Snow had begun to set across the kingdom over night. Temperatures dropped below -30 degrees over a course of hours, Ice covering every nook and cranny of the kingdom left the town folk confused. Any signs of greenery was gone, replaced with ice and heavy snow that covered the farm fields and royal gardens. Roads that run throughout the kingdom were nothing icy paths. Unsafe for any kind travel. Back in the Facilier mansion deep in the forest near Tiana's kingdom, Fear had washed over the family. Sigrid's powers were in full affect which brought concern to everyone especially to Celine deeply. Sigrid was a powerful witch and Celine knew this. She was no match of such power or magic. Controlling the elements wasn't her strong suit and she knew that the witch only wanted one thing. Her son . The idea of not able to protect her only son terrified to no end and when Raphael finally arrived back to the mansion, it was clear that fear was evident in her eyes.

"There is no stopping her this time." Celine whispered. The whole family Gathered by the fireplace for warmth as temperature continued to drop rapidly. Everyone knew deep down she was right but no one dared to say it out loud. Not right now. Shivering Raphael Looked towards Regina who held the twins close her chest as they too shivered in freezing cold. Even the fireplace and cotton blankets did nothing to block out unbearable temperatures.

" We can't just give up now. There must be a way to defeat this ice bitch." Regina said as she held her daughters closer for more warmth. " Maybe some kind of barrier spell to keep her contain."

"It will not hold her off for long. Such power can not be contain." Celine said. Dropping more firewood into the fireplace. " Her Magic is different."

" Maybe me meeting with Sigrid could stop her cursing the land. She would be more focus on me then Realm. " Raphael said as his mother took a seat next to him.

" NO. You will only give her what she wants and that's is your death. She will do anything to harm you and everyone you love no matter what."

" Well that sounds familiar." Regina could help but remember her dark days as the Evil Queen. It always felt like it was yesterday. She understood the feeling and drive to defect her enemies no matter what the cost. She knew that she would stop at nothing to get her hands on Snow's heart and do nothing more then crush it. To watch it turn into pile of dust. Sigrid seemed to be no different. She wanted revenge and so did Tiana.

"Is Tiana still in Maldonia?"

" Yes" Raphael said as he wrapped his blanket tighter to himself.

" Good, You must go to her child now." Mama Odie said urgently " Something telling me that girl is in deep trouble. You must rescue her you can't leave her alone with that godless woman." Celine and Regina gave Mama Odie a crazy look of disbelief.

"He will Not do such thing. In trouble or not I don't care she is the reason we are in this mess. Mother you can not be serious." Celine wasn't having any of it and it was clear to Regina as will. She had betrayed her deeply, putting her family in danger and contributing to tearing her family. It wasn't something so easily forgiven or dismissed.

" I don't like saying it but I agree with Celine here. Whatever evil plan the Snow Queen has for Tiana she deserves it she should pay the prince." Regina said and Celine nodded in agreement.

" leaving Tiana at the mercy of the Snow Queen isn't right Celine. The Snow Queen has always had it out for Raphael. Tiana is still redeemable." Mama Odie said as she tried to reason with both the woman. " Her Kingdom still needs her Tiana will pay the price but death isn't it."

Staying silence Raphael was conflicted. He had tried to safe Naveen for Tiana but failed altogether. He tried to help her but like most things in his past things went belly up. She had put his family in danger and unleashed a unforgivable foe who would stop at nothing to bring his fate. Raphael like Regina wanted her suffer for her part in this but something deep down wouldn't let him. Mama Odie was right. death wasn't her price to pay.

Flashback-many years ago.

Ever since the Voodoo Emporium Sigrid and Annette hadn't been the same. It had been a couple of weeks but something had changed and not for the better. What they had found there had set them on edge. Their readings kept running through their minds like crazy. His voice the shadow man, ringing in their heads telling them over, over and over again of their fate. He told them the cards tell the pass, the present and the future. that they were a trip into the future not yet written.

Three cards set in stone. The Devil, the hanged man and The tower. Three cards that kept Sigrid awake at night. Simple cards. What did they really mean. Sure Dr Facilier explain it to her but she didn't truly understand. Telling herself she didn't want to know was a lair. She tried to ignore the voices in her head that made her wonder what if but she was curious. What was her future?

