I intended to upload this yesterday, however, I got sidetracked. Now, please enjoy chapter 4! :D the chapter where Kat gets her 'official' bodyguard *chuckles*.
I do not own Transformers/Beast Wars.
Chapter 4: Imprisoned Inferno
Once we settled back in Unicron, Megatron walked right back to his favorite place –his throne. He looked comfortable with not only the satisfaction of a mission success, but with the knowledge that Shockblast wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. As I examined myself and Ravage for any injuries, I heard excited murmurs amongst 'The Trio'. I blushed as soon as I realized it was about me. I felt a poke, and my blush grew deeper as I looked up into Mirages' optics, "Little girl popular".
"Err, sure buddy" I kneeled down and started to scratch Ravages' metal belly, the Terrorcon flopped onto his side. I felt another poke, but it wasn't by a Decepticon. Beady red optics glinted in jealousy as a Terrorhawk cocked his head to the side. My blush couldn't get any redder as I rubbed the large hawks' metal beak, huh, these guys really love me. I smiled and placed my other hand on Ravages' belly whilst keeping my left on Divebombs' beak. And yes, I was very aware of the curious stares I was getting. And the whole deal was nice and peaceful until-
"Shockblast!" Megatron activated his comm. unit, and I jumped AND squeaked. I faintly heard a certain distressed damsel begging. "See what happens when you try to outsmart me…" Megatron snarked, his optics gleaming as there was more noise "Now here you are, at the hands of the enemy-" more noise "Well I suppose you are getting precisely what you deserve you coward-"
I stifled a snort as I stood up. Ravage purred loudly behind me as he rolled over onto his belly. Divebomb flapped his metallic wings.
"-and it saves me the trouble of having to punish you" there was more noise before he hung up "hmph, so it won't be long before he comes crawling back"
"Should I start counting down?"
There was a chuckle from the tyrant, and (gasp!) a smirk from Starscream, who turned his attention back onto his leader "I couldn't agree more your high and mightiness, who does he think he is defying your superiority? I believe the first rule of a Decepticon is to serve you Megatron. Because without you, our existence is meaningless-"
I held up my hand, my ring finger being the first to fold in as I mouthed '3'
"Ah yes, precisely. Now if only Shockblast were as perceptive and loyal as you Starscream" '2'
Yea, cuz' you brainwashed him, '1'. I faintly heard Shockblast patch in, which made the tyrants' head perk up, "huh?" I faintly heard a 'Please' and 'out' on the other end of the line. Megatrons' optic ridges quirked up in sync with my eyebrows.
"Oh really?"
:"I've had a change of heart-!": the transmission suddenly was loud enough to hear. I realized that was probably because Ravage stopped purring so loudly.I listened in, :"now just get me out of here!":
"You've come to your senses…well, I suppose I'll help you this time"
I heard muttering at the other end of the line before it dropped. Megatron stretched and casually strolled out of the room as if he had the most pleasant chat. Although he didn't give any orders, we all followed him anyway, the guys being ready to fight the Autobots again on such a short notice. So with body on autopilot, I leaped back on Scorponok and we rushed on outside going through the same good ol' warp gate. Only that time, Mirage offered a ride, and I graciously took it because it seemed like the safest method as the large bot had stayed in vehicle mode…and Scorponok looked ready to swat me. As I adjusted myself in the pilot's seat, eating up a few minutes, and we all flew out into a spot that was significantly closer to the ground than the first gate. I braced myself as Mirage made a steep descent.
"Look Megatron! There's only one Autobot guarding him!"
"Then eliminate him SnowCat"
"With pleasure sir!" the dynamic duo on either side of us seemed happy to carry out such an order as they barraged a lone Inferno with their firepower. The red Autobot ran off in hopes of shaking them off.
After taking a moment or two to watch his subordinates chase off Inferno, Megatron then flew toward a rocky arch. Mirage stuck close to him as he closed in on and landed next to an imprisoned Shockblast. The boat landed and allowed me to exit before transforming to his full height as we all walked toward the troublemaker who looked at Megatron expectantly.
"Hurry up Megatron. Get me out of here!"
Mirage, as if he just realized that I was on 'squish' level, picked me up with swift precision and placed me on his shoulder. Megatron snorted.
"Yes Mirage we wouldn't want the young lady to get underfoot…" orange optics snapped over to Shockblast (who was eyeing me in that same half-hostile, half-inquisitive gaze he gave me hours earlier) "Now where were we? Ah yes, we were discussing the terms of your release"
Wait, I don't remember that specific line being in the show… I mentally slapped myself well of course not! You being here is likely going to alter some dialogue. I was aware that there were some extra conversations, but that was only because I was behind the scenes with the Decepticons. Even so, I was nervous and excited to see if maybe I could alter events rather than an exchange of words.
