I cannot guarantee the dialogue matches the movie since I can't just watch it over and over again and write it down... I don't have the money to do so! Perhaps when the movie is out or I can find it, I will fix the dialogue and scenes to go along with it.

Chapter 2

At some point, the ship had begun to pass through different galaxy systems. One in particular contained an old man surrounded by Overseerers, seeming to be telling them stories. Peter had shrugged and continued looking ahead as the ship had once again passed through the portal to another galaxy.

Despite the ability to pass through multiple galaxies, Peter found the ship as being too… slow. His personal ship could fly much faster, being able to travel through multiple galaxies per second. He had designed his ship himself. It had been given to him as a gift from his Father as it was old and destroyed from overuse. The Chitauri had no use for it and Peter had been practically begging, figuratively of course, to be able to tamper with one. After he had completely taken it apart and put it back together, it was sleeker and faster. No ship could out-race his, as far as he knew. It had the color scheme that his own armor and legs possessed: Gold, black, and red. It was currently docked in one of the lower sections of the ship, in a private dock of course. He didn't want the Chitauri or Outriders leering at his masterpiece.

Presently, Peter was leaning against the railing that prevented him from falling onto the large group of assembled Chitauri lined up for the next attack. Father had mentioned that their next target was one well known to both of them, Loki Odinson/Laufeyson. Personally, Peter didn't hold that bad of a grudge against the frost giant. In fact, he had appreciated the trickster's wit and ability to be sly and cunning.

Peter sighed and groaned in boredom as he continued glancing between the Chitauri and never-ending blackness outside the main window.

"Soon, my son, you may have your fun" His Father spoke up from behind him where he sat upon a giant, stone throne.

"Why can't I do it now? You always let Gamora do however she pleased with the lower-ranked soldiers" He mumbled the last part, but Thanos caught it anyways.

"Gamora knew restraint, something you still lack, despite your discipline many years ago. The only reason you haven't gained more discipline is the fact that you appeared to have learned when to back down. Perhaps we need to revisit what those disciplinary actions would entail?" His tone had grown angrier as he spoke. The last sentence had been spoken with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that Peter didn't need to turn around to know was there.

Peter turned white, he had seen footage from Nebula's punishments and didn't wish for that to come to him. "I-I don't think that would be nece-" He was cut off midway through his denial and return to submission by the one who had caused his fear.

"I'm sure we could enhance you, like you enhanced that ship of yours" a large purple hand landed on his shoulder, but Peter remained stiff. "An arm perhaps? A leg? An eye? I'm sure the addition of cybernetics could help with those projects you insist on performing".

Peter's tone returned to neutral to try and appease his Father who was now standing at his side, gazing down at the assembled army.

"Thank you for the generous offer, Father, but I believe that my biological appendages would be much more.. capable of aiding me in my 'projects'" He said.

His Father turned and looked at him, slightly narrowing his eyes and giving his shoulder a warning squeeze before turning and heading back to his throne. Peter followed him with his eyes, catching the smirk on Ebony Maw's face before turning to return his gaze to the stars in front of them. He released a breath he didn't know he had been holding, letting his head hang over the railing.

He picked his head back up only to spot a small ship approaching from the front. Peter narrowed his eyes, it was not a ship he recognized as part of his Father's fleet. His Father seemed to have spotted it too since he sat up straighter and narrowed his eyes at the ship as well.

The Chitauri made some clicking noises, to which Father replied with a shake of his head. From the lack of gun sounds, Peter assumed that it meant his Father had denied the Chitauri from shooting down the ship. His Father was curious.

Once the ship was directly in front of the window, Peter's eyes widened.

Sitting in the pilot's chair sat one of his sisters. The one who had more mechanical parts than biological ones. Nebula, his mind thought with glee. He didn't show it on his face since Nebula was glaring straight through him towards the figure sitting behind him.

His Father stood up and once again walked to his side, eyes never leaving Nebula and Nebula's eyes never leaving his. Peter quietly gulped. The blood between Nebula and his Father had always seemed to either be poisoned or boiling.

Thanos jerked his head towards the side, silently gesturing for Nebula to dock her ship in one of the side bays. He then turned his back on her and began to walk towards the bay that Nebula was supposed to dock in.

Peter was in the process of turning to follow him when he heard thuds against the glass. He turned back around in shock to notice that Nebula was shooting against the glass with her ship.

You idiot! He screamed internally. Peter had taught Nebula and Gamora on how to build their own ships, including the front windshields. The glass was used in all of Thanos' ships. His main one being no exception. The glass was practically indestructible, no mere ship would be able to break it. Peter had taught his siblings how the glass was made, including its' inability to be destroyed easily. Nebula knew her ship wouldn't do anything. She was trying to get Thanos' attention.

Father had turned around as well, though seeming much more calm than his raging 'daughter' outside the ship. Everyone watched him, waiting for a signal or some form of communication on what to do next.

Father narrowed his eyes into a glare at Nebula. He walked over to the commanding Chitauri and whispered a few words to it before holding his hand up in a fist and bringing it down. A large shriek descended through the ship, originating from the Chitauri his father had spoken to. It was giving orders.

Explosions from the turrets could be heard from inside the ship as they begun firing upon the small ship located outside. It was quickly and easily destroyed.

Surprisingly, Nebula was untouched. Peter had no fear about her not being able to breathe, her mechanical parts made it so that she didn't need air to live. It helped her live easier, but it was simply not required.

Once only Nebula was left outside the ship, glaring at Father, a small ship was dispatched to get her. The Chitauri on board the ship restrained her and took her in.

Father watched from his spot on the main deck as she was manhandled into the small ship and watched the ship head back towards the mothership. Once the small ship was out of sight, he began to walk away, most likely to interrogate Nebula.

Peter stared after him and opted not to follow. He sighed, turned back around, and continued gazing at the stars. He hoped Father would go easy on Nebula.

Weeeelll it's been a while. I meant to post sooner, but I just had no idea how I was going to organize this scene. I apologize if it seems messy and rushed. Someday, I may go back to this story and fix all the errors or maybe just rewrite it entirely. Thanks for reading though! Thanks for all the awesome reviews! I read each and every one of them. They're actually what encouraged me to continue writing this story. Hopefully the next update will be up sooner, but I was hoping I could wait until I saw Infinity War again so that I could get the next scene with Thor and the Asgardian ship correct, but who knows? Maybe it'll be an even longer wait. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!