Sharingan vs Shadow Clones

This is a one-shot turned two-shot due to the length. I got carried away.

Unbeta'd (expect some grammar errors)

Warning: Contains explicit sexual content with 2+ males. Graphic, kinky, dirty, hardcore gay sex. Excessive swearing. Dirty talk. Bondage. Slight Dub-con. And double penetration. Porn without plot. Meant for audiences 18+

Part 1

Exhaustion wore at his muscles, making them burn and ache down to his very bones. Everything hurt. He couldn't keep this up much longer. The clear sky was darkening as the sun neared the horizon. They'd been fighting for hours.

Sweat beading down his forehead, Sasuke expertly thrust four kunai at his targets, each one hitting their marks spot on. Simultaneously, four balloon like "pops" sounded before smoke billowed around the clones. They vanished into thin air after the sharp tip of the deadly kunai sunk into their chests.

Four down, ten more to go. He could do this. Just one more blast with the Fireball Jutsu and it would all be over. If that failed it would be the end of him. There just wasn't enough energy left to draw this battle out any longer. After just coming back from a grueling, month long S-class mission Sasuke was simply too fatigued to use another Jutsu. He was tapped out.

Inhaling a deep breath, Sasuke let loose a stream of fire so intense it seared half the length a football field in all directions. Dark eyes squinted, scanning the charred terrain for any signs of life. Nothing. Only ash, billows of smoke, and the black tips of the once vibrant green grass.

It worked…or so he thought. Relief flooded through his weary body. To be on the safe side, Sasuke pushed chakra into his hearing and listened carefully for any signs of life. No breathing. No trees rustling. No sounds of footsteps anywhere to be heard. Not even another chakra signature for miles. Nothing but cicada's singing in the balmy night's sky. It had worked.

With labored breaths, he allowed himself to let his guard down for a moment to regain some strength back. Bending over, Sasuke placed his hands on trembling thighs and took deep breaths in and out, centering his universe. The earth was spinning all around him. His lungs felt like they had hot coal cooking inside him thanks to the effects of that signature move. He was closer to passing-out more than he would like to admit, but he had won. That's all that mattered.

That was until Sasuke spotted out of his peripheral a white rotating sphere coming from the left side of his back. Fuck!

"Rasenshuriken!" Naruto roared before crashing into Sasuke's side with a high powered wind Jutsu.

Crying out, Sasuke flew back nearly two-hundred feet before smashing into the nearest tree. Splinters shredded his shirt, some leaving even more bloodied marks on his pale skin. Crimson over ivory. A truly beautiful combination. Sasuke groaned as his nerves fired off their pain receptors like an electric current.

Mutherfuck. Why hadn't he sensed it coming earlier?

Hugging the injured side, he could feel that a few ribs had been broken from the direct attack. Goddammit. But he wasn't too concerned. Chakra would eventually repair them. It should've been much worse actually—with the power of a Jinchuriki. A direct hit like that could've been lethal. Easily. Naruto must've lowered the force at the last second, or he would be sporting a massive hole through his chest.

Sasuke brace himself for the next attack. There was no need. Naruto slammed into his a second later, but it was not to injure. No, it was full of heat and desire as the blond crashed his lips down in a hard kiss. His larger body pressed and the melted against Sasuke's, pinning him against the large oak tree. A wet tongue slide across Sasuke's lower lip and opened up without hesitation, meeting his boyfriend's demands, but he couldn't help but give off a warning growl first.

Sometimes Naruto would show his dominant side. And while Sasuke secretly loved it and thought it was hot as fuck, he had to make sure Naruto knew he was the alpha in the relationship.

Openly dating for a few months now, Sasuke and Naruto had been screwing each other's brains in secret for over a year now. It all started during a long mission. Countless nights spent shacked up in a small tent in the woods with adrenaline pumping through their veins played a large part of it. They needed release, and Sasuke figured sex would be as good as any kind. Naruto agreed.

Only, it kept happening. Over and over again. Nearly every night Naruto would sneak into his bed and Sasuke never said no for some reason. They never spoke of it during the day. It became a nightly routine like taking a shower or eating a meal. It didn't hurt anybody and felt great so why stop?

