Disclaimer: I don't own these BOF characters but the new ones.

Published: May 2, 2018

Chapter 1: Surprises

A year and a half ago

She was the happiest girl alive. The man of her love had surprised her with the most romantic proposal by the beach, witnessed by the setting of the magnificent orange sun, the soft crashing sounds of the waves and the squawking, chirping and wailing of a flock of seagulls. He had proposed for her to be his fiancée. They had been dating for a few months after he got back from Sweden.

She knew that this was all new to him. Before, he didn't do girlfriend and boyfriend. He didn't do the hearts and flowers thing. All he knew was to be that Casanova. The famous Casanova of South Korea. He flirted and bedded numerous women, all supermodels and supermodel-likes. Then, he left them after he got what he wanted. Going for the same woman more than once was very, very rare occurrence. Despite his reputation, women were throwing themselves at him, wanting to get a taste of him. Words were, if he chose you, you were guaranteed of the best night of your life, none that other men could surpass. He was that great. He was that amazing.

When they first met, she didn't like him. He was very arrogant and cocky. He was also rude, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the porridge shop and brought her to his pottery studio. And to do what? Asking her to warn Jan Di from getting close to Jun Pyo. What in the world? Was he blind and deaf? It was that best friend of his who was crazily chasing and making her best friend's life miserable. She lashed him her thoughts and stormed out of the studio, fuming. She could not believe that this man with the beautiful handsome face was such a pompous man.

But as his best friend was so adamant in chasing her best friend, she could not avoid from meeting him. The trip to New Caledonia made her 'hate' him more since he belittled her belief in soulmates. What did a Casanova know about soulmate?

As time went by, she got to know him better, directly and indirectly. He was a broken soul since his early years, a result of a broken unhappy home and the loss of his first love, Cha Eun Jae. Thankfully, the F3 were his saving grace and guardian angels. Unfortunately, he had also built that Casanova reputation. She later understood that it was a façade that he built to protect himself.

He was a caring soul towards his F3 brothers, Jan Di and to her. She fell in love with when he took her to her ex-boyfriend's club and since then, she could not make her heart stop beating for him and her mind stop thinking of him.

It was not a smooth path, that she had to admit, getting into his heart, at least as a close friend, to the point that she had given up on him and told him that she would not be seeking for him anymore. It was the most difficult thing to say but she had to do it. She saw how he wanted a second chance with his first love, that early morning on the rooftop. She willed herself to sacrifice her love so that he would, at last, be happy with Cha Eun Jae.

However, he surprised her when he took her to the kiln and promised her that she would be the first person that he would seek for once he comes back from Sweden. She was the happiest girl on earth.

He was true to his words. Four years later, he surprised her at the kindergarten. When he was in Sweden, they did communicate via emails, Facetime, and other social media even if it was once or twice a month.

After he got back home, they started dating. Dates with So Yi Jeong were never ordinary. She loved every single one. He was such a romantic. She didn't want to be so full of herself but she could see that he loved her and her love for him grew more. She remembered that night.



"Yes, I need to blindfold you." He was grinning wide. It was a Friday. He had come to pick her up from work. They were in his small Lotus, still at the parking lot in front of the school.


He chuckled, leaned in and kissed her soft cherry lips.

"You ask a lot of questions, Chu seonsaeng-nim."

"Yi Jeong." Hands on her hips as she pouted away.

"Just trust me. I have a surprise for you. Pleaseeeeeee?" His hands clasped together and he childishly batted his eyelids.

That did it. He was so cute like that that she could not deny him.

"Oh! Fine! But just so you know, my parents know where you live, Yi Jeong, and so does Jan Di. So no hanky-panky funny business, Mister."

He feigned shock and scared but laughed soon after. He then stole another kiss that was longer and more passionate than the one earlier.

"I'm going to blindfold you now." He took out a silk scarf and carefully tied it behind her head.

"Is it too tight?"

She shook her head.

"Do you trust me?"

"I do."

With one last kiss on the lips, he drove away, his left hand holding her right hand almost throughout the drive.

About forty minutes later, the car come to a halt. Carefully, he helped her out of the car, still with the blindfolds.

The crisp air hit her face immediately and she could hear the distant sounds of waves and seagulls.

"Yi Jeong, where are we?"

