Ok I have asked Assasin of War if I could adopt his story Naruto of the Wood Release and I have been given the Green Light to do so. So pretty much the first and second chapters are exactly the same as Assassin of War's, and there will be no changing that. I will hve Naruto paired with Kurenai and Yugao, who will be younger by several years as I know they are fresh Genin when Kurama Attacks Konoha in the Anime from what I have seen. Anyways without further ado I present the continuation of Naruto of the Wood Release (Started by Assassin of War, but completed by your's truly)

"Katon" – Regular Speech

'Suiton' – Flashback/Thought/Mindscape Speech

"Raiton" – Demon/Summon Speech

'Futon"-Demon/Summon Thought

"Doton" – Jutsu Speech

Summary: He is their hopes, dreams, and future. His name is Senju Naruto. First born son of Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito. Poisoned at birth, both of his parents are forced to make a difficult decision that will ultimately save his life, but at the cost of them being a family.

Mokuton Naruto

Naruto x Kurenai x Yugao pairing NO HAREM AT ALL

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Senju Hashirama.

What could one say about this man. Born in the era of the warring states, he was trained from the moment he could walk to lead the most feared and respected shinobi clan in the world.

As he grew into manhood, he was praised as the strongest shinobi to grace the world since the legendary figure known as the Rikudō Sennin. Both of these men were hailed as gods.

A mutation in his blood allowed him to be the first and only human to wield the Mokuton – which in turn allowed him the power to subdue the mighty beings known as Bijū's. Subjugation was not the only thing it allowed him to do. His wood release was life given form and through this he was able to create the first shinobi village – Konohagakure no Sato. It was but a sapling in it's inception, a dream become reality really, but with time it has grown strong.

Unfortunately, creation was only one side of the coin. With the very same power used to create, it could also be used to bring forth death and destruction. He takes no pleasure or joy when he must take a life but he will do what he must to protect his family and village. It was this conviction that gained him respect and infamy. He was respected by his fellow peers, and was feared by his enemies for the acts he did against them.

It was that same conviction – his will of fire – that inspired those around him to continue forward even in the bleakest of moments. Combined with his prowess in combat and none could hope to ever be his equal. It was these qualities combined with his charisma and leadership that he had been bestowed the title of Shodai Hokage.

One of the people there to celebrate his new position into office was his wife, Uzumaki Mito. He was happy when he was made Hokage, but not as happy as the day Mito had agreed to marry him. The crimson haired beauty is a master of the highest caliber in Fūinjutsu with no equal – though he was no slouch. His soul-mate is the strongest kunoichi in the world and while separately they are strong, but once they come together they were unbeatable.

Of course, everything wasn't always good times. There were numerous times he's felt sad, fear, shame, and anger. He had lost two brothers very early on in life but the pain had been bearable after he had come to terms with their deaths. The ugly emotion had reared its head back at him once more when a man he considered a brother did not want to change the course of the path he had set himself on. He had failed friend, Uchiha Madara.

He was fearful for his family and village when his friend admitted to wanting to not only kill him, but destroy the very village they had dreamed of as children. It was heartbreaking.

Hashirama had no qualms with the man wanting to kill him, he had dealt with that on a daily basis as a child and young adult. It was a different story when it came to family and his village though. He felt ashamed that he had chosen his home over his friend and had killed the man. Once more he had failed.

He rarely let his anger take hold of him, but when he saw his stained hands and watched as his wife sealed the Kyūbi into herself to protect him, he got angry. At himself. For all the power, strength, prowess he wielded he could do nothing. His wife had risked her life and his friend lay dead at his hands. He was powerless to protect the things that really mattered to him.

It had taken the man time, but the guilt of killing Madara and his wife sealing the Bijū within herself had finally lessened somewhat. It had hurt – killing a friend – but deep down he knew the man he would gladly call brother had been replaced by a madman who needed to be stopped. It was his responsibility as a true friend but also as a leader. He was not as naive as some people might perceive him, he knew death was an everyday thing in their world and a natural process of life.

However, even with all of the aforementioned – aside from his wife – he would gladly trade it all away. All the bad memories and even some of the good, he would trade it. All of the respect, fame, infamy, power, fear, techniques, and titles he had been bestowed upon him by his peers, he would cast them all out without hesitation.

For today, he would receive the greatest memory, honor, and title of all.

