They gasped and jumped around to the voice, Cruz turned her lights on and shined them at the door and there was the very car that had spoken his name, the black cherry colored racer, Aaron Clocker and he had two guns pointed at them.

" How did you get passed the guards? " Storm asked, moving closer to Cruz, exposing his side.

" I asked to come in and give my condolences to the poor girlfriend of McQueen. I knocked one of the guards out by a door, how else do you think I got in here?! " Aaron said sarcastically, glaring at them.

Cruz and Storm glared back.

" You really don't learn, do you? I warned you to keep your mouth shut. Shame there's not a grinder and compactor near-by for me to throw you in. And you Storm, where have you been hiding all this time? Shacked up with your little slut here? Seems you 2 have gotten closer since the pictures and the bomb. "

" Don't you dare call her that Clocker. " Storm growled at him making a move towards him, but his gun raising more at him stopped.

" I wasn't about to let you get away with what you did to Mr. McQueen. " Cruz said glaring at him.

" Well now I'm not going to let you live to see another race day. " Aaron said, keeping his eyes on her as he quickly fired a shot at Storm, he gasped in pain and was turned on his side.

" Storm! " Cruz shouted moving towards him, but another shot stopped her, it bounced off the floor and hit the glass between her and the wounded Storm, shattering it.

" Get over here. " Aaron ordered.

Cruz hesitated, so Aaron cocked the gun, pointing it at her. " Either come with me quietly and I kill you elsewhere, or I shoot you here and let you die alongside Storm, I don't care which. "

When Cruz still didn't move, Aaron made to shoot her, but the door busting open stopped him.

" What the hell are you doing here?! " It was Cam and he looked scared.

" Taking care of loose ends. What are you doing here? I thought you were in the impound? " Aaron replied, keeping his guns on Cruz.

" They brought us here because McQueen's girl wanted to see us and ask us why we killed him. At first, we denied it. "

" What do you mean at first? " Aaron asked raising his eye at him.

" Well it pretty much went to hell after McQueen's ghost showed up and scared us out of the office. "

" His ghost? Are you kidding me? " Aaron asked disbelievingly.

" No. I'm not! He's after me right now. No one else seems to see him but us. And…geez man what the hell did you do to Storm? Why is he here anyway? " Cam asked as he saw Storm lying near the shattered window.

" Seems him and Cruz have gotten closer during the weeks he was hiding. "

" But how can that be? He wasn't there. "

" Oh, I was there alright. You guys were just too stupid to realize it. " Storm groaned.

" You really do have a death wish, don't you? " Aaron replied aiming his gun at him again.

" No! " Cruz exclaimed moving in front of him, blocking him from getting shot again.

" It's me you want. Leave him out of this, please. I'll go with you, just don't hurt anyone else. " she pleaded with him, tears forming in her brown eyes and her lip quivering.

Aaron looked at her with cold eyes before he turned his gun away from her to Cam, " Hey woah man! " Cam said before Aaron shot him.

" Cam! " Cruz shouted.

" Even after he betrayed you, you still care about him? How noble of you. Now get over here and let's go before the gunshots bring anymore unwanted attention. "

" Like me? " a dark voice spoke behind him and it sent a chill down his back.

Aaron jumped around to face the car that had spoken and he couldn't not believe what he was seeing, a glowing McQueen and he was very angry.

" Hello Aaron. Seems you're not done with getting back at Cruz for turning you down. " McQueen remarked rolling into the office with Aaron backing away from him, with both guns on him.

" How are you… no. Your dead. "

" So, I've been told. " McQueen said maneuvering him away from Cruz and Storm's fallen form by circling around to Aaron's side. When he was, McQueen turned Storm back on his wheels with his back wheel,

" Ow. " Storm muttered as he slowly moved away from the 2 and over to Cruz, who was helping Cam to get out the door.

McQueen kept his eyes on Aaron as he asked, " How bad you hurt Storm? "

" I'm still moving ain't I? " he answered as he got in front of Cruz, protecting her from anymore gunfire.

" What? You can see him now? " Cam asked as he winced from the pain of the gunshot.

" He's not dead. They played you and the other 2! " Aaron exclaimed as he aimed one gun back the 3 cars trying to get out of the room, but McQueen got in front of him blocking his shot as he fired, the shot bounced off his new frame and nearly took out Aaron's eye as it shot back to him.

" How the hell did you do that?! " Aaron asked angered that he had missed his targets.