He then took her hand and softly led her forward. A few meters ahead, she could feel the soft sands.

"Yi Jeong?" The air smelt saltier.

"I'll take off the scarf now."

She had to squint her eyes a little to adjust to the light.

"Yi Jeong? This is… this is…"

"Your favorite beach. The first beach that your parents brought you to."

"You remember?"

He was nearly knocked down when she suddenly jumped on him, encasing her arms tightly around his neck and her legs wrapping around his waist.

"Thank you, Yi Jeong. I've wanted to come here for so long." She kissed him all over his face before settling on his lips. The kiss became deeper and more passionate until she broke the kiss for air.

"I reckon you love the surprise?" He wriggled the well-trimmed thick eyebrows of his.

"Yes, I do. Thank you again."

He let her down and she quickly ran towards the water.

"Ga Eul, wait for me!"

They splashed water on each other and played chase like two happy carefree children. When they were tired of running, they collected shells and built a sandcastle.

She was glowing with happiness and he loved watching her eyes went big and bright whenever she found a beautiful shell. No. She was more beautiful.

The beach was free of people. They were the only two there.

Both sat on the sand, her back to his chest and legs between his. His hands wrapped around her waist and she put hers on top of them. They watched, in peaceful silences while enjoying each other's warmth, the magnificence of the sunset until it was replaced by the bright moon.

"It's getting cold. Let's go inside, and I'm hungry."

There was a medium-sized beach house a few good meters from the waterline. It was his. He bought the house after she told him about it. She saw the cottage during her first trip to the beach with her parents and fell in love with it. She had always dreamed of owning one.

They showered before dinner. It was a romantic candle-lit dinner. He had sent the house caretaker home for tonight. He wanted to be alone with her.

After dinner, they laid down on the thick soft rug in front of the fireplace, he behind her. They talked about their future plans. After marriage, she would continue with her work for she loved working with children. He was supportive even though he was rich enough to care for all her needs for years to come.

It was getting late. The grandfather clock at one corner of the living room showed that it was an hour to midnight. They had gone quiet and were contented with the crackling sounds of the woods in the fire and their slow breathing.

"Ga Eul…"

She turned a little to look at him. His thumbs were making random patterns on her stomach.

"Please move in with me."

Her mouth made an 'O' and her eyes widened.

"I want to be near you always. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to sleep with you in my arms every night."

"Yi Jeong…"

"Please, say yes. I need you by my side."

"But my parents. They…"

"I'll come talk to them, Ga Eul. I'm sure they'll allow. I'm so in love with you, Ga Eul and your parents know this."

"O…OK, Yi Jeong. I want to be with you too. I'd love to move in with you."

In an instant, his lips were on hers as he shifted her on her back, with him on his side. She pulled him down on her while their lips moved against each other. One hand holding her head while another started to reach the buttons of her blouse and undo them.

"You're so beautiful, Ga Eul." He gazed into her eyes and caressed her rosy cheek. Her lips a little swollen from the kisses.

He took her hands and brought them to the hem of his shirt. "Take it off of me, my love." With trembling hands, she did and placed it next to them. Her eyes darkened when his broad shoulder and firm chiseled chest were exposed.

"Touch me, Ga Eul."

Her touch was light and gentle yet sent shivers and goosebumps all over his body. Her innocence and inexperience brought him excitement but he knew that this was going to be her first time and he intended to show her heaven and pleasure. He quickly captured her lips once more, hands touching her everywhere, and body pressing hers where she desired him the most. Before she knew it, he had covered their unclothed lower bodies with a blanket.

"Do you trust me?"

"I do…" breathless "with all my heart and soul. I love you, Yi Jeong."

"I love you too, Ga Eul."

… and together, throughout the night, in front of the soft crackling fire, they reached high and up in ecstasy.

End of flashback

That was the first time they made beautiful, amazing mind-blowing love. She gave her all to him for she loved him with all her heart.

Now, they were here again, on this beach. He had proposed here as a reminiscence of their first time. She looked at the calm waves in front. The moon's reflection dancing gracefully on the surface.

"Hi there, beautiful. What are you doing?"

He had returned from the house and wrapped his arms around her tiny slim waist.

"Hi there, handsome. Just thinking about you, us, this," showing the ring on her finger.

