When they got there

Revy "let's see how they handle."

As she removes the guns from their holsters.

She racks the slides takes the safeties off and blasts all the trees around her using one shot per tree till she has only one bullet left in each gun all the while showing off her gun fu.

Revy"damn the compensators make it so much easier to aim let's test out the full auto mode that's what these 50 round mags are for." Pointing at the large mags.

She in a split second reloaded both her guns with the 50 round mags placing both empty mags in the two empty 15 round magazine pouches.

Switching to Full auto she uses her gun fu first firing ahead then moving both arms in an ark so that billets hit trees on the entire 180 degrees in front of her. She then stops firing then concentrates her fire on one tree attempting to cut it down then she ran out of bullets.

Revy" these are sweet I love 'em Rock this is what the compensators were really added on for wasn't it."

She then in a split second removes and replaces both 50 round magazines puts with 15 round mags that were in her new ammo belt then puts the large magazines in their respective pouches and racks both slides.

She then changes the fire mode on both guns to safety and holsters them.

She was now so happy and over the moon that she just jumped on Rock kissing him.

When they both woke up they were both naked on the grass in the middle of the forrest. They then both got dressed and got in Rocks car. Rock then drove back to HQ but as he passed the Cartel area he noticed the Generals soldiers walking around without a care. What the hell happened while they were away did the General wipe out the cartel?

He continued driving then changed direction to the Yellow Flag. He parked the before he got out he made sure he wore the aviators the hoodie jacket and trucker cap then both of them got out and he ensured that the car was securely locked. They then entered the bar Rock headed straight to the bar and ordered a beer Revi ordered the same. He then asked Bao "what happened to the cartel and why were the generals men walking around there.?"

Bao" where the hell have you been for the past few months the General called in some large debt that the cartel apparently owed him they refused to pay then the General ordered an invasion of the entire area they controlled and made them pay in blood he probably tortured their account passwords and accounts out of them before tying the leader to a pole and putting C4 on him then detonating him from a safe distance ."

Rock finishing his beer "thanks Bao"

He then walked out the bar with Revy sculled her beer then followed Rock out the bar. They got in the car and Rock drove to the HQ he parked his car at their private dock and found the Pontiac and the trailer unloaded then borrowed the car attached the trailer and headed to the gun shop and bought 20000 7.62x39 rounds in 1000 round boxes. He then bought 1000 grenades for the grenade launcher. All this stuff was put on the trailer.

He drove to The Vendetta then parked at the port.

Rock "load this car and trailer back on board." Rock and Revy disconnected the trailer then Benny used the crane to pick up and place the trailer on board the ship he then lifted the Pontiac with both Revy and Rock inside onto the ship.

Rock then ordered"we will now be heading to Afghanistan when we reach the international waters near the country I will elaborate on the plan in the mean time while we get there you will train and you will improve."

Rock then headed to the bridge weighed anchor and turned The Vendetta to sea going straight to Afghanistan to wipe out all the soldiers and claim the farms and drug perpetration facility for his new ambitions.

Dutch and Benny made and installed titanium armour on the front of the two trucks protecting the engines Rocks personnel carrier van also had Titanium armour installed on panels covering the engine.

After a couple of months they arrived at the safest closest point in international waters that was closest to Pakistan they would unload most of the soldiers some would stay to protect The Vendetta. Rock lowered the anchor.

Rock "All soldiers on deck battle ready now."

All the soldiers were already waiting for the order as they were told half an hour ago that they were nearing the stop and launch point. They all then quickly made their way to the top deck. They were all in their military fatigues wearing issued tactical vests filled with 4 full magazines each and carrying their issued Kalashnikov. They stood at attention in perfect rows.

Rock " Take out the copy of your brief that was handed out.

You will enter into the first transport trucks that is loaded in the Black Lagoon 50 soldiers per truck. The Lagoon will then be lowered and will make its way to a hidden and isolated Pakistan beach the truck will

Be unloaded then it will wait. The lagoon will then come back, load up the last truck and 40 soldiers will enter. The lagoon will then drop you off and return to the 10 soldiers ordered to protect the Vendetta know who you are.

I will be heading the assault team in the first truck Revy will be heading the assault team in the second truck.