That was, until it did affect one of their missions.

The mission was simple enough. Gathering information on a target. While Sasuke had done those hundreds—if not thousands—of times, this one was a bit different. It called for seducing the target. He thought it would be easy enough, after all, if he could satisfy his teammate in the sack he could surely please another. Right?


It didn't quite work out that way.

The mission started out smoothly enough. Sasuke successfully seduced a beautiful woman into his room at the inn as planned. This woman, who was the wife of a high ranking government official, was suspected of cheating. Sasuke's team was unable to find evidence on who she was cheating with so he was sent in to sleep with her instead.

That's when it all went downhill.

When Sasuke was in the room alone with her, kissing her. Touching her. He couldn't get it up. That's when he realized that he was gay and might have deeper feelings for the blond idiot than he previously thought. It was a humiliating realization. And if that wasn't mortifying enough, Naruto turned furious when he found out that Sasuke accepted the mission—even after he telling Naruto that nothing happened between the two of them.

That's when Sasuke brought up the idea of making it official. Because let's face it, he liked what they had too much to give it all up. Naruto was ecstatic.

That night they made love all night long.

Boiling red energy spread hotly across Sasuke's skin, healing his wounds in its wake, seeping into his bones and replenishing his depleted chakra source, bringing him back to the present.

Gasping, Sasuke moaned as the scalding energy mended his broken bones before his very eyes. Dark purple bruises and gaping wounds stitched back like new at an impossible rate. The rich, bubbling red chakra filled his reserves to the brink with a powerful flow of raw energy that his body greedily soaked up like a sponge.

God, it felt fan-fucking-tastic.

"Oh, shit. Yes…God yes." He moaned into Naruto's hungry mouth. A growing, burning need spread across his skin like a flame, pooling into his groin. Sasuke's mind was foggy with lust, the all-consuming blaze of Naruto's chakra fulling his internal fire.

Chuckling softly, Naruto nuzzled Sasuke's neck before paused resting his forehead against his. "I didn't know you liked my chakra so much, Sasuke. If I would have known I would share it more often."

Smoldering blue eyes pierced through Sasuke's midnight black orbs. Pupils blown wide with lust and packed as much heat as Kurama's chakra. Sasuke damn near melted. It was as if he were a victim to his own fireball jutsu. Fucking intense—but not in a bad way. Not at all.

"I love how it feels," Sasuke admitted. Growling, he grinded his hip against Naruto's. "I just hate how it gives you a damn near endless supply energy."

"Aww, is the great Uchiha jealous? That's why you didn't dodge my attack in time, isn't it? My big, bad boyfriend is all tuckered out." Naruto laughed like a little brat. "Don't worry about it, babe. You've got enough power to make any shinobi green with envy…Or scared shitless depending on the situation," he added between butterfly kisses. Prick.

"Watch what you say to me, you only beaten me this time because you have a fucking demons life-source on tap." Sasuke's voice came out clipped as he tugged on golden strands of unruly hair sticking out his boyfriend's head, positioning himself for a deeper kiss. "Now shut up and fucking kiss me."

"But I thought you were too tired."

Sasuke bit the bottom of Naruto's lip. Hard. "Shut. Up. And. Kiss. Me."

That was all the coaxing the dobe needed before sealing his chapped lips against Sasuke's. Their bodies welded together in a bruising kiss. Calloused hands twined in spiky black-blue locks, fisting tightly like a handle while his thick wet muscle probed Sasuke's mouth. Tasting. Exploring. Devouring.

Saliva smeared on their faces. Wet slurping sounds and soft moans could be heard over their heavily panting breaths. The kiss was by no means romantic, nor was it the best they'd ever shared. It was brimming with a fiery need and desire. Full of pent up sexual tension. Rough and desperate and savage.

Sasuke fucking loved it.

Not one to be outdone, he pushed back against Naruto's tongue, battling for dominance. Naruto growled into his mouth in response. His firm hands dropping to Sasuke's ass, pulling him even closer. Fuck, yes.