" I gotta thank you and the others. If you guys hadn't had beat the snot out of me and put me near death, I wouldn't have this new frame and new engine. "

" You may have gotten a new frame and a new engine block, but your still slow old man. And this time, when I kill you, I'll make sure you'll stay dead. " Aaron threatened, firing another shot at the 3 as they made it out of the office, but it was blocked again by McQueen.

" Kinda of hard to do when you got a titanium-carbon steel frame. " McQueen said with a smug grin.

" Arggghh I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face old man! " Aaron quickly put the guns away and revved after McQueen, who put his brakes on and held his ground against the young racer as he spun his tires on the tile floor.

" Didn't anyone ever tell you to respect your elders? " McQueen asked as he revved his engine and pushed Aaron back.

Aaron didn't reply as he charged at him again. McQueen didn't move, he wasn't about to let him out of this room and go after the other 3. He charged him, hitting him head on, crumpling his front and pushing him back into the wall, with his brakes on.

" Just give up Aaron. You're not going to win. " McQueen growled out as he kept him there.

" I. Am. Not. Going. To. Prison. " Aaron also growled out as he pushed against him as hard as he could, but McQueen wasn't moving at all.

" Yes. You. Are. " McQueen growled again as he used the taser in his rim and fired it at Aaron, it hit dead on and the moment it struck him, Aaron was knocked out.

The moment that he slumped down the lights came on and the doors burst open with the cops and guards came in,

" Perfect timing guys. " McQueen said sarcastically, " I've only been fighting for my life with a crazed kid who has 2-gun rims. " he continued.

Jim didn't say anything to him as he rolled his eyes at McQueen's tone and words as he went to the knocked-out car, Guido beside him with 2 regular tires and quickly changed them out so that he wouldn't hurt anyone else in case he woke up while Jim put a boot on him.

" You alright, Son? " Jim asked McQueen.

" I'm alright, what about Cruz, Storm, and Cam? "

" Got them on the way to the hospital, Ms. Ramirez is with Mr. Storm. Seems that young Mr. Clocker is a terrible shot. If he was a good a shot as he was with plotting, both Mr. Storm and Mr. Spinner would be dead right now. " Jim answered him.

" So, they'll live? "

" Of course. And Mr. Spinner is fully prepared to cooperate with the evidence against Mr. Clocker and his cohorts. "

" Figured he would. But then again having your boss almost kill you will do that too. "

" Indeed. "

Scene change

Storm groaned as he woke up, blinking his eyes, he looked around and saw that he was in a white room, next to him, he saw Cruz, she was asleep, telling him that he must've been out for some time, he felt a slight pain in his side.

He saw Cruz move slightly in her sleep but then settled again just as the door opened and to his surprise, his grandfather came in and he looked about ready to start shouting,

" Shh! " Storm hushed him quietly.

Don looked ready to give him a piece of his mind as he shushed him, but the look his grandson gave him told him he had better be quiet.

" Why are you suddenly defending that tramp?! " Don whispered harshly.

" Stop calling her that! I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it! " Storm whispered back just as harshly. " She's been through enough! "

" She's been through enough?! You had bomb placed in your trailer! You were shot! You have had to stay in a hillbilly hell hole for several weeks! "

" At your insistence! You said they wouldn't expect me there because it was the last place they'd think to look because of the pictures and rumors circling around. But that didn't stop them from knocking her out with a taser, hang her up in a warehouse and force her to watch her mentor die and get turned into a cube! Being threatened that if she spoke that she'd meet the same fate. But she did speak up because she wasn't afraid of that monster and wasn't about to let him get away with what he had done. "

Don didn't say a word as he listened to his grandson talk.

" And you know what else? Despite what Spinner had done, she still helped him. She still helped me. We both had been awful to her, given that Spinner was worse by doing this, she still helped us. She could've left us there to die. She could've let Spinner die just like he let McQueen die. But she chose to help him and me for that matter instead. "

" I-I suppose, that, that I owe her an apology. As well as a thank you for helping you. " Don replied after a few moments of quiet.

" You can apologize and thank her tomorrow. Right now, we both need to rest. "

" I'll make sure that a guard stays outside your door…try to behave, will you? " Don said with a slight mischievous grin to his face as he left.

" Very funny old man. " Storm replied, eyes closed and a grin in place as Don left the room.

With his eyes closed, Storm didn't see the small grin or peak of a brown eye in his direction before Cruz relaxed again and fell asleep once more.