We will travel in convoy through Pakistan bribing officials to let us through we would then enter Afghanistan and blitzkrieg the first farm where marijuana is grown once control is established a few men will hold the fort the rest will go to the second farm that grows poppy seeds for cocaine take control of that then a few soldiers will hold the fort then we will take control of the processing plant and once again a few soldiers are to hold it.

Then the remaining soldiers will travel in convoy through many small countries that used to be part of the USSR when we get to Siberia we will take control of the depot then soldiers are to guard the depot.

All soldiers to be stationed at farms processing centre and depot have already been notified where you are stationed if you are in sure raise you hand ... Good you are to train and guard in shifts and you are to continuously improve you skills strength, speed and reaction time. You have been issued training weights, once the battle is over and all the soldiers are dead and you sense there are no more soldiers you can then carry the weight out it will require two people to lift.

When we will begin our assault on the enemy farms, processing centre , depot and military bases located at said farms, processing centre and depot it will be at night. You are to only kill armed soldiers no civilians even if they have guns you are to disarm them then use your issued cable ties to restrain them vehicles, aircraft and other equipment is to be secured and you are to kill the enemy before they get a chance to get in them. You will first use your US Issue combat knives that you kept after your service to stealthily kill the soldiers. We will be attacking at night so use your energy sensing skills to sense the locations of the enemy, you have all passed basic energy training and can determine the exact shape of the human energy signature use this skill to determine whether someone is armed or not before firing.

Any Questions ... Good now begin the invasion."

The soldiers piled into the two trucks with in a minute the trucks were filled the lagoon was then made sea worthy and made its way to the ocean to make its way to the secluded beach. When the lagoon returned the second truck was loaded and the lagoon was made sea worthy and made its way to the secluded beach.

Once the lagoon beached.

The trucks then headed towards the Pakistani border, at the border they bribed the guards then drove into Afghanistan, they drove to the first farm military base under the cover of darkness they all quickly got out of the trucks and pulled out their knifes. Rock and Revy sprinted to to the guard towers and quickly climbed up it. Rock grabbed and covered the soldiers mouth then slit his throat. While Revy sprinted to the second guard tower quickly climbed it then covered the soldiers mouth and snapped his neck both guards were down only the patrol were left. Rocks soldiers split into groups of four and silently took out the all the patrol guards. Now the only soldiers that were left were asleep. Rock over the radios"Subdue and capture sleeping enemy soldiers."

Then after a few minutes all the enemy soldiers had their arms tied tied in front of them incase they tried to Houdini their way out of the restraints.

With all the soldiers lined up in front of Rock and Revy.

Rock "you have two choices you either pledge your allegiance to me and make money or you die choose wisely."

Then 30 soldiers of the 50 pledged took the oath of loyalty to The Black Rock Lagoon Privateers.

The 20 soldiers who stayed loyal to the General were cleanly executed with a bullet through the brain.

However the new recruits could not be trusted so their guns and radios were not given back and were locked away in the bases armoury as were the other weapons and equipment. They would be tested for loyalty in the near future.

5 soldiers stayed to watch the new recruits and guarded the base. They were more than enough.

The remaining soldiers got back in the half track and they drove to the Poppy seed farm. When they neared it they waited till dark.

At dark Rock and Revy took out the guard towers Rock slicing the soldiers neck and Revy using the pommels on her gun to break the soldiers skull open killing him instantly.

The rest of the soldiers silently killed the patrols. Again the sleeping soldiers were given the ultimatum and 40 of the 50 soldiers changed loyalty. The same thing with weapons and equipment happened. 5 soldiers were left to guard the base and new recruits as well as testing their loyalty.

Moving on to the processing plant it was taken out like the rest with this time 25 of the 50 soldiers changing loyalty. The same thing happened with their guns and radios. Again 5 soldiers stayed to the guard the base, guard and test loyalty of the recruits.

The convoy then drove to Siberia and without effort took the base and got 40 new recruits. The same thing happened with guns and radios. 5 soldiers stayed to the guard the base, guard and test loyalty of the recruits.

Now the remaining soldiers were driven back to the secret beach in Pakistan on the way their they checked on the new recruits and found that they had been tested and on average 60% passed the rest were executed. The loyal recruits were given their rifles back and they were trained in the same skills and techniques that Rock had taught their instructors, for weights the recruits made their own training weights out of bullets and bags.

