Hey guys, ya miss me? Anyway the premise of this story is simple. What if Jaune wasn't a bumbling fuck up before Beacon? What if he was well, slightly re-incarnated. Now before you kill me for another Naruto thing (dodges the angry fans of Scarlet Maelstrom and Son of Explode) it's not him! It's One Piece! (Dodges the few angry Crimson Monkey fans) and it's Sanji! I'm going to let the story play out for itself. But please, don't ask for harem? I don't have a definite pairing in mind, but if I do make a permanent pairing for Jaune it would be a side thing to the main story. Without further ado, I present the cookbook from the finest chef on The Grand Line and Remnant…

How to Cook A Grimm

Gold Leaf, a simple restaurant in Vale with a classy name. Not too high end, but still had the air of an upstanding establishment. The aroma of the amazing food wafted out of the kitchen and towards the door, drawing customers in.

"Welcome to the shitty restaurant, may I take your order please?" A teenager in a waiter's uniform asked. He had short, shaggy blonde hair that lazily hung over his left eye. An un lit cigarette lazily hung from his lips. However his most apparent feature was the slight curl of his eyebrows, something he could never escape.

"Excuse me?" The man sitting at the table asked, shocked that a waiter would be so crass.

"You're excused, I really only care for the lady's order." The blonde said with an aloof smile, he then darted over to the other side of the table, "Hello mademoiselle, my name is Jaune and I will be your waiter, and chef for the evening." Jaune said with a bow and a smile. "May I suggest the tuna tartar? We just got it, fresh from Menagerie today. And I must say it goes quite well with the chardonnay you are having." Jaune looked at the couple, seeing the grimace at the mention of Menagerie. He had all he needed to know now.

"I think we'll need to look at the menu for a bit longer." The woman said with a fake smile. Jaune nodded before making his way back to the kitchen. He passed by the head chef and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Make sure to use our… finest ingredients for the lovely opinionated couple over there." Jaune said to his superior as he pointed at the table he was just at. "I'm going out for a smoke."

"You can't take smoke breaks whenever you want, String Bean!" The chef called after him, though Jaune was already outside. The older man shook his head before returning to his work, grumbling to himself all the while.

The young man stared up at the broken moon in the sky for a moment before lighting the cigarette in his mouth. "Still dunno how that happened… Ch, probably something stupid Luffy did." Jaune muttered to himself, a somber smile on his face. He had been asking himself that question from the moment those memories came to him. It was confusing, and the shock of the influx of memories had sent him into a coma for a few months. He missed his old life, but he had no regrets as to how it ended. His captain had to live on, to find their dreams in his stead. Though, Jaune sighed sadly he would miss Pudding. The girl had quickly grown attached to him during the Big Mom affair, too bad that wasn't enough to save them from the Emperor's wrath. Jaune took another drag from the cigarette, his thoughts wandered to the others, besides the shitty swordsman. The beautiful Nami-swan, the childish reindeer doctor, even his brother in perverted arms Brook, though he would never admit he found his skull jokes funny. Hell he even found himself missi-BANG!

The sound of gunshots drew his attention, he peered out the alleyway and saw a girl in a red cloak fighting against a group of thugs. Jaune sighed, more of Junior's grunts. Did they ever learn? He put his lighter in his pocket and cracked his neck before kicking off the ground and disappearing. Shave had been one of the first techniques he drilled into his body, along with Moonwalk and Paper Arts. His Haki… Still working on that. However Jaune knew that he wouldn't need it. Hell he wouldn't even need Diable Jambe.


"Name's Jaune, madam." Jaune said with a smirk, "I couldn't help but see that you boys were ganging up on this girl. Not to say she can't take care of herself, but that's just disgraceful. If it's going to take 12 guys to fight a single girl, at least win." He took another drag of his cigarette before flicking it at one of the grunts, "Or just get your ass handed to you on a silver platter, 5 course meal. courtesy of the Crap Café." And then the violence resumed. Jaune easily dodged the, admittedly slow, sword and club strikes from the grunts with ease. "Côtelette!" Jaune shouted as he dropped down into a one-handed handstand position, and kicked the grunt in the ribs, knocking him to the ground. Jaune then stood up and dusted his hands before using Shave to blur towards his next target and deliver a brutal kick to his side. This process continued, along with the red hood wearing girl quickly cutting down her opponents with her scythe. An impressive weapon, Jaune had to admit. While he himself would never use his hands to cause harm, he could respect the craftsmanship.