Time skip

The next time Storm woke up, it was morning. And he and Cruz weren't alone, an officer, Jim, if memory served him right, was there by the door. Along with McQueen, Sally, Mater, the old silver jaguar, the purple jaguar, his grandfather, and Tex were there as well. Cruz was talking with them, minus his grandfather, and smiling again.

He couldn't help but smile too. He had actually missed her smile and laugh, but he wouldn't tell her that.

Seeing him move, the Champ addressed him, " Well good morning sleeping beauty. " with a kind grin a laugh in his voice.

" Haha! Very funny Champ. Some of us aren't bulletproof, you know. " he replied with the same tone as he grinned back.

" I'm assuming Clocker's in jail? " he continued.

" Yes, and we have taken in Mike Gaser and Chuck Bearing as well. " Jim answered him nodding his chassis.

" Good to know. Was anyone else involved besides them? " Storm asked.

" No. Just Clocker, Racelott, Spinner, Swervez, Gaser, and Bearing. And all will be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes with Clocker being in maximum security and solitary confinement. I only wanted to tell you 2 this myself before we headed out with them. "

" Thank you. " Storm, Cruz, and the others replied, smiling gratefully and nodding to him as he left the room.

After he left, Don coughed slightly and turned to Cruz, " Ms. Ramirez. " he began,

" Please, call me Cruz. " She interrupted with a smile.

Coughing slightly again, Don continued, " I, uh, would like to apologize for my behavior when we first met and what I had called you and had implied. "

" It's alright. You were upset. " she forgave him.

Don was stunned for a moment that she could just easily forgive him like that. He shook his frame and continued on, " And, uh, I would also like to thank you for helping Jackie after he was shot. "

" Grandpa! " Storm groaned at being called ' Jackie ' the old man hadn't called him that since he was little!

The others laughed at his expense, making him growl at them, which made them laugh harder.

" Y-your welcome Mr. Storm. " Cruz replied, trying to control her laughs.

" Please, call me Don. " he said back, surprising the others in the room.

" Well, I should be going and make sure that Jackson is fit to leave. We have a race to prepare for after all. That is, if you 2 are still going after all this. " Don said after a moment and made his way to the door, not waiting to hear their answer.

" Huh. I guess you Storms aren't so bad after all. " McQueen commented with a laugh.

" Once you get passed the arrogance…"

" And the cocky attitude. " Sally supplied with a grin.

" And the self-centeredness. " Cruz also supplied with a grin.

" And being a total tailpipe. " McQueen also supplied with a bigger grin, showing his teeth.

" And being a bit of a hothead. " Tex said.

" And…. " Sally was about to say,

" Okay! Okay! I get it! I was a total jerk-wade! " Storm replied with a pout, making the others laugh at his expression.

" Well now that everything is back to normal here, me and Ms. Shiftwell need to get going. Duty calls. " Finn said after they all calmed down.

" Do yous have ta? " Mater asked sadly looking at Holley.

" Well the offer still stands Mater. " Finn said with a knowing look in his hunter green eyes and hopeful grin at the tow truck.

" Well…maybe one little trip won't hurt. That is if yous guys don't mind? " Mater said looking at the others in the room, Storm just looked confused.

" I know you want to go Mater. So, go, have fun. But don't get killed. " McQueen said as Sally nodded in agreement with a smile.

" Okay! Let's go! " Mater's tow cable wagged like a happy dog ready for a walk as he bounced around the room while the others laughed at his antics, when he calmed down, Holley nuzzled him, which made him grin silly and go droopy eyed as he returned her nuzzle.

Storm raised an eye at this but remained quiet until the 3 left. " What was that all about? "

" Oh, Finn and Holley are spy's, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret! " Cruz said with excitement, she still couldn't believe that her friends were friends with secret agents!

" Wow Champ looks like you got friends in high places. " Storm joked.

" No, just some good friends. Well, me and Sal. need to go make sure the trailer's ready so we can finally go home. " McQueen said after they calmed down again going to the door, Sally following.

" It's good to see you 2 are alright. If you don't want to race this season Cruz, I'll understand. " Tex said to her with a gentle smile.

" Thank you, sir, but I think I will race this season. Though if I happen to change my mind, you can have Mr. McQueen race for you this season, he'll love it. " she replied smiling as she thought about McQueen racing for the season until she got her bearings back.

" Well you just let me know and we'll do that. " Tex replied with a laugh as he nodded to her and Storm before taking his leave, he also wanted to make sure everything was set for them to get out of here and on their way.

Storm knew why Cruz stayed behind, she wanted to talk to him.

" Out with it then. " he said, moving his eyes from the door to her.