The two trucks were one by one transported back to the Vendetta they had yet to shoot a single shot during the entire campaign it was a success and proof that Rock's training was worth it.

Once on the ship they headed for Indonesia taking a month, Rock dropped anchor in the same spot as he does for Roanapur as Indonesia is right next to it and the depot is close as well near the water front. 50 soldiers entered the Black Lagoon This time Dutch would join the battle They left so they arrived at night.

The Lagoon was at low speed as it inched close to the outskirts of the of the base when they beached the soldiers piled out but waiting for them on the beach were 10 heavily armed soldiers armed with Kalashnikovs and had a Hummer with a Light machine gun mount there was also a soldier with a mini gun.

'this time the enemy was ready for them it was pretty obvious that the flow of cold hard cash had stopped flowing to the General so the remaining depot was put on high alert. 'Rock hypothesised.

The soldiers inside the Pt ship scampered out of whatever window they could to flank the enemy where as Revy just appeared out the hatch wearing her ammo vest and armour as well as her engraved Kalashnikov slung across her shoulder behind her back and in a split second let loose a full auto burst from one of her pistols killing all the soldiers even the machine gunner but the mini gunner just dodged all the bullets then Revy felt a few energies similar to Rock's in the distance she immediately pushed herself down and a huge boom could be heard just missing Revy's head as she dropped suddenly. She realised from the brief that from that boom it was a 50 BMG rifle one that the General used and since another shot had not come straight after he used a bolt action. As she made her way out one of the open window hatches.

Rock and Dutch felt the energies in the distance and both jumped out of the open portholes they then heard a whirring of a mini gun spinning up as they swam at lightning speeds even with their armour on once at shore they heard a shot come from one energy signatures they then bolted straight towards it. Rock and Dutch were also wearing their ammo vests Rock carrying his Kalashnikov and Dutch carrying his shotgun with his Kalashnikov slung across his back.

They bolted straight for the sniper Rock "I got the sniper, you get rid of the other lieutenants starting by taking care of that mini gunner."

Dutch then changed course and headed to the mini gunner that was still starting up.

Rock made it to where the sniper was before he could fire the next round. Sensing Rock the sniper ditched the rifle and drew his modified beretta he fired. Rock seeing him draw his gun he jumped out of the way and fired a shot from his rifle at the sniper. At the last second the sniper dodged the bullet. Rock looked closely at the sniper he was wearing a distinctive uniform one akin to a General would wear.

Rocks eyes widen and fires another round at the sniper realising it is the General who tried to kill him, his eyes narrow, he rolls and gets behind a tree then for the first time in a battle situation switches the Kalashnikov to full auto turns and fires a short burst at the General. He wasn't there. Then sensing for the generals energy finds him hiding behind a tree like him.

Revy dragged her self out of the water and headed towards their objective the town she ejects the large magazines puts them back in their pouches and puts in 15 round mags in her pistol then changing fire mode to single she holsters her guns all in less than a second. She then grabs her rifle and took it off her shoulder carrying it ready to fire. She senses for strong enemy energies and sprints to the closest one.

Dutch sprints straight for the mini gun then changes direction just as the first bullet comes out of it

BRRRRRRRRRR the mini gun releasing hundreds of rounds a second and Dutch some how running faster then the shooter could adjust the aim, Dutch thought to himself' Rock forcing us to train during our trips overseas is really paying dividends.'

Dutch seeing that he can out manoeuvre the enemy fires his shotgun at him. The enemy seeing this dodges out of the way while still firing but then it runs out of bullets he then still dodging another round from Dutch pulls out his Kalashnikov with grenade launcher attachment and fires the grenade towards Dutch.

Dutch sees this and jumps out of the way but then is knocked away losing his grip on his shotgun from the shock wave.

The soldiers who escaped the Lagoon were now in the thick of battle fighting the bulk of the enemy soldiers. They were not as skilled or as fast as Rocks troops but they had overwhelming numbers on their side.

Rocks troops quickly wiped out each enemy platoon that came at them and killed all before they got on a light machine gun or vehicle, the enemy snipers had already been dealt with by Dutch's old platoon.

