from her is pulled out by a slightly hesitant looking Lahar.

'Oh interesting.' She thinks.

"Now tell me why the hell I am here."

She watches his Adam's apple bob before he slightly opens his mouth, seeming to fight with himself for the words.

"Miss Heartfilia,"

"Lucy, you will call me Lucy." She corrects. Lahar swallows before licking his lips and continuing.

"Ahh yes Miss Lucy, you are here under the accusation of purposely loosing duchess Wenccch's son."

"On what grounds?" She asks right away.

"On the grounds of her testimony and the unsuccessful hunt of her only son."

"Now Lahar That does not seems like enough evidence to me in order to shackle and lock me up in here. Not only are you impoperly holding a suspect in accordance to article B-12 of the Magnolia law, but also attempting to use confessing tactics on an improperly accused person. You know this and yet your risk your job for that of a duchess who holds not real power in our country? Just what are you wanting to get out of this meeting hmm...Tell me." Lucy commands.

Once agin she notices him struggle with himself, another swallow this time followed by a slight fidget with the cuff of his uniform. 'This will do nicely' She things. 'This is can definitely work with' She fights with the smirk trying to take over her face.

"Oh Lahar..." She song-songs nice and slow.

This time he looks away and takes in a small ragged breathe.

'Almost there love, just a bit more and he will be putting in your hands.'

"Look at me when I am speaking to you." She states.

Lahar slowly turns back to face her. Lucy leans for ward over the small table inbetween them, unconsciously making her boobs almost fall out of her revealing shirt. She sees the light dusting of pink slowly edge up the collar of his uniform.

Speaking low and commanding she says.

"Be a dear and inshackle me won't you, now perhaps." She bites her lower lip.

Slightly trembling the man before her almost robotically against his will takes the keys from his coat pocket. Slightly trailing his fingertips across her wrists as he goes to unlock them. Quickly looking up into her eyes just to look away knowing she saw exactly what he was doing by the smirk on her face and glint in her eyes.

So this will def be a two shot! How exciting I like commanding Lucy, it makes everything more exciting. And who doesn't like the idea of stick up his ass Lahar bending to her every whim by just commanding him to do so. Oh people can be so full of surprises. On another note I have a really really exciting project in the works something I have never read anything similar to and it's making me all happy thinking about it. Anyways, let me know what you think or feel. Lots of love. Write on!