Episode 13: Predators (II)

Ben groaned and moaned in pain. He slowly opened his eyes weakly and painfully. He found himself the whole world is in upside down. The chamber is filled with alien species' trophies of heads, skeleton, weapons, treasures, skins and more trophies. It scared the hell out of him. He even found Tetrax, who is also hanging upside down. He found Anubian Baskuur was eating and chewing on meat and bones. He realized that they have been tied up in titanium rope and attached to two Crabdozers' horns.

"Tetrax! Tetrax! Wake up! Damn it!" Ben shouted in concern. Tetrax groaned in pain as he opened his eyes. He sighed, "You okay?"

Tetrax groaned, "Never been better. Damn headache."

"Where the heck are we?!"

"Khyber's trophy chamber. This is the place, where he hunted down, killed and kept all of his preys as his trophies."

"And I'm one of the kind? Terrific. So, what's he gonna do with me now? Skinned me out? Take my head out of my body? Make it into a perfect skull? Left me hanging around before he could screamed wildly and crazily like a crazy hunter?"

"Ben, you watched too much of scary movie especially if it's a alien hunter. Great Celestiasapien's beard! That scared and shattered my skin to pieces."

"Aw, come on! It can't be that bad."

"Ben, I hate scary movies, particularly involving aliens hunting and feasting humans for meals. Yuck. That makes me sick."

"Well, what do you think it's called 'Horror Movie', duh..."

"Is he always that talkative?" Khyber's voice asked amusingly and annoyingly. He and his Anubian Baskuur have arrived at the scene. They stood before him. He smirked darkly, "And to think that he's actually a hero, who has saved the universe and defeat most notorious and dangerous villains and criminals including my former client - Vilgax."

"Believe or not, I'm the real deal. I saved the universe countless times," Ben said confidently, which irritated and annoyed Tetrax. He cleared his throat, "Enough about me. You've got me. WHat are you gonna do? Kill me? Skin me out? Get my skull for trophy?"

"Ben! This is serious!" Tetrax snapped in annoyance.

Khyber chuckled amusingly as he took his knife, "Actually that's not a bad idea. I'd never actually have a human skull in my collection. This would be perfect."

Ben yelped and panicked in fear, "I was joking! I was joking! I was joking!"

"Ben, Khyber never jokes! He's a hunter. He hunt down his preys, kill them and collect them as trophies!" Tetrax snapped in annoyance, "You're his prey now!"

"Correction, my old friend. I'm an Ultimate Predator while this fool is my perfect Ultimate Prey." Khyber corrected firmly. He then chuckled while looking at Ben, "I'm gonna enjoy this..."

"Aw man..." Ben said in concern.

After their fierce argument with Ben for his egotistical and unappreciated his team's effort, Rook and Julie have returned to Plumber's Headquarter as they were checking on Helen. They were now inside the patient room, where Helen was still sleeping on the bed, recovering from Scorpodrake's poison. Rook was still worried and uneasy to look at her in the state. Julie remained calm yet worried as well.

Julie patted Rook's back gently, "She'll be fine, Rook."

"I know. I'm just worried," Rook admitted in concern. He sighed before looked at Julie, "Julie, I was wondering. Is he always an arrogant and immature?"

Julie sighed, "Eeyup. He's always like that whenever he let the fame and ego get to his head.."

"How can you and your friends able to handle him? He doesn't appreciate his team's effort and teamwork especially when we're the ones, who saved him for multiple times! I'm having a hard time to believe that he's a hero."

"You and me both, Rook. I sometimes wonder the same thing. I wonder if Ben really cares and loves me or not."

"I sometimes wonder if I make the mistake. Perhaps, father was right. I should have stayed home. I should never have left and joined the Plumbers."

"So, why did you join it in the first place?"

"When I was a young boy, I almost fell off the cliff until I was saved and rescued by the Plumbers. They claimed that they were delivering some supplies to my home due to Muroids have wasted our food and supplies especially Amber Ogia. I was impressed and amazed that outsiders have come to help and save us. That day made me realized that there were so many things I do not know. So, I want to explore the world, and get to know more about them and friends I make."

"That sounds quite adventure, Rook. And I believe that you make a right choice."

"Thank you. It's what I wanted for. But the problem is Ben. I thought working with a greatest warrior and hero would be excited and perfect for me. But instead, he has proven himself a big disappointment to me that he's not what I expected."

Julie nodded in understanding, "I'm sorry, Rook. He tends to be like that."

Rook sighed, "Yes, I noticed that a lot. I wish to reassign to a new team."

"No, don't. Don't reassign," The calm teenager girl's voice pleaded surprising both Rook and Julie.

They turned and found Helen has opened her eyes and was still breathing. She coughed a bit as she struggled to sit up straight. Luckily, both of them helped her out.

"I'm glad you're alright," Rook said in relief, "Why do you insist me not to reassign? After what we have done for him, he didn't say 'thank you' to us."