But the soldiers kept coming as they advanced.

Rock now firing a burst of ammo towards the General and sensing his position at the same time notices that he is sprinting away towards a large number of soldiers prepared for ambush, Rock doesn't run after him but keeps firing controlled bursts at the Genersl who is dodging the bullets as he runs. When the General is far away enough not to eaves drop Rock orders over the radio while still shooting at the General.

'Soldiers hide your energy now except Dutch and Revy."

He keeps shooting at the General then when he is out of range he stops then sprints back to the pt boat while skirting around Dutch's fight.

When on the Lagoon he makes it seaworthy and drives it back to the Vendetta to get the remaining troops.

Revy was headed closing in on her enemy fast and had decided to go through a lane way between two buildings as it was the fastest route, then she heard a series of explosions that covered the sound of the order from Rock. The building next to her was starting to fall, Revy used all of her post Rock training agility to jump on to the collapsing building then jumped to one that was not crumbling. But then that started to crumble and she fell as she landed she jumped dodging the land slide of buildings then the buildings on the other side of the lane started to fall in her direction to escape she lifted up her Kalashnikov and in a split second setting it to full then firing to make a hole as she shot the falling wall above her after the wall felling her it broke apart leaving her with minor scrapes. She then jumped away heading a different direction to an open road but still heading towards her target.

The soldiers heard the order and without effort they reduced their energy to normal human levels.

The General noticing that Rock did not fall for his trap started sensing for strong foreign enemy energies he only found three. And one was on the sea heading away from land 'turning around to get more troops from your container ship are you, I wondered why the Lagoon company bought a ship, now I know.I have dreaded this day to be forced to play a chess game with a worthy opponent like that man Rockuro Okajima many men will lose their lives today."

Dutch now springing up grabs his Kalashnikov flips it not full auto and fires a controlled burst at his enemy.

His enemy was a big man as tall as himself only wider shoulders and thicker limbs. Yet the big man kept dodging as soon as Dutch repositioned the rifle. This fight was going to be close one if anyone makes the smallest margins of error they would end up dead. Dutch drops to the ground fires then springs up at a diagonal tackling the man forcing them to let go both of their rifles. The plan worked now Dutch then drew his pistol but it was smacked out of his hands as the big guy drew a custom huge calibre revolver that could use 7.62 NATO as Dutch saw him draw with both hands like a viper he wrested the gun out of the big guys hands breaking the dudes trigger finger throwing the gun away. Now it was a hand to hand battle.

Revy now had reached her target and was shooting her rifle in bursts

Her target kept dodging, while fire their own Kalashnikov at Revy, it was as if every time she repositions her rifle to fire a burst her enemy moves out of the way just in time. 'Maybe the rifle is too long' she then drops it and jumps out of the way drawing her pistols firing where she thinks the enemy will go, boom blood is seen spurting out of the enemy but they didn't go down. 'Time to finish it off'

Revy then sets her right hand pistol to full auto and fires a short burst in a sweeping motion. Her enemy ducks to dodge the bullets then jumps and fires at Revy who is forced to jump behind rubble for cover. Revy senses her enemy's energy and fires from behind cover in a sweeping motion at her enemies future position. Then she gets knocked back as a grenade explodes her cover and the shock wave sending her flying backwards.

Revy senses for her enemy and finds that it is fading exponentially, then there is no enemy energy to be felt. Her enemy was dead Revy knew she had just killed the General's Demolition Lieutenant from the brief that was handed out at the very beginning of the campaign before they even landed in Pakistan. 'No time for celebrations got another one to kill.' She then replaces her right handgun's magazine with a full one then holsters the pistols, she picks up her rifle puts the safety on then slings it across her back. Sensing for another energy she finds two near the battle she decides to take out the closest one to the battle.

Rock had now loaded the troop carrier van and the remaining soldiers in to the Lagoon leaving only 10 soldiers to guard the Vendetta. He and his troop reinforcements would beach the ship at the main port for the base

'The General would not expect this.'

As Rock steered the ship towards the beach.

The General sensing that one of his lieutenants died searched the entire area and sensed the location of his and the enemy's soldiers. He then ordered the soldiers around him to mobilise plot into two teams and flank the enemy in a pincer move.