"Terms?! What terms?! Come on, I'm one of you! Just free me and be done with it!"
I face-palmed.
"That fact does not aid into your release Shockblast…hmmm…" Megatron theatrically stroked his chin.
"You can't be considering this Lord Megatron!"
"And why not Mirage?" the tyrant's tone was laced with fake exasperation.
"Because he will merely betray you AGAIN"
Okay…things seem to be going back on course…
"You just might have a point there Mirage…why don't we rewire him first"
I shuddered. I knew very well Shockblast would save himself at the last minute…but the strange feeling in my gut wouldn't leave me alone. Especially when Megatron advanced.
"W-wait Megatron-!"
The massive plane-former raised his sword. My eyes went wide.
"I-I'll capture an Autobot, as proof of my loyalty –ergh!" Shockblast's antennae twitched rapidly as Megatrons' sword slashed across his right shoulder.
"Not good enough…" the tyrant just about sung. Every muscle in my body tensed as the cyclopean was slashed again. What the hell?! I thought Inferno was the tortured one in this episode!
"What do you want from me?!" Shockblast spat in raw anger and…fear…?
"To make an example" and so those orange optics just HAD to glance at me. And they were complete with a smirk. "Before I rewire you" there was an awkward pause as all three mechs trained their optics/optic on me. Can anyone say 'oh shit'? I acted quickly and waved my hands in a gesture signifying surrender. I absolutely did NOT want Shockblast to be tortured (some more) and then reprogrammed.
"Ehehee uhhmm…point made?" despite trying to be serious, the stress of the alien situation made me sound downright comical when it really shouldn't have.
"Good" Megatron raised his sword again, and that time, it was trained over Shockblasts' spark chamber.
The blade paused mere centimeters (just guessing here, let's just say it was a very small distance) from the cyclopean's chest. The spotlight, again, was on me. Joy.
"What if he's given another test that will ensure his loyalty? Something that would be so beneath him he wished he was dead"
I earned Megatrons' audience. Shockblast is probably going to hate me for this. "Go on…"
"With your numbers so low I figured it would be less wasteful to not kill him-"
"Get to the point girl" Mirage poked me. Megatron rolled his wrist as if to say 'get on with it'.
"Aside from capturing an Autobot, he must bring me with him-" Shockblast's antennae comically twitched forward "-AND make sure no harm comes to me". I shit you not; I made up those terms on the spot. Was I being selfish for wanting to spend time with one of my favorite transformers? I hope not.
Shockblast guffawed "babahahaHAHA, that's it?! Play babysitter?! Is that all you got Dollface! That's a piece of cake! Yeah sure it's hurts my pride a little, but it's better than being a mindless zombie!" as he jerked against his chains. So he accepts?
Megatron hummed in disapproval, "Sorry my dear, but that sounds too easy-"
"I wasn't done" I retorted, effectively stopping Megatrons' sword again, just as SB let out a surprised squawk.
"What?" Mirage sounded confused.
"Let me clarify: Yes, you're going to 'babysit'-" I used air quotations "-me, however, let me also clarify the duration of your test-"
"I don't like where this is going" Shockblast deadpanned.
"…is not just for today". The air was pregnant with silence up until a deep rumbling laughter rang out. Megatron knew exactly what I implied. And judging by the vibrations under where I was seated on his shoulder, so did Mirage.
"That is…" more laughter "absolutely perfect! Shockblast some helpless damsel's bodyguard!" Megatron lowered his sword and walked over to me. As if he telepathically knew what Megatron wanted, Mirage lifted me off his shoulder and dumped me into Megatrons' hands.
"Good thinking. Not only does he have to follow my every command from here on out BUT he has to protect you as punishment" he pat me "this will be fun". He strolled over to SB, whom appeared to be sulking (but I knew better).
"This young lady has just given me an idea Shockblast"
"Good for you, you seem to lack those" said cyclopean quipped. You're not making things easier on yourself you snarky bastard I sighed.
"If -or should I say when- you fail your new assignment and she dies or perhaps gets captured, you will be executed"
"If any harm comes to her that will be no exception" Mirage piped up, sounding very much like a paternal figure.
Shockblast deflated "Unbelievable…you guys are really going through with this…"
"Do you accept" Megatron asked rhetorically. I shifted uncomfortably between Megatrons' palms.
