I do not own Naruto and if I did Itachi, and Mikoto wouldn't have died
"Naruto" -normal speech
'Stupid idiots' - normal thoughts
"Oi gaki listen to me" -Powerful/Dark being speech
'stupid ningen'-Powerful/Dark being Thoughts
*thunder* -action
Kage bunshin no jutsu -Techniques
"Yo baka" Beings translation/speech
"Lack of reviews is the greatest killer of fan fic writers out there. We at the institute wish to let the public know of how they can pitch in to save our dying writers."- Vision Dominican
A/N: Note This. Is. Fiction. Here I can decide how each character acts or behaves. My computer reset itself 3 times while writing this.
A/N 2: I will be on a Hiatus for an undetermined amount of time. I am undertaking a writing challenge, a book. It will be taking the majority of my time for the possible remainder of the year.
Helped by: The god of creation and destruction.
*Story start*
*Kakariko Village*
"So whats inside of it? Exactly?" Naruto asked as he traced the leaf and spiral pattern on the metal plate fixed to the 'Mysterious Wooden Chest'.
"I do not know. I have never seen the chest opened. I must say I am curious on whats inside." Impa admitted as the blond grabbed the metal plate and flipped open the chest.
Inside the box was six simple dark wood boxes. Four identical sized one in in the centre and two rectangular ones on either side.
"My, these boxes are in incredible condition! How old are they?" the younger Sheikah asked as the blond took out a single box with a solid wood top.
"Many years older than I can even remember my dear Paya. Perhaps magic or some ancient Sheikah science to preserve the material inside." the older Sheikah theorized as Naruto pulled out two books out of the box with picture of a singular redhead in a tan yukata and a crimson Ninjatō embedded in the ground beside her taped to the front of a book titled 'Tales of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi'. Grabbing the first book, he held it close to his face.
"Who's the lady?" Paya asked as Naruto saw a 75cm hole appear on her abdomen with a blood staining the fringes of her outfit, causing him to drop the book and normal picture.
"She's..." the blond muttered as he fell to the ground clutching his head.
*Long Ago*
"Naruto.." A battered redhead whispered as she towered over the small child beneath her with blood seeping from her chest wound.
Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong.. Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm... " she continued as blood streamed from her grinning mouth
"Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..and make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends..Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust.. I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard." the redhead added as she brought her right hand to the child's cheek with a loving caress.
"Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.. So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well.. Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy.." the bleeding adult added as she kissed his head before propping herself
"Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi.. Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..Put your mission wages into your savings account..No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation.."
"Another Prohibition is women.. I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but..All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women.. So it's only natural to take an interest in girls.. "
"But just don't get hooked on bad women... Find someone just like me... Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..Naruto, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship.."
"Be true to yourself... Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true.. There's so much... Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer.."
"I love you" she finished with tearstained cheeks before a flash of white and everything disappeared.
*Kakariko Village*
"M-my mother... What the hell is going on?" Naruto demanded as he stared at the elderly lady with the book in hand.
"Simply checking that you are indeed the hero of Hyrule. If you were not the incarnation of the hero, the seal would've slain you. Reducing your body to dust and ash." the aged lady explained as the blond recoiled from the chest.
"I never said I was the hero! You just declared that I was and to open that box!" Naruto yelled as gestured towards the box.
"Meh, semantics. Now finish opening the boxes, We do not have all day." Impa declared as Naruto stashed the book back on top of an unnoticed book titled 'The Life of a Hero: Naruto Uzumaki.'
Opening all of the small boxes, one contained a green hexagonal crystal fixed between two platinum balls, and a black headband bearing an identical metal plate and engraving. Another one had a velvet bag filled with various coloured translucent orbs. The last one had a stack of books labeled 'Icha Icha Adventures' 'A Full Guide of Sealing' and an inkwell/Quill.
"So what do I do now?" the blond asked as he fixed the headband to his head and slipped on the necklace before setting the rest of the items in their boxes.
"Put them in here, then finish opening those last two, it's getting late out." the maturer lady ordered as she chucked him a dark blue bag with a triangle made of three other triangles. Taking the bag and filling it with the boxes, he grabs the other bag from Paya and tying them to his waist.
Opening the leftmost box, a scroll titled '封印の書' 'Fūin no Sho'. Opening the rightmost, a scroll titled 武器のスクロール 'Buki no sukurōru'.
"So what do I do now?" Naruto questioned as he slid the last of the scrolls into his pocket bag. Open them, don't, you choose. You just can't do it in here. I'm tired, so go." the lady declared as she tipped her hat down and began to silently snore.