" Thank you. " she began.

" For what? Getting shot? " he asked back with a raised eye, but with a small grin, letting her know, he was joking.

" No! For what you did back at the center. "

He knew what she was talking about, him protecting her. " Well what can I say? Seems you guys have grown on me. " he said indifferently, but she could tell that he meant it.

" Still, all the same, thank you. " she replied moving over to him and gave him a gentle kiss to his fender, pulling away, she said, " See you at the race! " and zoomed out of the room, leaving a stunned Storm to look after her.

Time skip, the race

They were going around the track slowly until the flag truck waved the green flag, and today McQueen was with them, of course he was at the back, but not for long he knew. He looked up at the pole position where Cruz was with Storm beside her, they looked like they were talking.

" Hey Sweetheart, ready to lose today? " Storm asked beside her, looking ahead.

" Stop calling me that! Besides…what is that? " She asked looking at Storm's side.

" I thought I'd get myself a tattoo to remember all the fun we had. " he said it in a taunting tone, but he was smiling.

" Over the same spot where you were shot from your other side? Do you have a matching one on that side too? " she replied with a raised eye at him.

" No, it's something different...of course it's the same! " He said in fake irritation grinning.

" A white dragon with a yellow phoenix circling it, both breathing fire making up the longer ' S ' on your sides? " she asked curiously grinning.

" Yep. Hey, after the race, me, you, dinner? My treat? " he asked.

Cruz looked at him in shock before he suddenly took off, she was confused for a second before she realized that the race had started and off she went, chasing him down.

Time skip, end of the race

" And McQueen takes the win! Followed by Cruz Ramirez in second with Storm in third! " Bob shouts, everyone screams.

" Oh man! Storm had better hand back that crown Bob, because it looks like the leader of the pack is back! " Darrell shouts in excitement as well as McQueen does doughnuts on the track, along with Cruz joining in as well as Storm.

" Or maybe not, looks like those 3 are as happy as roll bar in a demolition derby! " Darrell commented seeing the 3 racers with big smiles on their faces when they finally stopped with Storm hitting McQueen's side in a friendly way as he returned it with everyone still cheering and screaming.

" So, about that dinner? " Storm asked as Bubba, Harvey, and Ryan came over to congratulate them, another racer, a rookie replacing one of the four fired and convicted racers also came over, Cruz got nervous and backed away from him as he introduced himself to her,

" Hi Ms. Cruz, I'm Charlie Carbor. " he had a similar color to Cam, but a shade darker, near cobalt, but not like Mr. McQueen is. It was obvious that he had replaced Cam as he had the same sponsor's name on his hood and sides. He held his tire out to her to shake, she hesitated but slowly touched her tire to his as he continued,

" That was an amazing race today, I do hope I'll be that good one day. " he had a bit of an English tone but was mostly American. He moved his tire away from hers and continued to smile at her, waiting for her to say something back in a positive way, but saw that she looked a little unsettled.

" Is everything alright? " he asked.

" Yes, sorry spaced out there! but uh, yes with good training and everything, okay bye! " She quickly zoomed away from him and the others, leaving Charlie confused as he looked at the other racers,

" Did I say something wrong? " he asked them.

" She's had a rough off season and is still trying to get over it. " Storm said, watching her clumsily trying to get to her and McQueen's trailer.

" Ahh, that hidden romance scandal, right? " Charlie asked looking over at him with a raised eye, which none of the male's present liked how it sounded.

" And just what are you insinuating? " Ryan asked glaring at the rookie.

" I didn't mean anything by it, I was just…. "

Storm left the group as they set the rookie straight or scared him straight rather, he snuck off after Cruz.

He found her trying to get the ramp down on the trailer, but in her hurry, she was pushing the button over and over again, not letting the ramp go down.

" Hey. " he called to her, making her jump and scream.

" Hey, calm down, it's just me. " he said soothingly, spreading his front wheels in a surrendering way, backing away from her.

Seeing who it was, she calmed down. " Sorry. " she muttered as she calmed down slightly.

" Still got you spooked huh? " he asked slowly coming back over to her.

" Just a little. I'm getting better. " she smiled a big smile that was as fake as the plastic spoiler a little kid would put on to pretend that they were their favorite racer.

He hummed for a second and grinned slightly, almost smirking, before he spoke, " Well, you can get even more better after our dinner. "

" Your persistent, aren't you? " she teased with a sly grin with a raise eye at him.

" Part of being a racer, you know. " he replied with a mirroring look and tone.

