Link's Princess Makeover - The Aftermath

Peach blinked, as she couldn't believe what was standing right before her. Link, the Hero of Time… was standing in her room, wearing one of her dresses. And if his newly acquired breasts and feminine figure are any indication, much more than that.

As the initial shock wore off and she noticed the look of horror across the feminized hero's face, Peach giggled. She thought it was cute how Link was trying desperately to come up with an explanation for his feminized appearance.

"You know Link?" she teased. "If you wanted to try on my things, you just had to ask me."

Peach's smirk widen into a grin as Link's reddened into a shade resembling a tomato.

"It's not like that!" he insisted. "That insane machine forced me to look like this!"

Peach giggled and took a seat, smoothing her dress as she did so.

"Oh Link. Don't try to blame this on E. Gadd's PM-3000. There's nothing wrong with a man wanting to feel like a princess once in awhile. I understand."

Link rolled his eyes. "Peach… please."

The princess sighed and stood up. "Oh Link, I'm only teasing. Honestly, you can be so serious at times." She giggled yet again as she saw a sigh of relief from Link's pink glossy lips.

"So you won't tell anyone about this?" He pleaded.

"Of course, Link. This will be our little secret." Once again, a giggle escaped Peach's lips as Link sighed happily. This was too far easy.

"Thank you, Peach," he said gratefully. "How did your machine mistake me for you anyway? We look nothing alike."

"Probably something to do with the recognition software," Peach suggested. "I'll have E. Gadd look into it later."

"Well, can your machine give me my regular look back?" Link asked. "Who knows what will happen if anyone else sees me dressed like this."

"Oh I have a few ideas on what might happen." At that moment, a mischievous thought entered Peach's head, and it was too good to pass up. "But I'm not going to undo your little makeover."

Link's eyes suddenly shot open, wide as saucers, as Peach giggled yet again.


"You look so beautiful, Link." the princess' teasing tone returned. "Who knew you would make such a lovely princess? I just couldn't bear to ruin your new look. I'm sorry Link."

She could see the color slowly draining from Link's face as he dropped to his knees. In a move Peach didn't expect. The hero of time suddenly grabbed the front of Peach's dress and looked up at her, literally begging.

"Please, Peach!" he asked, desperately. "I can't be stuck like this! Please, I'll do anything!"

Peach's jaw almost dropped. She never thought she'll see the day when something like this would happen. Link is all dressed up in her clothes, not only that, he's also on his knees and begging her to change him back. She felt sorry for him.

"Okay Link, I'll have PM get you back to normal…" she said, finally deciding to stop playing with him. "...but first, I want you to do something for me." ...almost.

Link frowned, expecting the worst "What is it?"

Peach smiled. "Oh, I just want to see how well you can pass for a princess. Stand up for me, please."

Deciding not to push her, Link did as he was told and climbed to his feet. Peach suppressed a giggle as the hero wobbled slightly, clearly not used to the heels he's wearing.

"Okay, Link. Now let me make sure that your pose is proper," Peach said as she began moving Link's arms and limbs.

"Let's see… put your hands together like this, feet together and… perfect." Peach cried happily as she stepped back, looking at the work she did. Link was posed with his hands folded neatly in front of his chest. His posture was straight and proper and his head drifted down, making him look like a shy, demure princess.

"Hold your head up high and give me a pretty smile." Link reluctantly complied, hoping to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

"Perfect!" Peach smiled as she applauded Link. "I never knew you would make such a natural princess. All you need is a brave hero to come and sweep you off your feet and you would fit the part completely."

Link groaned as he went back to his original posture. "Can I get back to normal or not?"

"Fine, a princess must always keep her word," stated Peach. "PM, mind getting my friend back to his original appearance?"

"At once, your highness." the machine acknowledged as it dragged its victim into the bathroom again.

30 minutes later, Link was back to his usual self. The makeup has been removed, the clothes and corset removed, and the fake breasts unglued from his chest. His hair was even undyed and back to its usual style.

"Thanks, Peach," Link said with a honest smile. "You promise you won't tell anyone about this, right?"

Peach gave Link a sweet smile. "Of course not, Link. Now run along, I'm sure Zelda's wondering where you are."

Link quickly left the room, running off on the first step he took outside.

Peach watched him run down the hallway, and a smirk slowly grew on her face. Link should really pay more attention to what she's saying. Peach's answer wasn't "of course I won't tell anyone," it was actually "of course I won't promise." She knew that, while a fair chunk of people think she isn't very bright, she has gotten into politics well enough to know how to twist words around.

"PM!" she shouted, calling the system's attention. "You have the security footage from today?"

"Yes, your highness. I have the entire day's events stored, ready for use."

"Perfect..." Peach giggled as she took the seat at PM-3000's console. "Let's print some pictures. Oh Link, we're going to have so much fun together."

Link's Princess Makeover - END

Well, here's the conclusion. I hope you all like it. In case some of you may be wondering, I do plan to make a sequel to this story. But it won't be for a while. What is it going to be about? Well... let's just say that I need to work on writing action scenes first.

If you have any thoughts or critiques on it, please comment so you can help me learn how to improve as a content writer.