"It seems that Grandmother Impa has decided to immediately sleep. So Master Naruto, it is my duty as a Shiekah to aid the Hero. Follow me upstairs and we can get you a bed." Paya explained as she ushered him up the nearby flight of stairs and directs him towards the lone bed in the area.
"Where's my bed? I only see what I assume is yours." Naruto asked as he slid off his shirt and folded it up.
"T-there's a second bed downstairs. I-I'm going to be staying downstairs. Goodnight!" Paya yelled as she headed downstairs while he slipped off his trousers and set the Sheikah Slate on top.
"Ok... thanks for the bed." Naruto muttered as he pulled out the Sealing Guide-book and took the drawing equipment. For roughly the next hour, Naruto practiced the ancient text-based ability with the '沈黙' 'chinmoku' one appearing to be in a perfect condition, as well as a hand drawn one of '慾望' 'yokubō' were drawn on a small loose parchment.
"Hey~ hero. drop the paper and let's see if you want to see your hero's gift?" a sensual voice called out as Naruto crained his head upwards and saw a raven black haired lady with her hair in a high ponytail in a black mask and flexible rabbit ears. What she wore, if it counted, was two leather straps stretching from her leather collar over her 30cm E cup chest. With thin strips connecting the sides together, and covering her black thong privates.
"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he rose to his feet, causing the pamphlet to hit the ground and begin glowing blue.
"Just call me the Raven Rabbit. But enough about me, let's focus on your pocket monster." smirked as she pulled a florally themed vial filled with abyssal black fluid from a leather bag and pulled the cork out of it.
"S-so? What's your angle?" the blond questioned as the female gazed down at his growing groin with visible desire.
"This." the lady dropped down from her perch and wrapped her legs around his chest, using the momentum to send him back on the bed along with the shocked look on his face to pour the liquid down his throat. As the fluid circulated through his body, his pupils dilated and his blood flow began strengthening every muscle along with his southern package.
*Adult content*
"How do you feel hero?" quizzed the man who seemed to be glowing a dark red beneath her. In an action seemingly on impulse, Naruto quickly slid off his undergarments and sprung forth an engorged phallus of 32cm to stand at attention.
"W-w-what's h-h-happening?" the teen struggled as his eyes somewhat glazed over as he gripped the females hips and lifted her to a spot above his swollen cock. Grabbing her panties in his mouth, the blond ripped them off of her.
"Just a cocktail of Raging Mushroom, Endura Shrooms and Stamella shrooms. A special potion which boosts desire, passion, and instinct. Right now, I just want to ride it 'til it's gone." the rabbit-themed girl explained as the blond pulled her down onto his crotch, then rose her up to continue the cycle.
"F-fuccking A! We're going then? I'm going to use all of it." Naruto growled as ripped the material off her chest and attacked her chest, alternating from fondling and sucking her nipples.
"AHH~ such passion! Keep going hero-boy! I'm gonna fuck you raw!" screamed before the hero switched from Cowgirl to Doggystyle. Naruto grabbed the back of her head to burry into the pillow.
"Who!*BANG* DO YOU *BANG* BELONG TO!" the teen barked out as he smacked her asscheeks, with his free hand groping her tits.
"You! AH~ Hero! AH~ You and AH~ your glorious COCK!" moaned as he started plowing her field, continuously pounding away at any thoughts she could've had.
"I'm-I'm-I'm ... CUMMMMMMINNNNNNG!" the lady howled out with pleasure as she soaking the bed and his legs.
"We're not done!" Naruto ordered while he positioned himself atop her with his penis staying inside her as he assumed the Scorpio position.
"Gah-ah-ah~! Stahp... I cahn't feel mah legs~!" the girl whimpered as a torrent of hot liquid propelled her into the soaked bed. When Naruto pulled out of her, exploded in a cloud of smoke and vanished.
"W-where did ... she... goh..." the blond muttered as he returned to original hue and passed out with his tool softening beneath him.
*Adult Content end*
*Kakariko Village: 0700*
"Bah, wha? What happened?" the messy haired blond inquired as he pushed himself up on the bed and noticed his neatly folded clothes and undergarments hanging from the rafter. Reaching up to scratch his head, the hero noticed lacy black panties stuck to his face.
"Last night, a female entered this room and used an arousal potion on you. As the potion took effect, you fell into a lust-fueled haze and violently ejaculated inside of her. After which she disappeared and you passed out as the effects wore off." Kah answered as the teen tucked the panties into the waistband of his underwear and slipped on the rest of his clothing.
"T-thanks. Hey Kah, is this normal? I mean within the last 24 hours I've been drugged and tied up by two separate women and have had sex. I feel like that isn't normal." Naruto asked her while fixing his equipment(in both ways) along with packing away the sealing books and parchment.