Today, Senju Hashirama will become a father.

Konoha Hospital –

"Ahhh!" screamed Mito. Her painful screams reverberating throughout the small room.

"Remember your breathing and keep pushing." ordered the doctor. "You are almost there, Mito-sama!" He hoped his words were enough incentive for her to push harder.

"I know that." Mito gritted her teeth, feeling the baby coming closer and closer. "I swear that if I see Hashirama's face, I'm going to pound it in for what he's putting me through."

Said man had been just a few inches away from getting his face pounded in. He wore a grim look on his face, his hand ready to turn the handle and enter the room. He began to sweat a bit in trepidation. On the one hand, he wanted to see his wife and newborn, but on the other hand, he didn't want his face getting smashed in.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself. Clearly he was just overreacting, surely his wife wasn't that made at him. He knocked on the door and entered with the biggest smile he could muster.

It slipped and he withered the moment he made direct eye contact with the demonic eyes his wife was glaring at him with. An oppressive aura was surrounding the room and the raven haired man could actually feel the assortment of emotions his wife was sending at him. They all consisted of bodily harm.

"Now, now, Mito. I'm sure it isn't that bad." He chastised her. It wasn't very nice of her to be sending all those nasty thoughts at him.

Mito narrowed her eyes at him. "What did you just say to me?" The doctor took a minor step back. He knew that tone of voice.

Hashirama was obviously oblivious and merely shook his head, clearly not sensing the danger he was in.

"I said-"

"I know what you said!" she roared, her hands attempting to grab him. "You have some nerve saying that to me when you don't even know how much pain I'm in." She was on the verge of crying. The Senju patriarch was about to move forward and apologize when he ducked under a swing. "Damn you for what you're putting me through. Why don't you come over here while I shove this up your a-"

"Mito!" Hashirama was mortified. Since when was his wife this confrontational, and where did she get such a large tool?

In a way though, she was right. He had no rebuttal to her claims as he indeed did not know the pain she was going through. He had assumed it wasn't that bad.

"I knew I should have created a seal to counteract the pain." Her blunder was costing her now. She had just been so happy to find out she was pregnant and would be a mother that she had forgotten about it. Plus, her mind had been occupied with another task. Keeping the Kyūbi from escaping.

Hashirama would have helped in creating the seal, but he had been busy creating seals that would mask the Bijū's presence within the village. It was the reason the room was littered with them along with the doctor. Or else mass panic and hysteria would ensue.

And now that he really did think about it, just how was this his fault. He may not be the good guy by knocking her up, but he certainly wasn't the bad guy here. He didn't distract her or stop her from making only one seal.

"Keep those thoughts to yourself!" barked Mito, startling her husband.

'What in the name of the Rikudō Sennin! How had she known what I was thinking?!' he thought before coming up with an adequate answer. 'Must be a latent ability of pregnancy.' He nodded to himself, surely that was it.

Mito could see Hashirama's imagination beginning to drag him off to la-la land.

"Hashirama!" she called out. "Hashirama! Are you even listening to me?!"

He blinked at her. "...Yes."

"I swear..." she began. "That if you're thinking something idiotic about me..." she let the threat hang in the air.

"Er...No dear. I wasn't even thinking at all."

Mito snorted, clearly not believing him.

'My god! What willpower this woman has. To not only give birth while berating me, but to threaten me with violence...' He was simply astonished. 'This definitely has to be an Uzumaki thing.' He could never recall a Senju kunoichi who was pregnant acting like this.

"You're doing it again, aren't you?!"



Her loud wailing penetrated his ears, even when he covered them. But then he heard it. It was faint but he ears were not fooled. It was the absolute best sound he had ever heard in his life.

"Waah! Waah! Waah!" wailed the newborn, following their mother's footsteps.

The sounds of a baby crying, his baby was crying. He soon found himself crying tears of joy alongside his wife and child. He was a father!

"Shh...Shh..." hushed the doctor in a soothing voice. He held onto the child momentarily as he wrapped a warm blanket around it's small frame. "Congratulations, Mito-sama, Hashirama-sama. You have a healthy baby boy." The doctor presented them with their child.

Once their eyes landed on him, they instantly fell in love. Their child had inherited Hashirama's raven colored hair, ears, and mouth. From his mother he had her nose and light skin complexion. However, once his eyes opened, they were surprised with what they saw.

