A Disappointment...

"Uh, Mister Stark, I don't feel so good," I said weakly. It felt like my body was burning, freezing, and being poked by a thousand needles all at the same time.

"You're alright," Mister Stark said, but I knew he was lying

"I don't know– I don't know what's happening," I gasped out as I fell into Mister Stark's arms.

Ned and Aunt May– Oh Aunt May, I knew I would never see her again. No, please no.

I started grasping at his back and shoulder, trying to find an anchor to keep me here with him. I felt him tighten his hold on me

"I don't, I don't want to go, I don't wanna go, Mister Stark, please. Please I don't wanna go I don't wanna go," I whimpered weakly. I was losing my balance, and I couldn't feel my legs. He lowered me to the ground, his arms shaking as much as my heart.
I felt cold. I let Mister Stark, Aunt May, everyone, down. I've disappointed them.
"I'm sorry." I could barely hear myself say those words.

I looked away from Mister Stark's face. I couldn't stare any longer knowing I'd see disappointment.
I looked to the stars wishing I had kissed Aunt May before I went to school that morning. I felt the oncoming death. It was like a cold whisper; I was numb and then...

Authors note

This scene killed me. Then I went home and looked the scene up on youtube, watched it over and over again and made two fanfictions. One from Peter's POV and the other from Tony's (which will be uploaded on a later date). Then I sat down on the floor for twenty minutes and contemplated my life. Please a review, it's greatly appreciated.


Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel, If I did Tony would be more like a father to peter and peter would not be dead.