"Hey Kid, ya done up there? I should've heard more sound from you. It sounded like the dead sleeping up there. "Impa exclaimed as Naruto finished packing his book and equipment away.
"W-what? W-I didn't wake you last night?" Naruto somewhat shyly asked as he shifted his pants with the slightly pulsing mass.
"Awake? If I didn't know you were up there, I'd say there was no one upstairs. Why? Should I have heard you?" the Sheikah asked as she looked on the teen.
"N-no. Just asking. Any tips on what I should do before I get to the Zora Region?" Naruto asked as the lady leaned behind her and pulled out a metal shield with a red triple triangle and bird crest emblazoned on it.
"Just take this Knights shield and leave. I've got duties to attend to." Impa ordered as he fixed the shield to his back and nodded before moving to leave the house. Right when he exited the house, Paya stood in the doorway with a small shivering to her stance.
"Good luck on your journey Mr. Hero." the girl declared before shutting the door and leaving him alone to march down the stairs with the slate glowing.
"From what I can get, yes. In the last century, there was an increase in monsters and the appearance of female monsters. Most focus on destruction and chaos, but some it seems prefer to focus on sex. Such as the one who you met earlier yesterday." Kah explained as Naruto brought the device up to his eye level and re-selected the path to the Lanaryu region.
"Time to head out. Better get there early." the hero muttered as he headed left from the house and passed through the mostly empty village with two kids running around up and down the forested hill.
"Hey, Mr. Hero! Are you gonna save Hyrule like they say you did a million of years ago?" a small white-haired girl asked as ran up to him and gazed upwards at him.
"Uh yeah. Don't worry, I'm going to get some tools together and kick that jerks butt!" Naruto promised as he pumped his fist into the air causing the girl to giggle.
"Ok Mr. Hero, stay safe out there. It's messy out there." the girl reminded him before she leapt up and kissed his cheek.
"Alright, you stay safe too kid." the blond yelled as the kid ran off to play with another child. Following down the pathway, he moved along the beaten path and eventually exited the mountain and canyon walls. With no one around the teen ran for a long while before he looked towards a dilapidated house with a faint glow coming from inside it.
"Hey! Is anyone in there? I'm looking for help finding the Zora in the Lanaryu region." Naruto yelled as he came into viewing distance and saw a kneeling tannish brown dirty blonde with her G-cup chest bound with a black band-less bra and a dull brown thong. On her person was chiseled golden armour with runes carved into it running down her arms and legs with marking encircling her navel.
"Hero... are you the blond hero who seeks to defeat Ganon?" the armoured woman asked as she rose to her feet and ripped an aged claymore from the ground to hold it solely in her right hand.
"I think that's me. Unless there's someone else." the teen questioned her as he reached into his pouch and pulled out his sword.
"Recognized. Prepare yourself for combat hero. I am tasked with the capture or extermination of the blond hero. Name unknown." the armoured girl explained as she aimed the sword at his chest.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and it seems that we're going to fight. Am I right?" Naruto asked as he took the sword in his right and the shield on his left.
"Correct. Prepare yourself 'Naruto Uzumaki', for combat will begin. NOW!" the female declared as she lunged herself at him and thrusted her weapon towards his heart, which he managed to deflect with the shield.
Why do you want to kill me?" the hero questioned her as she blocked his right downwards swing and palm struck him back with her left.
"Orders. I have been commanded by my masters to either capture you and bring you to them, or kill you and bring you to them." the armoured lady explained while grabbing the sword thrust at her face in her left hand.
"Why do you listen to them? Killing me won't stop people from trying to defeat Ganon. So I'll ask you to stop now before I do something regretful." the blond pleaded while blocking a downward strike from the female.
"My orders are absolute. The marking on my armour forces me to follow my orders to the commands. This fight will end with your capture/death or my death. We will fight until someone dies. Now raise up your weapon and prepare yourself. We will continue to the end." the blonde lady promised him as she threw the housing debris at him and pulled out a broadsword out of the rubble.
"I hate the fact that I have to do this but it seems like it's unfortunately the only option." the hero muttered as he pocketed the sword and gripped the shield with both hands.
"Choosing to choose the shield then. May you find content with your choice." with a dual swing, the female began an endless barrage of downward swinging attack on his defensive item.
"Shield *BANG* can be*BANG* used as a *BANG* WEAPON!" Naruto yelled as he pushed back her attack, stunning her and allowing him to land a crippling blow on her. Striking her...
What did you think?
Should Naruto be 'alone'? Him and Kurama? Nine Bijuu? Kaguya?
What's his relation to the Sheikah?