Julie nodded, "Yeah, I have to agree with Rook. Ben wasn't very appreciative to the team especially letting pride and ego get to him."

Helen shook her head, "Just because Ben didn't appreciate your team effort, doesn't mean he's not happy that you're there for him, just as he's there for you two." Rook and Julie were surprised. She continued, "I mean. I have a lot of issues with Manny for being an idiot, and I ended up saving his live a lot. Hell, I hated his immaturity. But when I'm in danger, he came to save me."

"Really? Why?" Rook asked in surprise.

Helen smiled weakly, "Because I can count on him. And he's my teammate. Just as Ben is your teammate."

Rook and Julie were surprise as they gave in some thoughts of what Helen has said. They both smiled as they agreed to it. Julie continued, "You're right, Helen. I bet we now how it feels to fit in Grandpa Max, Gwen and Kevin shoes."

"I do not understand why do we fit in their shoes?" Rook asked curiously and confusingly.

Helen giggled amusingly, "Julie meant that you and her knows what they have been through with Ben being unappreciative but happy to have them as friends and backup."

"Aw, I see. That makes sense," Rook nodded in understanding. He turned to Julie, "I guess we go find and rescue Ben and Tetrax again?"

Julie smirked, "That's the plan, Rook." Realizing the mistakes, she groaned and have a facepalmed, "Oh boy! But the problem is that I sort of crush Tetrax's badge when I lose my temper."

"What about Ben's? He should have one?" Rook suggested.

"Ben doesn't need badge," Julie reminded Rook. It then struck her an idea to gasp, "Of course! Ben doesn't need the badge at all!"

Rook looked confuse and uncertain, "I do not understand, Julie."

Julie smirked as she got up and grabbed Rook, "Come on! I'll explain on the way!" She turned and looked at Helen, "Thanks for helping, Helen! We owe you one!"

Rook nodded in agreement, "Indeed. Your advice is very helpful! And we appreciated it."

As soon as Julie and Rook left the patient room, Helen smiled and sighed in relief, "You're welcome, guys. Go and get them, Team Ben!"

"WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! Don't kill me!" Ben pleaded fearfully, "I was just joking! Really joking!"

Tetrax groaned in frustration and anger as he struggled to break free from his chains. He can't do anything but to watch Khyber approached Ben. The hunter was prepare to cut his prey's head off. Ben closed his eyes as he's ready for his death. But instead of going to the head, Khyber slices out Ominitrix Logo out from the shirt and even took the battle glove out as well.

Khyber smirked amusingly as he has the shirt's piece and battle glove on the tip of his knife. Tetrax sighed in relief while Ben panted heavily in both fear and shock.

"What the hell?! Are you trying to scare me or something?!" Ben demanded in anger, "Coz that wasn't funny at all!"

Khyber chuckled a bit while looking at his souvenirs, "It is to me. I enjoyed terrifying off my prey, so they would not try to resist and defeat me. And of course, getting my own souvenirs."

"Yeah. Nearly works on me," Ben said dryly and annoyingly.

"Piece of shirt and battle glove aren't your trophies?" Tetrax asked in annoyance, "You and your client are really after the Omnitrix, aren't you?"

"Always clever, aren't you, old friend?" Khyber asked amusingly before chuckled, "Yes, my client is after the Omnitrix, but for me, I just want this boy as my latest trophy. Just as he suggested, his skull will do fine." He then pointed on his armored bone-like chest, "Right here. To show the universe that I have truly hunted down Ben Tennyson."

Ben groaned a bit, "I really need to cut down some jokes. It always got me into trouble since I was a kid."

"Not only that, boy," Khyber said darkly and calmly, "You should have treated your team better, otherwise you wouldn't be at disadvantage. And if you're hoping that your mate and Revonnahgander would come and rescue you both, you're wasting time. Your former team have left you. Both of your badges have been destroyed. No one can save you now."

Ben scoffed, "Yeah. I may not have been a good team player, but I'd never let them to do my dirty work, unlike you using your own 'mutt'."

"Fool. He's not like some earthling's mutt. He's an Anubian Baskuur - a highly trained and loyal hound I ever have," Khyber said firmly as he petted his hound gently and calmly.

"What about Nemetrix? Who built it?" Tetrax said firmly, "I don't believe you can invent his."

Khyber smirked darkly, "You're right. I'm not. The Nemetrix belongs to one of your old friends - Malware..."

"WHAT?! MALWARE?!" Ben asked in shock and confusion before showing concern and feared looks, "No! No way! I beat him to death! There's no way he could survive!"

"Believe it or not. That is the truth," Khyber said calmly and firmly. He smirked as he narrated the story of how Nemetrix created, "Have you ever wonder why Malware decided to attack you, not attacking Azmuth and Galvan Prime?"

"Yeah?" Ben and Tetrax said curiously.

