"She was supposed to come from in front of us!" Kuwabara complained.

"We'll work around that," Kurama replied as he glared at her.

Miori said, "I don't think so." She created an energy frequency that turn's Kurama's eyes red as he became enraged. Hiei held his head as a migraine overcame him. He took a step backwards and revealed the trap they had set, a large hole in the ground. He fell into it and laid on the ground, in pain.

"Kurama snap out of it!" Yusuke demanded as he held his shoulders.

Kurama glared at him, knocked him down easily and took out his rose whip. "Kurama!" Kuwabara shouted nervously. He started to run away. As Kurama started to run after him he also fell into the hole and towered over Hiei.

Yusuke stood back up and shot a spirit blast at her. She moved her frequencies to it and he jumped out of the way, avoiding a hit but landing directly on Kurama. "You know what," Miori said, "I have a trope for you, it's one of the most overused fanfiction ones there is." A large blast of energy encased all of them as Kuwabara stood on the edge of the hole. Then she flew away in an instant.

Yusuke started to sit back up and said, "Kurama, are you okay? Hey my clothes got bigger!"

Kuwabara asked from the top of the hole, "We're all little kids! I looked like this when I 9-years-old!"

"I'm also about 9," Kurama said as he sat up, "and fine now. Hiei."

Hiei shook his head and struggled to stand in oversized clothes. "Now what happened?" he demanded, then looked down at himself. "I look like I did when I was 8." He look off his headband that was falling over his eyes and realized he didn't have the jagan anymore.

Kurama stood up, easily a head taller than Hiei, and said, "We have to get out of here."

"I can't make my spirit sword!" Kuwabara complained.

"I don't have any spirit energy!" Yusuke shouted frantically.

"Hold on," Kurama said, "first let me get us out of here." He took a seed out of his now short hair and slowly started making a vine that turned into the shape of a ladder.

Hiei jumped out easily before he finished. As the others climbed out of the hole Kurama said, "We need help. There's no way we can defeat her now."

"No kidding," Kuwabara said, "your energy is pathetic now."

"At least he has energy," Hiei replied. He created a small orange fire on his arm, then smothered it.

"I thought your fire was purple and black," Kuwabara replied.

"The jagan tainted it," he explained, "before I got it my fire was orange."

Yusuke asked, "Where are we supposed to go for help?"

"You should have come to me sooner," Genkai said as she addressed them all from her porch.

Yusuke said, "Listen grandma, we thought we could handle this!"

"Don't back talk me you brat!" she shouted, "Listen. I have an idea. We have to lure Miori out again. Have anymore of that incense?" She looked at Kurama as he nodded.

"It's you again?" Miori asked as he flew down to them again. "You just don't know when to give up!"

Genkai shouted, "Ji jan wa sen!" A blast of energy appeared between her hands and she threw it at Miori. It turned into a new in midair and trapped her.

Yusuke demanded, "Change us back!"

Reluctantly she sent a light toward then through the energy net she was in and changed them back to their original ages. "Back to normal!" Kuwabara said, "I don't know about you Hiei, you still look like a kid."

Yusuke asked, "That's all it took? Just some chanting and creating an energy net around her?"

"Chaos demons aren't very crafty," she answered, "just annoying to deal with."

"Let me out of here!" Miori demanded, "I was just having some fun! Come on!" She tried to fight the net but to no avail.

Yusuke said, "You're going back to spirit world." He grabbed the net and started pulling her along.

After everything was put back to normal, they celebrated at Genkai's temple. Hiei stayed outside in a tree and looked in, unsure of what to do or what to say. "Now that mess is over," Yusuke said.

"Yukina!" Kuwabara shouted as she entered the room.

"Is that chaos demon gone yet?" she asked, "I've never felt so angry in my life."

"Yeah, yeah," he explained, motioning her over, "listen when we were fighting that Miori girl she changed us into what we'd look like if we were born girls and you'd never believe it!"

She walked over to him and asked, "What? Did you look like Shizuru?"

"Sort of," he remembered, "but Hiei looked just like you! And he had ice powers and stuff, just like you!"

She looked outside and said, "Really?"

Kurama said, "Yukina, Hiei's outside now if you want to talk to him."

"Is no one freaking out that they're related?!" Kuwabara shouted, "Wait a minute, Hiei said in his worse nightmare thing that he killed his sister...right? Wait!" Yukina ran outside.

"Kuwabara," Kurama said as he was starting to get up, "It's not our place."

Yukina stopped and looked up at Hiei as he sat in a tree above her head. "Hiei," she said, "what happened today?"

"Didn't Kuwabara already tell you?" he asked as he looked away from her.

"I'd like to hear it from you," she replied, "what happened today? Will you come down here and face me?"

She did ask, he thought as he jumped down to the ground and stood in front of her. "A chaos demon was on the loose earlier and I tried to help defeat her. She was so annoying with her stupid tropes."

Yukina asked, "What did she do?"

Hiei looked her over and said, "She genderbent us."

"Kazuma told me about that," she said, "and he said you looked like an ice maiden." Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. "I think I knew the truth about you all along, but I was too afriad to get close. You didn't seem to know I was your sister so I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure how much you knew, or if you even knew you were born in ice world."

"I knew," Hiei confessed, "that chaos demon also forced us to face our worst fears."

"Oh?" she asked, "What was yours?"

"An adverse reaction from you," he said slowly, "knowing who I was to you."

Yukina hugged him tight before he could move out of the way and said, "Of course not, Hiei. My biggest fear is that you'd hate me for being an ice maiden...just like the women who left you for dead and drove our mother to suicide." She released him and waited for his reaction.

"No," he said, "I don't hate you. That whole experience made me realize we can't control how we look."

"I'm glad I finally know the truth!" she replied happily.

"Hn," he said.

"Want to celebrate with us?" she asked as she held his hand. He nodded and followed her inside to the temple.

The End