With that final venomous answer, Megatron cut Shockblast free. And even though a few parts of him were thoroughly sliced through, SB's posture did not falter. A singular green optic bored into my amber eyes and then shot upward.
"Hand her over" Shockblast grumbled agitatedly as his large black claw stretched outward. Without any delay I was then dumped unceremoniously onto the freaky (awesome) appendage. Was I insane for wanting to spend time with one of my favorite transformers who just so happened to have a short fuse and a massive gun? The answer would be a big fat YES.
I (wisely) kept my mouth shut as SB started to levitate "Now if you gentlemen don't mind, I have an Autobot to capture".
"And a girl to protect" Megatron prompted.
"Whatever". And with that, Shockblast took off.
This is…fun…? I peered over SB's claw, my head swam a little with nausea as I noted just how far off the ground we were. I wasn't afraid of heights, but, I was afraid of falling. I know I'm silly, shut up.
"Just so you know Princess, this whole mess was your idea"
"Eeyup" my eyes briefly flashed over to his single green orb. He just snorted and refocused on one particular spot…in a chasm. Take your sweet time it's not like-
"Yeessss?" I tried my absolute best not to sound like Megatron from Beast Wars.
"Just because our 'fearless leader' has forbid me from hurting you, that doesn't mean I can't have my fun"
"Neat" I honestly had no idea was he was going to do next, embarrassing right?
His jets had suddenly cut off, and both of us plummeted rapidly toward Iron Planets' surface. And if that wasn't scary enough, the asshole (sure I liked him, but honestly, that didn't change what he was) relinquished his grip on me, my momentum no longer his. In other words, I was fell away from him, both vertically and horizontally. I didn't scream, but I sure as hell gasped very loudly and attempted to 'swim' through the air. Pointless? I know.
"Loving the view? ahaAHAHAHA!"
"Oh yeah it's real scenic you ass-hat!" I screeched over the rush of wind.
"What did you just call me?!"
I paid no attention to him as the chasm grew wider and time slowed down. Despite knowing that such a universe was too pure for a gruesome death, I could not stop the rise of dread in my conscious mind. I was not ready to die. Kiddy universe or not, I didn't want to meet my maker so early and have Shockblast be the harbinger of my doom. I resumed trying to 'distribute' myself so I wouldn't have fallen so quickly, but you know, Physics was being as much of a jerk as the giant robot meters away from me. I exhaled, defeated oh well, maybe I was just dreaming this whole time-
I yelped as something massive whooshed by me, the displacement almost tearing my damn clothes off, and no I am NOT exaggerating! While I was desperately keeping the world from viewing my undergarments, something snared and then pressed me against a cold hard surface. As you would guess, I called Shockblast every colorful colloquialism under the sun (in my head of course) as he did a little maneuver, both our heads pointed straight down. Oh my…I may have a concussion… at least I knew then where I was in the plotline, i.e. SB bombarding Inferno with his deadly lasers while the Autobot was cooped up in the crevasse…I just didn't anticipate Shockblast pulling that audacious stunt on me. Yeah, I really was insane with a huge and unhealthy helping of stupid.
I gulped as Shockblast delivered a few more pillars of destructive energy and then corrected his free-fall with a slower, more controlled descent. "You still alive Princess?" he inquired with a tone of mock worry as he planted his massive feet firmly on the ground. I held my head.
"Huh, little miss soldier I see…" he fired several shots near the top of the chasm "AND speaking of SOLDIERS, I know you're in here Inferno" and stomped forward. With my powers of recall I reassured myself that no giant chunks of rocky iron would fall on us because they didn't fall on SB in the show. However, with recent events I didn't dare test that theory. I knocked loudly on Shockblasts' chest.
"Some advice; DON'T make it rain boulders in here"
"And why not DollFace? Scared of getting dirty?"
I smacked my forehead. "Noooo, I'm scared of getting buried-" an unpleasant scene played in head "-or pancaked". I only got a snigger.
"If you be quiet like a good girl I promise no rocks will hurt you". There it was again, that tone. Dear Primus I had regrets.
I wriggled out of his grip and sat down on his shoulder, out in the open where I was vulnerable to the falling debris as he continued to blast the narrow area. To do what you ask? To smack him upside the head of course! Yes it was dumb, but it was worth it. "Did you just-"
"Yes siree". And for a full five seconds we stayed quiet. That heavenly bliss coming to an abrupt end as Shockblast snickered darkly.
