Author's note: I hope you enjoy this collection of drabbles from Jashi week! This couple gives me life I swear. Just two things I wanted to note; one,

I will not be uploading day 7 of last year's Jashi week, due to it being just song lyrics. Two, rating is K plus now, but will go up T or M due to a sexual

themed drabble coming later. That is all, enjoy!

1- Morbid Monday

Here's a little headcanon I have for Morbid Monday, I'm so happy for a whole week dedicated to Jashi!

Headcanon: What if Jack was so hurt and depressed about Ashi fading, that he fell deep back into the state he was before he got his sword back and suffered a

nervous breakdown? Jack sits in bed all day, he won't eat, he won't talk much, just lie in bed and stare out the window. To him, what's the point of living if he doesn't

have his Ashi by his side? One day, a princess visits the kingdom to try and bring comfort to Jack and his parents. Jack is in such a fragile and depressed state of

mind, that when he see's the princess, he believes she IS Ashi. Jack lures the princess to an old room in the castle, and locks her in there so she can't escape. Jack

puts clothes on her that Ashi once wore and even cuts her hair to Ashi's length, because Jack so much thinks she's Ashi. Eventually people start to wonder where the

princess is, but Jack lies and pretends that he hasn't seen her. The search for the princess begins. While the search party is on, Jack tries not to look suspicious and

keeps sneaking down to where he's locked her. The princess keeps trying to tell Jack that she's not Ashi, that Ashi is gone, but he keeps shaking his head and saying

it's a lie. Jack leaves again, the princess bangs on the locked door and shouts for help.

Eventually, a guard doing his rounds hears noise from the old room and goes to check it out. The princess tells him what Jack is done, and that he has the key. The

guard goes to the Emperor and Empress and he tells them what he's discovered. They ask him if he's sure, and he says that yes, he's sure. The guards, Emperor, and

Empress head to the room where they catch Jack. They corner him and Jack's father asks him to hand over the key. Jack tries to fight and run away, but his father

tackles him to the ground and gets the key. Jack screams at them that they're not going to take "Ashi" away from him again, and he of course, doesn't listen when

they tell him it's not Ashi. They get the door unlocked and the princess escapes, Jack chases after her outside. Jack pins her to the ground as the princess screams at

him. Suddenly, a ladybug catches Jack's eye, it reminds him of Ashi's sacrifice, and then he snaps back to reality, let's go of the princess, and breaks down crying,

just loud, aching sobs that shake his whole body. When Jack's parents help him get settled and rested, he apologizes to the princess for what he did in his deranged

state, and she forgives him, for she understood how he felt. Once everything is cleared up, the princess leaves to go back home, then we have the final shot of Jack

standing under the tree overlooking the new future.