"Seriously? What did I hire you guys for?" The slightly whiny, but cocky voice of the red haired leader of the grunts made himself known. The man wore a simple white button down shirt with the top two buttons undone, white pants and a white suit jacket. The man then turned his gaze to Jaune, "You're not too bright are you kid? You ever hear the saying don't bring a knife to a gunfight? It also applies to just bringing a couple of fancy kicks."

"A chef doesn't dirty his hands with blood." Jaune replied lazily, lighting another cigarette.

"You're a bit young to be smoking those, ain'tcha?" The man asked as he lit his own cigar. A puff of smoke exited his mouth.

"I don't want to hear that from you. Shitty crook" Jaune said, suppressing a shudder. White clothes and cigars reminded him too much of Vice Admiral Smoker. Jaune kicked off the ground, attempting to lop the man's head off with a single kick. However he was impeded by the man's arm blocking the kick, and bruising the bones in his leg. Was it his imagination or did the man's neck become pitch black for a second? Nah, no way. He was just imagining things.

"Hm, fast too. Y'said you were a chef right? Must be useful for runnin' round the kitchen all day." The man said with a smirk as he pushed Jaune back.

"Who are you?" Jaune asked, his leg may be injured but he'd be damned if that would stop him. He may need to use those hellish memories after all.

"You must live under a rock, kid. The name's Roman Torchwick." Roman said with a cheesier grin as he flicked the ash off his cigar and raised his cane, "And for the record I'm not a shitty crook. I'm the best damn crook you'll ever meet." And then Roman fired, forcing Jaune to dodge. In the next second he was gone, already climbing up the ladder of a fire escape in one of the adjacent alleyways. The girl went over to the shopkeeper, who was cowering behind some of the rubble.

"Will you be ok if we go after him?" She asked, a smile on her face. The elderly man nodded and the girl took off.

"What a night." Jaune said with a smirk as he kicked off the ground using Sky Walk to reach the new battlefield. Truthfully, just being a chef was grating at him. He wanted to fight, it was in his nature as a Strawhat. The rowdiest bunch of misfits on the Grand Line, the most powerful crew of Super Rookies… No it went beyond a simple want. He needed to fight, to cut loose.

Roman nearly gaped when he watched the blonde practically fly up to where they were standing, though he quickly steeled his gaze as he fired a few more shots from his weapon. The girl deflected them with ease, spinning her scythe in a way that reminded Roman of another hunter he crossed paths with before. The thief sped towards the girl and whipped his cane at her feet, knocking her over. Roman then ran towards the blonde, if he dare say the greater threat. The force of his kick was really something.

"You bastard!" Jaune shouted, his cigarette incinerated by the flames his body was now producing. "Diable Jamble!" The blonde's legs glowed with white hot flames, "Premier Hachis!" He leapt several feet off the ground before kicking incredibly fast at Roman, however the experienced fighter dodged with practiced ease. The thief backpedaled until he was near the girl.

"Easy curly." Roman said with a chuckle as he pointed his cane at the downed scythe wielder. "Don't want to have my finger slip, do we?"

"Bastard," Jaune spat.

"I'd ask how you knew that, but it's a common insult so I can't blame you." Roman said with a mirthful grin, he cocked his head to the side before dodging. And not a moment too soon, as huge chunks of rock were flung at him. Floating down on a Sigyl was a blonde goddess if Jaune said so himself. She seemed to be the one who defended the girl.

"Torchwick." The blonde said, her voice dripping with venom.

"Goodtits! Nice to see you again." Roman said with a strained smile. The sound of a helicopter drew his attention, causing him to grin full force. "She's late again…" Roman said to himself before firing a few shots at the blonde woman, forcing her to wave her riding crop around to summon more chunks of concrete to defend with. Roman then took the liberty of tossing a fire dust grenade before making a break for the other end of the roof. He didn't expect for the blonde to be neck and neck with him. Oh who was he kidding? Of course he was. Roman gulped as he jumped off the edge of the roof, just in time to land in the chopper.

