Disclaimer: I don't own these BOF characters but the new ones.

Published: August 9, 2018

Chapter 11: Is This The End?

Her body stiffened before she turned around to face him.

"Marry me, Ga Eul," and pressed his lips on hers, re-igniting the tingles and sensations in her being. But they needed to talk.

"I do want to marry you."

"But?" He looked hurt.

"Please give us some time, Yi Jeong. The children, you need to know them better."

"Ga Eul, I've waited for four long agonizing years to find you and now that I have and I found that you've gifted me with two adorable smart children, I don't need more time. I've already lost too much time. Besides, we can learn about each other as we go along, as an official family unit."

He took a deep breath.

"How long is this 'some time'?"

"I don't know. Until I'm really ready."

"So this isn't about the children. It's about you."

She took his look as accusing.

"Yi Jeong…" and sighed.

"Do you not trust me?" His voice was low and he pulled back a little, hurt evident in the voice.

"No, it's not that." She felt a sting in the heart.

"Then why?" He could not look at her. He had released her from his arm and laid on his back, eyes directed to the ceiling.

Ga Eul immediately missed his warmth and guilt crept in, joining the sting. How did it turn from bliss to this with just a few words?

She leaned her upper body up and rested on one elbow.

"Yi Jeong…"

He did not answer.

"Yi Jeong, please. Look at me." Her chest felt heavy.

"Please try to understand. This is all happening too fast. I do want to be with you but there are a lot of things that need to be thought through before we take the next step."

He kept his gaze on the white dull ceiling.

"I'm not asking you to marry me tomorrow although I really love to. If these things involve your job and the children's schooling, they are easily solved, Ga Eul."

With the other hand, she cupped his cheek and turned his head to her direction. Hurt was not the only one that she was met with. There was also sadness.

"I am beyond grateful, elation that we're together again, I do but I just need some time to adjust. I really want to be your wife but let's get to know each other more."

"I don't understand, Ga Eul. I do know you and you know me. We love each other and can't be without each other. I'm confused. What do you mean to get to know each other more?"

Suddenly, she started to sob and buried her face against his naked chest.

"Ga Eul? Hey, what's wrong?" He quickly crossed his hands over her smooth bare back. Tears wet his chest.

This is it, Ga Eul. It's time to tell him the truth. Although this wasn't how she had planned to be.

"Ga Eul, please tell me what's wrong. Why are you crying?" He was going out of his mind with the sudden change.

"Yi Jeong… I…I'm…"


The twin.

Ga Eul quickly disentangled herself from Yi Jeong and searched for her clothes and got dressed. He did the same and they hurriedly left the room. They would have to continue with the conversation later.

"Shhh… Shhh… Omma are here, Appa are here too." She patted Eun Ae while Yi Jeong, Beom Jii. It was a quarter to three in the morning.

"I'll prepare their milk."

"Ommaaa…. Appa…." The twin was tossing around.

"Appa are here. Omma is making your milk. Would you like that?"

But they kept on crying.

"Shhh… shhh…"

Ga Eul came back with two bottles and gave one to each. Immediately, the little ones stopped crying. Beom Jii turned his body and threw his small leg over Yi Jeong's thigh and Eun Ae did the same to Ga Eul. One hand held the bottle and the other searched for the parent's hair. Yi Jeong looked at Ga Eul and she gave him a thin smile. It was the children's habit. Whenever they woke up at night, they would play with her hair while drinking the milk until they fell back to sleep.

The whole time, Yi Jeong kept his eyes on Ga Eul. Even with only the night light on, he could see that her nose was red and her eyes were a little puffy from the cry. His heart ached and he wished that he could be on the other side of the bed, holding her close and comfort her. Her cry baffled him yet made him want to chase away all the things that were making her sad.

She then looked at him and gave a small smile.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," also a whisper.

He then leaned forward, careful not to squish the twin and gave her a long kiss. The kiss was to assure her that he would be here with her, for her, always, and would keep her safe. Their hands linked over the children's middle bodies and they finally drifted to sleep.

The light from Ga Eul opening the bathroom door woke Yi Jeong up. He searched for his watch. It was almost half past five. The door then closed but left opened a little, a practice of hers since the twin was born. He slowly got up and went to the bathroom after securing the children with a wall of pillows.

"Hey, good morning. You're up early. Aren't you tired?"

She had just finished washing her face. She looked up at him in the mirror and smiled. She looked breathtaking, the natural beauty that never failed to make his heart skipped a beat.

"Hi, good morning. Tired? Yes, but I'm used to it. Need to get ready for school."

He stepped closer and enveloped her slim waist in his muscular arms. "Do you have to?" and trailed kisses on her neck.

"Yi Jeong…" She was getting breathless. His soft lips on her neck sparked things in her inside.

"I need to shower."

"I'll help you."

He then took one step backward and started to slowly peel off her clothes, their eyes locked together through the mirror.

Next, he did his and led her to the shower stall.

Satisfied with the water temperature, they stepped under the huge rectangle shower head, shivered a little at the first contact of warm water on naked skin. With great care and gentleness, he washed her soft silky body, avoiding the places where he wanted to touch the most. Then, it was her turn. Not able to resist any longer, he crushed his lips on hers and roamed his hands all over her clean body, and so did she. And finally, they became one, again.

After they were properly clothed, Ga Eul woke up the twin. School time and they should eat breakfast before leaving. Ga Eul was lucky because the children almost never gave her many problems when woken up. In half an hour, they were ready and headed to the café downstairs and once done with breakfast, Yi Jeong sent them to school.

"I'll come to pick you up later," and pecked her lips.

"OK. What are your plans for today?"

"A few meetings and visits to a couple of art galleries. I'm surprised that there are a few good galleries around here."

"Yeah, this place is full of surprises." They chuckled at her remark.

"So, I'll see you then."

"Thanks, Yi Jeong," and leaned up to kiss him.

Yi Jeong then hugged and kissed the children on the cheeks and waved goodbye.

"Do come in," Ga Eul invited Yi Jeong in.

"Harabeoji! Halmoni!"

"We're home!"

The children ran into the house to seek for the grandparents. Yi Jeong put down Ga Eul's luggage near the stairs and followed her to the living room.

"Have a seat first. What can I get you?"

"Just green tea, please."

"Anything to eat?"

"No, thank you."

"OK, I'll be back soon."

While Yi Jeong waited, Mr. Chu entered the living room. The younger man quickly stood up and bowed. They then took their seats.

"How were the kids yesterday?"

Yi Jeong softly laughed. "Very active and quite a handful. Don't they know how and when to stop talking?"

Mr. Chu laughed and nodded. "You'll get used to it. They are very entertaining, you see."

"They really are."

Both men chuckled at his agreement.

"Appa." "Appa."

"Harabeoji." "Harabeoji."

The twin practically threw themselves on the old man, earning a loud "Oooopphhhhssss," from the man.

"I missed you, Harabeoji."

"I missed you more, Harabeoji."

"No. I missed you more."

"No. I missed you more."

"No. I missed Harabeoji more."

"No. I missed Harabeoji more."

"And Harabeoji missed you two the most."

And earned him kisses on the cheeks. Yi Jeong could not stop smiling at their playfulness.

"Harabeoji, swimming was fun."

"We splashed Omma and Appa with water, Harabeoji."

"Oh, really? You did, didn't you?"

"Yes!" Both of them answered in unison.

"We want to go again. Harabeoji, come swim with us."

Mr. Chu laughed and kissed Eun Ae's cheek.

"What else did you do yesterday?"

"A lot."


"Can Halmoni join too?" Mrs. Chu and Ga Eul entered the room. The latter had a tray of drinks and a plate of watermelon slices.

"Yes, Halmoni. Let's go now."

The adults chuckled and laughed except for Yi Jeong.

"Beom Jii, Eun Ae, as much as Appa would love to, Appa am afraid that we can't do that today."

"Oh?" Ga Eul was surprised.

Yi Jeong smiled at her though guiltily.

"My grandfather called earlier. I have to go back to Seoul tonight."

Ga Eul's look was of obvious disappointment. She thought that they were going to get that conversation done as well as spending more time with him.

"Appa are going?" Eun Ae needed confirmation.

"Can we come too?" asked Beom Jii and his twin nodded, agreeing with her twin's question.

"Appa would love so but Appa have to go alone."

He hated to have to disappoint them and Ga Eul.

The children's reactions to the answer were the most heartbreaking.

"We want to follow Appa," Eun Ae pouted but her lips were quivering. Beom Jii was not of any difference.

"Oh, Baby. Appa am sorry." He gathered them in his arms. "Appa promise Appa will come back as soon as Appa can."

Then the cries erupted.

The grandparents could only look at them with sad eyes. They never liked it when the twin cried and now seeing how attached the children were with their newly found father, Mr. Chu started to worry.

Ga Eul immediately approached them and took Beom Jii into her arms. She gently rubbed his back to soothe him.

"Shhhh…. Shhhh… It's alright, Sweetheart. Appa has to go to work, like how Omma have to and didn't Appa promise to come back as soon as possible? It won't take long and before you know it, Appa is back."

"I want to go with Appa." The little boy kept chanting.

"I want to go with Appa too," and agreed on by the little girl.

"What do I do?" Yi Jeong mouthed to Ga Eul.

"OK. Why don't we go out with Appa before Appa goes back? We'll take lots of pictures with Appa and when you miss Appa, you can look at Appa's pictures. And we can always talk to Appa on the phone and on the computer. How's that?"

"Yes, we can do that," Yi Jeong smoothened his daughter's braided silky hair.

"Can we, Appa?"

"Yes, Baby," as he kissed her forehead and then Beom Jii's.

Then the crying stopped but occasional sniffs were still there.

"Let's get you a quick bath and we can go out with Appa," suggested the young mother.

"OK," Eun Ae then gave her father a very long kiss on the cheek with a loud smooch sound at the end.

"Appa, stay here. Don't go away. Wait for us," ordered Beom Jii.

His father's replies were a nod and a kiss at the side of his head.

The twin then raced upstairs, followed by their mother's scream when Eun Ae looked like she was going to fall at one point.

"So, is everything alright back at home?" Mrs. Chu inquired.

"Just some small problems that Grandfather wants me to handle. They won't take long."

"Yi Jeong-shii,"

"Yes, Sir?"

"How long do you think this arrangement is going to be? You there in Seoul while Ga Eul and the children here?"

Yi Jeong became quiet.

"Last night I've asked Ga Eul to marry me but she asked to give her some time." There were frustration and sadness in his voice.

"When do you plan to get married when you asked her that?" asked the older man. He prayed that it would not be soon.

"As soon as possible, Sir. I understand that she'll need to sort out things at work and whatever else here that she is involved in and I can wait. Surely it won't take up a very long time? But the way she answered it, I'm confused."

"Confused?" asked Mrs. Chu with knitted eyebrows.

"What do you mean? What did she say?"

"She suggested that we get to know each other more, and then she cried."

Mrs. and Mr. Chu exchanged looks. What was going on? Mrs. Chu thought that Ga Eul would want to marry Yi Jeong in the nearest future. What was there to get to know more? To rekindle their relationship?

"What does she mean by that? What did you do to make her cry?" asked Mr. Chu while straightening his back. Had Yi Jeong forgotten his promise on not making Ga Eul cry?

"No. I didn't do anything, Sir. Believe me, please. I don't know why she said that and cried. She was about to tell me when the children woke up crying."

He ran his fingers in his hair.

"Do you think Ga Eul is having a second thought about us?"

The elders could see fear on his face.

"No, Yi Jeong-shii. Please, don't think like that. I'm sure there's a reason to why she said that."

"Do you want me to ask her about it?" offered the mother of the woman he loved.

"No. No, but thank you. I don't want her to get upset. I shouldn't have told you about it and make you worry." He then stood up and bowed low, asking for the elders' forgiveness.

"Yi Jeong-shii. Please. You don't have to do this. It's alright. If you didn't tell us, we wouldn't know what Ga Eul is thinking or planning to do," Mrs. Chu softly patted the younger man's arm.

"Do you think the two of you will be able to continue that conversation today?" The Chus were now curious about their daughter.