"Are you happy?"

"Extremely. Are you?" She tightened her hands on his.

"Extremely. I can't wait to marry you, Ga Eul. I can't wait to have lots of children with you."

"Yi Jeong…"

"Are you blushing, Ga Eul? What are you thinking? You naughty girl."

She blushed more.

"I… I… that first time of us… here…"

"I remember that night too, crystal and clear. You were exquisite and still are."

He started kissing the back of her head, inhaling his favorite smell of her silky hair. They always smelled like a rose. His kisses continued down to her neck that she had to tilt her head to the side to grant him more.

"Yi Jeong…" she was becoming breathless. His hands were now roaming the front of her body.

"You smell so good. God, I love you, Ga Eul. I need you." Leaving more kisses on her neck before going downwards to her shoulder.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Immediately, he lifted her up and carried her into the house to recreate that night, all night long.

But that was a year and a half ago. She moved in with him two weeks after the days at the beach house. They were happy, like a married couple, their lives were a bliss. Until four months ago.

He started to come home late and canceled their dates. When he was at home, they would argue a lot, with him starting most of them. He ignored her and avoided her touch. He rarely answered her calls or replied her messages. She was at loss.

She tried talking to him but he always avoided the conversations. Always going out at night and came home when she was already asleep. She had asked Woo Bin Sunbae about Yi Jeong's changes but to the older F4, Yi Jeong was the same man when he was with the F4 although he did notice that Yi Jeong talked less and less about Ga Eul or brought her to his events and exhibitions.

Was he having cold feet? Their wedding was in a year. She did not know what else to do.

Yi Jeong,

Why are we always fighting? Always jumpy and snappy at each other? Why are we not in the same boat anymore? It's so hard for me. What have I done wrong that you always leave me all by myself? You don't care about me anymore.

"Yi Jeong, I've had enough. We need to…"

Her steps halted in the middle of the door to his office. It was during lunch break. She had come to his office to get him to talk. What she did not expect was him at his table with a gorgeous tall woman sitting on his desk, facing him and caressing his cheek and leaning down to kiss him.

"Ga Eul."

He immediately stood up while the woman hopped off the table and went to stand next to him, holding his arm.

"What are you doing here? Don't your parents teach you how to knock?"

She felt like a bucket of ice water was splashed to her face.

With a shaking hand, she pointed to the woman. "Who is she, Yi Jeong?"

"This is Ahn Yee Sheo, my girlfriend." He then kissed her on the lips.

Ga Eul wanted to faint.

"I asked you, Ga Eul. What are you doing here?" His voice was cold and sounded angry.

"Since when?"

"Why do you want to know? It's none of your business."

"What? The hell it's none of my business. You are my fiancé."

"I was planning to tell you tonight but since you're here, let's just get this over with."


"We're over, Ga Eul. I want out of this engagement. I want to break up."

"Is this a joke? A prank?"



"I love her. I don't love you."

Her whole body shook.

"You love her? You don't love me anymore?"

"I didn't say I don't love you anymore. I said I don't love you."


"Look. I've given you hints for these past four months. Heck, not only hints but with what happened and all. Why are you so dumb to see them? Aren't you a school teacher? Teachers aren't supposed to be stupid."

"Excuse me?"

"Please excuse us. We have a lunch date. You know your way out."

He then pressed the intercom. "Mrs. Kim, please escort Miss Chu Ga Eul out."

"Yi Jeong…"

Seconds later, his secretary came into the office and asked her to leave.

"This is not over, Yi Jeong."

"Please leave, Miss Chu," said the secretary.

"We need to discuss this. I don't believe you. You're just playing a trick on me, Yi Jeong. Please…"

But the man and his woman just stared at her being led out by Mrs. Kim.

"Goodbye, Ga Eul."

"Yi Jeooongggg…."

Ga Eul was leaning against the balcony of their apartment, watching the flocks of birds and the ever-changing clouds. She wished that she was one of the birds, flying freely without any problems to care. She hoped that her heart and his heart would not be like the clouds, easily changing with the blow of the wind and the touch of the sunlight.