"Who in our families has dark blue eyes?" questioned Hashirama. From what he could remember, his father had no such quality, he couldn't really remember his mother though. Perhaps it was Mito's family?

"My father has blue eyes." replied Mito. Her father – Uzumaki Ashina – current clan leader did indeed have them. "It skipped a generation in me, but not in his grandson it seems."

Hashirama recalled seeing the dark blue eyes on the man a few times. He smiled.

"He's going to have to beat them away with a stick. Just like his old man." Hashirama puffed out his chest.

Mito rolled her eyes at her husband' proclamation. He was correct when he said their son would have to, but she never recalled much competition for him. It was her and one of his cousin's, who now happens to be one of her best friends.

The doctor had let the two parents talk amongst themselves while he jotted down the child' height, weight along with a few other things. Seeing as he no longer needed the baby, he decided it was high time to give him to his mother.

As if the child knew it was in loving hands, he stopped crying, and looked up at his mother with his marvelous blue eyes.

Mito pressed her cheek against his own. "My baby, my precious baby boy..." she whispered, caressing him softly.

Hashirama hated to be a spoilsport. "May I hold him, Mito?" he interrupted.

She ignored him and continued to snuggle her son. Hashirama coughed and asked once more. She wanted to outright refuse him, she was spending time with her son, but in the end relented.

"You may, but be careful with him. Support his neck and head gently." instructed the new mother.

The Shodai was smiling from ear to ear. "My baby boy." he cooed, tickling his son's belly and then he looked down. "And what a boy!"



"Um, that's his umbilical cord." stated the doctor.

"Hm? Oh! Right, sorry bout that. I was just testing you guys." Hashirama chuckled awkwardly. "Hey little guy, I'm your daddy now."

The baby yawned in his face. Hashirama nearly lost it, that was the cutest thing he had ever seen!

The doctor smiled at the new family but then frowned. It seemed an important issue had not been resolved yet.

"What's his name going to be?" From his many years delivering children, the doctor knew exactly how this was going to turn out.

Without missing a beat, both parents answered simultaneously.

"Hashirama Jr."


'Yep, I knew it.' The doctor shook his head.

"Hashirama Jr? Really?" questioned Mito, giving him a look. "I've just given you an heir. There's no need to name him after yourself either. Let me have the name." The last part came out a bit forcefully.

The Shodai heard it but did not waver. "Boy, you Uzumaki sure do love your ramen. However, that doesn't justify naming him after a topping." countered Hashirama.

Neither was willing to back down on this.

Hashirama was confident he would win this, but then again did he ever. Looking up from his son's face and into Mito's, the blood drained from his own. He was as pale as a ghost. She was giving him something all men dreaded and shivered at the mere thought of.

'The look.'

A cold shiver ran from the bottom of his legs, up his spine, and out to the rest of his body. The hair on the nape of his neck was beginning to stand up. And so it was with a heavy sigh that the man known as Senju Hashirama had conceded defeat.

"Welcome to the family...Senju Naruto."

Mito's smile had never been bigger or brighter than it was at that very moment.

The doctor in the room had been treated to a very historic moment. He had literally watched as the mightiest shinobi in the world had been cowed into submission. He decided to tease the Kage by making whipping noise sounds.

Hashirama scowled at the doctor' insinuation. 'I am not whipped!'

Unfortunately, before he could justify his reasoning to the only other adult male in the room, he was interrupted.

"Senju Naruto it is then." said the doctor. "I'll leave the three of you alone to bond." He needed to write this on his birth certificate and get them a copy. "I'll be right back." The doctor was gone and Hashirama stood there, mouth agape.


"Naruto...Senju Naruto." tested out Mito. "Such a wonderful name." It just flowed from her mouth to her lips. "I can't wait till he's older. Then I can start teaching him the glory that are seals."

"Why don't we wait a bit on that particular discipline." said Hashirama. He wasn't in a hurry to start training in seals just yet. "Besides, he's going to have huge chakra reserves, and that means ninjutsu! That's all me baby!"

Once more they were at a stalemate, neither willing to back down on this subject. It was their son' future after all.

"How about we make him a well rounded shinobi?" proposed the Shodai, looking for a compromise.

Mito thought about it. That would work. "Agreed."

And so the first family was born.