Khyber smirked, "Because he knew that you would interfere his plans. So, he decided to even the odds by creating the perfect and equal weapon - Nemetrix. Malware hired a Cerebrocrustacean named Dr. Psychobos to create the very first prototype. And the first test subject was a human."

"Phil..." Ben said in realization and shock, "You guys used him to test your Nemetrix! And it didn't go so well, did it?"

"Indeed, it didn't. The human is unable to control the device and its power of savage predator." Khyber confirmed, "To make sure that Nemetrix is perfected, Dr. Psychobos required the original Omnitrix's schematics. So, Malware attacked you, in order to get it before his premature death."

"And I'm guessing that your mad scientist brings him back to life?" Ben asked in annoyance.

Tetrax narrowed his eyes in anger, "And also begin working to perfect the Nemetrix?"

"That is correct." Khyber confirmed, "After Malware resurrected, he delivered the schematic to Dr. Psychobos. Three years have passed, he has completed and perfected the device. Next, he required two important materials - a candidate and predators' DNAs. So, they hired me to do a job. And I deliver them to him. Project: Nemesis was a success. And now, I have succeeded capturing you and your mentor alive. I'll be delivering you all to them."

"So, why did you take it so long especially when I quit being a hero in the first place?" Ben asked curiously, "That could have save some time."

"I maybe a hunter, but I do not hunt down and kill my prey when they're not emerging from their hideouts," Khyber said firmly before formed a smirk, "Two years ago, when Highbreed begins the invasion, you emerged from the shadows. I took my time to study and understand of your strengths and weaknesses."

"Wow. That took very and very long time. Compare to Vilgax, he take me down so easily," Ben teased amusingly, "I'd say Vilgax beat you in stopwatch competition. Some greatest hunter you turned out to be. Tetrax was right. You're a joke."

Noticing what Ben was doing, Tetrax nodded, "Eeyup. He's always rely on others to do the dirty work. He's the worst bounty hunter we ever seen."

Khyber groaned in anger as he armed with his knife. He was about to point his blade at them. They both moved aside before slammed on the hunter's sides hard. Using his cuffed hands, Tetrax grabbed and held the hunter for the moment, allowing Ben to have his cuffed to get sliced and cut by the knife. Ben slammed his Omnitrix to turn into Rath.

Rath roared wildly as he grabbed and thrown Khyber straight to the walls hard. He turned and broke the cuffs and rope into pieces. He helped put Tetrax down.

"Thanks, Ben." Tetrax thanked in relief.

Rath snorted, "Let me tell you something, Magister Tetrax Shard! Told you that Rath can save himself and doesn't need anyone to save his! Rath proved it again!"

Tetrax groaned, "On second thought, forget about owing you at all..."

"Whatever!" Rath scoffed before turned and glared at Khyber, who was getting up from hitting the walls. He roared, "Let me tell you something, Khyber the self-proclaimed 'greatest hunter of the universe'! Rath is so gonna kick your ass for messing with the wrong hero! You hear me?! You're now being hunted by me, hunter!"

Anubian Baskuur was about to attack, but instructed by his owner's gesture to stand down. Khyber grunted as he shook his head while snarled in annoyance, "Come and try to hunt me down. I've faced and defeated many Applexion Warriors especially skinning them out! You'll be no different from them."

Rath roared in anger, "Oh yeah?! Rath said 'bring it on, you big mother-!"

"BEN! LANGUAGE!" Tetrax scolded angrily.

Rath groaned, "Big piece of shit! Happy now?!"

"Better than use a terrible word," Tetrax said firmly, "Let's finish this off!"

Rath roared happily, "Bring it on!"

Rath roared as he charged and attacked Khyber, who easily dodged, blocked and deflected the attacks for few rounds. As Rath tried to slam his punch, Khyber struck his kick at his guts. And at the same time, he slammed his both arms on slamming the humanoid tiger-like alien down hard. Rath growled in anger as he refused to accept defeat. Khyber quickly used Hephaestan Neuro grip in pinching and bringing Rath down. Rath transformed back to Ben, who groaned and moaned in pain.

Tetrax gasped in shock. He quickly activated and armed with his crystallized shards. And just before he could attack Khyber, the hunter gave a loud whistle, causing Anubian Baskuur howled and transformed into Shattergeode. It took a whole bite of him into his mouth. Tetrax screamed and panicked in fear as he struggled to get out of monster's mouth.

Khyber scoffed while hissing at Ben, "I told you that I have faced and defeated Rath's species before." He sighed before grabbed and held him up. He armed with his knife, "Pitiful. I was going to bring you both in one piece to Malware. It appears that pieces will have to do."

TAP! Khyber looked confuse and surprise. As he turned to his back, he found Julie in Armorstrike slammed a punch on his face, pushing him away from Ben. And at the same time, Rook used both Powered Gauntlet Punches and Stone Cutter in damaging and knocking down Shattergeode, freeing Tetrax out. Shattergeode returned to his Anubian Baskuur form now. Both Armorstrike and Rook helped and get both Tetrax and Ben up.

