Peter and Cindy are crime-fighting spider pals in New York. Peter is Tony's secret-ish son so they assume they'll be safe from the accords, but boy were they wrong.

They get captured by Ross and taken to the raft to 'explore' their abilities, Tony does everything they can to rescue them.

People who don't know who Silk is, her name is Cindy Moon. She was bitten by the same radioactive spider as Peter and has the same powers as him except she can produce webs out of her fingers. Technically she doesn't meet Peter until they're in their 20s but I don't care, this is what fanfics are for?

Peter always knew something would go wrong eventually, after the fiasco with the accords something was bound to happen, but he thought Tony could protect him. Things were looking a little up, it had been a month since Siberia, he was acing most of his classes, he and ned had just started building the millennium falcon, Michelle and Cindy were finally warming up to them and Tony was finally getting a bit better.

After the civil war, everything went to shit, Tony had tried to help, but he was hurting too and they both missed Steve. He hadn't seen his almost second dad since the fight at the airport. Tony had come home hurt and broken. Peter couldn't understand how Steve could hurt his Dad like that just for Bucky. They were dating, Tony was meant to come before everything else. Bucky had ruined everything.

"Hey, Pete?" Michelle taps his hand with her pen bringing him from his thoughts.

"Hhmmm," he looks over at her. "What?"

"You're up, we're doing literacy because we all suck at it."

"Oh right yeh, I was listening."

"Yeh, you totally were judging by the drool on your hand" She grins slightly, pointing to his hand he's leaning on. Peter turns pink. "Well go on peter."

"Oh right, yeh sorry" He fumbles as he stands up from his chair, squeaking it loudly on the floor, making him wince. He stumbles up to the practice table and sits next to Abe. His spidey sense has been bugging him all day. buzzing lowly in the back of his head, but nothing has happened yet.

"Okay, first question. What was the original title of the book Fahrenheit 451?"

Peter has no idea, he hasn't revised any of the literary stuff and it seems like everyone else is the same.

"Nobody? Seriously, Man how did we win nationals?" She grins again.

Suddenly someone barges through the doors of the auditorium.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I had a project on web design I had to finish." Cindy rambles as she limps slightly while walking quickly through the auditorium. She looks flustered and out of breath.

Michelle eyes her suspiciously, taking in her appearance. Her raven hair is tied in a messy bun. She's wearing ripped grey jeans and a large black sweater that reads 'THE SARCASM IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE' in white star wars font.

"Is that dust in your hair?" Michelle questions.

"Hmmm what? No?" She says fluffing her hand through her messy hair, trying to wipe off the evidence.

"Sure okay." Michelle eyes her again. Cindy is clearly lying, but she doesn't want to question it again. "Well, whatever I don't care. go sit next to Peter. We're doing literacy and I'm pretty sure you're the only one who's good at it." She smirks.

Cindy flushes and makes her way up to the table. she slouches her bag off her shoulder and slips into the seat next to Peter wincing slightly.

"I like your t-shirt," she says quietly. He's wearing a navy t-shirt that says 'NEVER TRUST AN ATOM, THEY MAKE UP EVERYTHING'

"Oh, thanks" He tugs at the hem of it. They both laugh nervously.

"You guy done flirting?" Michelle speaks over them. They both blush profusely and look away from each other. Michelle smirks.

"Okay, so the first question again. What was the original title of the book Fahrenheit 451?"

Cindy chews her lip for a second before dinging the bell. "The Fireman"

"Correct. Good job Cindy."

"Thanks" She mumbles.

The rest of decathlon practice goes as planned. Peter doesn't have to do much though.

"Hey, Peter" Cindy calls as she stumbles after him when practice finishes. "I know you're having a bit of trouble with the literature questions and I'm having trouble with chemistry so I thought maybe we could help each other out or something, I don't mind. You're probably busy I just wanted to check, you know" she rambles out quickly.

Peter was eager to help but he also really wants to go on patrol. A building had collapsed right before decathlon practice and Silk had been seen there, he wants to make sure she's okay.

"Um yeah sure. Can we do tomorrow though? I just have some stuff to do today." He knew he was a terrible liar, but he wasn't technically lying. He did have some stuff to do.

"Yeh, that's totally fine. I didn't mean today anyway. I have some stuff I need to do too." They both make awkward eye contact for a second before looking away.

"Well, I better go, I'll see you tomorrow Peter.

"Yeah, cya,"

Spidey swings through queens, eager to get to the building above Delmars. He and Silk always met there and he usually has a sandwich. He drops down to Delmar's first and grabs his favourite sandwich. Mr Delmar always loves seeing him as Spider-man.

Then he swings up onto the roof. He can see Silk as he swings up, she's sitting on the edge of the roof, her slim legs hanging off and her long black hair waving about slightly in the wind. She's looking down at the people below but turns her head towards him as he swings onto the roof. He sees her smile through her half mask.

"Hey, Webs" She grins.

"Hey, Sil," He says as he lands.

He sits down next to her and swings his legs off the edge, opening his sandwich bag and lifting his mask halfway up his face.

"Hey, I saw you were in that building collapsed earlier today, thanks for being there I can't imagine what would have happened if you didn't get everyone out, well I mean I can, but I don't want to." he bites into his sandwich. "Did you get away unscathed?" he looks at her, his tone concerned.