"You're not getting away!" Jaune shouted, seemingly flying towards the helicopter. The woman in the cockpit looked over to Roman and smirked. Her amber eyes filled with mirth as she stood and walked over to the door.

"He's an… Energetic one." The woman said before firing at the blonde, impeding his pursuit. The helicopter then took off, leaving him behind. Jaune landed back on an adjacent rooftop, fully prepared to pursue when the blonde woman stopped him by putting her arm out in front of him.

"And just what are you two children doing?" The woman asked, her icy glare boring into the soul of Jaune. For the first time since he was given a second chance at life, Jaune felt true fear.

A half hour car ride in the back of a police car and another hour or so of sitting in the interrogation room with only the redhead girl as company. Her name was Ruby, fitting. The exuberant 15 year old girl had dreams of being a Huntress, a defender of humanity. Jaune knew very well what they were, for a while he considered it, however he could not afford to attend one of the combat schools so that he could enter one of the main academies like Beacon.

Jaune chuckled to himself, Jeff was going to be pissed. some things stayed similar in his new life. His mentor was Jeff Holchis. Former Huntsman and head chef of the Atlas Specialists before losing his arm up to the elbow saving someone from an Alpha Beowolf. He then had to relearn all of his skill with a single hand, saying that a machine hand was not the same for cooking, even if it was his own. The man had taken Jaune in after he found out the blonde was living alone. The man had way too many similarities to Zeff, however it made Jaune happy to have some connection to his old life. He was drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of the blonde's riding crop slapping against her open palm.

"-And a slap on the wrist," Was all he caught from the blonde's little rant. It was jarring really, someone in an authoritative position looking out for his wellbeing instead of working against it. It was also quite constricting, he noted. While he could turn to a life of piracy in this life as he did before, pirates weren't the same as they were back then either. Luffy would be ashamed. "However, there is someone who wishes to speak with the two of you."

"Please tell me it's not the parole officer. I really don't need one of them bugging me." Jaune muttered. However his words fell on deaf ears as a new man walked into the room. The man's eyes lit up a bit upon seeing the two sitting in front of him, however he quickly steeled his gaze as to not give any emotional tells.

"Ruby Rose… You have silver eyes." Well that was a weird introduction, not even saying his name before talking about a girl's eyes. Jaune had to say, ballsy… And a little creepy, considering the age difference. Before Jaune could insult the shitty-glasses, the man turned his gaze to Jaune.

"Jaune Arc… Impressive kicking technique. I was not aware the Arcs had such a powerful child. Tell me, what is the name of your fighting style?"

Feeling that no harm could come from answering such a simple question, "Black Leg Style. Why?"

The man's eyes widened and Jaune was sure he saw him smile briefly before steeling his expression, "No reason, I'm just curious."

"You seem to already know our names, but I don't have a clue who you are, shitty old man." Jaune said, his hand twitching towards his pocket for a smoke. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about that man made him anxious.

"Ah yes, my name is Professor Ozpin. Head of Beacon Academy." The man said without missing a beat. "Would you two like to attend my school?"

"Yes!" Ruby answered quickly, stars in her eyes. Though Jaune did not answer. He felt a strange sense of deja vu. He idly wondered if Ozpin would refuse his refusal if he did not choose to attend, however he knew that Ozpin was different from Luffy. This ship would set sail regardless if he said no, this was his only shot.

"You got it." Jaune said with a smirk.

Jaune tapped his foot impatiently as he stood in the crowd of new students on the Bullhead. It was packed full, though he could not find Ruby for the life of him. It didn't help that every passing pretty girl distracted him, but he wanted to at least find someone he knew. Not to mention he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, though he could never find any indication as to who was watching him. Eventually he gave up and just tried to ignore the feeling. He saw a hologram of the woman from the night before, Goodwitch, telling them about Beacon, however he was not listening to what she had to say.