Tetrax groaned and quivered in fear, "Damn it! I hate get eaten alive!"

"You're safe now," Rook said calmly.

"You're okay?" Julie asked.

Ben grunted a bit of pain, "Yeah. I'm be fine. Took you guys long time to get here."

"What can I say? I loved making dramatic entrance. Sounds familiar?"

"It is. Still mad at me, Julie?"

"You have no idea. Knew that you still need us to save your ass."

"Of course. If not for you guys, who else can?"

"I see you haven't lost your sense of humor. Glad you didn't get eaten alive."

"Thank goodness..."

"Impossible..." Khyber said weakly yet shocked as he slowly got up. Shattergeode regrouped with his master. He groaned in pain, "H-How?! How did you manage to find my ship?! I saw your mate destroyed your badge! I see to my old friend's bad destroyed by myself!"

Ben smirked as he shown his Omnitrix, "Who said I needed it when Omnitrix is already a badge and communicator?"

"So, everything was an act to capture me?!" Khyber demanded in shock and anger, "This was your plan all along?!"

"Nope. This is my solo plan only. My argument with these guys are real. I purposely angered them to leave the group, and even let me and Tetrax get captured. Once we get caught and get inside your ship, they'll come and rescue us," Ben admitted calmly yet proudly. His teammates were in shock and surprise by his plans. He smiled before looked at them, "But I'm happy that I've got my team to back me up and save my ass for all the time. I trusted them."

"You mean... You appreciate our effort and saving your live?" Rook asked in surprise.

Ben nodded firmly. Julie smiled and hugged him, "Damn you, Ben! You had me worried and angry! But I'm glad that you really trust us."

Ben smiled, "Of course. After all, we're a team."

"Yes, we are. I wish you could have told us the plan before you pull the stunt," Tetrax said in annoyance yet relieved, "Julie and Rook would have come to rescue us earlier."

Ben shrugged, "Sorry. If I told you all my plan, Rook and Julie won't be enough to angry at me to leave and soon to rescue us. I was hoping that you leave too, T. Plus, Rook's a terrible actor."

Rook hummed thoughtfully, "Quite cunning strategy you have make. You have indeed make the point about me being a poor actor. I'm impressed. I'm convinced that you do not care. But you truly care and appreciate our effort and teamwork."

"Though I wish you could have been more careful when fighting Khyber especially telling us your plan earlier," Julie scolded Ben a bit before smiled, "Sorry that if we're too harsh on you."

"It's okay. I'm the one need to apologize for not telling you my plan and let my ego to hurt you all. It's the only way to make my plan works," Ben apologized, "But I really glad to have a team."

Tetrax said firmly, "Either way, time to end this!"

Khyber scoffed, "I think not. You will not defeat and capture me that easily! I will not be defeated! I will defeat and kill my Ultimate Prey!"

Ben smirked as he readied his Omnitrix as he turned into Heatblast. He roared, "Bring it on, jackass! Get ready to burnt!"

Heatblast charged straight at Khyber while firing his blazing fire shots at him. The hunter remained firm and calm as he stood still.

"BEN, DON'T!" Team Ben exclaimed in concern.

Khyber smirked as he whistled. His Anubian Baskuur quickly transformed into Crabdzoer. Heatblast yelped in fear as he tried to halt his movement. And just before he could escape, Crabdozer took a big gulp on him. Heatblast screamed and panicked in fear as he struggled to get out. Khyber laughed amusingly to see his prey easily get fooled and caught eating alive.

Armorstrike and Rook activated their missile launchers and fired them at Crabdozer's head, making him groaned in pain to let Heatblast out. Heatblast hit his Omnitrix as he turned into Armodrillo. He turned and unleashed his powerful jackhammer punch in knocking the beast straight to the walls.

"YEAH! Now, that's what I'm talking about! Don't mess with the hero!" Armodrillo cheered wildly and proudly.

Rook sighed, "Ben, you should really take care of yourself especially when dealing with predators. And so far, we know ten Predators that can harm you. Be prepare for anything!"

Armorstrike nodded, "Rook's right, Ben. No telling what predators that dog can turn into."

"Not if we stop Khyber from blowing the whistle," Armodrillo said firmly while glaring at Khyber, who armed with his knife. He continued, "If we do that, Anubian Baskuur won't able to turn into any predators."

"Defeating him is the only way to shut him up. He is the whistle," Tetrax said firmly, "Rook and I will handle him. Ben and Julie, take that predator down. Watch out for Anthrosapien!"

"Got it," Armodrillo said firmly. He heard the whistle sounded. Crabdozer transformed into a Slamworm. He screeched wildly at him. He groaned, "Aw man! I hate it when he do that!"

Armorstrike shouted, "MOVE NOW!"

