Anna found him standing up in the middle of the back yard, looking up at the sky.
"I've been looking for you for ages - and just what are you doing standing there in this chill? You'll get sick!" It was the beginning of winter, and cold breezes that announced the coming of the white time of the year were common.
Yoh didn't seem to pay attention to her. "Yoh, are you listening to me?" She asked, rubbing her hands together for warmness.
"Anna," Yoh started, still not looking at her. "Come here for a sec, will you?"
Startled by Yoh's tone of voice, she didn't say a word and walked next to him. "What is it?"
Yoh finally looked at her, with a happy smile. "You know what time of the year is this one?"
Anna stared at him in suspicion. "beginning of winter...why?"
Yoh's smile broadened. "Look up."
Anna raised an eyebrow at this request, but noticing the solemn happiness in Yoh's ways, she did as told so, and found herself looking up at a cloudy sky - shades of grey, and the wind that swept some leaves through the air. What was so special about it? "Yes?"
Yoh, who was now looking up too, spoke. "Look."
And just when she was about to berate his words, she noticed something in the sky - the first snow flakes, small and white falling one by one in a pristine rain. "Oh..."
Yoh's hand caught her's "Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes." Anna breathed, not noticing that he wasn't looking at the sky anymore.
- Fin
Bratty speaks: Damn...This was *short* But... anyway. This is the first one of a small series of ficlets dealing with YohxAnna and the stations (Winter, fall, summer, etc.). I hope you like them ^__^ Review, please?
- Bratty
"I've been looking for you for ages - and just what are you doing standing there in this chill? You'll get sick!" It was the beginning of winter, and cold breezes that announced the coming of the white time of the year were common.
Yoh didn't seem to pay attention to her. "Yoh, are you listening to me?" She asked, rubbing her hands together for warmness.
"Anna," Yoh started, still not looking at her. "Come here for a sec, will you?"
Startled by Yoh's tone of voice, she didn't say a word and walked next to him. "What is it?"
Yoh finally looked at her, with a happy smile. "You know what time of the year is this one?"
Anna stared at him in suspicion. "beginning of winter...why?"
Yoh's smile broadened. "Look up."
Anna raised an eyebrow at this request, but noticing the solemn happiness in Yoh's ways, she did as told so, and found herself looking up at a cloudy sky - shades of grey, and the wind that swept some leaves through the air. What was so special about it? "Yes?"
Yoh, who was now looking up too, spoke. "Look."
And just when she was about to berate his words, she noticed something in the sky - the first snow flakes, small and white falling one by one in a pristine rain. "Oh..."
Yoh's hand caught her's "Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes." Anna breathed, not noticing that he wasn't looking at the sky anymore.
- Fin
Bratty speaks: Damn...This was *short* But... anyway. This is the first one of a small series of ficlets dealing with YohxAnna and the stations (Winter, fall, summer, etc.). I hope you like them ^__^ Review, please?
- Bratty