"Jaune!" Ruby's familiar voice caught his attention and the blonde was greeted with the sight of a red blur barreling into him. Trailing behind her was a blonde whose figure reminded him of Nami.

"So this is the knight in shining armor. Thanks for looking out for my little sister." The blonde said with a smirk and a flirtatious wink, "The name's Yang by the way."

"My pleasure," Jaune said with a lighthearted smile on his face. Growing up with seven sisters helped to… curb his attitude he had last time. The way he acted on the Grand Line would have him running from a mob if he tried the same on Remnant. One of the differences between this life and the last he supposed. However he was surprised when Yang leaned in and whispered in a husky tone into his ear,

"Come by later and I'll show you a real Yangin' time." The blonde bombshell's breath was hot on Jaune's skin, screw his inhibitions! The blonde male then promptly started grinning profusely as his eyes seemed to take the shape of hearts. His body began to shake before he rocketed off… Propelled by blood coming from his nose. The two sisters could only look on in wonder, amazement and a hint of fear for their sanity as he was sent flying away into the crowd of students.

"W…what?" The younger of the two sisters asked the elder. Who at first was smirking at the sight, but now had to explain to her younger sister.

"I don't even know Ruby, I don't even know." Yang said while shaking her head, "Guess he couldn't Yang-nope.. Can't come up with a pun for this." She groaned, that was the worst part. Not the blood on her boots, that was kind of normal. Luckily for them the airship was coming to a landing, the groaning sound of the landing gear coming out signified that. The two girls walked off the ship, leaving the bloody nosed blonde male on his own.

"What a girl," He murmured before fading into unconsciousness.

Last he had remembered, there had a been a blonde bombshell standing in front of him. So why was he now on grass, looking at a strange orange haired girl poking him with her hammer of all things, and a man with black hair and a pink streak somewhat trying to get her to stop.

"Nora! He's awake." The male said before reaching his arm out. "Lie Ren," he said. Jaune nodded groggily and took the hand, pulling himself to his feet.

"Jaune… Arc." He said the last name, albeit a bit slower. A force of habit from his old life, he supposed. Ever since he escaped that fateful day in East Blue he refused his last name. The mononym Sanji stuck, no Sanji Vinsmoke, simply Sanji.

"So what were you doing passed out?" Nora asked, causing Jaune to blush in embarrassment and sputter out a quick lie. Luckily for him, the question was quickly forgotten in wake of the sound of an explosion going off not too far away from where they stood. Jaune slipped away in the confusion to check on what had happened. To his surprise it was none other than Ruby who stood in the center of what appeared to be the dust warzone. Nearby was a white themed girl who was yelling at the confused younger girl. The white haired girl was beautiful, though

"Easy snow angel, I'm sure she didn't mean it." Jaune said as he walked over, trying to ease the situation. That, was entirely the wrong decision, as Jaune soon realized.

"Didn't mean it? Well I'm sure that would have been a great explanation if we were blown off this cliff!" The white haired girl fumed.

"I'm sorry," Ruby blurted out, the younger girl obviously was not prepared for the bombardment of accusations, or the explosion. She was then perplexed when a pamphlet was then shoved in her face.

"If you're truly sorry you can read this thoroughly and never talk to me again." The girl said with a huff.

"Yeesh, what an ice princess." Ruby muttered, hoping the angry older girl didn't hear her. Her hopes were unfounded as the white haired girl turned around.

"Heiress, actually."

"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company are you not?" A calm voice asked. The three looked to the speaker and saw a girl their age, barring Ruby, with long straight black hair that was pushed back by a black bow. She wore a black and white top with black pants and carried a sword on her waist and an old looking tome in her hand.

"Thank you! Someone here actually-"

"The very same company responsible for countless cases of mistreatment of Faunus employees?" The girl asked while cocking her head to the side slightly. And just like that Jaune's minor attraction to the girl was gone completely. Weiss stormed off after that, the black haired girl left as well. It was soon back to only Jaune and Ruby.

"So do you know where to go?" Ruby asked him, a hopeful expression on her young face. If only he had his Haki unlocked in this life he would have been able to find the others with ease. Luckily for him, Ren and Nora had been walking past.