As Slamworm raised his head up, Armorstrike pushed Armodrillo while Tetrax and Rook moved at once. The gigantic worm slammed his head on the ground, causing a powerful impact to blow them off. Tetrax and Rook charged and went after Khyber, who quickly exited the trophy chamber. And at the same time, Armodrillo slammed and drilled a hole for both him and Armorstrike to fall. Slamworm went after them both.

Armodrillo and Armorstrike have landed on the ground. And just before they could do anything, Slamworm landed on the ground. It grabbed and crunched very hard on Armodrillo's hands, making him to scream in pain and agony. And at the same time, Armodrillo struggled and punched back at the gigantic worm's beak. Though predator felt the attack on his beak, it endured and continued chewing on his hands.

Luckily, Armorstrike climbed to the top of his head. She began firing and blasting he blasters in hitting his eyes. Slamworm released from biting Armodrillo, who quickly slammed his Omnitirx and turned into Eatle. Eatle grabbed and chewed some materials and metals before firing his laser beam at Slamworm's eyes, making him to withdraw spitting acid out. While Eatle continued eating materials and firing laser beams at Slamworm, Julie used a giant metal plate-like shield to block and withstand the spitting acid blasts.

As Slamworm struggled to withstand the attack, he heard a loud whistle, causing him to transformed into Kuwaga. He then unleashed a powerful sonic screech in blowing both Eatle and Julie off. They recovered and fired back at him. The blasts has not effects on him. He then screeched out loud as he slammed his claws on both of them. He tightened and squeezed his grips on them, causing them to scream. They felt their skeletons cracking and breaking apart, and blood bleeding out from their skins. Eatle's body and his horn has been damaged badly.

"Damn it! That really hurt!" Eatle exclaimed in pain. Kuwaga moved him towards to his big mandible-like pincers. He groaned, "I don't like the looks of it!"

Julie groaned in pain, "Ben! Kuwaga is Eatle's Predator! Change to another alien now!"

"On it!" Eatle said weakly as he hit his Omnitrix. He turned into Bomb Weevil, who quickly create and made some goo-like bombs. He smirked, "Eat my sticky goos, asshole! Go to hell!"

Bomb Weevil kicked and thrown all of sticky goos into Kuwaga's mouth, causing aches in both of his mouth and stomach. Kuwaga screeched in pain before falling to the ground hard. Knowing he will recovered and awakened sooner or later, Bomb Weevil spitted out the goo as he began to enlarged it into large size. Julie readied her heavy cannon in ready to fire.

However, loud whistle sounded again. Kuwaga transformed into Terronachula. Bomb Weevil panicked and kicked the sticky bomb at him. Unfortunately, he used the electrical web to defuse the goo before firing them at both Bomb Weevil and Armorstrike. They both got trapped and struggled to escape. The spider-like alien lunched rope-like web to attached his captives before pulling them close to him. And just Terronchula could finish him off, Armorstrike used her katana to free herself and Bomb Weevil. She swung it at the spider-like alien, causing him to move back while swinging his sharp legs at her.

Bomb Weevil hit his Omnitrix as he turned into Swampfire. He threw his seeds at the Terronchula, which came out and held the spider-like alien down, preventing it to escape. Julie and Swampfire readied their blasters and flamethrowers to finish it off.

"We've got you now," Swampfire said confidently. Another whistle has been heard again. Terronchula transformed into Scorpodrake. He roared wildly as he broke free from the vines. He growled and snarled at him. He groaned, "I really need to shut my mouth up."

"You think?!" Armorstrike asked in annoyance, "Watch out the poison sting!"

Swampfire groaned, "I know! I know! I wish I have my own Ultimate Form to beat the crap out of that monster freak!"

Scorpodrake roared wildly and angrily as he slammed his pincers in attacking and striking down on both Swampfire and Armorstrike. And at the same time, he tried to use his poison sting to sting and swung his wings to strike down at his enemies. They both dodged the attacks at once. They both quickly fired their fire shots and even tried to punch and kick at him down. The dragon's armor was too thick and strong for them to feel anything. Nevertheless, they continued their fierce attacks on him.

Scoropodrake, annoyed and angered, unleashed his powerful flamethrower. It caused whole lower deck in blaze especially the cooling system. Swampfire threw some seeds down to form wines to create barricades for him and Julie to use. The whole area exploded at once. The whole area is in blaze. The barricaded wines got burnt down, revealing Stinkfly holding Julie. Looking for a way to escape, they found and flew out of the hole at once.

Stinkfly sighed, "Glad we're out of here."

"Yeah. No kidding," Armorstrike agreed, "At least, that Fido is gone, right?"

HISSED! Both Stinkfly and Armorstrike yelped in concern. They turned and looked at the ship, where Buglizard was hissing at them. He blew yellow fog in blinding Stinkfly, causing the latter screamed in pain. While STinkfly struggled to fly properly, Armorstrike did her best to shoot back at the Buglizard, which easily and quickly dodged the attacks. He slammed his tail in hitting them hard before coiled them up tightly. He hissed playfully and amusingly at them.