The General's soldiers moved out.

Rocks soldiers however were in the thick of battle when energies started flanking their positions from both sides they didn't know what to do so they started finding cover where ever they could. And firing at the enemy but were pinned down they could not move.

Dutch was fighting hand to hand with the big enemy he was fast for his size, and in terms of pure strength and speed they were equal however Dutch and everyone else had been honing all their skills not just shooting they had polished their hand to hand skills. The big guy thew a haymaker at Dutch's head who just ducked then elbowed the big man in the throat who responded by kicking at Dutch who grabbed it with one hand then brought his other hand down in a chopping motion and Crack the leg bone shattered and bits of bone was now sticking out of the big guys leg. Dutch ruthlessly brought his hands together above his head and swung down as hard and as fast as he could slamming the big guy on his head sending it straight into the mud, he then bent down and snapped his neck. Dutch knew from the brief that this was the heavy weapons specialist and now he was dead. He then grabbed his rifle, pistol and shotgun then sensed for energies he found Revy heading towards the furthest one from the battle so he headed towards another energy signature that was closest to the main battle.

Rock then beached the ship then opened the front hatches the soldiers jumped out all the port holes the ones in the van drove out while Rock stayed in the ship.

Rock then sensed the battle field and found that his soldiers had been pinned down they had not lost lives due to his training but they were not bulletproof. On the right side there was a strong energy he was well within Kalashnikov range there was also a high energy within pistol range On the left side yet was moving around far too slowly to be using a firearm.

Rock then ordered over the radio to the soldiers from the Lagoon to split into two teams to wipe out the enemy flanking soldiers, the ones in the van will get out and the driver will plow through the enemy on the right side the ones who jumped out the port holes were to take the left side.

Rock then felt for Revy and Dutch and found that they were now within Kalashnikov range of each of their two targets. Rock then confident that his plan would succeed got out of the ship and sprinted around the battle charging straight for The General.

Dutch got to his target who was helping one of the injured then with his shotgun shot the medic in the head while the medic was concentrating on saving the soldier's life.'Sorry but orders are orders'

He then got behind cover and started shooting into the enemy flanking positions.

Revy saw her target he was up in the top most floor moving from room to room trying to take pot shots at Rocks soldiers while being pinned down at every window. Revy smiled as she sprinted towards the building during this entire thing not one of his soldiers had lost their lives thanks to the training they were given. Revy climbed up the stairs to the highest floor hiding her energy completely all the while then her foot made a creek on the old floor boards. She dropped to the ground as Kalashnikov fire tore through the walls above where she was, she silently crawled up against the wall and made her way to the door she then just just jumped out from behind the door frame and let loose her bullets in single mode, the soldiers Kalashnikov clicked as he jumped out of the way then still in mid air replaced the magazine letting the empty drop to the floor though it had bullets jammed inside. Revy fired back and dodged , while in mid air switches to full auto on both and let's loose on the future position of the enemy. The soldier gets hit by 23 rounds and looks like bloody Swiss cheese. Lying against the wall he talks" fuck, didn't think a bitch would get me but at least now life can't get worse from the orphan gutter to the fucking priest rape then charged with murder as a youth for that same fucking priest then to armed robberies the army was the best thing I had but then I fucked that up then General came saved us all now I can fucking rest from this shit now" as he died he smiled.

Revy "don't tell me your fucking life story wog I don't give a shit" but in her head 'ha he was kinda like me shitty life forced to kill to eat .'

Revy looking at the damaged mag lying on the ground 'ha Rock even foresaw this happening if we continued using mags this like we did I'd be dead now at the demolition lieutenants hands and this asshole wouldn't be.'

She then casually reloads her pistols and puts them in their holster.

She then puts her rifle on semi auto and starts picking off the enemy as Rocks reinforcements came in three groups two groups of around 14 on either side and the armoured van driver just ploughing through the enemy directly in front of her as if they were nothing she looked closer and realised that the driver was the dude that sold his van to Rock.

Rock was now at the Generals location he didn't bother hiding his ki any more. "General you have lost your empire but your life debt has still to be paid."

The General then stepped out the door Kalashnikov in hand. " Back from the grave with a vengeance I see."