Annette couldn't get her three cards out of her mind either. The moon, Wheel of Fortune and death. She didn't understand the real meaning behind such cards just like her sister. However, real uneasiness between her and Sigrid was not cards themselves but the fact Dr Facilier had predicted a betrayal to come in the future. They had no Idea when such kind of betrayal could come, it all could happen all at once tomorrow for all they knew. The Sigrid's coronation was days away and the closer it got the more the sisters distance themselves from each. Annette spending more time with her promised prince and Sigrid studying for her future. The sister wasn't as strong anymore and they both knew that.

Sitting in her bedroom Chambers Sigrid tried to put her mind at ease. Sigrid thought her sister would never betray her but as minutes turned into hours Sigrid was beginning to have her doubts. She wished she never went into that shop, she always thought if such event didn't happen then she and her sister would be find. Not looking over each others shoulders. Sigrid she didn't recognise her at all now especially when she was around the prince.

" You've been in here for hours." Turning around in her lounge chair Sigrid was surprised to see her sister in there in her bedroom chamber. " I've been wanting to talk to you about what happen in that shop. I can't get it out of my mind, I think we need to settle this."

Sigrid signaled for her sister to take a seat next to her. the feeling in the room was awkward but Annette was right. The issue had to discussed. " It's the betrayal thing isn't it, I don't wanted to believe it we would never betray one another. You've always protected me from my foolishness there is now way we would throw away our relationship...Right?" Annette wanted answers to the madness. She wanted to believe that all of this wasn't real but deep down in the back of her mind there was doubt.

" Right." Sigrid whispered. " Maybe the person that will betray us is the prince." Sitting forward in her chair Sigrid thought she found the possible answer. " He's the only new thing that has come into our lives. It must be him."

" Prince Peter... never. Sigrid how could you think such a thing. Peter is nothing but a sweetheart."

" You love don't you? He's been with you for a couple of weeks and your already smitten with him." Rolling her eyes Annette diagreed.

" I don't love him I'm just fond of him. He's a friend."

" A friend? you do realise you will marry him someday. you love him" Sigrid knew she was getting under her sister's skin.

" Now I don't Sigrid. The betray will not be Peter I just know it. Maybe it will be father?"

Sigrid nodded her head at Annette silly questioning. " Father is a fair man. He wouldn't betray his own flesh and blood."

The two sister thought and discussed but Sigrid still had a funny feeling about her sister's so be husband. The prince. However as the peaceful day went on Both sisters were glad they were back to speaking terms again.

Present day-

Like most of the realm, Maldonia was covered in snow and ice. Tiana knew this was The Snow queen's doing but she didn't understand why. Standing over Naveen's coffin she place a beautiful white rose on top. All she wanted was for the shadow man to pay for his crime. He tried to help but failed and it wasn't good enough for her. Tiana wasn't a vengeful person but the Shadow-man was making her crazy. She hated the fact he could go and play happy family with Regina. While she had sit in worry and misery. It was a joke to her.

Taking a deep breath Tiana said her final goodbyes to her lost love, holding back her tears Tiana tried her best to compose herself. She wished things could of turned out different a different timeline were she and Naveen could be happy. However, Tiana pulled herself together, she couldn't get lost in her thoughts she had a kingdom to rule. As for the Snow Queen Tiana didn't know how to approach the situation. The Snow Queen hated the shadow-man just as much as she did so wasn't she on her side? Turning to leave the room Tiana jumped at the sudden sight of the Snow Queen leaning on the cold stone wall. Her gaze was cold and intense as Tiana stayed silence. Unsure on what to do Sigrid approached Tiana first. Looking her up and down Tiana began to feel small. Fear over took her as The Snow Queen watched Tiana's body language change for confident to terrified before she quickly turned her attention to the coffin in front of her.

" Poor soul...he was so young." Sigrid gently touched the rose that rest on top and Tiana watched in amazement as the white rose turned to ice. " Such a shame."

Gathering her confidence Tiana finally address the Snow Queen." Why are you doing this?...I thought you wanted the Shadow-man to suffer?" Sigrid smiled to herself before she turned to Tiana.

" I do and to do that I have to make everyone he cares about suffer...including you." Tiana looked confused so the snow queen explained. " You see Tiana the Shadow-man wants to do good. He tried to help you but failed but he will still wants to help you overcome your do you think he and your friends would feel when they find out he failed once again. Unable to save the precious Queen of the southern kingdom?"

Tiana blood ran cold. She would kill her would she. They was on the same team? Killing her would do nothing to the shadow-man. " Killing me wouldn't make The Shadow-man care about my death."

