A/N: Just like many others here, I have so far been unable to see any of the episodes after the Mystery Mountain/ Mountain Prisoner two-parter. So my knowledge of Armadylan (not Armadillain, as I first thought) and the Wolfy Kids is rather limited. But I didn't want to postpone this epilogue any longer.

For what I understood, Armadylan is in fact a new character and not a former PJ mask, so my head canon for how the PJ Masks got their powers is not in any danger. Also, he's not truly a villain, but just clumsy, reckless, and easily led astray, which results in him turning against the other PJ Masks. But in the end, he does want to be a hero and join their team.

His name and age are two things I made up, since they are still unknown in the show. I made him slightly older than the masks since he is clearly taller than them.

Epilogue: Enter Armadylan

That same night, in a different town far away from the PJ Masks and Luna Girl, 7 year old Dylan Dufort was lying awake in his bed.

The main reason for his current insomnia was the fact that he had trouble sleeping with his leg in a cast. A stunt with his bike was the cause of his leg being broken. And it would have to remain in a cast for at least another week. It was the worst injury he suffered so far due to his often reckless behavior, but not by a long shot the first one. His parents often scolded him for taking too many risks or not paying enough attention, but it was just how he was.

But there was more that made him unable to sleep. His mind just kept thinking about wat his dad had told him during dinner that evening. He had finally managed to find himself a new job, but sadly, it meant they would have to move from their current home to this town named Tarabiscoville. 3 weeks from now they would move. For Dylan, this meant goodbye friends (the few he had at least), goodbye old school, and hello being the new kid in a strange town. Yeah, that was something to look forward to, not!. He wouldn't even be able to celebrate his eighth birthday, which was just over a month, before the move.

Since he couldn't do much considering the current state of his leg, Dylan had spent a large part of the evening behind his laptop to see what he could expect from his soon to be hometown. At first glance it seemed like just your average mid-sized town, originally founded by French settlers and up until a few months ago, not much to set it apart. But then he found a local news site and read about the recent history of the town; the giant robot attack, and the various cases of property theft, vandalism and other crimes that always got mysteriously solved overnight by what the locals believed to be the towns mysterious defenders. And of course, there was the huge thunderstorm from the previous night which nobody, not even meteorologists, could explain.

"Tarabiscoville; more like weirdoville" he thought to himself. Since sleep was evidently out of the question, the turned on the lamp at the head of his bed and took out the Flossy Flash comic he had hidden under his pillow, hoping that reading about his favorite heroine would distract his thoughts from the upcoming move.


Had Connor, Amaya, and Greg been here, they would have recognized the voice that suddenly called out for Dylan from their first night as , the boy dropped the comic and looked around, but there was no-one else in his room.

"Dylan". There it was again, and Dylan was sure it came from underneath his bed. Now, Dylan was old enough to no longer believe in monsters hiding under your bed, but still, he was understandably anxious as he peered over the edge of his bed. A faint, yellow light was coming from under the bed, casting shadows of the various toys Dylan kept there on the floor.

Most children, when confronted by something unusual at night, would call for their parents. Not Dylan however. Dylan was a boy who could not only be reckless, but also stubborn. He would see for himself what this was about. So, more curious than actually scared, Dylan carefully got out of bed, ignoring the two crutches standing against the wall, but making sure not to put any weight on his broken leg. Once on the floor, he rolled onto his side, reached under the bed, and pushed aside the heap of toys, revealing the source of the mysterious light; a plastic treasure chest.

Dylan took the chest from under his bed and opened it. Between the marbles, sea shells and other small items he had collected in this chest over the years, there was a small, yellow stone, shining bright like a lightbulb.

For about 2 minutes, Dylan could only stare in awe at the glowing piece of rock. He recalled the day he had found this stone on a beach in Florida, during a family vacation two years ago. It was buried in the sand. Dylan had accidently scooped it up while filling his bucket with sand for a sand castle. He never thought much of it back then, and never told his parents about it. Eventually it just disappeared in this chest along with the rest of his collection, and he only occasionally took it out to admire it.

"But it never did this before" Dylan thought to himself as he reached into the chest and picked up the glowing stone. No sooner had he touched it, or a shock went through his body. He was barely able to stifle a scream as the yellow light from the stone fully engulfed him, his head included. Dylan had to close his eyes against the glare, and barely managed to stifle a scream. He could feel his pajama's harden into some sort of armor, and a helmet forming around his head.