Time skip, 2 years later, Radiator Springs

A dust cloud was seen coming towards the town, Mater and Holley spotted it and panicked, running into town to warn everyone,

" It's a tornada! " Mater hollered out as he and Holley sped down main street to Flo's where most of the town was.

" What are you talking about? There hasn't been a tornado here in… when was the last time a tornado came through here? " Sheriff asked looking over at Lizzie, but she was just snoozing away.

" If yous don't believe me ask Holley! She seen it too and it's heading this way! " Mater continued.

" It's true, though I'm sure it's more of a dust storm. No pun intended Storm. " She quickly amended to the racer who was beside Cruz, who just shrugged indifferently.

" What's all the screaming for? " McQueen asked as he and Sally pulled in coming from Wheel Well.

" It's a dust storm! "

" It's a tornada! "

Mater and Holley spoke at the same time, making both McQueen and Sally raise an eye at the two before going and looking down the road at the dust cloud coming their way. They sighed deeply, they knew what that was. But they smiled proudly and fondly when the dust cloud got closer.

" Well I better go and stop it then. " McQueen said in a heroic voice as he started his engine and went to go meet the storm head on.

" Say what now? " Mater asked confused as McQueen revved his engine and sped towards the dust cloud.

When he got closer to the dust cloud, he revved his engine loudly, the cloud stopped moving towards the town and in it's place, the reason for the drama?

4 little Porsche Spyders. Twins all 4, just a year apart, but you couldn't tell, at least not until they were older.

The older set, one boy and one girl, the boy was a baby blue with cyan eyes. His twin sister, a slight darker shade, had the same eyes. The younger set, like the first was a boy and a girl, only this set was different colors, the girl was a violet color with blue eyes while her twin brother was red with blue eyes they all 4 had a spoiler like Lightning's.

" Hudson, Hornet, Raine, Junior McQueen-Carrera. How many times have I told you not go racing across the desert? " he asked them trying to look mad at them, but really wasn't.

" 1,667 times. " the baby blue one answered.

" Really? That many Hudson? "

" Yes sir. " he answered with a grin.

" Smarty tires. " his twin muttered.

" Hornet. " McQueen strained looking to her with a raised eye.

" Sorry Papa. " she muttered.

McQueen nodded and then asked, " I think I already know whose idea it was, but I'm going to ask anyway, whose idea was it this time? "

They all looked to Junior, who looked back at them.

" That's what I thought. "

" They wanted to go too! Their just as guilty of racing in the desert as I am! " Junior said in a whiny voice, making McQueen shake his frame unbelievingly, ' was I really like that? ' he thought with a smile at one of his youngest.

" Well the next time you feel like racing…. "

" Go to you and we'll both go racing at the Butte. " Junior finished for his father, which he got a slight glare from as he turned to him.

" With that attitude I just might take you to the Butte anyway. Now let's go and apologize to Uncle Mater and Aunt Holley. "

" Why? " Raine asked as she rolled beside him.

" Because you, your brothers and sister scared them. They thought a dust storm was coming into town. " he answered her.

" We did? Oh no! I better go and apolo-apola, that word! " she exclaimed and raced off to town.

" Not before we get there first! " Hudson, Hornet, and Junior shouted, revving their little engines and went after her.

" Slow down! Did I seriously just tell my own kids to slow down? Wait for me! " he revved his engine and raced after them.

Junior skidded to a stop at the station, " Yes! Junior takes the win! " He exclaimed happily.

" That's Lightning McQueen Jr. " he heard a deep voice and his eyes widen,

" Uncle Storm! " he exclaimed again jumping onto Storm's hood with his little tires spread out as he looked at him with a big grin that was just like his father's.

" Hey runt. Where's… "

" Uncle Storm! "

" Never mind..Oww! " Storm breathed gloomily as the other 3 spotted him and like their brother, jumped onto him as well, making him wince,

" I think they inherited their father's new frame! Watch the paint! " Storm groused but didn't mean anything by it.

" Hey! Where's my hugs and love? " Cruz fussed, pouting

" Big sister! " the 4 exclaimed and quickly got off Storm and went to her instead.

" Hey! Easy! " Storm scolded them as he quickly looked Cruz over.

" I'm fine Jack…and so is little Jacky. " she said with a smile.

" We are not naming our kid that. " he replied looking fondly at her rounded frame.

" We didn't hurt our cousin, did we? " Raine asked, looking at Cruz with big cyan eyes.

" No sweetie, she's fine. " Cruz replied smiling back and nuzzling up against her as best she could with 3 other little cars on her.