"Nora~" Jaune spun and waved at her, "Do you know the way to the welcome speech?" To which the girl responded with a happy nod and pointed at the direction of the main building.

"We were heading there right now, would you like to come with us?" Red asked politely.

"Friends of yours?" Ruby asked, trying to hide a little behind the tall blonde.

"Yeah, they found me after uh…" Jaune pulled at his collar a bit, chuckling sheepishly, "Nevermind, let's try not to be late right?"

"Right, I gotta find Yang." Ruby said with a nod, not noticing Jaune get hearts in his eyes at the mention of Yang. The group continued walking, and Jaune learned one thing. He had forever earned a customer/Luffy level inhaler of his food named Nora, provided he made pancakes.

"You gotta have a cook off with Ren! Ooh it'll be great! I'll get to taste both, and eat all the pancakes and it'll be AMAZING!" Nora said while moving around Ren and Jaune.

"Sorry abou-"

"Don't worry about it," Jaune said with a small smile on his face, "I… used to have a friend a lot like her." Ren then smiled as well.

"Let me guess,"

"Getting woken up at all hours by exclamations of 'meat' or in your case pancakes? Exactly." Jaune said with a grin, finally someone who knew his struggle. Though it was not quite as bad, seeing as Nora was a woman while shitty-rubber was just an insatiable black hole.

Ren sighed, "But they really brighten up the world." He didn't seem to notice the smile on Jaune's face began to seem a bit forced. The conversation dropped into a comfortable silence after that as the group neared the assembly hall. Ruby immediately went off in the direction of Yang, or at least who she assumed was Yang by the hair. Jaune let her go off to talk to her sister, he simply began to wander around the crowd. Though he was mostly checking out girls he was also looking at the weapons of each of the students, or the ones who had them with them. Seriously, even by his standards some of these weapons were crazy. And this was coming from the man who witnessed BF-38 otherwise known as Franky Shogun in action. He noticed the black haired girl from earlier, she seemed to have a book in her hand but Jaune could not see the cover. For some reason she looked familiar, though for the life of him he couldn't figure out noticed his gaze and raised an eyebrow as if asking why he was looking at her. Jaune walked over, pretending he was simply checking her out like he would any other girl.

"Hello, mademoiselle my name is Jaune Arc, may I ask your name?" The suit wearing blonde asked.

"… Blake," The girl said simply, eying the blonde up and down. She too seemed to see the connection, "Might I ask you a question? I don't see a weapon on you. That isn't traditional of combat schools, who trained you?"

"A shitty old man, that's who." Jaune grunted, "His name was Red-"

"- Leg Zeff, owner of Baratie." Blake finished for him, a wide grin on her face. "I would say more, but that'd be too easy, goodbye Mr. Chef." Blake said before disappearing into the crowd of students.

Jaune simply stood there, a stunned look on his face. He felt like a part of him, that was always missing was starting to come together. Something that had been missing for too damn long! Only one person ever called him Mr. Chef, and was an expert in secrecy. How could he forget? It felt like just yesterday when they stood, facing the full might of the world's forces just to get her back. He was so entranced in the fact that one of his, no a member of his true family was still alive, that it took Ruby waving her arms in front of him like a miniature black and red windmill to get his attention.

"Sorry Ruby, what can I do for you mademoiselle?" Jaune asked politely, not caring about the menacing aura coming from Yang.

"THAT'S MY 15 YEAR OLD SISTER." The fiery blonde growled at her male counterpart.

"Easy," Jaune said in a placating manner, putting his hands out in to show he meant no harm. "I'm a chef, remember? I actually enjoy making food for others. As long as someone is hungry, I'll feed them. Then worry about the consequences." Jaune said, almost reverently of the words. After all they were the ones he lived by once, and would continue to even if Jaune Arc never knew starvation like Sanji did. His past life's sheer reverence of

"Oh," The flaming aura completely faded from Yang, "You mind cooking some for me too? I'm sure I can make it worth your time."