One Month Later –

~Senju Compound~

A huge commotion had taken place in the two weeks after she had been released from the care of the hospital. It had been leaked by someone that she and Hashirama had a healthy baby boy. She had wished to celebrate within the confinements of her home, but seeing as the village now knew, there had been nothing she could have done. It had been a very joyous day.

She guessed some good did come from such an event.

Senju Tobirama, the man whom everyone thought would take the mantle of Kage from his brother once he retired, had smiled. Ever since she had first met the man, he wore a stoic expression. But once his eyes landed on his first nephew all bets were off.

Then there was her best friend, Senju Tōka. The woman was very similar to Tobirama in regards to their aloof expressions, but she melted once she saw and held Naruto. When she and Hashirama had been discussing their son's future training, the topic of genjutsu had been brought up along with one name and one name only. Tōka had worked herself to the bone to be where she was at today and was hailed as the greatest illusionist in the world. Even more so than some Uchiha's.

The new parents had even discussed the possibility of making her Naruto's godmother. They didn't really know a lot of people and while Tobirama would have also been a fine choice, the man would soon have to focus on other responsibilities. They would need to have a talk with her soon.

All of that was only within the first week of her and Naruto leaving the hospital and since then a full month had already passed. Though it was less exciting.

Mito and Naruto were currently housed in the Senju estate. She had been watching him sleep in his crib for a few minutes, but did not have a sweet smile plastered on her face. Instead it was one that held nothing but worry.

She hadn't noticed any problems when they were at the hospital nor when they had both been cleared to leave and return home. Everything had been going smoothly for them. She had slowly been regaining her strength, her husband was as chipper as ever, and Naruto had been fine.

It was only after a month that something had went wrong. She had fallen into a false sense of security, believing nothing wrong. His breathing had become shallow but it was still there. Her own heart-rate spiked and she had sent someone to fetch her husband. If anyone could help their son, it was him.

Everyone knew of Hashirama's skill in mortal combat, but what many of them didn't know was his skill in Iryō ninjutsu. He was so skilled medical techniques that he did not need to form hand-seals.

He had dropped all he was doing – much to the annoyance of his brother – and raced back home as soon as he had gotten the message. Entering his home and making his way upstairs and into their bedroom, he spotted his wife pacing back and forth.

Mito spotted him and immediately began to explain her worries. Soon, his own face took on one of worry as well. Channeling chakra into his hands, he swept them back and forth over Naruto's body.

He didn't like what he found. Reason being because he didn't know what it was he had found. He didn't like not knowing and felt he should in fact know this. He couldn't quite place his finger on it though. He tried harder.

While his glowing hands scanned once more, he gave Mito information on his findings so far, and then regretted doing so.

'Why?' It was the only thought consuming her mind. 'Why does this have to happen to a child only a month old? It just isn't fair!' she sobbed silently.

"Is there anything we can do for him?" she asked, pleading for him to say yes. "Anything that will help him."

Hashirama sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately no. I don't want to risk trying something without knowing what I'm dealing with and risk making it worse." he explained. "Especially since he's still an infant. His body is too young."

Her heart was breaking with every word he spoke, it was very close to shattering.

"Maybe you can put some seals-"

Mito's head snapped up. "That's it!" she knew what was wrong. "Its the seal. It must have leaked some of the Kyūbi's chakra into Naruto. We're dealing with demonic chakra poisoning."

The ravenette felt like kicking himself, he should have figured this out. He was one of the only people in the world who had spent time around the Bijū and their chakra. He should be an expert in this stuff.

"Then you can place a seal on him to either counteract the poison or possibly help him absorb the chakra making it his own?"

She nodded. "I can make a seal like that, but it won't cure the poisoning right away."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, it will take time for the demonic chakra to fully integrate into him. However, at the rate it would happen, the poison will have killed him already." That just sounded horrible coming out of her mouth.

Hashirama looked at her seriously. "Then perhaps I can help with that."


"Mokuton chakra." he stated. "If I can use it to subdue Bijū and their enormous chakra, then I should be able to do it inside of him." he explained, and then frowned. "But I don't want to risk flooding his coils and end up crippling him..."

They were in a tough spot. On one hand, adding his chakra would help indubitably since it would either suppress it long enough to create a seal, or if they were lucky completely cleanse it. On the other hand, it could also potentially ruin him for life if they make even the slightest miscalculation.