Yi Jeong,

All I want is your love but what I get are lies and more lies. Who am I to you? Am I nothing to you? Nothing in your heart? Please tell me that you were lying when you said those things. Please come home, Yi Jeong. I don't believe that you don't love me. I don't want to believe that you don't love me. There must be a reason to why you're doing this. Please.

Please, God.

I want the best for him, for me, for us. Please, God. Please stop this hurt. Please stop this feeling of loss. Please bring him back to me. He's my only one, the only one for me. Please tell me that he did not mean what he said.

"Ga Eul-shii."

He cleared his throat bringing her out of her cogitations. She turned around only to be met with the most hurtful sight. There he was, standing there with a luggage on one hand and that woman on his other side, clutching his arm tightly and pressing her body to his as closely as possible. Shocked came first before anger quickly took over. Ga Eul abruptly stood up.

"What the hell is she doing here and what are you doing?" She pointed to the luggage and how dare he brought her to their place.

"Like I said, we're done. Over. I'm done. I'm here to collect my stuff. As a compensation, you are now officially the owner of this apartment so I hope you won't bother me and Miss Sheo anymore."

Ga Eul felt her already raging blood boiled further in an instant. She stormed up to the couple and shoved him hard on the chest.

"You bastard! Me bothering you and her? When did I bother you and her? I only knew her existence two weeks ago. What lies did she feed you? And who do you think you are? Who do you think I am? A cheap whore who you can simply throw away and shut my mouth by giving me stuff?"

"Hey, watch it! And are you saying I'm a liar?" The woman swatted Ga Eul's hand from hitting Yi Jeong but the fuming girl glared at her. If looks could kill.

"Don't touch me! And So Yi Jeong, I don't want your apartment. You can give it to your whore here."


But Yi Jeong grabbed the woman's hand before she could hit Ga Eul.

"No! Let her hit me. What's a physical pain when compared to the pain you stabbed in my heart?"

"Ga Eul-shii. Stop it!"

He had managed to capture her wrists and she kept struggling to let loose.

"Ga Eul-shii. I'm sorry that you feel this way but as I've said, it's over for us. I don't love you. It was my mistake to mislead you. Our engagement was a mistake and I don't want to keep living a lie. Just accept it. Please, move on with your life. Stop living in this denial state."

Ga Eul had heard these words before but she pretended that he did not mean it. However, hearing them again, now, was like she was struck by another lightning. Tears ran down uncontrollably as her heart shattered into millions of pieces, again. All these time, their time together, their lives as a couple and their engagement were a whole bunch of lies for him.

He didn't love her.

He then released her hands and in an instant, she dropped to the floor, her head hung low as she sobbed harder and harder while he and the woman watched on without any pity. Her heart hurt so very much that she did not know if it would ever heal.

He didn't love her.

But why went through everything all those times? Why pursued her? Why courted her? Why proposed to her? Why went through all the hassles of all those if he didn't love her?

He didn't love her.

Was this some kind of revenge? But revenge on who? Was she related to anyone who had hurt him or related to his enemies? Did she do anything wrong to him without her knowledge? Did she piss him off before she even knew who he was that he planned all these? The thoughts were driving her crazy. Sadly, she could not find any answer to all of the questions.

He didn't love her.

She had tried to understand and had asked him again and again of the reasons for the changes in his behaviors and distance for the past few months. She thought they were temporary due to some stress at work. So she gave her everything to save them, their relationship. But he would not take them all. Until that day when he told her that he wanted out of the relationship. He had a new woman, much prettier, classier and sophisticated than her. The new woman was much more caring than she was.

She was shocked but did not want to believe him. They had fought a day before when she kept asking him why he was avoiding her. Not able to contain her feelings anymore, she went to his office only to find them together. Still, she did not want to believe him. She refused to believe him although her heart shattered into a million pieces. No. Yi Jeong would not betray her. He would not hurt her. He promised.

He didn't love her.

He showed up one day at her workplace. Bringing the woman with him. He dropped by to inform her that he would not come home tonight for he had to go out of town due to some business matter, and not only tonight but also the nights after that, not that he had come back home since the confrontation day at his office. In other words, he was not coming home at all and she should not bother to wait for him. He told her that he was breaking up with her, for good, for real. He told her to stop trying to fix them.

Hurt, broken, anger, shock, and all the negative feelings stung her heart and stunned her that she did not say anything. No. She could not say anything. All she could do was watch him turned around with the woman never leaving his arm. Once they were out of sight, her tear dam broke.