A rumbling purr rolled up Sasuke's chest. The addictive sweet honeyed flavor of Naruto sent pleasure to his taste buds. The earthy musky sent brought comfort and familiarity. Sasuke found himself reacting whenever he got a whiff of that sent. It was even stronger now that they were covered in grime, sweat and dried blood from their long journey back home and the hours of sparring. In many ways that was even better. It was more real and a reminder that they both survived another mission.

Being shinobi, their life expectancy wasn't exactly long…

How fast he could strip off their clothes without breaking from the kiss was Sasuke's top priority. His tongue gave Naruto's a frisky swirl, then glided in and out. In… and out. In… and out. He slowed the frenzied pace down to a more seductively level, leisurely fucking the blonde's mouth while his whole body burned like crazy.

Moving to the rhythm of Naruto's rolling hips, Sasuke dropped the katana that he's been holding, ignoring the life-saving tool in favor of touching more of Naruto's sun-kissed skin. The pace was tantalizingly erotic. He groaned, trying to capture that wicked tongue. Fuck, he wanted to suck it down or eat it up. That delicious slow-pumping, mind-melding, sinful wedge of muscle forever trapped in that delightfully hot, wet mouth that was meant for sucking cock. His cock.

Growling, Sasuke tugged his boyfriend's golden hair, trying to get their mouths to fit even closer. Like a jigsaw puzzle, they fit perfectly together. He was rewarded with a purring response from Naruto.

"Fuck, I love way you taste." Sasuke moaned as he ate Naruto's mouth, relishing his taste, warmth, and sent like a drowning man starved for oxygen.

Sasuke's body was feverish while heexplored every tooth and nook of that fucking addictive mouth until his lungs protested. As if sensing his need for oxygen, Naruto pulled away with one last press of lips against his own. Instead of backing away completely, Naruto left trails of soft, sultry kisses across his jaw. Up to his ear. Down his neck. Languidly sucking, licking, nibbling his way down.

"Same. Now touch me," Naruto panted breathlessly, palms squeezing Sasuke's ass. Even he seemed to be short on words.

Wedging a hand in-between their hard pressed bodies, Sasuke skimmed his knuckles over Naruto's black anbu vest. Slowly tracing his way down the sternum to his midriff, his abdomen, the button above his fly, and finally the outline of one very hard erection.

The air in Naruto's lungs exploded out of his mouth in a loud hiss that Sasuke eagerly gobbled up. God, he loved hearing the desperate, unrestrained sounds flowing from Naruto's sexy mouth. How only he could make the powerful Jinchuriki beg for his touch. His cock. His love.

A heady rush of pride ran up Sasuke's spine at the knowledge. The knowledge that he owned Naruto in every way. His body. His heart. His desire. His loyalty. The two of them together were damn near unstoppable. Far more powerful then Sasuke could've ever imagined being possible.

Naruto rocked his hips against Sasuke's palm and started unzipping his vest.

Not quickly enough. Fuck. Sasuke needed more. He needed him inside. Needed Naruto to fuck him with that hard, thick cock. Needed to know that this was all real and that Naruto was really here with him. Needed Naruto to pin him down and open him up, and—

Naruto's lips latched onto his exposed throat, biting, sucking, and bruising the tender flesh as he continued to rock against him. The wet drag of his tongue shot strait to Sasuke's dick. "More," he grit out roughly, having had no patience for foreplay tonight.

Swatting Naruto's hands away, Sasuke tugged at his pants. The zipper pulled down with a loud rasp. Then he slid the blonde's pants and underwear down in a rustle of fabric, freeing the flushed and leaking cock from the cotton prison. Before Naruto could even react, Sasuke's hand curved around his jutting erection, squeezing. Pumping. Stroking. Naruto gasped with a shaky breath and bucked wildly into his hand.

Harnessing a pulse of chakra, much like a very weak version of the chidori, Sasuke released a low volt of electricity straight into Naruto's sensitive shaft and balls.

Naruto gasped loudly in shock. His sapphire blue eyes opened wide and his back went rigid. "Oh, fuck…oh, fuck! Goddammit, Sasuke! What the—" Before he could even finish that sentence, Naruto stood froze solid the second he looked into blood red eyes with three spinning commas.