He shook his head. "There's not enough time and I don't want to do it on the phone. We'll have to wait until I come back here."

The elders slightly nodded in understanding and the room became silent, each in his and her own thoughts.



And the children came running in heading straight to Yi Jeong.

"Darling, Sweetheart, and how many times must Omma tell you? Don't run on the stairs!"

Ga Eul shook her head while entering the room with a small bag.

"Everybody's ready?" asked Mrs. Chu.

"Yes." Ga Eul lifted the bag and patted it.

"Where are you going?"

"Maybe to the park, Appa."

"Yaaayyy! The park!"

"Let's go, Appa!" Beom Jii and Eun Ae pulled Yi Jeong's hands impatiently.


And the children froze.

"Where's Harabeoji's kiss?"

"And Halmoni's?"

They quickly released their father's hands and hugged and kissed their grandparents while Yi Jeong and Ga Eul watched them with wide smiles.

"Bye, Halmoni."

"Bye, Harabeoji."

The children had a great time and so had Yi Jeong and Ga Eul. It was a new experience for Yi Jeong and he loved every single second. Sure enough, the four received smiles and amused faces from the other people at the park. There were a few who recognized Yi Jeong and some who knew Ga Eul and the children. It was definitely a surprise for them to see the four enjoying their time. Those who knew Ga Eul greeted them and Ga Eul introduced Yi Jeong as a friend of hers. It was not the time to tell them the truth. However, those who noticed Yi Jeong could not believe their eyes and some took pictures of them. The pictures were definitely going to be on the Internet in no time.

It was half-past five and they were now back at the Chu's. The children went to see their grandfather tending the small garden in the backyard.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? I'm sure the children would love that."

"What about you? Would you love that too?" He whispered into her ear and nibbled the earlobe.

"Yi Jeong… behave." She swatted him lightly on the shoulder but he just chortled away.

"So, would you?" He asked again.

"Of course. Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to see if Omma needs any help in the kitchen."

"I'll help too."

Ga Eul cocked an eyebrow but he simply pinched her cheek.

"Hello, Madam. Anything that I can help with?"

"Oh, Yi Jeong-shii. Nothing. I'm almost done here but thank you."

"What's for dinner, Omma?" Ga Eul lifted the lid of a pot on the stove and her eyes went wide.

"Yummy… Chicken and kimchi soup."

"It smells good," the younger man complimented.

"Oh, just simple food," Mrs. Chu was being humble.

"Yes, just simple food, but one that won first prize in the soup competition here last year."

"Really? Wow. Congratulations, Madam."

"Aish, Ga Eul…" but Ga Eul just hugged her Omma from behind.


"I want rice."

"Sweetheart, Darling. Come, let's go take a bath before dinner."

"When are you leaving, Yi Jeong-shii?" asked the older man.

"At ten, Sir."

"That's late. You'll be tired," said Mrs. Chu.

"That's alright, Madam. If it was up to me, I don't want to leave."

The elders nodded in understanding.

"Honey, help me with the plates, please."

"I'll help too."

"No. No. You don't have to, Yi Jeong-shii."

"It's alright, Madam, Sir. No problem at all."

Dinner time was a merry cheerful one. As usual, the children were the stars of the moment. They could not stop sharing the good times at the park earlier. The twin also made Yi Jeong fed them and their Omma, much to Ga Eul's reddened face, just like how they did at the park earlier with their ice-creams.

One hour later, it was time for Yi Jeong to go. The twin kissed and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go that he had to repeatedly promise them that he would be back soon. He also thanked Mr. and Mrs. Chu and said goodbye. The elders then led the twin inside to give him and Ga Eul some time alone.

He immediately took her hands and gently caressed them with his thumbs. They gazed at each other, not one saying anything.

Some moments later, "I'm going to miss you," he whispered. His breath hot over her face.

"Me too."

"Wait for me? I won't be long. Only for a few days."

"I will." Her voice became whispery for he had leaned forward and their foreheads now touching.

Before she could process anything else, his soft lips were on hers and his hands on the sides of her waist, pulling her as close as possible. Her hands automatically encircled his neck as she kissed him back.

Reluctantly, he had to break the kiss when that particular part of him started to awaken.

"I don't know how I can endure the days without you."

She squeezed his shoulder.


"Cheesy, Mr. So Yi Jeong."

"But you still love me." It was a statement that she would never disagree too.

"Promise that you'll call us?"

"I promise, Ga Eul."

They kissed again, this time longer.

"I don't want to leave."

"I don't want you to."

"But I have to."

"Sadly yes."

"Come with me. The three of you."

"We both know we can't."

"I'm going to come back here soon and we're going to fix this."

"Yi Jeong…"

And he captured her lips once again.

"You have to go…"

"A little longer…" His feet seemed to be cemented to the doorstep.

Eun Ae's cry broke the moment. Shortly after, Beom Jii's followed.

"They are fighting again." The young mother sighed.

"Should I go in?"

"No, or you won't get to leave. I'll handle them. You should go."

"Are you getting rid of me?" Smirking, he raised an eyebrow and was rewarded with a light punch on the shoulder. "Well, I'm not going to be responsible if you miss the flight."

"It's the So family's private jet, so they'll have to wait."

"No. No. No. No. You don't abuse your power, So Yi Jeong. The crew needs their rest too."

He pinched her cheeks. "You're no fun."

"Good night, Yi Jeong," and kissed him.

"Good night, Ga Eul. I love you."

"I love you too."

After waves and waves of goodbye, Yi Jeong's car finally left.

"OK, now let's see what the fight is all about." She mumbled to herself and went inside.

He promised five days at most but it was already twenty days. The 'just some problems' turned out to be more. There were problems with the insurance company for the precious blue and white porcelain vases from the Goryeo Dynasty that were to be exhibited next month, a small store at the back of the Museum caught on fire, meetings with potential investors and many more.

He was getting frustrated for he missed Ga Eul and the twin. Sure they had nightly video calls but they were not enough for him.

"Yi Jeong, my office, now."

"Yes, Harabeoji," and left his office room.

He sat across his grandfather but the old man was staring at him with a frown.

"Care to share what you are feeling right now?"