"Aw man!" Stinkfly and Armorstrike remarked in annoyance and frustration.

Both Tetrax and Rook were chasing after Khyber, who used his blasters to fire back at them. They quickly hid behind the corners to dodge the attack. They then fired back at him. He dodged the attack before headed off at once. He then entered his bridge before locked it tight.

Khyber approached to his steering wheels as he was piloting his ship. And at the same time, he watched some monitors as he found his hound was struggling to fight back against Ben and Armorstrike. And so he whistled out loud, his pet transformed into five different predators to fight them off. Now they're on top of his ship.

Stinkfly and Armorstrike struggled to get out of Buglizard's tail. Stinkfly spitted some sticky mucus on his predator, which snarled and unleashed the gas. It neutralized and dispersed the mucus into nothingness. He snarled at them both. Armorstrike quickly fired her blasters at his face, which annoyed and distracted him. Stinkyfly hit his Omnitrix, which he has turned into Magnus Mystic. The alien elf-like teleported him and Armorstrike out. They reappeared behind the lizard-like alien.

Magnus Mystic smirked as he readied with his magical aura on hands, "Get ready to taste my magic!"

And just before Buglizard turned to attack, Magnus Magic fired his Magic Orb Attacks, which blasted and pushed the predator back off. Armorstrike charged in as she gave some powerful punches on him for five times before kicked him off. Magnus Magic unleashed his powerful Light-Dark Magic Beam in knocking him off.

Due to hearing the whistle, Buglizard transformed into Serpent-Eel. He has launched his three heads in attacking and trying to take a bite on them. Luckily, Magnus Magic summoned the barrier to protect himself and Armorstrike from the attacks. Three headed serpent withdrew from the attacks as they unleashed their powerful Hydro Cannon in breaking down the barrier. And at the same time, two of his heads charged and took a big bite on Magnus Magic and Armorstrike.

Just before the Serpent-Eel's left head about to gobble them up, Armorstrike screamed in anger and agony as she held and opened his jaws wide opened before make her escape. Magnus Magic hit his Omnitrix and turned into Crashhooper, who rammed and bounced within the monster's mouth, forcing him to spit him out. Crashhopper hit yet bounced off as he attacked and rammed on Serpent-Eel, who struggled to taking the bite on his prey. Armorstrike charged and engaged the Serpent-Eel on the ground by punching and kicking at him.

BANG! Khyber turned and found Tetrax and Rook have broken through the door. They both armed with Crystallized Shards and Proto-Tool's Sword Mode. Activating Auto-Pilot on his ship, the hunter armed with his knife. They're about to engage a serious duel.

"This ends now, Khyber!" Tetrax said firmly.

Khyber smirked, "I agreed. Now, I'm going to do what I should have done, thousands years ago! Prepare yourself, old friend!"

Rook was about to attack, Tetrax halted him, "Commandeer the ship! I'll hold him off!"

"Understood!" Rook nodded firmly.

Rook charged towards at Khyber, who swung his knife at him. He slided down while dodged the attack. And at the same time, the hunter turned and sliced at the Plumber Cadet, who jumped off and kicked him off. Rook fired his gauntlets in firing nets to capture and holding him down. He turned and piloting the ship.

Khyber managed to free himself. And just before he could attack Rook, he found the monitor revealed Crashhopper hopping and ramming on Serpent-Eel's heads and body for few times while Armorstrike punched at him on the ground. He made a loud whistle for Serpent-Eel to transformed and turned into Mulicator to even the odds.

Khyber got grabbed and thrown to the walls hard. Tetrax was armed with his crystallized shards as he's ready to fight. The hunter armed with his knife. They both charged at once. They continued punching and kicking at each other fiercely and wildly for few times. And at the same time, they often rammed and knocked on Rook, who struggled to pilot his ship while pushing and moving them away from him.

Crashhopper screamed in fear as he rammed straight to Mulicator's sticky goo. He struggled to get out of it. As his Omnitrix timeout, Crashhopped transformed back to Ben. The giant predator was about to grab him. Armorstrike jumped up high as she fired her missile launchers in blinding the predator's eyes. She then grabbed and pulled her boyfriend out before landed on the ground. They both quickly hid behind the satellite.

Mulicator rubbed his eyes before roared in anger. He turned and spotted both Ben and Armorstrke are hiding behind the satellite. He charged and readied to ram at it.

"Ben!" Armorstrike shouted in fear.

"Last chance..." Ben said in fear and concern, "Please, give me the Humungousaur!"

Mulicator knocked the satellite aside. He was about to attack Ben and Armrostrike. Ben slammed his Omnitrix as he transformed into Humungousaur, who worn the black shorts with white lines and also twin black gauntlets with dark greenish mark and his eyes are in yellow. He roared wildly as he slammed a powerful punch on Mulicator hard. He was thrown straight to the edge of the ship. The giant dinosaur gave a loud roar.