As the light disappeared, Dylan had undergone a complete change. He was now wearing a tan and brown armored suit, with a tail and an armadillo symbol on his chest. On his head, he was suddenly wearing an armored helmet, with armadillo like ears on top.

Dylan's eyes were still closed. Confused, disoriented, and actually a bit frightened now, the boy took a step forward, and unfortunately bumped against the chest, sending him falling towards the ground. But rather than falling flat on his face, Dylan's body, in a reflex, curled up into a ball. He bounced off the floor and shot through the window, breaking the glass in the process, and crashed in the front yard of his house.

"I'm dreaming. I fell asleep after all and now I'm dreaming" Dylan thought. How else could one explain all of this. Maybe he should stop reading those Flossy Flash comics before bedtime. He was still curled up into a ball, but a small section of the armor opened up, allowing him to peek outside. He could see his house, and the broken window. Fortunately, both of his parents were deep sleepers, or else they would be up by now.

Taking a deep breath, Dylan tried to calm himself down. That finally allowed him to uncurl and get back on his feet. There he stood in the moonlight, slowly examining himself. The first thing he noticed, aside from the strange new costume he was now wearing, was that his leg no longer hurt. In fact, it felt as new. The fall from the window also didn't seem to have hurt him in any way.

"Of course it didn't, in dreams you don't feel pain" he thought. But if this was a dream, it was the most lucid one he ever had. Wanting to be sure, he pinched his right arm.

"Auch!". Dylan actually winced in pain. The pinch hurt a lot more than it should. As if Dylan hadn't used his fingers, but a pair of pliers.

"So I'm not dreaming. But I can't pinch that hard" he thought. Or could he? Being able to roll up into a ball and survive a fall from a one story window with not even so much as a scratch is something he usually couldn't do either. But he did just that.

Dylan slowly made his way to the family car, parked in the driveway. He got in front and placed his hands under the carriage. This was crazy of course, but so was everything that had happeend in the last five minutes. And he couldn't think of a better explanation.

"Here goes nothing. One…two…three!". With no effort at all the boy lifted the front side of the car from the ground. It went so smooth in fact that he almost made the car flip over on its roof, but he steadied it just in time.

"I...I have superstrength?".

Dylan put the car back on the ground and turned his attention back to the broken window. He could never jump high enough to reach it, but fortunately he knew where his parents hid the spare key to the house. Just before he got inside he paused, picked up a large rock from the front yard, and brought it with him to his room. If this was not a dream, then he had to explain the broken window to his parents tomorrow morning. And they would ground him for months if he admitted he himself had broken it; he had caused enough damage around the house already.

Safely back in his room, he placed the rock just in front of the window so, hopefully, it would seem some unknown vandal had broken it. Then he opened his closet to take a look at himself in the mirror. Now that he got a good look at himself, any lingering feelings of confusion and fear made place for sheer joy.

"A cool costume. And superstrength... I'm a superhero. Just like Flossy Flash!" he said to his reflection. "An armadillo themed superhero." It wouldn't have been his first choice, but it wasn't bad either. He liked armadillo's.

"Dylan the armadillo". That got him thinking. "Armadillo…Dylan….I'm Armadylan!".

The following morning, Dylan's parents fortunately believed his story about how the window was broken. Dylan's leg was in a cast again when he transformed back, but he could tell it was fully healed.

In the weeks that followed, Dylan secretly went out at night to practice his newfound powers. He did so at a junkyard not too far from his house. He discovered among other things his ability to dig tunnels, shake the ground by merely stomping, and just how strong he really was.

He didn't understand how any of this was possible. Unlike Connor, he did not have an archeologist as a father who could tell him this stone he had found two years ago was the missing fourth Night Totem, washed ashore on the beach after thousands of years on the ocean floor, and now finally reawakened due to Uc'thaiozho breaking free from his prison. But he didn't care. What mattered is that fate, or whatever, had given him the greatest early-birthday gift ever.

Soon he would move to Tarabiscoville, and learn he wasn't the only superpowered kid. Then, for the first time since the days of Lemuria, all four Night Totems would be together, wielded by four new chosen ones. Dylan was, fortunately, also blissfully unaware that his totem once belonged to a traitor. But Connor, Amaya and Greg knew. They would give him a chance to prove himself as a hero. But time would tell if Dylan would prove himself to be a new ally, or a new foe.