"What if I apply multiple seals on him." she started. "Mixing your chakra with the Bijū's."

Hashirama understood seals but this just went over his head. "How would this work?"

"Before I answer, answer me this. Just how much demonic chakra does he have?"

"Give me a moment."

Now that he knew what he was looking for, he re-scanned his son. He sighed.

"Quite a bit, Mito. Enough to kill over a hundred people." Mito knew it wasn't an exaggeration since even a tiny amount of Bijū chakra was lethal. "He's lucky to have been born between the union of our two clans. He may have not made it otherwise."

Mito once more knew he spoke the truth. The Uzumaki and Senju clans have always had sturdy bodies with enormous chakra reserves. It's what's allowed them to not only live so long, but survive most injuries others would have died from.

"Okay, so he has enough to kill fully grown adults. Now, as I stated earlier, what if I apply multiple seals on him."

Hashirama was getting a bit irritated, which didn't happen often. "And I ask you again, what would they do?"

"I create a seal that absorbs your specific chakra and then I place that same seal on Naruto and allow it to slowly administer your chakra into him." she explained. "I'll also help with this." she stated, determined to help. Her own chakra should help to either expel the Bijū's influence or help her son adjust to it, after all, she was fine and she had the entirety of the monster inside of her.

"Okay, that solves one problem."

"I'll also apply something else that will obstruct the demonic chakra so yours can work faster."

"Very good." he sighed, then frowned. "Now comes the hard question. How long until these seals are created?" Judging by what he heard these seals could do, they sounded extremely complicated. "I know you're the best at what you do, but our son might not have that kind of time."

He really hated when the logical side of his brain took over and ran his mouth. He watched as his wife visibly deflated once she heard him.

"How long does he have?" she mumbled quietly.

"I...I'm honestly not sure." he admitted. "Demonic chakra is vastly different from a disease. In most cases, diseases have patterns to which you administer medication, but this demonic poisoning is different, it's unpredictable."

Mito sighed and rose up with a determined look in her eyes. "Then I will have to get to work now. I'm going into my workshop and I might not be out for a few days."

Hashirama looked ready to protest but shut his mouth. The look in her eyes, he had seen it once before when she sealed the Kyūbi into herself. When she was determined, she got things done.

"Make sure you get this done, Mito."

Mito nodded, she didn't need him telling her. She knew what was at stake. "I will, don't worry."

Patience – it was a virtue people, not just shinobi, should practice. If he didn't have any, then Hashirama would have gone crazy already waiting for Mito to come out. It had been three days since she had left, and he was there for all of them. He never left his son, he was with him at all times.

His brother had come to see him, telling him he needed to return to work, but once the stoic man found out his reason, the man simply left and went to complete the work himself. He knew his brother had a hard time expressing himself, but he had seen the worry in his eyes for his son.

'Perhaps I should give the hat to Tobirama already?' It was certainly a thought. If he did then he could spend all of his time with his family.

Speaking of family, another of his had also come to see what was wrong. Tōka was his favorite cousin when they were growing up, even though she picked on him sometimes. She had even proclaimed she was going to marry him when they got older. He sighed, those were somewhat simpler times. Aside from the constant fighting, it was wake up, eat, train, eat, and then sleep. That was what most days consisted.

After the two had left, he had to swear them to secrecy. He did not want information about his son getting out. He knew he could trust the two of them, they were family after all. If you couldn't trust family, then who could you trust.

Sitting in place, keeping his eyes on the door that led to the workshop, his patience was finally rewarded when the door creaked open. Mito came staggering out of the room, not looking her best. Her hair was a mess, having lost it's usual shine, and dark circles rested underneath her eyes. Her skin looked clammy while she also appeared to have gotten thinner, but none of that mattered to him. She was still the same woman he had married all those years ago.

He steadied her, helping her sit down.

"What did you come up with?" He got right to the point.

Mito took a minute to compose herself. "I have come up with something that will give him all the time he needs-"

"That's great!" exclaimed the Shodai. "How did-"

"You didn't let me finish." bit out Mito, angry. She was tired and hated being interrupted. "There is a drawback. Not for him, but for us." she muttered the last part.

"I'm afraid I don't follow? How exactly is it bad for us?"

"This seal..." she started. "It's unlike anything I've ever created or seen. It will put him in a state of suspended animation. Once he goes under, our time as a family is over." The full weight behind her words hit Hashirama in the gut. They wouldn't be able to hold him, feed him, raise him, train him, or do anything other families can.