"You seemed lost during the meeting this morning. I don't want this project to fail, Yi Jeong." The project was to open another branch of the Museum in Daegu.

"And you've been kind of distracted these few days. What's going on? Are you sick?"

The younger man swallowed hard.

"No, Haraeoji. I'm fine."

"Then? What is it?"

"I… I…"

Would his grandfather accept his personal reason? Master So was a very strict man and demanded perfection and even if Yi Jeong was his grandson, he tried not to give Yi Jeong some slacks when it came to the Museum's matters.

"I'm sorry, Harabeoji. It's… I missed my children." And Ga Eul.

Master So sighed and closed his eyes. He had seen the children's pictures. Ji Hoo had shown him their pictures after the F3 and Jan Di came back and Yi Jeong had also told him about them. He suppressed his urge to see his great-grandchildren and their mother. That day would eventually come. Right now he wanted Yi Jeong's total focus on the Museum's matters. He did not tell the younger man that he would soon be retiring and the future of the Museum would lie on his son's and his grandson's shoulders. Hence, the need for Yi Jeong's full attention.

However, he was also not a monster. He had witnessed how his grandson went into deep depression for the loss of his mother as well as his love. It took years for Yi Jeong to recover and now that the young potter had found his love and children, the old man could see the shine in his eyes were back and he would not be the one to take it away.

Aish…. I'm becoming weak. Master So thought to himself.

"Yi Jeong. I know all these are new to you and the feeling is overwhelming. A good one. Love is a special feeling. I'm very happy that you have found them. However, you have to learn to control this. It's just only what? Coming to three weeks? You do know that there will be times when you have to be away for a longer period of time, don't you?"

"Yes, harabeoji."

"Are you going to let this feeling of missing them affect your jobs?"

The younger man shook his head.

"When was the last time you spoke with them?"

"Last night."

The old man sighed.

"What is your plan, actually?"

"Excuse me?"

"About Ga Eul and the children."

"I want them here with me, Harabeoji. I want to marry Ga Eul."

"But?" He could read the sad lines on his grandson's face.

"Ga Eul wanted to wait."


"I don't know. She doesn't know, not really. Until she's ready."

"Ready? What do you mean?"

"She's not ready. We didn't get the chance to really discuss it."

"Don't you talk to her every day?"

"I do but I don't want to do it on the phone."

Master So leaned forward, elbows and the big shiny table.

"I want you to be on your toes with this project, Yi Jeong but you like this? I'm not going to risk it."

"Harabeoji?" Yi Jeong did not want to disappoint his grandfather. He knew that he could make this project a success but he was also missing Ga Eul and the children very much that he did not realize that his grandfather had noticed his slacking.

"Look. It seems that the only way to solve this is for you to go there and have this talk with Ga Eul. I don't want any unfinished business jeopardizes our project. I'll get Hyun Sub to cover your tasks and while you're there, try and see if there are openings and opportunities for us. Hmmm. Maybe we can also open an office there and don't come back before you settle this thing with Ga Eul."

Yi Jeong's mouth turned into a big O.


"No buts. Now get out of here and bring my great-grandchildren and granddaughter-in-law home."


"Don't Harabeoji me, young man. Get your behind out of here now."

Yi Jeong stood up and surprised his grandfather with a tight hug and an "I love you, Harabeoji. Thank you very much."

When he was out of the room, Master So shook his head. "Things I do for our grandson, Honey. You'd be very proud of me," as he took the frame of his late wife from the corner of the table and smiled.



Yi Jeong knelt down and opened his arms as the children launched themselves at him. Ga Eul who was behind them sported a very surprised yet happy look.

"Hi, beautiful." He then stood up holding the children's hands.

"Hi," Her face had reddened from his compliment and the fact that a few parents were looking at them curiously.

She kissed his cheeks, too shy to kiss him on the lips in front of the others.

"Appa, we missed Appa very much." Eun Ae tugged at his hand and he looked down at her.

"I'm sorry, Baby. Appa have a lot of work but Appa am here now. Are you two happy?"

"Yes, Appa." The children answered in unison.

"Oh, hold a second." He let go of the children's hands and reached inside his car.

"This is for the lovely lady," and handed a bouquet of red roses to Ga Eul.

"For me?"

"No. For the guy over there." She playfully swatted his forearm.

"Thank you, Yi Jeong." A kiss on the cheek was his reward but he wanted more.

"Wow. So beautiful," admired the little girl.

"Appa, did Appa buy us toys?" asked Beom Jii.

"Sweetheart." Ga Eul shook her head. She did not want the children to ask for toys. She did not want them to be spoilt.

"It's alright, Ga Eul."

He then ruffled the little boy's hair.

"Yes, they are in the car. Come on. Let's go eat. Appa am famished."

They then went back to Ga Eul's house to collect their bags for the weekend. Yi Jeong offered her parents to come with them but they declined. They already had plans.

Back at the hotel suite, Ga Eul was unpacking the bags and arranging the clothes on the bed before putting them in the closet. Yi Jeong was with the children in the living room, watching a cartoon. The children never let his hands go. After a while, he left them and went to find her.

"Hey," leaning against the doorframe. Ga Eul glanced up at him and her heart skipped a beat. He looked handsome and sexy as always.

"Hey," her voice barely audible.

"Need help with that?"

"No, thank you. Almost done."

He approached the bed and leaned down to kiss her, his hands on the sides of her face. Her hands automatically gripped his arms as she savored the soft warm lips on hers.

"I wanted to do this since you walked out of the building," he whispered against her lips, sending more delightful shivers throughout her being.

"Me too…" and kissed him again.


"I didn't start it. Eun Ae did, Ommmaaaa…"

Their foreheads against each other, Ga Eul heaved a sigh. "Why are they always fighting? I thought twin doesn't fight?" and Yi Jeong chortled. He then gave her a peck on the lips and they exited the room to see what the fight was all about.

It seemed that Beom Jii had accidentally spilled his chocolate milk on Eun Ae's dress and she returned the 'favor'. Beom Jii then hit her, making her cry and she hit him back, making him cry.