"You're really trying your luck Princess…hmmmm…" his head remained pointed forward and his antennae were stone still.
What. Have. I. Done. I squeaked as I found myself yanked and then placed on solid ground. I looked around, dazed at my sudden relocation, and then craned my neck upwards. A single green orb leered at me. "Ehehe, I'm…sorry…?" I grinned like an idiot. Then ran like an idiot. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope I didn't bother look over my shoulder as heavy mechanical footfalls followed me with no hurry.
"Ohhhhh Inferno, if you don't stop playing this game I'm gonna squish the little human…"
I slowed my pace oh I think I know –eep! but entered a dead sprint once I heard the familiar drone of a huge weapon charging. Or maybe I royally screwed myself I grimaced as I tripped, boulder sized chunks landed inches from me.
"…or maybe the falling debris will, who knows". I glanced over my shoulder in time to see Shockblast nudge me with his foot, which by the way wasn't gentle. My posterior ached immediately, that's going to be sore in the morning. We both glared at each other in awkward silence, nothing really to break the tension except for the sound of me dusting myself off.
"Maybe he left" I commented dryly. My spunk returned once I realized I wasn't going to die. Sure it hurt my ego a little being used as a damsel, but hey, Shockblast had a plan.
"Be quiet, you're ruining my plan" he hissed in response. Clearly aggravated his 'plan' didn't work.
"And you ruined my dress"
"Manchild" I muttered loudly and walked forward with the assumption Starscream had found Inferno, provided the story hadn't altered too much. Luckily, nothing seemed changed as I heard someone whispering and another grunting. Smirking, I gestured for Shockblast to follow as I honed in on the Decepticon SIC and his hostage. As predicted, Inferno had a sword pressed against his throat.
"Hi Starscream!" I waved at the SIC "Making friends?"
"What are you doing here? You'll get hurt you foolish girl"
Puh-lease "Just so you are aware, I came in with that guy" I jerked my thumb at Shockblast as he approached from around the boulder. "It wasn't exactly a luxury trip"
"You-" whatever Starscream wanted to ask me was rudely cut off by a growl of pure distaste.
"What are you doing here Starscream" SB stopped just inches behind me, the distance seeming smaller because (you know) of his size. Jeepers, the guy was HUGE.
"Hey! We're all on the same side Shockblast! And besides, it was Megatron!"
Plane engines roared loudly as Megatron took that as his cue to join us. Already in robot form, he brutally pinned Inferno as Starscream released the fire-truck autobot. Even as he was pinned, Inferno didn't pay any attention to his future tormentor. His orange optics instead studied me. What am I, a freakin' UNICORN to these punks?! I returned his puzzled gaze with one of my own. "They're not hurting you are they?" Inferno snapped his angry optics onto Megatron "You monster! Keeping some poor girl against her will!"
Huh, does he not know? Unlike Kicker and Arcee, Inferno had not caught wind of my allegiance. Poor guy. "I'm fine…" butt's sore though "…and I'm NOT being held against my will" I added pointedly.
"I don't understand…"
Megatron huffed "Silly Autobot, did you not hear her? She's one of us" and pressed his sword against Infernos' insignia.
"She…she can't be…"
Sorry Inferno, I leaned backward and slapped Shockblasts' leg, because I could without the risk of pulverization. Yippee. "If I wasn't, NumbNuts here would have squashed me" I glanced up at SB. "Don't tempt me" I heard him grumble as my gaze shifted over onto a chuckling Megatron.
"He would have surely flattened her because of that nickname. But as you can see, he didn't because he is under strict orders not to harm our little…ally" the tyrants' sword crackled with electricity as he plunged it into Infernos' chest "With that said, you will soon join her Inferno!"
"Never!" Inferno cried "I will never become a Decepticon!". Megatron and Starscream only snorted at his heroics. I myself was getting a little drowsy from boredom, must have been because I've seen that whole scene before. But that was on a screen, then it was right before my eyes...huh, I really thought something may have been wrong with me. I was, no doubt, still not fully convinced of my 'placement'. This still feels so surreal… my sore butt throbbed dully; then again, the pain in my ass confirms I'm not in just any ordinary lucid dream…
"Shockblast why don't you go up top and have a little look-see around" Starscream raspy voice jostled me from my thoughts.
"Why you-"
"Shockblast!" we all jerked to attention. If my knees were any straighter they'd likely would have popped backwards. "What part of that order did you not understand?!"
"Starscream, Mirage, SnowCat and Demolisher all rank above you! And you are to follow their orders, do I make myself clear soldier!"