Rock"I just want to confirm one thing why did you try to kill me"

General "I wanted to Take over the entirety of Roanapur combining forces with Balalika by dating her in secret, with you providing services the Triads would most likely use your wit and strategy to prevent that from happening . Unfortunately for them by the time they knew about us we were already together and they knew it was useless to kill us it would only start a war with the two war Veterans."

Rock" why didn't you take out the other factions."

General" easy it was not a profitable move the resources outweighed the profits and would loose money."

Rock "you will answer for your crimes Former Captain Achille De Angelo of the Italian Army for the attempted murder of Rockuro Okajima. I find you guilty."

Rock then fires his rifle full auto mode in bursts at the Former Captain and self proclaimed General.

The General dodged out of the way firing his own rifle.

Dutch now seeing that the enemy is finally smaller in number orders. And hearing the gun fight in the distance between Rock and The General. "Cease fire men"

The men stopped shooting and attacking. The enemy also stopped shooting after the soldiers ceased firing.

"Soldiers of the General I encourage you to surrender and join us there is no need to shed blood now all your Lieutenants are dead continuing fighting will only waste your lives your General is fighting my Commander who will win. You could join us, live and make plenty of money. All you have to do is swear Allegiance to the Black Rock Lagoon Privateers."

Most of the soldiers dropped their weapons but 20 soldiers went to fire their guns they were all shot instantly. Most of the soldiers were waiting on the outcome of the battle and choosing to side with the leader of who survives.

Several minutes had passed and he was down to the last four pouches of bullets for his 627 he was hiding behind large rock reloading. The General was very agile both had used up all their Kalashnikov ammo, the General then pulled out both custom revolvers firing silent bolts towards Rock who jumped up and fired the last burst of his rifle then throwing it at the General. After being hit with the rifle it made him drop both his pistols from the impact giving Rock a chance to pull out his revolver and fire 8 quick shots at him. As he landed he loaded the pistol in a split second and fired at the General who now pulled out his pistols set to full auto and fired, all the bullets missed as each of them kept dodging firing reloading and moving away from each other until they used half of their pistol ammo. He kicked up dirt into the Generals eyes causing pain giving him time to reload.

Rock finished reloading then felt the General try to flank him, he also felt him reload a larger magazine into his pistol. Rock then picked up a rock and threw it to awards a tree hiding his energy he goes the opposite direction firing where the General was about to go time seemed to slow down for Rock as he aimed at the Generals future position and pulled the trigger. The General then fell Rock noticed a huge hole going straight through his brain rapidly creating a large pool of blood. The General was dead now he could live in peace.

Rock then quickly made his way to the battle field.

The soldiers saw Rock who offered the same as Dutch as an answer all the soldiers swore allegiance to the Privateers. As with the other new recruits they would be tested.

Rock ordered 5 soldiers to be stationed there that were equipped with Bullet Proof armour.

Dutch then rounded up all the soldiers that had invaded and made two trips to Roanapur . The battle with Balalika was anti climactic one as Rock just walked in looking unarmed without his knife armed with only the baby browning.

He entered Hotel Moscow one of the soldiers stopped him then "who are you what do want"

Rock "I'm from the Lagoon Company I am here to make Balalika a business proposition." The soldier then called Balalika "Balalika, there is someone here from the Lagoon Company...no he is alone...ok...usual treatment for walk in's "

"Arms up you are to be searched for weapons." The Soldier then searched Rocks chest hips and each leg ignoring his arms. "He's clean".

They then let him walk straight to Balalika's office. There were two guards armed with Ak 74 using 5.56x39.

He enters her office and inside was The head of Hotel Moscow and her second in command Boris. As he walked in they both were utterly shocked at who they saw.

Balalika"Rock how I thought you were dead, I even Helped Dutch trying to find you for a week as a favour for your service."

Boris"I even led the search party to find you what happened?"

Rock"we got a transport job from an anonymous client when we got there to pick up the package there were mercenaries that asked for my name then shot at us I jumped on the ship and got behind cover then as I was going inside the ship I was hit and knocked off board then I played dead as the mercenaries stopped and took a photo of my presumably dead body as I held my breath. After they left I swam to the shore made a tourniquet out of my shirt and stopped the bleeding I then made a fire then cauterised the wound then put back the tourniquet destroyed any proof that I was there walked a while following the stars found a sloop then traveled a bit then when things quieted down a year and a half passed and I met back with Dutch and the crew."