During dinner, he apologized for returning late. There was so much work to do, he told the children. Ga Eul asked how long would this trip was going to be and he replied with a wide smile, "Very long," earning "YAAAAYYYY!" and claps from the children and a raised eyebrow from Ga Eul. He then mouthed "I'll tell you later."

Just like that night, Yi Jeong read the children a story until they fell asleep. Then, he went to the small kitchenette and found Ga Eul making a glass of milk. She handed him the glass.

"I don't want to sleep yet. I prefer to…"

She did not let him finish his words as she pinched the side of his waist. "Pervert." But he just laughed.

"Drink your milk, So Yi Jeong."

"Yes, Chu seonsaeng-nim," and earned him another pinch.

He emptied the glass in a few gulps and put the glass in the sink. He then took her hand and led her to the other bedroom. They sat at the edge of the bed, gazing into each other's eyes.

"We need to talk, Ga Eul."

She knew that they had to but not tonight. He just came back and she had missed him very much.

"I missed you," and pulled him toward her, pressing her lips on his.

"Ga Eul…"

"I want you…"

"I want you too but…"

"Later…" and pushed him down on the bed, straddled his thighs and kissed him. Just like that, he surrendered to her.

Three hours and a few out of this world mind blowing rounds later, they snuggled in each other's arms, letting their breathing normalized with him kissing her the side of her head every few seconds or so.

She tilted her head up to him. "Should we get back to the children?"

"Ga Eul, don't you think it's time to talk about us?"

She stiffened. He was not going to let this go but she did not want to ruin the moment. No. Not now.

"Can we do this tomorrow or after? It's very late."

"Ga Eul…" Puzzled, he wondered if she had changed her mind on talking about the matter.

He searched her eyes for answers. He badly needed to know what she wanted to say and why she cried that night.

"Please? I just want to be with you tonight. I don't want to think about anything else right now. Please, Yi Jeong."

"Alright, my love," and gently kissed her.

Later he dressed her in her night robe. They went back to the other room and sandwiched their precious twin until sleep came.

The weekend went by fast. During the day, they went to the tourist places and at night after the children were fast asleep, Yi Jeong and Ga Eul went to the other room to make love. Still, the pending talk never came and Yi Jeong told himself to be patient. Furthermore, he had all the time since his grandfather had given him the approval.

Yi Jeong had also found an apartment in town to rent since he was going to be there for quite some time. He offered Ga Eul and the children to stay with him but she told him that she needed to discuss with her parents.

It was truly a hard decision for Mr. Chu to let his beloved ones to stay with Yi Jeong. He knew that the time would eventually come but he was hoping that it would be after Ga Eul's and Yi Jeong's marriage. The children, of course, wanted to be with their father and so, the elder Chu allowed them with the condition that they must come to see their Halmoni and Harabeoji at least every other day.

When Ga Eul and the kids were at school, Yi Jeong worked, teleconferencing with his grandfather and the staff back in SoEul. He also started looking for potential investors and new arts and crafts for the Museum. However, his best friends, especially Jun Pyo began to whine and complain that they missed him, Ga Eul and the children. They missed their weekly hangouts at their old lounge. Yi Jeong promised to go home and bring the three back with him, permanently.

"How was your day?"

His arms tightened around her slim waist, her back against his chest.

"Overall it was alright although one of the children in my class suddenly vomited halfway through the art class. Food poisoning. We got him to the medical room and called his parents. They came and took him home."

"Oh, only him?" He was worried if it was from the school's food.

"Yes. Must be something he ate for breakfast, I don't know."

"Ga Eul." He started to kiss her temple.


"Will you ever tell me why you want us to wait until you are ready? You are here with me, and the children too are here. Are you still not ready now?"

"Yi Jeong…"

"And what did you want to tell me that night? Why did you cry?"

She started to sob.

"Hey, please don't cry. You know I can't stand seeing you cry. Please tell me."

He held her tighter and buried his face at the crook of her neck.

"I don't know how to tell you, Yi Jeong."

"Please try."

"I… Please don't judge and think less of me."

A finger hooked under her chin, he turned her face toward him. "Why? What is it, Ga Eul? You're scaring me."

"I need to feel and know that you won't leave me, Yi Jeong."

"What? I don't understand. Of course, I won't ever leave you. You're my air, my life, Ga Eul."

"Even if I'm not perfect?"

"You are perfect for me, Ga Eul."

"But I'm not." She tried hard to stop her tears but they were just unyielding.

"Yes, you are," and kissed her.

"Please don't leave me again, Yi Jeong. I don't know if I can bear it for the second time."

He turned her around and locked her in his arms. "I will never, trust me."

She cried and cried as she clung onto him.

"Ga Eul, please tell me. Why are you crying? Are you sick? Please, tell me."

"I want to be your wife, Yi Jeong." Her tears had soaked through his shirt.

His heart swelled in joy and kissed the side of her head.

"And I want to be your husband."

"But… I…"

"What is it, Ga Eul?" He leaned back a little, his expression was that of confusion. Did she not want to marry him? But she just said that she wanted to be his wife.

She took a deep breath as she looked deep into his eyes. Her crying had lessened, leaving a few whimpers.

"Do you remember years before when we talked about having children?"

His heart started to pound but he nodded still.

"We wanted a lot of children."

And he nodded again. "Four. We wanted four. We already have two and we can practice more for the other two." He smiled widely and wiggled those neat thick eyebrows.

But she did not laugh. Instead, tears started to brim again.

"I… I'm sorry, Yi Jeong. I can't give you more."

He could not speak. He could not think. He simply stared at her with wide eyes.

He pushed for the reason, and she had given it to him. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

"I understand if you don't want me. The children and I will go in the morning."

She pushed back his arms that were frozen around her waist and stood up. Immediately, she missed his body's warmth.

"No!" He suddenly pulled her back down and enrobed her tight. "You are not going to leave me again. Never. I'm not going to let you."

She cried louder and he let her. He was going to wait until she was calmer.

A few minutes went by with him slowly rocking her in his arms and whispering "It's OK. I love you." repeatedly.

She wiped the tears away and looked up at him. Her eyes and nose were red. He gently kissed them before settling on her lips.

"Are you sick, Ga Eul?" Please say no.

She shook her head, tears threatened to well again.

