Disclaimer: Do I REALLY have to repeat this? I am not J.K Rowling and so these characters and the setting do not belong to me.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy and, honestly, uninspired to write. I hope you guys like the next one and that this story will be a easier journey from here on. Please comment if you think/don't think that it's on the right track.
The door of the Gryffindor common room creaked open, catching the already startled Lily Evans by surprise. During the brief second she had been accused to be a Death Eater, the whole of Gryffindor seemed to have accumulated behind, spreading out and crowding the corridor as well as the staircase.
A hand escaped from behind the door, wand clutched so firmly that the knuckles were a ghostly white. The owner of the hand revealed himself, putting one foot outside his common room and poking his head out from the door.
He brought his wand up so it was touching Lily threateningly on her neck.
'Who are you?' he spit out menacingly, seemingly un-phased by the many people who were pointing their wands at him as well.
'What is that of your business?' the redhead had replied snidely, certain that the boy wouldn't hurt her. There was silence now, the unknown Gryffindor had not given up his antics and did not seem like backing down.
It was then that Dumbledore had appeared behind the boy, touching his shoulder as if that would calm him down. He smiled openly at the Lily, 'Welcome in Miss Evans, don't mind Harry he's just being precautionary.'
Lily stared into the boys eyes, a beautiful emerald green, he was certainly James' son, but his eyes. They did not look like Mary's or Dahlia's or Janet's for goodness sake. And the boy certainly didn't like her studying him, James had gotten better over the past year but his ego would still have loved a girl looking him up and down. He looked malnourished, pale skin spread too wide over weak bones. He could do with a treacle tart.
They were looking at each other for a while now, a conversation without no words. All the Gryffindors behind her had their wands pointed, ready to strike at any moment. Dumbledore might be there, but his hair was so long that there were probably a countless viles out there filled with Dumbledore polyjuice potion.
The boy tried smiling now and Lily smiled back at him, entering the common room, her hand still gripping her wand. 'Stupefy!' she screamed and the Chosen One collapsed to the ground.