I ran up the stairs before anyone else could notice. Oh who am I kidding, no one cared anyway, I'm probably doing everyone a favour as a matter of fact. Lately work has been so stressful, and with my friends at work recent change in attitude towards me, even to the point of stealing my microphone. I'm starting to think literally everyone at work hates me now, even space cadet! All I've done recent was make Ton cups of tea, so much that I've barely even had time to complete my work! Even Fenneko and Haida have asked me to do their work for them, my two closest work "friends"! I thought they were supposed to be there to comfort me in my time of sorrow, but it's either that I've known friends to be completely different people my whole life, or they truly hate me now. I'm not even allowed to go home anymore as well, Ton has been making me do extra work at no extra cost, threatening to call the cops on me, that I've been stealing money from the company somehow!

But up till today, I've suffered undeserved verbal abuse, I've been endlessly harassed at work. But today, I never thought I'd imagine, Ton raised his hand and struck me down onto the floor, while everyone in the accounting department was there. The smack made everyone in the room stop and stare. But worst of all, no one even looked like they were going to help me, and for the first time ever, I heard.

"Why did your parents even give birth to you." And that was it, I was speechless. Of all the verbal abuse I've endured, nothing could amount to what he said right then, I wasn't even angry, I was just in such a state of shock. And then I thought,

"What's keeping me going? No one cares anymore, clearly all the people who I once saw as a friend despise me and are trying to disassociate themselves with me as much as possible. I'm not even paid well, how am I supposed to sustain myself for the rest of my life?" And that's when it clicked. I don't need to work if I don't need to sustain myself. I got up and ran as fast as I could to the closest staircase with access to the roof. Behind me I heard whispers of my co-workers, wondering where I was going. I wasn't going to stop until it was all over. Finally, I had reached the roof, where I am now in the present. I looked down, the height of the fall both intimidated me, yet it called to me, seeking a warm embrace. I was going to do it. I, Retsuko, am going to put an end to my pointless life. I am going to commit suicide.

I jump. At first, it's scary, but as I fall, slowly increasing in speed, I feel an odd sense of elation, like theres no reason to be afraid, for once in awhile, that I'm actually free. I keep my eyes open, although my heart betrayed me, beating faster and faster, as I fell I saw pedestrians, none that I recognised, but that didn't matter. They'd only see me in a red puddle, or maybe I'd just explode upon impact with the concrete ground. They'd be terrified.

As the final miliseconds pass, I close my eyes, not wanting to see anything before passing into another life. But I felt my body get caught in something, but before I could open my eyes to see, I hit the floor.

A/N: Hey there, not a frequent publisher here on , but I love this site. Anyway before I digress any further, thanks for reading, do review it and tell me where I went wrong/what I could've done better. This was kind of a rushed story I tried to get out at uhhh... wait its 2.45 am... well damm that ain't good, I've got exams tomorrow! Also enjoy this little teaser for next chapter, where I'll try and make it longer because I'm sure as hell this was a short story!

But I'm not dead?