"Alright. It's about damn time!" Humungousaur cheered wildly. He turned and faced at Mulicator, who struggled to get up and ready to fight. He smirked, "Get ready for dino rumble!"

"Get him, Ben!" Armorstrike cheered.

Humungousaur charged and attacked Mulicator. The Vaxasaurian easily punched and defeated the predator for few times before swung his tail at the predator straight at the broken satellite. He jumped and slammed on the monster as he gave some serious beating on him for few times. Armorstrike readied her blasters as she prepared to back her boyfriend up.

As Humungousaur continued attacking Mulicator, it heard a loud whistle again as it transformed into a giant Tyrannopede. He quickly get down and regrouped with Armorstrike. They both are now facing the giant Tyrannosaurus-like alien. He roared at them both.

"Julie, please tell me that Tyrannopede is not Humungousaur's predator..." Humungousaur asked fearfully and worriedly. Armorstrike gulped and nodded fearfully. He gulped, "Aw man!"

Armorstrike gasped, "Here it comes!"

Tyrannopede roared in anger as he attacked both Humungousaur and Armorstrike. They both quickly rolled over and ran off. He gave chase after them both now. Tyrannopede jumped and slammed on them both. They dodged and moved aside at once. Humungousaur jumped on Tyrannopede as the latter began to go wild, causing the former hold tightly on the predator like cowboy was riding the bull.

Rook struggled to control the ship due to Tetrax and Khyber's constant battling with each other, ship's control panel and system badly damaged and Humungousaur riding Tyrannopede wildly on it. They both were grunting and groaning in anger as they were pushing each other off.

Tetrax quickly gave a powerful headbutt against Khyber's head before giving him some punches on his face and body before kicked him to the panel. He jumped and slammed his crystallized shard at him. The hunter dodged the attack before kicked the Magister off. He then grabbed and launched some punches on the guts for five times. Khyber grabbed and slammed Tetrax's head against the panel for ten times. He turned him before slammed some punches on him for few times. The Magister struggled to withstand the punches as he was trying to grab something to strike back. Tetrax grabbed and thrust the cable in electrocuting Khyber's neck.

Khyber moaned in pain. Tetrax groaned in anger as he began punching on the hunter while screaming and shouting angrily, "That's for lying to me about everything! That's for using me to steal the Sacred Artifact! This is for destroying my own homeplanet! And this is for Ketsuki! Rest in peace, you bastard!"

Readying his Crystallized Shard, Tetrax was about to stab at Khyber, who quickly blocked the attack and kicked him off. He grabbed and fired sticky orange goo at him to the walls.

"Don't you ever shut up about your failure?! It's making me sick," Khyber snapped in annoyance and anger. He turned and looked at the monitor. He groaned in anger as his pet is unable to capture Ben and Armorstrike. He hissed in anger, "No! If I can't slay my prey, then I'll have my pet to finish this off!"

Khyber whistled out loud in aggressive tone, making both Tetrax and Rook looked shock and worried that he's gonna kill off Ben at once by using his pet.

As Humungousaur continued punching and riding Tyrannopede, the predator heard the noise as he has his tail stunned him for the moment. He then threw him to the floor. The predator grabbed and held Humungousaur as Tyrannopede shot out his web in trapping him in a cocoon. The predator took the bite and rip the cocoon into pieces. The pieces dropped to the ground hard.

Armorstrike gasped, "BEN! No!" Tyrannopede growled as he turned at her. She gulped as she armed with her blasters at him. She hissed in concern, "I'm so screw!"

"Not yet!" The spooky voice shouted firmly through her communicator.

Armorstrike looked up and found Big Chill was floating above both her and Tyrannopede. He flew straight down at the monster, who was about to take the bite on her. He landed on the ground as he searched and located the area to pinch, making the beast to yelp in pain. Tyrannopede dropped to the ground hard as he snored out loud. Big Chill stood before Armorstrike.

"Hepheasten Neuro Grip," Big Chill said amusingly, "Who knew?"

Armorstrike smirked, "Yeah. Never thought it saved our necks again." She approached and removed the collar. Tyrannopede transformed back to Anubian Baskuur. She tightened her grip on Nemetrix, crushing it to damage state, "Making sure it won't be used again."

BOOM! Both Big Chill and Armorstrike yelped in concern and surprise. They realized that their fierce battle with Khyber and his pet have caused a lot of damages to the ship.

"Ben!" Armorstrike exclaimed in concern as she held Anubian Baskuur on her shoulder, "We're taking him with us."

"Seriously?" Big Chill asked in annoyance. His girlfriend gave him the glare. He sighed as he grabbed and held Armorstrike tightly, "Hang on!

Activating his phasing ability, Big Chill and Armorstrike phased through the ship.