"I employed the Lagoon Company to Protect a Container transport you weren't at that meeting."

Rock"I was still keeping low I still had a target on my head if I was still alive."

Balalika "fair enough but what is this that I am hearing that The Lagoon Company bought a Small Container ship and raised an army."

Rock"oh that was me it was to take out the one that hired those mercenaries that tried to take me out."

Balalika" who was it ?"

Rock"some one from Italy they are dead now. Now to the proposition is in taking out the one who ordered my death we have taken control of poppy and marijuana farms and processing and distribution plants. I know you sell drugs on occasion I want us to work together and make drugs safer by getting Testing them to determine the safest amount of drugs per single packet. I wish to sell the safest cocaine, marijuana and we stay friends."

Balalika "as interesting as this sounds I know that the Lagoon Company has taken down The Generals Organisation and killed my beloved Achille, in any other situation I would have acquiesced but as your company has been involved in my fiancée's murder I will allow you to safely leave but if I see you with the Lagoon Company I will kill you like the rest of them."

Rock in less than a split second drew his browning and shot and killed Balalika and her second in command Boris.

He then shoved the pistol in his pocket then ran out the door knocked out the the two door guards Stole one of their rifles takes off and puts on one of their 4 magazine vest.

Her soldiers tried to fight back but when a quarter of them were disabled by Rock on his own in thirty seconds they surrendered, Rock then offered them the chance to join and they took it pledging Allegiance to The Black Rock Lagoon Privateers.

The next day Rock then on his own took out any other groups that sold drugs in Roanapur. He also searched All the leaders homes and vehicles to find their secret account information then got Benny to make it looked like the leaders approved the transfer of the money to his own caymans island account he made separately under a shell company name. In the account now was 1billion dollars of saved up money.

A few months later he was in Balalika's office now his organising the distribution methods and reviewed findings of scientist that he hired to determine the safest amount of drugs for both Cocaine and Marijuana to put in each sachet.

He then received a phone call from his parents via the office phone.

"Rock son I heard now you run your own company now I am so proud of you I'm sorry we didn't contact you sooner but I bring bad news, your cousin Sakura died last week I still don't understand it, first she was perfectly healthy then her parents call us to say that she died suddenly it makes no sense. Just so you know the funeral is in two weeks"

Rock"what what did she die from was it drugs, I told her to be careful when she goes out partying and to try to only use a tiny bit just to be safe."

"We do not say such things over the phone it brings shame to the family."

Rock"shame SHAME SHE IS FUCKING DEAD And all you worry about is whether or not she brings shame to the family after that have some respect for the dead."

He then immediately hung up then called for his private jet that He took possession of after the fall of Balalika.

He then when to the funeral wearing a black suit with a black tie Revy was with him in a black dress that Rock bought her for this occasion.

When it was his turn to view the open casket and he saw the dead face of his cousin that he had grown up with and was closest to in the family something changed in him.

He wanted to now actually change the world he would make sure that anyone who buys recreational drugs will not die from an overdose ever again.

From that day he waged war against the Yakuza across the world then employed members who were soon leaving the Japanese military, then the Triads and employed members leaving the Chinese Military, The Mafias both Italian and Russian as well as all the Cartels around the world employing members leaving their respective militaries. In about 5 years he now had world wide distribution of drugs run like a well oiled military machine, world wide drug overdoses dropped by 90% over those 5 years.

Present day Rock was playing with his child while Revy was watching smiling on a fishing vacation on his small yacht.

Revy "who knew that I would marry the one of the unluckiest office workers in the world on a boat as a hostage and then later find out that he wanted change the world. That day I laughed in your face Rock when you told me about changing the world, look how wrong I was. You single handedly reduced overdoses to almost nothing across the entire f-ing world, I should have known better."

Rock "we did it together it was a group effort me you Dutch Benny the soldiers nothing would have happened if we didn't work together but if you want to blame someone for my success blame that General."

Revy just smiled as she looked at her baby boy try to walk on his own.