'Life is a bitch.' He cursed inwardly, holding back his tears. 'We gained some form of hope only to lose something else in return.'

The Senju patriarch took a deep breath, stopping his shaking. "If he goes under, then how do you plan to place the other seals on him?" he quietly asked. She showed him a design she had which resembled a bubble of sorts on top of his crib.

"Anyone can access it." She didn't want to run the risk of either herself or Hashirama not being able to get to him one day and it costing them. So she designed it so others could help as well, if they were needed. "Everything but the poison and our chakra will stop once the seal is applied. However, once it's opened then the flow of time will resume once more which will allow me to apply other seals."

"I see." Hashirama had grasped the concept. "Do we need to put him under immediately?"

"Yes. You said so yourself, we don't know how long he has."

This was the biggest decision of their lives, but one they already had an answer to. They would rather have their child live and prosper without ever knowing or meeting them, rather than have him die early so they could bury him.

'Parent's should never have to bury their children.' thought Hashirama, looking at his son. 'It was the whole point of this village.'

"Mito." She turned to look at her husband, who had a serious expression on his face. "I want you to do something for me."


He leaned in closer to her and whispered his idea to her. Mito's own eyes lit up. "We'll both do it together." he nodded to her.

They began to prepare everything they would need for the sealing.

"Mokuton: Bebi Beddo(Baby Bed)"

A small bed made of wood rose up and waited patiently for it's new owner. The two parents tucked blanket after blanket inside of the bed, making sure it was as comfortable as humanly possible. Before Mito placed Naruto inside, Hashirama stopped her.

"Wait. I want to give him something." He took off his crystal gem and hung it around Naruto's neck.

Mito smiled at the gesture and he nodded to her. It was time. She did her hand-seals, applied her chakra and watched her work come to life.

"Teishisuru Supiritto(Suspended Animation)"

They both silently watched as a glass dome appeared over the makeshift bed. Naruto's chest had began to slow until it stopped completely. Time had stopped within the dome.


Mito released a heavy sigh as she had sealed the dome. "I better get to work on the next couple of seals."

Neither said anything to the other, both just stood there quietly watching their son. It was going to be hard in the coming years.

Two Years Later –

In the two years that had passed since the initial sealing, much had happened. Mito had retired from active duty, choosing to watch over her son while Hashirama himself was close to retirement as well.


Both Mito and Hashirama stood shoulder to shoulder, silently watching their son again.

"I'm going to open it." said Mito. She had a few seals in her hand.

Hashirama nodded.

Once the dome opened, Naruto's little chest began to rise up and down again. Both parents stiffened, this was extremely hard on the both of them. Here was their son, so close yet still out of reach. How easily they could just pick him up, but if they did that then it would be very hard to put him back.

Mito didn't even want to think about this, her resolve weakening by the second. She placed the first seal on him.

"Kijinno Yōkusei(Demonic Suppression)"

They watched the seal do it's job.


"The first seal is applied."

She pulled out the next one and place it on Naruto.

"Hakke no Fūin Shiki(Eight Trigrams Sealing Style)"

Mito placed the seal in the middle of his stomach since this would help them in the future for what they had planned. Right now though, it would help distribute the chakra from herself and Hashirama.


The seal began to steam a bit as it settled onto his stomach.

"Chakura Norikae(Chakra Transfer)"

She applied the last seal which gave him small dosages of their own chakra. Hopefully this would help him. All they could do now was wait.

~Flashback End~

Three Years Later –

Significant changes had occurred within the first family of Konoha. Hashirama and Mito had been blessed with two more children; a boy and a girl. Both of whom were now three years old. Mito had not made the same mistake with these two that she did with her first born. She would not go through that pain one more time.

Nothing had really changed with Naruto's own situation. They gave him regular check-ups to see how progress was moving, it was slow but it was getting there. The family of four would visit him everyday for a few hours and just talk to him, even if he never responded.

Their other children were a bit frightened that their older brother was in a strange contraption. They had even cried for him. Which was something only she and Hashirama ever did.

Hashirama had stepped down as Hokage and passed the mantle to his brother, Tobirama. When he wasn't spending time with his family, he would spend it with the team of genin the Nidaime Hokage had recently taken charge of. Or more precisely one of the genin – Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Even she could see the talent the youngster had, especially since his own father was a legend in his own right. Who hadn't heard the name of Sarutobi Sasuke.