"Maybe not but many people will blame him for making you turn to me for help. Plus... you are no longer any use to me." Tiana was frozen in her place. Her mind was at a lost. Standing in front the Snow Queen She knew it would be pointless to cry for help or run. In matter of seconds she could destroy her. Taking a deep breath Tiana, closed her eyes waiting for the end to come.

" Sigrid don't do this." Both woman looked in the direction of the sudden deep voice.

" Dr Facilier...we finally meet again after how many years?" Sigrid turned her attention to Raphael. Scowling at him as he stood closer to Tiana. " Your just in time to witness a bloody event."

" Killing Tiana would help you Sigrid and you know this. We can sort out our difference in different a way. It does have be like this."

Sigrid laughed." Your joking me, I've been waiting for this for years. To finally watch you suffer after what you made me do. If it wasn't for you my sister would still be here!"

" I didn't make you do anything. Sigrid everything that happen was your own doing." Sigrid's face turn a shade of red as she couldn't believe what the shadow-man was saying.

" How dare you blame your actions on me. I will make you pay, you will watch your love ones and the people you care about freeze to death. My spells of winter will only get worse and finally you will find out what it's like to lose the things you love and be left with nothing but a cold empty heart." Before Sigrid could conjure her magic Raphael swifty conjured his, flinging her into the opposite wall. Grabbing Tiana Raphael quickly teleported, transporting them both back to the mansion.

They had arrived in the living-room of the mansion and it was clear that both Regina and Celine weren't happy at the sight of Tiana. " you should of left her there." Scowling at the new visitor Celine wasted no time on Tiana and neither did Regina. Exiting the room both women were in no mood to deal with Tiana.

" For now you will spend the night here. Tomorrow I will send you back your palace." Leading Tiana to a spare you Tiana was still confused about what just happen just a second ago. Why did he save her? after everything she had done? Tiana thought.

" Why did you help me?" Tiana took a seat on the bed that Raphael had offer her. She was still unsure of him but she had to ask why. Why be so kind after she had attacked so many times before.

" I told you, I've changed." Without another word Raphael left her in room. Heading back to the room him and Regina shared he just prayed that his mother didn't torture the woman in her sleep. Celine had many gifts and one of them were sleep charms that leave you in complete agony.

Back at the palace Ella and Henry were worried about the weird weather change. Temperatures had drop to dangerous levels and the palace wasn't prepared for such extreme weather. Many people were already suffering from the cold, some even shivering to death as another cold night took over the town people. Henry was afraid, he didn't want to show it but her was. For his family and his friends he was lost on what to do, The kingdom just didn't have the resource.

Laying in bed both Ella and Henry laid together to say warm through the night. The duvet wrapped tight around them for extra warmth. Ella could sense something was off with Henry. He was worried and she knew it. So was she. She knew Tiana had made a deal with the Snow Queen and she prayed things went well, Tiana would never put them in a dangerous situation. However she hadn't heard a word from her and made her tense. She had no idea what was going on it was hard to bare.

" I can't sleep in this cold." Ella said as she knew Henry was much awake as she was. There wasn't much firewood left for the place and this was another worry added to both Henry and Ella.

"I know."Ella tightened her grip on Henry as another cold draft passed them. " Hopeful it will pass soon." Henry wasn't really sure about that but he didn't want show his worry. He to stay strong and hopeful.

" Henry I know your worried. It's okay to be worried." Ella could feel Henry tense. Sighing Henry relaxed once again.

" I Know Ella...but I have be focus." Silence began fall between them but that silence was quicky gone when the bedroom door swifty open by a outbreath maid holding a burning candle. jumping up from their bed, Ella tried to calm down the maid.

"What wrong Louise what happen?" Ella said as she tried to get some information out of the maid.

" It's prince Bennett, He's sick and his temperature has risen to a dangerous level. I'm sorry your highness about the stressful news." Louise said as she tried get her breathing under control. Without a thought Henry and Ella dash to the nursery were there baby boy rested.

Just like the maid said Ben wasn't doing too good. His skin was sweating and his face looked sickly. Coughing and crying Ella picked up baby boy and comforted him. " He's boiling Henry! Something wrong." Ella said in panic.

Henry looked at Ben who struggled to breath as another nasty cough escaped him. " Get the doctor!" Henry order the maid in the room which she obeyed insteadly. Comforting Ella and his son Henry didn't know what was happening. This winter weather was getting to everyone and now his son. The only thing him and Ella could do was pray and hope Ben strong enough to make it through the cold frosty night.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter X