Tony Stark

The Walk in the park with his girl.

Him confessing to Pepper that he thought that she was pregnant. She wasn't.

Dr. Strange interrupting that talk to tell him that Thanos is coming. Bruce finally coming back from… wherever he was.

Learning that the Chitauri, the aliens that invaded New York were working for Thanos. The source of his nightmares. He had to make sure Earth was safe. That Pepper was safe.

Alien spaceship hovering over New York.

The kid showing up after the phone call to Pepper.

The kid following him into space. Helping him rescue Dr. Strange. Making him an Avenger.

The arrival on Titan.

The kid coming up with a plan.

That plan failing.

Thanos winning… Thanos won.

Pain. Sharp pain from his abdomen were Thanos had stabbed him. It hurt to breath. Tony sucked in a sharp breath as he used one of his many tools to cauterize the wound so it wouldn't bleed out. It wasn't a permanent fix, but it would work for now.

"Did… did we just lose?" The kid… Peter Parker asked, his voice shaking. Oh God. He sounded terrified. He shouldn't even be here… on Titan. He should be with his classmates on a field trip. Oh Lord. His Aunt May. She would kill him for bringing her nephew here.

"I'm sorry. It was the only way." Dr. Strange conceded. He looked exhausted and was breathing heavily. Tony felt anger towards the man. Why in hell would that man just give up the stone? Then the man dissolved into dust right before his eyes.

Well, damn. Then it wasn't just the Good Doctor. Mantis disappeared as well, including Drax and Quill.

It was in that moment that Tony knew for sure that they had lost. He felt sick. It shouldn't have happened this way. Why couldn't they have won? Why didn't they win? They always won.

Suddenly he heard Peter's scared and trembling voice cut through the silence, "Mr. Stark?" His heart broke. No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Not the kid. He slowly turned around, dreading what was going to come next. Peter was pale white and had a wild look in his eyes, "I don't feel so good."

He saw the kid stumble towards him and he couldn't breath. This wasn't happening. Why Peter? He was just a kid! "You're alright." Tony pleaded, denying that this was happening because it wasn't. The universe had taken so much from him already. She couldn't take the kid… his kid.

Peter shook his head, silently telling him that he knew that it wasn't going to be alright. "I don't…" The kid swallowed, "I don't know what's happening." The kid was panicking. Heck, Tony was panicking. He didn't know what to do. Please, someone tell him what to do! Oh God no!

He saw the kid tumble forward and caught him just in time. He lowered Peter to the ground, unable to stay standing. His whole body was trembling. Please, no. No, no, no, no. He could feel his own heart beating fast. Let this be a dream. Please. Just a dream.

"I don't want to go, Mr. Stark." Peter cried. Tony's heart shattered even more. He couldn't speak. He opened his mouth to reply to Peter. He tried to speak, really, he did. He was going to say that it's going to be okay but he choked up. He couldn't say it because he knew that no one was ever going to be okay after this. "Please, Mr. Stark. I don't want to go." Aw, hell. Tony thought he told the kid no more references.

Abruptly, Peter pushed him away. Tony's mind cried out as he sat down on Titan with a thud. Why? Why was he pushing him away? In shock, Tony could only watch as Peter uttered his last words, "I'm sorry."

He faded into ash and Tony cried out loud in pain. "No! No, no, no, no, no! Please! No!"

"He did it." Nebula stated. Only two of them were left out of the seven that arrived. This must be what hell felt like, Tony thought. Fifty percent of the universe had been wiped out in an instant.

They had lost.

And Thanos had won.