Silk laughs slightly. "Yeh, I'm fine. A few bumps and bruises, but they've basically healed now anyway."

"Perks of being a hero with a healing factor." Spidey continues and raises his hand towards her. They high-five and laugh.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Silk starts. "I haven't heard any sirens in a while and it's weirding me out. This is new york. famous for its crime." They chuckle.

"I don't know actually, we could always just swing around. Trouble seems to find us anyway."

"That is very true," she smirks. "Cmon hurry and finish your sandwich. I'm getting antsy."

Spidey laughs "Who says antsy anymore? And sue me if I don't want to get indigestion."

"Okay okay. Fine, I'll wait, only because indigestion is the worst. Quick question though." She looks up at him. "Has your silk-sense been bugging you today, mines been buzzing constantly and it's weirding me out, I thought it could be the concussion I might have gotten, but I was careful and I don't think I got one."

"Concussion? Sil you can't go around with a concussion. What if you passed out while swinging? I really don't want to find you pancaked on the sidewalk." He grins at her slightly but sounds worried.

"Spidey, I said I didn't have a concussion I just thought I could've got one. Anyway, you didn't answer my question." she huffs slightly.

"Fine, but just tell me if you're hurt, okay?" he mumbles.

"Fine, fine just answer."

"Yes my spider-sense, which is what it's actually called has been buzzing all day and it's super annoying."

"I wonder what it means, do you think it's foreshadowing something?" she rubs the back of her head.

"I don't know, maybe? Anyway, I'm done" he says finishing his sandwich, "Let's go, race you to that alley where you saw me half naked?" he laughs and stands up.

"Ugh, you were wearing boxers and your mask, so you were barely naked."

"Yeh, then why are you as red as your mask?"

"Shut up" she laughs, pulls her mask up slightly and punches him in the arm. "Anyway let's get back to me beating your arse at racing."

"3,2,1 go!" he yells quickly and jumps off the building.

"Hey, no fair you got a head start," she jokes jumping after him.

Silk gains ground quickly and they are neck and neck.

"Get ready to lose, Webs." Silk screams over the wind, swinging longer and gaining speed.

She passes him and he goes out of her line of sight, she swings around the corner and lands gracefully in the alley.

"Ha! Yes, Silk wins again!" she yells and jumps into the air throwing up her fist.

She looks around for spidey. "Webs?" she climbs up onto the roof trying to spot him.

"Spidey?" she yells. "I know you hate losing, but I promise you'll beat me next time!" she jumps onto the side of a taller building to get a better view.

Then she spots him, collapsed unmoving in the alley next to the one the race ended in.

"Oh my god Spidey!" she swings down and lands next to him. He's sprawled on the ground on his side. His suit is a bit scuffed where he landed and he'll definitely be bruised when he wakes up, but he doesn't look seriously injured.

"Hey, Webs?" she rolls him onto his back. "I need to you wake up." He's breathing but still unmoving. She does a once over on him. He looks fine, his pulse is a bit slow, but not worryingly so.

"Oh god, please be okay." she looks at him again, running her hand over his mask. "What's wrong with you Webs?"

Then she sees the dart. It's stuck in his leg, a tiny bit of amber liquid still inside. "Oh god," her silk-sense goes off just as a dart passes her and sticks itself into the wall.

"Spidey, I need you to wake up now!" she yells swinging onto the roof, avoiding the next dart. He still lies there unconscious.

Silk keeps avoiding darts, hoping her assailant will run out. She doesn't want to leave Spider-man vulnerable in the alley, but she's seriously running out of space to go. She's at the very back of the alley, she can still see spidey laying near the middle. It's clear now that there's more than one person shooting.

She needs to get out. She propels herself above the alley and then swings down to pick up Spidey. She grunts as she roughly hits the ground to get him and swings away as smoothly as she can.

She lugs spidey's body with her, carrying him under her left arm and starts to swing away. She doesn't know exactly where she's going, but she has to get away. She's almost in Central New York now and she can't see any darts flying past, so she assumes they're gone for now.

Also what the hell was that? People just started shooting sedatives at them. What did they do? There has been a bit of crackdown on enhanced individuals for the accords, but that was a month ago and they haven't had any trouble so far.

She really doesn't know where to go now. She can't take Spidey to her house and they don't have like a secret hideout yet, so she's stumped.

Silk lands on a rooftop and drops Spidey, damn he is heavy. She honestly has no idea where to go. Spidey hasn't even started to stir yet, whatever they gave him is clearly meant for enhanced individuals.

"Silk, I am meant to inform you of where to go if Spider-Man is ever incapacitated," A voice says.

"umm, what? who said that?"

"My name is Karen, I am Spider-Mans AI." The AI emanating from his suit says,

"Um okay, and why didn't you say anything earlier?" Silk questions.

"I couldn't inform you of the location while you were in immediate danger, in case you lead the assailants to the location." It continues.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense." she shrugs. "So where do I need to take our little spider?"

"Avengers tower is the current emergency location."

"You've got to be kidding! Man, I didn't realise Spidey had friends in such high places."

"I am not kidding," Karen says.

"I was being sarcastic. Well whatever, let's go.

She picks up spidey again, her tired arms protesting.

"Ugh, my god you're heavy,"

Silk jumps off the building and starts swinging towards avengers tower.