"Did something happen?"

She slowly nodded and the tears betrayed her.

He gently wiped the moistures away while trying to keep his worried heart from bursting out of his chest.

"After the twin's births, the doctor advised not to get pregnant again."

"What? Why?"

"I was so depressed back then and nearly lost them."

His breath hitched. He blamed himself for her condition.

"It was a miracle that I managed to carry them to full term when most twin pregnancies are on average at 35 weeks. But the doctor said that my womb is not strong and feared that if I get pregnant again, the risk of… me….and the baby… is higher…"

"Oh, Ga Eul. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"No! No! Yi Jeong! It's not your fault. It's my fault. I failed to take care of myself."

"No! Ga Eul."

"So I can't give you any more children, Yi Jeong. The doctor put me on medication so I won't get pregnant. I am so sorry. I know how much you wanted a large family."

"Despite all the things that I did to you, which I really am guilty of and can't forgive myself, you have gifted me with two most beautiful children. They are enough and I am forever grateful and I will not risk your life with more."

"You're not going to leave me?"

"Ga Eul, I will never. You are my everything. I've lost you once and I'm not going to lose you again."

A smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Is there anything else that you want to tell me? Is this the only reason?"

She shook her head and then nodded.

"Oh, Ga Eul, Ga Eul. My sweet Ga Eul. You worry unnecessarily."

And they felt relieved in their embrace, neither wanting to let go of the other.

Things were going to be alright.

Four months later

"Do you think Eun Ae and Beom Jii are alright? What do you think they are doing right now? Do you think they miss us?" Ga Eul traced invisible random patterns on Yi Jeong's bare chest. Her head laid against his shoulder.

"I'm sure they are. Omma and Appa are with them and so are their three Uncles and Aunt Jan Di. Woo Bin crazily adores them. I'm sure he keeps the children occupied." His fingers were also drawing mindlessly on her back.

"This is the first time that I'm away from them for this long."

"I know you miss them. I miss them too."

Yi Jeong and Ga Eul were sharing a hammock under the coconut trees at the blond and white fine sandy beach in Aruba Island, enjoying the cool breeze and watching the gentle calming blue pallets of the surfs. They arrived three days earlier for their honeymoon.

Ga Eul handed in her resignation letter two days after their talk and worked on the transfers of the twin to Shinhwa Kindergarten in Seoul. Ga Eul had also interviewed at the same kindergarten and was accepted. They had discussed the matter. As much as Yi Jeong loved that Ga Eul to be at home, he also understood her passion for teaching. Furthermore, she would be near to the twin. Also, he knew that she would be bored to death at home. She was not the sedentary type.

The children were ecstatic but also sad because their Halmoni and Harabeoji would not join them in Seoul. The elders had gotten comfortable with the place and decided that this would be their retirement place. Ga Eul and Yi Jeong promised to come to visit as often as they could.

There was no fancy schmancy proposal and engagement party. Both decided that they would just straight away registered for the marriage license but the wedding was held at the Shinhwa Grand Palace Hotel in Seoul, just to fulfill Yi Jeong's grandfather's wish. In a way, it was also to officially announce to the whole world that the handsome So Yi Jeong, potter extraordinaire, was now taken and not to be disturbed.

He chose the island for their honeymoon because of her love for beaches. At first, she protested the choice of the island, saying that it was too far away from South Korea and would be too costly but he insisted. Only the bests and amazing for his beloved. And he was right.

Ga Eul could not stop wowing, awing and ooh-ing since the moment she stepped down from their private jet. Everything was just so amazing, magnificent and mesmerizing that she was not sure if those where the correct words to describe the places. Yi Jeong's heart soared watching the never-ending wide smile on her face.

They stayed at one of the most romantic beach resorts and their honeymoon suite was perfect. The last two days were spent on the beach, in the water, and in bed.

"What do you want to do after this?" after kissing her forehead.

"The porter mentioned the Seaworld Explorer Semi-Submarine. He said we can see the beautiful reef and a famous shipwreck. I can't remember the names. Can we go?"

"I've heard about them too. Sure, we can. Your wish is my command, my darling," and earned him a playful swat on his shoulder, as well as a kiss on his chest but he simply chuckled.

"Come on, let's go back to our room and change." He disentangled themselves and slightly hopped out of the hammock. Then, gently, he picked her up and carried her to their suite.

Another happy day for the newlywed.

That night, they went to a beach bar & restaurant recommended by one of the resort's staff. As they entered the place, eyes were on them. They were a beautiful handsome couple, foreign for most of the people there. Ga Eul blushed from the men's obvious stares and ogles while Yi Jeong ignored the eyes of some of the women there. His arm around her waist was possessive.

They ate and drank, enjoying each other's company and afterward, danced to the live band. It was fun.

Two songs later, Yi Jeong excused himself for the need of the restroom. Ga Eul went back to sit at their table and watched the many people there. A couple of minutes later, a man, about Yi Jeong's age came by and stood in front of her. He seemed to be drunk.

"Hello, gorgeous," and plonked himself on the empty seat, Yi Jeong's seat.

Ga Eul pushed her chair back a little. She looked at the direction of the restroom, praying that Yi Jeong would come out soon. The man was making her very uncomfortable.

"Are you looking for your dance partner? I'm sure he has left with another chick. There are so many hot chicks here." He leaned closer to her. Ga Eul had to force herself from pinching her nose. The man's breaths reeked of alcohol… the unpleasant kind.

"He's my husband." Her English might not be as fluent as Yi Jeong's but she could do basic conversations.

The man suddenly laughed, further scaring yet irritating Ga Eul. "I saw him looking at another woman earlier. She's hotter than you."

"You're drunk. Please leave before you regret it."

"Ooo… feisty. I love a feisty woman."

Enough with the drunken man, she stood up to leave. However, the man grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. His other hand on her hip.

"No! Stop! Let go of my hand!" swatting his hand away.

"Aww… I want a kiss. Always wonder how a Chinese girl tastes like." The man jutted out his lips.

And he dropped to the ground, groaning in pain.

"That's for my wife!" An angry Yi Jeong was ready to give the man another blow but Ga Eul immediately wrapped her arms around his waist.