While her husband did that, she took to raising her children as respectable citizens of the village while placing more seals on Naruto. She had even placed some atop the dome itself. Most of the seals on him were going to be things that would help him survive out in the world if worst ever came to worst, which in their world was a very real possibility.

Fifteen Years Later –

The past fifteen years had it's high and low points.

Hashirama had lived to the age of fifty when many from his generation didn't live past thirty. So it was a major accomplishment. Plus, he'd spent the majority of his time with his family. But then tragedy struck.

Their daughter, she had been killed on a mission. They had read the mission report, it said she had died saving the life of another. The entire village mourned her death, none more so than the family. They had been proud of her, there was no denying that, they just wished it had been in another form.

It took time to recover from that. All they had was their two sons left, one of whom was still trying to recover. But that wasn't the end of their family's suffering. Senju Tōka, their friend and family had gone missing. The entire village had been on the lookout for the kunoichi but after a few years it was proving fruitless. Tōka had been in the prime of her life, only at thirty, she was hailed as one of the strongest warriors to have walked the earth.

However, with parts of their family missing or having passed on, there had been some good. Another addition in fact. After a few years had passed, the village celebrated the birth of Senju Tsunade. Her birth had eased the pain of losing their other family. It had been joyous for everyone, but none more so than for Mito and Hashirama. When they had been in the hospital and she had been released, it was exactly like the first day they had brought each of their children home.

Unfortunately, when new life blooms another's is taken away. Hashirama had passed on only three years into Tsunade' life. No one had seen it coming, least of all Mito. The man had been so full of life that he didn't appear to stop anytime soon. Then again, his only daughter was deceased, and his first born was in a coma-like state.

Things spiraled further out of control when war broke out. It was nothing but chaos out there and it only got worse when Konoha lost it's Nidaime to the Kinkaku force of Kumogakure. Tobirama had died protecting his comrades and in the time Mito knew the man, she knew he would have done so again, in a heartbeat.

The man had died without an heir. The Senju line had slowly been dwindling down over the years with more and more of them dying every day. With the rate of death, the clan would be wiped out in a matter of years, leaving only a handful of them left.

Her husband would be saddened by the loss of his kinsmen, but be proud that one of the people he taught had taken the mantle of Kage. Sarutobi Hiruzen, the genin that had been taught by Hashirama had been chosen as the Sandaime Hokage. So in a way, not only was Hashirama's will living on through him, but so was Tobirama's, and the Senju clan'.

The war itself had lasted a few years before all of the major villages and countries had agreed to an armistice treaty, but only after all of them had suffered greatly.

Twenty Years Later –

Mito couldn't believe how fast time had flown by. It had only seemed like yesterday she was taking care of her family with Hashirama, and yet it's been twenty years. She had grown stoic over the years, numb even, when word of her other son dying in service of the village got to her.

He had died in the beginning of the second world war between the villages, but she only really started to become a recluse when another family member died. It was her second grandchild; Nawaki. He had died far too young, his life snuffed out before it should have. She only went out when she needed to but mostly stayed with the one child who was still alive and needed her.

Another thing that worried her to no end was her granddaughter. Tsunade had been fighting on the frontlines alongside her two teammates, and it seemed she had inherited her grandfather's skills in medical ninjutsu. Nothing but good things were said about her by her peers and enemies alike. Even the strongest shinobi of this generation said the same. She believed his name was Sanshōuo no Hanzō.

Unfortunately, while there had been some good and bad, there were times when things got worse.

Uzushiogakure, her home, it had been destroyed. Her clan had been scattered while some of it's members had been killed. Those who had made it out were lost to the world, never to resurface in fear of certain death. That had been a dark day for her personally, but it was because of this that she was no longer the only Uzumaki in Konoha.

Uzumaki Kushina.

Mito was kind to the girl, but she did not sugarcoat things for her either. She had been honest with the girl. There had been an arrangement made between Uzu and Konoha beforehand. Kushina was to take the Kyūbi from her before she died. It wouldn't be for a few years but it was those years she needed to get her ready.

She was also regretting never letting any others know what happened to Naruto. She was sure others would have stepped up to watch over him, but now it had been too late. All she had were two options.