Big Chill and Armorstrike entered and arrived at the bridge. They found Tetrax was still stuck in the goo sticky on the walls. Rook and Khyber were battling with each other fiercely. Khyber kicked Rook at the control system. And just before he could finish him off, Big Chill charged and freeze up the hunter. This allowed Rook to kick him hard. The team turned and freed Tetrax out by using Big Chill's ice beam and Rook's Stone Cutter.

"Nice job, team!" Tetrax exclaimed in relief, "This ends the hunting season for good."

"And also, I destroyed the Nemetrix," Armorstrike reported firmly.

Big Chill smirked, "Yeah. I am so done with it" The ship exploded, scaring his team off. He groaned, "Better get going now!"

Armorstrike nodded. Ship detached from Julie. He transformed into his battleship mode. Ben, Julie, Rook, Tetrax and even bringing unconsciousness Anubian Baskuur into the ship. Ship fired a hole on the ship's bridge. It flew off at once while Khyber's Ship continued descending and had a crash landing on the ground. It exploded.

Team Ben watched the scene via monitor screen. They also locked up the Anubian Baskuur in the cage. Ship flew off at once as it was heading straight back to Plumber's Headquarter now.

"Do you believe that Khyber survive the explosion?" Rook asked in concern.

Tetrax sighed, "He will. That hunter is too stubborn to die when it comes to his prey. I'd better let the Plumbers to check on it."

Big Chill scoffed as he returned to Ben form, "Well, we'll be ready for him." He turned to Julie and Rook, "Guys, listen. About what I said from the market and not telling you about my secret plan, sorry about it. Didn't mean to go that far. It's the only way to find Khyber's ship. But you guys did a good job for a team."

Rook smiled a bit, "I forgive you, Ben. In fact, I learned a lot from you and my friends. It might be confusing and sometimes ridiculous. I'll try my best to adapt to this new world. But I am honored to be part of your team."

"So do I," Armorstrike agreed.

"Well?" Tetrax asked amusingly.

Ben smirked, "Yeah. I couldn't have done it, without you guys. We might able to work this out." He held his hand in front of them, "So, no matter what happens, we'll be ready for anything."

Julie smiled as she placed her hand on his, "I'm in."

"I'll be there to help you guys. I always do," Tetrax said proudly as he joined the group.

"I'd be honored," Rook said as he placed his hand on them as well, "So, why do we put our hands together? Is this another expression?"

Ben smirked, "When we put our hands together, it shows that we're the team and ready for anything. Simple enough for you to understand."

Rook smiled, "I like it."

At the crashing and explosion site of rural area, a mysterious 18-years-old Caucasian boy with black hair and hazel eyes worn a red shirt with brown vest, grey jeans and pair of sneakers was climbing down to the site. He was followed by a black furred sabretooth cat-like with sharped fans and dog-like nose, his stomach is covered by crimson hair colored. They looked around of their surroundings until they come across to the damaged Nemetrix.

The Caucasian boy approached and held Nemetrix up. He looked at it carefully before took some parts out including tracking device. He smirked, "Well, this is something." He turned and looked at his sabretooth cat-like alien, "Looks like it's gonna help us, boy."

Sabertooth cat-like alien growled amusingly while nodded proudly. The Caucasian boy climbed over his pet's back as they headed off at once.

As the debris moved aside, a wounded Khyber slowly emerged out while looking around of his surroundings. He groaned before screamed in anger.

"Curse you, Tennyson!" Khyber shouted in anger, "You will pay dearly for this especially destroying my pet and Nemetrix!"

"I hope for your sake, Khyber. You'd better have the information I need especially that mate of his..."

Khyber turned and found a bulkier yet animalistic version of Malware with a slightly hunched posture and spikes on his back, his head resembled a dinosaur's with a fanged mouth, he has the Tachyon Cannon as his right arm while his left hand was a sharp claw.

Khyber narrowed his eyes, "Malware..."


Review and Suggest...

Main Casts:
Johnny Yong Bosch: Ben Tennyson
Kelly Hu: Julie Yamamoto/Armorstrike, Ship
Dave Fennoy: Tetrax Shard
Bumper Robinson: Rook Blonko, Bomb Weevil
David Kaye: Khyber

Minor Casts:
Juliet Landau: Helen Wheels
Steve Blum: Heatblast
Dee Bradley Baker: Armodrillo, Swampfire, Stinkfly, Crashhopper, Big Chill
Eric Bauza: Eatle
Kyle Hebert: Magnus Magic
Fred Tatesciore: Humungousaur

Vic Mignogna: Mysterious Teenager
Kirk Thornton: Malware

Author's Notes:
That's that, folks. Ben 10 True Omniverse Season 2 is over. I'm taking a long break from doing Ben 10 True Omniverse Franchise. I'm going to do Equestria Girls: Magical Mystery Case, Transformers Prime III: Journey and Transformers Prime IV: Guardians. I've waited too long for wanting to finish them off especially last two prequels of Transformers Prime. It's time to finish this...

And also, this mysterious OC and Panuncian OC belong to Gemking.