People had stopped dancing and the music abruptly stopped. Everybody was looking at them. Soon, the manager of the place came over with two men, bouncers by the look of their physiques.

"I'm sorry, man, madam. We'll throw him out."

And the two bouncers grabbed the man and dragged him out with a warning not to step a foot there ever.

"What would you like? Drinks are on us."

"That's fine. Thank you but my wife and I will leave now. Nice place you have here, apart from that drunk."

The manager ran his hand in his hair. "Thanks. Do come again."

Once the door to their suite closed, Ga Eul jumped on Yi Jeong, legs crossed behind his waist and hands in his hair. She 'attacked' his lips furiously, startling Yi Jeong for a few seconds before he kissed her the same as he supported her with his hands on the side of her thighs.

Lips still on lips, she tried to pull his shirt off but couldn't so with great reluctance, he put her down and let her. He then returned the favor. Clothes flew all over and he carried her to the huge four-poster bed.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining," settling on top of her, arms on the sides of her head. Her hands were hungrily roaming his upper body, front and back.

"You… you punched that drunk…"

"Of course. He touched my wife. Nobody touches my wife, especially with that bad intention."

"It turns me on to see you… protecting me." Blushes rushed to her cheeks.

"It does?" An eyebrow raised and a smirk formed.

"Should I punch and hit more men then?"

But another part of his body was screaming for action, impatient that they were having the talk. Enough with the talking. She was also writhing underneath him, equally impatient.

"Make love to me, Yi Jeong," and pulled him closer.

"With great pleasure, my wife."

And they 'danced' in synch, pleasuring each other throughout the night, accompanied by the sound of the softly crashing waves.

Eight months later

"I'm so sorry, Ga Eul."

"Arrggghh… shut up, Yi Jeong."

Her grip on his arm was excruciatingly painful. "This will be the last one," as she gritted her teeth. Sweats on her forehead could form a pool if he wrung them up.

They were in the labor room at Shinhwa Hospital. The doctor was prepping her up for a C-section.

A month after they got back from Aruba, she started to feel nauseous, dizzy and extremely tired. The word pregnant did not come to mind since (1) she was on medication and her doctor assured that the chances of getting pregnant were very slim, (2) her school was having their annual concert and fund-raising event and she was one of the committee members. She had been running around to get things done and did not have much rest, and (3) the twin was acting strange and becoming more and more attached to her. They wanted only her to bathe and feed them. They also demanded her to sleep in their bed, much to Yi Jeong's frustration. He loved his children but he needed his wife too.

Then, she noticed that her period was late. No. No. No. It can't be.

Both husband and wife cried in the doctor's room. Pregnant? Positive. They were both scared for the doctor had warned about the risks.

Their friends offered mixed opinions, each with his and her own reason. Ga Eul's parents said that they would accept whatever decision that the two would take. It took a week of cries, arguments, and yells between the two.

In the end, she made the decision. If she chose to save her life, she would not forgive herself and would live in guilt for the rest of her life for 'killing' their baby. She did not have the heart to do that. The love for the child had already grown and she would rather die than kill her blood and flesh. All she needed to do now was to pray hard and tried her best to be healthy and she needed the moral support from her husband and everyone else around her.

Yet, the pregnancy was not a smooth sailing journey. A few times she bled and five times fainted. Yi Jeong was getting out of his mind. He blamed himself for his wife's condition but before he could further drown himself in self-loathing, Ji Hoo and Ha-Joon were quick to talk to him and gave him encouragements. They told him to stop torturing himself and be strong for Ga Eul, the children, and the unborn baby.

Since she hit five months, she was told to limit her activities and stay in bed. She applied for unpaid leave until she gave birth and was healthy enough to work again. The twin, though, did not understand why Omma could not play with them like usual and started to throw tantrums so Yi Jeong and the rest tried to keep them busy and not disturb Omma too much.

At nights when it was just the two of them in bed, Yi Jeong often cried unashamedly in his wife's arms. He feared if anything happened to her. She was taking a huge risk in proceeding with the pregnancy. She could die during or after giving birth and he could not imagine his life without her. However, she would dry his tears and lovingly caressed his face and kissed him. She asked him to pray with her that everything would be alright.

And now, here they were. It was time. A matter of life or death. Yi Jeong's heart had not stopped thundering since she told him that the contractions had arrived, a month earlier than the scheduled C-section.

"God must love me," thought Yi Jeong.

The procedure took forty minutes, long agonizing scary forty minutes of his life. The baby was safely delivered and Ga Eul had no complication. "This is a miracle. Our baby is a miracle," he whispered into his wife's ears. Their baby, although small, was perfect. A perfect small baby girl with thick hair as black as the father and a round pretty face like the mother. Both parents could not keep their tears at bay as the doctor placed the little girl on her mother's chest, their first skin-to-skin contact. Not long after, the baby was whisked away for more tests and checkups.

Three hours later, she was already in the private room. The doctor said that she would have to stay for three or four days so that she and the baby could be monitored closely, especially since the baby was one month premature but so far, the initial checks on the baby showed that she was overall healthy. The little baby girl was there with them, happily feeding in her mother's loving arms.

"Hey, you little one. You're a gorgeous little girl, aren't you?" Yi Jeong could not stop admiring his daughter.

"She's just like you, Ga Eul," and gave her a kiss.

"She's like you too, Yi Jeong. Look at her hair, nose, and lips. Her fingers are long. She's going to be a tall girl like her father."

The baby moved a little when her father took her little hand and kissed the back of it.

"So, do we agree on the name?" asked Yi Jeong. His eyes were of love as he gazed into hers.

Ga Eul nodded.

"So Dae-Eun."

"Baby So Dae-Eun."

"Appa and Omma love you, Baby."

They spent the time alone with the baby watching her feed and fell asleep. Ga Eul did not want to put her in her bassinet for she did not want to miss the little one's heaven smell and the feel of her soft cheek on her chest.

A few minutes later, multiple footsteps and voices, young and old were heard on the outside. Ga Eul smiled at her husband. Their friends had been texting Yi Jeong asking when they could come to visit but Yi Jeong wanted Ga Eul to get a few hours rest first.