"OF COURSE!" Jaune exclaimed with hearts in his eyes. Though his love hurricane was completely ignored by Yang as her sister was busy telling her about blowing up. Jaune grinned as Weiss came over to yell at the younger girl once more. She was a haughty princess that's for sure, but her attitude almost reminded him of Nami, at least in the way she yelled. Though even that was cut short by the sound of Ozpin tapping the microphone.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge." Jaune nodded along half heartedly, not quite paying attention to him and instead trying to find a black bow within the sea of people.

"- to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." Jaune's eyes shot to the professor. The words striking a chord in him. He was right after all, he did need purpose. Something to put his talents as a fighter towards. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin paced a little after that, allowing the words of his speech to sink in. "Tonight you shall all be staying in the auditorium, it would behoove you to rest well before the entrance exam tomorrow."

After the speech ended, Jaune began his search for his crew mate, or well former crew mate? No. He couldn't allow himself to think like that. The Straw Hat bond lasts even through time. He was sure of that, though the trail of cigarette butts behind him would tell any onlooker otherwise. He wandered into the courtyard, seeing that the sun had begun to set he sighed and decided to head to the area they would be staying. To his shock, and annoyance he saw Blake talking to Ruby and Yang. Though the girl seemed quite annoyed this time, Jaune couldn't tell if it was an act to get them away now that he was there or not. After all, she might still have her Devil Fruit or accessed Haki in this lifetime. Though it was proven moot when Weiss came over, yelling about how they were being too loud for her to sleep. The last thing he saw before Blake blew out the lamp was her amber eyes staring at him with mirth. He'd just have to confront her tomorrow, for now sleep. He could confront her after the exam, after all they went to the same school.

Ozpin sighed as he walked into his clocktower office. He ran a hand through his mess of silver hair before sighing and plopping down into his desk chair. He peered at the cold coffee mug, contemplating to take a sip of caffeinated goodness or not. He decided not to, and then tapped 3 times in a strange rhythm on his desk. klunk and a secret compartment dropped down. In it were old and tattered sheets of paper, only barely kept together through the passage of time. The headmaster of beacon reached into the compartment and pulled out two of the sheets, lying them on the table.

Wanted ONLY Alive: 'Black Leg' Sanji 177,000,000

He chuckled at the goofy love eyes that the curly eyebrow'd cook had in that picture. It had been a while since he looked at these.

"So the pieces are coming together." Ozpin muttered, "I suppose it would be too soon to inform James of this development, he'd be frothing at the mouth." He peered at the other paper on the desk, the name was etched into the hearts of all who lived in the Pirate Era. One that was given to a young girl, for destroying an entire Buster Call worth of ships at age 8. "Nico Robin… Vinsmoke Sanji. It must be some divine being's sense of humor, that the Devil Child and a Germa are our greatest hopes.

AAAAAND That's a wrap. So what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Anyway this is coupled with my other new story that will be released later in the week if work permits it.

Ok enough of the seriousness, and I'll explain some basic stuff about this now that you made it through the chapter. Yes Devil Fruits are a part of this story, however in this story eating one makes the Devil Fruit ability supersede the semblance unless there are special conditions met (which will be revealed later). No the Devil Fruit users are not born with the ability, meaning that just like with Haki it's a gamble of if they'll have it or not. I never understood why in reincarnation fits that would be the case

Also you guys are welcome to guess who Oz is. I changed his backstory up because I needed to and because I just don't like the whole "Like minded individuals" thing. Oscar is a kid, how is he like Ozpin at all until the merge happens? Anyway, the reason I chose Sanji to be Jaune? Well they're blonde, but the reason I picked Sanji over anyone else is that his character allows for a unique experience. He's a gentleman to a fault and will serve food to anyone who is hungry thanks to his past life as Sanji. These traits will in fact be very important in the story. However his Sanji-ness (hitting on every woman ever) will be toned down as the cultural norms in Remnant differ from his time as a pirate. Jaune is technically OOC for both him and Sanji, but that's because I'm attempting to merge the two personalities.

Anyway that's all for today folks. I'll try to have another chapter ready in two weeks, no promises though. I just actually got fully hired today (had to make it through training) so work'll take up a lot of my time… Anyway y'all know what to do. Peace fools! *puts fingers on forehead and disappears*