He didn't love her.

When she was alone at home, their apartment, her mind was at war with her heart. Part of her wanted to believe that he was just going through a difficult phase and would realize that he was making a mistake, that he did not mean what he said. He still loved her. However, the other part of her wanted her to open her eyes, see and read all the signs and go confront him and the woman. They can't humiliate you like this, Ga Eul. You have to stand up for yourself. This is your pride and dignity. They can't stomp you all over like this.

He didn't love her.

Seeing them here again and his spiteful words. Now half of her soul was lost. The hurt that she felt long ago with Soo Pyo was back, stabbing her heart over and over again, only this time it was a million times stronger.

He didn't love her.

After what felt like an eternity, she took a sharp breath and straightened her back. Slowly, she rose up and locked him in the eyes, projecting all of the hurt, disappointment, and loathing into the glare.

"So Yi Jeong-shii, Ahn Yee Sheo-shii. I hope you're happy for doing this but please remember this word: Karma."

She then turned around without a care of the two's shocked expression and rushed to the bedroom to collect her purse and a few personal items. Once she exited the bedroom, she threw the apartment keys on the table in the living room. Before she opened the front door, she glanced over her shoulder and looked at the woman and then at him.

"Have a 'great' life."

Ga Eul wiped her tears away as she continued watching the passing view outside of the car. She then glanced at her parents in the front. Her Appa was focused on the road in front while her Omma had turned a little and caught her eyes. Mrs. Chu smiled lovingly at her and nodded. Ga Eul smiled back and nodded too, understood and grateful that her parents would always be there by her side, supporting and loving her.

To say that Mr. Chu was furious was an understatement when Ga Eul told her parents everything. The old man wanted to 'kill' So Yi Jeong for humiliating his one and only child. He wanted to give the arrogant evil potter a piece of his mind for throwing away his daughter like an old used rag. Unfortunately, or fortunately for the potter, his wife managed to restrain him from barging out of the house to the younger man's place.

The three Chus cried together as the parents hugged their daughter. The elder Chus thought that she was going to get her happily ever after with her soul mate. When So Yi Jeong first came to meet them and asked for her hand in marriage, they were skeptical of him since they had heard of his reputation as the notorious Casanova F4 of South Korea but his sincerity and love that he showed to their daughter threw all the skepticisms and worry away. They watched how happy Ga Eul was with him and they saw how loving, caring and attentive the man was towards her. Those were the reasons why they allowed Ga Eul moved in together with So Yi Jeong, despite them being the traditional kind of parents. They were that trusting of So Yi Jeong. They believed that he would never hurt their daughter. Oh, how terribly wrong they were.

Mr. and Mrs. Chu and Ga Eul simultaneously sighed heavily.

They were moving out to Chungju in the North Chungcheong Province. Her Appa had quit his job to accept an offer from one of the universities there. There could not be a better timing. True, it was hard to say goodbye to Jan Di, her kindergarten school children, and life in Seoul but with what happened with Yi Jeong, she steeled her broken heart and followed her parents. She did not want to be in the same city and breathe the same air as him and his woman.

"I hate you, So Yi Jeong!" her heart chanted, repeatedly.

Four years later

"This is it, So Yi Jeong. You have to do this. You can do this."

He willed the thumping heart to calm down and with a shaking finger, pushed the doorbell.

Seconds after, voices and sounds were heard from the other side of the door and his right hand automatically went to his chest, over the racing heart.

The door finally opened and there she stood. The smile on her beautiful face vanished faster than the blink of an eye. He gulped with great difficulty and cleared his throat.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Ga Eul-yang."

Her voice was lost as she stared at him but he did not miss the moisture that started to well in those beautiful doe eyes.

"Omma, who is he?"

"Omma, is Ahjussi Omma's friend?"

This time it was him who was shocked as he looked down at her sides and two pairs of black orbs were staring intensely at him. The pretty little girl with long straight black hair had her arms wrapped around the stunned woman's left leg while the handsome little boy also with jet black hair held his Omma's right hand tightly, protective of her.

"Omma?" his heart beat faster.

The girl was a mini version of the woman in front of him and the boy was a spitting image of… him?