" I still say it's a boy. " Storm muttered.

" You're just wanting a girl too so that you can beat up the boys that try to be nice to her. " he heard little Lightning say, he had gotten off Cruz to be next to him. Next to Big Lightning, Storm was the only other male car the little car looked up to and admired and loved like a big brother, much like how he loved Cruz as a big sister.

Little Lightning, or Junior as he was called, loved everyone in the town and saw them as family, and was just like his Dad, which was why his mom named him after him and had a temper at times and like his dad when he was mad about something, he'd mutter about it until he calmed down, which usually resulted in him racing around near town.

His twin sister Raine was the opposite, she was like her mother, kind, smart, sweet, hardly every caused any trouble, rarely got upset or angry, and is a total daddy's girl.

Their other twin brother and sister were named after their daddy's crew chief, whatever that meant, they'll ask when their a little older but with how their daddy talked about him, he sounded more like his dad then whatever crew chief was, so they call this ' Hudson Hornet ' grandpa without their dad hearing them because, though they were young, they could hear the sadness in his voice whenever he'd tell them stories about him when they were all in his museum.

Hudson of course was the boy and Hornet was his sister and named rightfully so, cause they both could be grumpy at times, but Hornet was like her name sake when she got mad, you stayed away until she calmed down, though everyone in town, minus Storm and Cruz say her temper was because of her father when he would have a temper tantrum, back when he was a rookie of course.

Hudson, like his twin, could be grumpy at times, but unlike his twin and more like his little sister, it was rare. He was also like his mother with being smart, kind, sweet, but mostly stuck to himself and quiet unless you were speaking to him.

And all four loved to race. Just like their dad, big sister, and uncle Storm.

" No, that would be Grandpa's job. Right Champ? " Storm replied back with a grin to Cruz and a smirk to McQueen. Who only rolled his eyes and chuckled.

" You'll change your mind when you see her. Believe me, I'm going be protecting my little girls from any untrustworthy boys. "

" Other words, all boys better stay away from the McQueen-Carrera girls. Right? " Storm asked with a raised eye as he knows how hard it's going to be for the right guy to earn McQueen's trust with his little girl's if Cruz is anything to go by, those girls probably won't be able to date until McQueen dies…for real this time no faking and probably wait 3 years just to make sure that he is dead.

" Right. " McQueen replied with a satisfied grin and nod as he looked at his little girls.

" Well their going to have go through me first. " Junior said, like his dad, he was protective of his sisters even Cruz and she was older than they were and his mom.

" Same here. " Hudson said, nodding too and looking around for any imaginary boys that might come in and try to woo his sisters, whatever ' woo ' meant the way his Dad and Uncle talk about it, it sounds like something those boys would try on their sisters and didn't sound nice. Like his Dad and brother, he was also protective of his sisters and Cruz and his mommy. Did I mention that Hudson was a momma's boy?

" We are so loved. " Cruz gushed nuzzling her little brothers, laughing when Junior fought against her nuzzling and pushed away from her shaking his frame like he was trying to get rid of something she rubbed on him.

Sally laughed at her youngest son's antics, " You'll change your mind when you get older Lightning. " she said coming over and nuzzling him, he made a face but didn't pull away from her.

" No, I won't. " he muttered, making his mother laugh again as she kissed his little fender, smiling when he relaxed his face and smiled silly and making the older cars chuckle at his antics.

" Oh! We forgot to say sorry to Uncle Mater and Aunt Holley! " Raine exclaimed.

" What yous gotta to say sorry to us fer? " Mater asked her.

" We caused the dust storm you saw. " Hornet answered him with a mischievous grin.

" No Pun intended Uncle Storm. " Hudson said.

" None taken, squirt. " Storm replied with a grin, patting him gently on his cab.

" Hey, who wants to go to the Butte? " Junior asked suddenly, revving his little engine.

" Me! " his siblings, Storm, Cruz, and Lightning answered while the others laughed before agreeing with him as well.

" I tell you what Lightning, if these kids are going to be anything like you when they get older, this town is going to have its wheel's full. " Sheriff laughed.

" Don't forget about Cruz and her little one. " Sarge said with a smile, he could already see what was going to happen in years to come.

" Oh, I don't doubt it, especially if the kid's like his father…and grandfather. " Flo agreed, smiling over at the 2.

" Hey! " They exclaimed while everyone laughed.

Here's the final ch! Hope ya'll liked it!

Thanks to those reviewed, favorited, and followed.