Ernesto De La Cruz's Revenge
A/N: Just want to leave a note to say thank you to everyone who has liked, fav, and followed so far. I'm truly grateful. so, without further ado I hope you enjoy the next part...
Chapter 3
As the same with the land of the living, people in the land of the dead were preparing themselves, so they could cross over the marigold bridge to see their loved ones. Some of the Riveria family had gotten through customs and were waiting for the others on the other side already. The ones still to walk through it consisted of Imelda and Hector. They approached the departure area and waited in line to nn
Hector was feeling nervous as this was his first time getting through without being rejected, but somehow, he thought he would be. He let out a breath that he didn't realise he'd been holding, "boy, I can't to see Miguel again, I wish I could talk to him, and thank him for his help." Hector said.
Imelda smiled and placed her skeleton hand on his shoulder, "don't worry Hector, I'm sure Miguel will know."
He smiled at his wife and made a small nod, they soon realised that they were next in the line and they quickly posed for the computer. Hector wiped his forehead and nervously stood still, along with his wife. The familiar sound of a buzz tone shocked the pair and the skeleton behind the computer looked at them with sympathy. "I'm so sorry, but it seems that no one has put up your photo," the skeleton lady stated.
Both had wide eyes, Imelda was outraged, "What! That's impossible, our photo was placed back on the ofrenda last year!" Imelda exclaimed slamming her bone hand on the table.
Hector grabbed her shoulders slightly panicking himself inside, but he wanted to be strong for his wife "Imelda calm down, we'll….We'll sort this out."
Imelda huffed in annoyance towards the lady, and they made their way back to the station, "ugh h-how can this be happening again, we know Miguel put our photo back." Imelda cried out in concern.
Hector nodded at this wife as they entered the station and went to the room that they had been in before when Imelda found out they had been cursed, "I know, something must've happened, we'll get to the bottom of this."
Meanwhile in a dark room situated in De La Cruz's old mansion, a boy lay out cold on the floor. He was slowly coming too, as his eyes flickered opened and he let out a groan. "ughhhh…my head," He mumbled as he held as he realised he was laying flat on a marble floor in the same room were the singers guitar shaped pool was.
Letting out a gasped he shot up on his feet but regretted doing that since he felt rather dizzy. "Whoa…Uh…. Where….Last I remember I was surrounded by darkness and that thing was it a spirit?" He looked around his eyes widened as he recognised his surroundings and he checked his body. He nearly felt himself faint again, but he was able to stop himself.
"Oh, no not this again, but, but how is this possible?" He muttered.
An evil chuckle caught his attention and the boy's eyes widened and he froze on the spot, stepping out of the darkness was Ernesto De La Cruz. "De La Cruz." He uttered as he backed away.
"Helllllooooo Miguel." Ernesto said as he came out of the shadows, a smirked played on his face. He chuckled evilly.
"Uhhhh, h-how did I get here…..What do you want?!" Miguel bravely asked as he stepped towards De la Cruz.
"You ruined my life here Miguel. I want things to return to how they were, and youuuu are going to help me with that." De la Cruz said in an intimidating way, as he towered over the boy and he pointed at him. "You will help me seize my moment once again."
Miguel frowned clenching his fist "there's no way I'm going help you, you murdered my great great grandfather and tried to murder me!" He stated firmly gesturing to his chest.
He gasped as it suddenly got cold and the same shadow creatures came up behind him, startling him. "Ahhhhh!" He yelped when they revealed their true self's as very, very strange looking spirit creatures not like the ones he'd ever seen before.
Panting a little the twelve turned back to Ernesto as he composed himself, "are they spirit guides?"
"Yes, but ones that are feared. Now Miguel, I am going to bring you to someone, who'd very much like to meet you. If you do not cooperate with me, then I can assure that life here will be very different for your family." Ernesto said evilly his arms behind his back.
Miguel eyes widened as he shrunk back a little, he panicked with not knowing what to do. He certainly didn't want anything to happen to his family because of him. He sighed in defeat not seeing any way out of this situation, "alright, I'll cooperate."
"Excellently!" the singer grinned, and he snapped his bone fingers, the spirit guides surrounded Miguel and one which had long claws and the body of a snake grabbed him.
"Ahhh, hey!" He yelped as he started to squirm about, "I said I was cooperating!" Miguel complained.
Ernesto smugly looked behind at the struggling boy, "yes, I know. I'm not taking any chances of you running away. Now come we have a long way to go!" He said and started walking out of the mansion.
Back at the station Hector and Imelda were talking to the skeleton who helped them last year, Imelda slammed her palms on the desk, "please, you must help us, our has been taking once down again, what can we do about this?!"
Shaking by her anger the skeleton composed himself to answer, "well, I know that last time your relative was here for real and he had your photo, but I'm not sure this is the case this time."
Imelda growled "don't you think I know that!"
Hector's eyes wide as she prepared to take of her shoes and aim one at him, "Imelda stop, please calm down!"
She sighed as she fell into Hector's chest and he hugged her, "I'm sorry, she's just really upset." Hector said to the skeleton.
"Don't worry I understand. I'm just trying to explain that this time, things are quite tricky. If your photo has been lost on the other side, and If no one on that side finds it, then I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do." He stated sadly and softly.
Hector's eyes widened at the guy, he sighed and hugged his wife tighter. "I'll leave you two alone." He said and scurried off.
Imelda pushed herself off Hector and started to pace and she growled a little, "well, he was no help, surely there is something we can do."
Hector scratched his head, "I don't see what we could do."
Suddenly the pair heard a familiar bark coming from the outside of the door Hector frowned, "that sounds like Dante."
Hector swung the doors open and it was Dante standing there, he circles, barked and started whining at him "Dante shouldn't you be with Miguel at this time?" Hector said towards the dog and bent down to him.
Turning behind him the hairless dog pulled round a piece of Miguel's clothing, Hector's eyes widened in surprise as he took it from him, " Miguel's." He said with a frown at the dog who whimpered a little.
Imelda gasped and placed a hand on her husband's shoulder, "do you think something has happened? Has something happened to Miguel?" She asked the dog.
Dante nodded and started growling, Hector gasped "we have to find him." Just as Hector said that the rest of the family had ran up to them in a panic.