"You should know better than to look me in the eyes, dobe." With a wicked smirk, Sasuke he unzipped his naive boyfriend's vest. His gloved hands reached up under the hem of Naruto's undershirt, teasing the tantalizing flesh they lay just beneath the thin layer of fabric. Naruto's chest was heaving as he splayed his hand open. Exploring. Petting. Claiming.

"God, you're so damned hard." Sasuke's husky voice was smooth like silk as he pinched the pebbled nipples with one hand.

Experimentally, Sasuke charged his fingers with the same electrifying chakra as before. A low current licked at the sensitive flesh surrounding the dusky nipple with tendrils of blue chakra. The other hand did the same to his shaft. Naruto's cock jerked with every pulse of electricity. Sasuke wanted to hear his cries. To know how it felt. But not enough to free him from the spell.

He could feel Naruto fighting it. Trying to break the genjutsu. It was hopeless. His blond idiot was never very skilled at breaking out of genjutsus in the first place. And Sasuke was the master of them.

Loosening his grip on Naruto's tortured penis, Sasuke took a moment to appreciate and play with the man's arousal before getting down to business. It was long with a thick, flushed tip. His own cock was thicker but not as long. Pushing down on it, he watched hungrily as it sprung back up when released, a drooling trail of precum stretched between the head to his finger. More clear, sticky fluid would leak out with every electrifying zap delivered to his nipples.

Sasuke was so fucking hard that it hurt.

He couldn't resist smearing all that precum over Naruto's cock, prepping it for better things to come. Craving more like a drug, Sasuke stripped the rest of his vest off that hung loosely over his broad shoulders from Naruto's failed attempt earlier. With his other hand, he unclasped the weapons pouch and belt, then quickly unzipped his fly. His hard dick greeted him enthusiastically by springing up and bouncing off his washboard abs. Thick and wet and flushed angry red. The pants came off next. Kicking off the bunched material around his ankles all that remained on him was his dark long sleeved undershirt, calf-high boots and a pair of elbow-length black gloves—like a cheap whore. Not that he gave a two fucks right now. Desperate times.

The only reaction coming from Naruto was dilated pupils that were filled with desire. His heated gaze raked hot over Sasuke's skin. The straining muscles made it obvious that he was trying so desperately trying to move. But it was useless. Impossible under the paralyzing genjutsu. He couldn't even utter a single word. It was perfect.

Wasting no time at all, Sasuke turned around to face the tree so that his back pressed close against the vulnerable jinchuriki. He needed that big cock in him right motherfucking now. Leaning over, Sasuke placed a palm against the rough bark to brace himself and arched his back so that his ass raised high in the air and leveled with Naruto's cock. Using his other hand, he guided the tip to his unprepped entrance.

Fuck. He needed it hard and raw. Needed to feel his insides protest with tension from being stretched so fucking wide. Needed to feel alive.

But, holy shit. Naruto was big. And Sasuke had only taken it up the ass a couple of times before. Only on rare occasions would he ever even consider letting Naruto top. Tonight was one of those nights. Tonight he craved the guy's touch in ways he couldn't explain. In ways he didn't want to explain. And that's why he was taking complete control. Why he pulled the genjutsu on him in the first place. He wasn't going to just freely give his ass away to Naruto. No fucking way. Sasuke didn't do easy. If he was going to bottom it damn well was going to be on his terms. Naruto could bitch about it all he wanted later. After all, Sasuke had never been considered to be the 'nice' boyfriend.

Sasuke knew it was going to hurt but that didn't faze him much. They were some of the most powerful Shinobi to ever exist. Pain was daily expectancy. It was even a turn-on at times. Especially during a times like these. He thought as he pushed down harder against the mushroom tip. When it finally breached his breath exploded out of his lungs.

Fuck, yes!

"Ahhhh, fuck!" Sasuke hissed. He could latterly feel Naruto's body quiver with exertion from trying to break free. Silly boy. Sweat slicking their skin. A strong musky sent filled the air as he pushed all the way down on Naruto's cock until it was fully hilted. "Oh, fuck…Oh, fuck!"