My newly appointed 'guardian' growled. "Oh, and bring Katherine with you, I doubt she would want to watch any more of this" Megatron dug his sword into Inferno…again. He appeared to also have had a manic grin. I didn't argue in the slightest, even if Shockblast had snatched me from the ground harshly…I just sat back against his claw as he soared to the top of the chasm. Infernos' pained screams echoed below us, that could have been Shockblast earlier…yeesh, this show seems a tad more demented than I recall...
Without any indication as to who was there and when, Shockblast fired his deadly beam as soon as he broke the surface. The deadly shot had missed Ironhide (powerlinked with Jetfire) as expected. And Demolisher had come up to greet us. As expected. And thus, the cheesy dialogue commenced:
"Hey ey! You're Shockblast!"
"That's right…boss"
"Yeah, at least that's what Megatron tells me"
"Oh oooh okay then!" Demolisher's bright orange orbs snapped onto me "And I see you brought the little lady –uh…" he snapped his fingers "Samantha!". That was nowhere near my actual name…dear Primus help that poor confused soul…
"Katherine" I breathed in deeply "My name…is Katherine". Shockblast sniggered, satisfied that I had some kind of trigger. Fortunately on Demolishers' behalf, I had high tolerance for people with his…intelligence. "And now that we've been properly introduced, may I ask what our game plan is?"
"OOOH OOOOH! I want Shockblast to destroy Optimus Prime!"
I slapped SB's chest "You heard the man! Do what you do best!"
"Hhhmhm guess I can't argue with that" and with no delay, SB shot right up into the sky.
He, or we, didn't find the Autobot leader until the end of the fight. I proved to be a good deterrent from the Autobot leaders' crosshairs, and had even prevented Omega Supreme from ramming into SB, because DAMN that guy had a death-grip on me. However, SB couldn't get too crazy 'shooting-autobots-in-a-barrel' because we eventually had to retreat. As called by Megatron. I had known very well that the autobots had retrieved Inferno. I had also known very well that Megatrons' torture session went according to his plan. Everything seemed to go along with canon, no matter how much I 'changed' things it would merely realign itself. It was okay…it was predictable. Well, that was until we got back to Unicron…
"It seems everything has gone as planned! Good work men!" Megatron congratulated as he sat himself down. I rolled my eyes from where the rest of us stood, bunched in a corner. I was still on SB's shoulder, because as soon as we got back on Unicron, Megatron had made it crystal clear that Shockblast was not to go anywhere without me and vice versa. And since I was told to stay in the throne room, along with everyone else, Shockblast was to remain. "Oh really Megatron? And what has you in such a good mood" SB sneered. Yeah, he really hated his life then and there.
"I was merely relishing our victory. Isn't that right Katherine-"
"I wasn't sleeping!" I jolted up. Shockblast snickered and rolled his shoulder as if to say 'wakey wakey'. The 'trio' joined in as well. I felt myself blush madly.
"Ahaha funny little thing aren't you?" Megatron smiled. I did NOT like that smile "Such a desirable trait for our little pet to have –or rather, our little tool"
Who you calling a tool you winged prat! "I'm ah, afraid I don't follow you sir"
"I was merely trying to suggest that you knew we'd be successful…am I wrong?"
I don't –wait I remembered when Megatron had scanned me, the massive techno-tentacles had wrapped around my waist…and my head. My jaw dropped. No way… "You trying to tell me those scans you did…-"
"Oh I remember that! That was kinda scary even for me and I was only watching!" SnowCat scratched the back of his head. It was good to know I wasn't the only one who found that moment terrifying.
"Little girl was scared" Mirage pat me, his giant hand perilously close to Shockblasts' head. And to show he was provoked, the cyclopean shoved the taller bot with his shoulder.
"Back off, I got a personal bubble too ya know". I didn't correct him on how I was well within that 'bubble'.
"Megatron sir, you trying to tell us she can see the future?"
"Something like it Starscream…" Megatron leaned forward challengingly; his burnt-orange optics bored into my dumbfounded amber eyes "something like it"
I blew a lock of my carrot-colored hair out of my face as EVERYONE (including the Terrorcons) eyed me –Shockblast could only pivot his head slightly, but I could tell he listened intently. Choose your next words carefully-
"Whelp, I'm not denying anything" smooth I REALLY had wished I would've woke up, though unfortunately, I didn't:
I just sat there like a jackass.
Next chapter will have a POV shift! Until then, please review and (perhaps) tell your friends about this story ;)
I also have a pairing in the works...brownie points for anyone who guesses right!