"Omma… baby?"

The twin ran to the mother's bed and Eun Ae held up her hands to her father. Yi Jeong picked her up and stepped closer to the bed. Meanwhile, Woo Bin lifted Beom Jii up and did the same. Mr. and Mrs. Chu had not arrived yet. They would be arriving tomorrow morning so Woo Bin went to fetch the twin from home.

"Omma, baby is so small."

"Yes, she is, Darling."

"Can we touch her?" asked Beom Jii.

"Yes, you can but don't poke her, alright? She's still small."

The twin carefully touched the baby's cheek and wrapped-up body and giggled when the baby moved her head.

"Do you want to kiss her?"

Both nodded furiously and leaned down to kiss the soft pink cheeks.

"Omma, what is the smell?" asked Eun Ae.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, Omma."

"All babies have the wonderful smell."

"But we don't smell like that, Omma."

"Well, you did when you were little babies like your sister here."

The smiles on the twin's faces could lit the whole room.

Yi Jeong and Woo Bin carefully put down the twin on the bed. The children could not keep their hands from touching the baby. "Careful with Omma, alright?" reminded Yi Jeong.

"Omma, Omma's tummy. What happens to Omma's tummy?" There was panic in Beom Jii's face. Eun Ae too looked at her mother's stomach and sported the same expression.

"Oh, don't worry. Omma's tummy is smaller now because your baby sister is finally here."

But the two became more puzzled. Yi Jeong and Woo Bin had to hold their laughter.

"Eun Ae, Beom Jii. Before this, Omma's tummy was your sister's home but now she's gotten bigger and needs a larger home, which is our home. That's why she decided to come out and she wants to play with her wonderful brother and sister."

The twin seemed to digest their father's explanation although the frown on their foreheads was still there.

"Why doesn't she stay with us when she was smaller?" queried the little girl.

"Yes, Appa. Why didn't Appa and Omma bring her to our house?" added Beom Jii.

"Did Appa take her to Omma's tummy? Why did Appa do that? Poor baby living alone." Eun Ae further commented.

Woo Bin patted Yi Jeong's shoulder, still trying to hold his laughter. His expression was saying: "Good luck with answering that, Appa."

Yi Jeong's and Ga Eul's faces turned crimson of blush.

"Oh, she just one day decided to choose us and come. Since Omma is the most caring and loving, the baby chose Omma's tummy as her home because she knows that Omma will take care of her. So she was not alone. She has Omma with her," Yi Jeong finally replied, and Woo Bin burst into laughter while Ga Eul could only shake her head.

The twin nodded, now satisfied with their father's explanation. Ga Eul and Yi Jeong later announced the baby's name and Woo Bin again complimented: "A beautiful name for the beautiful girl."

Jan Di arrived fifteen minutes later. She was also pregnant, two more months to go.

"Ahjumma. You're here."

"Ahjumma, look. Look. Baby." Eun Ae excitedly pointed to her baby sister.

"Yes, Eun Ae, Beom Jii. Congratulations, Yi Jeong, Ga Eul."

Jan Di gave Ga Eul a quick hug.

"Wow. She's beautiful. I'm glad that the operation was successful."

"Thank you, Jan Di. How are you doing?"

"Urghhhh… this guy in here. I think he's like his father. I think he has long legs and long arms. He keeps kicking me."

"Ahjumma, Teacher Kyo said that it is bad to kick people. We cannot kick people, Ahjumma," stated Beom Jii.

"Ummm… the baby is not really kicking me, Beom Jii."

"But, Ahjumma said…" countered Eun Ae. They were now confused.

"Don't worry. The baby is just playing in here."

"Oh, poor baby playing alone. Ahjumma, tell the baby to come out and play with us and baby."

"Ahjumma, does the baby choose Ahjumma like our baby sister chose Omma?"


"Just say yes," mouthed Ga Eul.

"Uhmm… yes, Eun Ae, Beom Jii. The baby chooses me."

The twin beamed at the puzzled Jan Di and then turned their attention back to their sleeping baby sister.

"What was that all about?" whispered Jan Di.

"Oh, our smart potter here has to come up with a convincing story when they asked how the baby got into Omma's tummy."

"Oooo… I hope my son doesn't ask me questions like that. I don't know how to answer and I'm afraid to imagine what Jun Pyo's answer is going to be."

The adults laughed at her statement. Yes. Knowing Jun Pyo, it would be interesting to know.

A quarter an hour later, Jan Di had to leave for another round of checkups. Woo Bin stayed longer and then when it was time to go, the adults had a hard time making the twin leave. They wanted to stay overnight with Appa, Omma, and the baby. In the end, Ga Eul promised that she would call them later before their bedtime to read them a story and that tomorrow their grandparents would arrive and bring them to the hospital.

Later that night after Ga Eul ended the phone call to the twin, Yi Jeong helped to put the baby in the bassinet and fixed Ga Eul's pillow. He himself was going to take the sofa.

"Is this comfortable?" He asked.

"Yes, Yi Jeong. Thank you." She lightly squeezed his hand.

His gaze on her suddenly made her blushed, shy.

"Thank you, Ga Eul."

"What for?"

"For our baby, for our family. You have sacrificed a lot and if I can repay you with all the wealth in this world, I know that they are not enough."

"Yi Jeong, I'm not doing this so that you can repay me. I love you and the children and I don't need any repayment."

"I know… I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is that what you're doing is invaluable and I am greatly grateful."

"But there's one thing that I want from you if you really want to repay me."


"Promise that you will love me until the day I die as I do you."

"Ga Eul?"

"Promise me, Yi Jeong."

"I promise."

And he leaned down, kissing her deeply, letting her know that all the love in his person belonged to her, to eternity.

He had broken her heart once and was greatly punished. A broken heart never forgets yet the kindlier and purer ones may forgive. She was one of those few and he could not express how grateful and fortunate he was when she accepted him back. Now that she was with him, he vowed that the mistake would never be repeated and she would never be heartbroken, ever.

T.H.E E.N.D.

A.N: This is it. The last chapter. Thousands of apologies for any mistakes but thank you for joining the ride and for your continuous support.

Until the next story.

Take care and have a great day!