The inner walls of his colon were tearing, giving way for the massive intrusion. The precum slathered on Naruto's cock doing little to slick his aching whole. Sasuke sucked in a breath and held it, willing his body to relax. The pain was only temporarily. Borrowed chakra was already repairing the torn walls.

It was still tender by the time Sasuke started moving, pushing forward until the tip of Naruto's dick was nearly out, then slamming back until his asscheeks slapped against the hard points of Naruto's hip bone. Both hands laid flat against the tree as he fucked himself on Naruto's cock. His strong arms propelled his body back and forth, impaling himself over and over again like a kinky pushup.

Elbow length black gloves were the only thing protecting Sasuke from the rough, splintery surface. The pace of his thrusts increased, along with the sounds he made. He wasn't quiet, not that anyone else was around to hear. The sheer intensity brought a cry to his lips, and his head dropped down at the fire that burned all throughout his body.

"God, yes!" Sasuke cried out. He repeated Naruto's name again and again like a prayer. His knees grew weak and his thrusts became frenzied. Immediately his hips began to pick up the pace, restlessly impaling himself on the stationary object. Faster and faster, over and over. In…and out. In…and out. "S-s-shit. F-f-fuck."

There was nothing sweet or slow about the experience. It grew from fierce and raw hunger. He didn't stop gyrating his ass on Naruto's cock as if he were in a trace. A mating dance ritual. Drawing his orgasm to the surface faster than expected. There was no savoring the moment or basking in budding lust. Just raw, animalistic fucking.

And god was it fucking fantastic.

It was so empowering. Naruto being completely at his mercy. Only able to watch as his cock disappeared in and out of Sasuke's tight little pucker. Broken strangle sounds—like a deaf person trying to communicate—spilled out of Naruto mouth while Sasuke rode him hard. He was curious to know what Naruto had to say, but not enough to brake the hold. He wasn't done yet. But, by the way his balls were tinging and drawing up, Sasuke knew he wasn't going to last a whole lot longer. Not that he wanted to anyway. As pleasurable as this was for him, his body needed release. To reach that euphoric high until his limbs felt loose and his body was sate.

"Fuck, Naruto. I'm about to cum." He spoke like he wasn't the only party who could respond. The only answering sound was their heaving breaths and slap of skin.

Using only one hand to balance on the tree, Sasuke brought the other down to stroke his neglected length while he used Naruto's body like a sex toy. His gloved hand was silky-smooth over his weeping dick as it pumped back and forth, matching each frantic thrust. His moans came louder and more frequently, breaths growing shallow.

A possessive growl thrummed through Sasuke's chest. Naruto was his lover. His. Every inch of his being bristled with satisfaction at the thought.

"Ahhh!" He cried hoarsely when Naruto's cock brushed over his prostate. Back arching and eyes squeezed shut, Sasuke was lost in pure ecstasy.

"S-s-shit. Oh…god. R-r-right there…don't fucking move. Yes baby!" Being so close to climax, Sasuke completely forgot that Naruto couldn't move even if he had wanted too. And fuck did his captive boyfriend ever want too.

The rhythm became erratic, jerky, and uncoordinated the closer he got. He continued milking his prostate on Naruto's shaft while the other hand jacked off. His legs trembled on the verge of release, his breathing labored. Heat coiled in his lower abdomen and his ball drew up tight, ready for release. His asshole spasmed and constricted around the large phallus that was buried deep within him. Searing ecstasy tore through his body, tingling up his tailbone and sparking every cell as his balls reared back and unloaded. With a shout, round after round of hot, thick ropes of cum shotgunned out from his balls, up the shaft, and through the thin slit on the tip, marking the tree and with a generous amount of his milky splooge.

Hypnotizing red eye faded to black, the hold on Naruto slipped once he reached climax. Poofs of smoke suddenly surrounded Sasuke—not that he was aware enough to notice. A moment later three copies of Naruto appeared, surrounding his sides as he continued shooting off his load.

Sasuke was too blissed out to even fucking notice.