They were great options and she trusted them completely, and they were both strong. Tsunade and Hiruzen. She knew her granddaughter had been hurting since losing her brother and lover, but she needed to know she still had family left. Together, with the greatest medic-nin the world has ever seen and the new God of Shinobi, her son would be in capable hands.

Fifteen Years Later –

In her waning days, Mito did nothing but stay by Naruto's side, all the while still applying seals that would help him. She had finally passed on to join her husband and the rest of her family, passing the Bijū onto Kushina.

It was about six years after her passing that the third world war had erupted. This time between Konoha and Iwa and it had ended in Konoha's favor. It was also at the end of this war that Sarutobi Hiruzen, a man who's led his village through three wars had finally stepped down and passed the mantle of Hokage on.

His name was Namikaze Minato, and he was the Yondaime Hokage. It had been through this man's efforts that the war had taken a drastic change. Not only was his mind extremely sharp, but so were his instincts in battle. It was through his decimation of an Iwa platoon in under five seconds that had catapulted him into the leading man for office.

He was not the only factor in Konoha reigning triumphant. No, Kushina and Tsunade had also played roles as well. Kushina was there on the frontlines alongside Minato, using her own special brand of ninjutsu; Chakra Chains.

Tsunade on the other hand was manning the hospital with an iron fist. She had since overcome her fear of blood when she had talked with her grandmother in her final days, putting things into perspective for the new head of the Senju clan. Plus, she still had family left to take care of.

Hiruzen was of like mind with his student. It was part of the reason he had decided to step down so he could watch over Naruto with Tsunade. He would give it his all to make sure the legacy of his sensei was preserved until the day he awoke.

Five Years Later –

~October 10th~

Everything had been going great in the village known as Konoha. Children were happily smiling while their parents held onto them, walking through the village at night while they headed home. The shinobi and kunoichi were all still moving even at this hour, looking to get a mission or report on of their success or failures.

There was a nice feeling spreading throughout the village, but it paled in comparison to what the Yondaime and his wife were going through. Today was the day their child would be born.

Nothing could ruin the day for Minato and Kushina, absolutely nothing.

Minato was a wreck. His wife had gone into labor only a few hours ago and it proved to be the tipping point when shit hit the fan. Someone had somehow managed to get past all of the Anbu stationed not only outside the village, but those inside of it. Snuck past the barriers and into the cave. However, the worst part was when the madman had taken his child hostage. Never had he wanted to tear a man apart so badly.

The Yondaime was a smart man. He knew the man would kill his child should he not cooperate but he also knew he was there for a reason. If he had wanted to attack the village then he would have done so, any random location would have sufficed. No, the attack was too precise for him to hit the cave of sealing.

The assailant was here for the Kyūbi.

It was horrible of him to think this, but the immediate safety of his child came before his wife. Especially when he knew how the ensuing fight would be. If he was right, then his child' life was very important.

Having rescued his child, he left the area via his Hiraishin. Placing his child into the bed of his safe house, he set back out to get his wife, but he froze. All of his muscles had tensed, his fight-or-flight instincts were going haywire.

He wasn't the only person to feel this way, the entire village felt it. All the hate and malice of the world given form. A force of nature was on their doorstep, and they were directly in it's path.

Minato's mind began to move at a mile-a-minute. Thinking of all the possibilities. The Bijū was a threat, but the bigger threat was the man who had released it, he needed to be dealt with first. That was his job. His shinobi and kunoichi would have to wait for his presence as he knew they were meeting the Bijū on the frontlines along with a few other key people.

He knew Tsunade would have her hands full with the hospital, keeping the death toll down as much as she could while patching up others. She was in no position to head to the frontlines to offer support. He moved onto someone else.

Kushina was out of the question. As was his own sensei Jiraiya, the man wasn't even in the country.

That left the previous Hokage, Hiruzen. He knew the man was already down there fighting side by side with the others. He alone would have to suffice until he made his way over there. He vanished.

Minato was panting lightly. He was being led on a wild goose chase, but at least his wife and newborn son were safe. He had found Kushina propped up on a pillar as the seal on her stomach was gone. He had found the man lounging around when they had begun their fight.

The two were leaving nothing but destruction in their wake as they kept switching from location to location. Their newest battleground happened to be the Senju clan compound. It was mostly deserted all save for a house or two; both belonging to Tsunade.

The Yondaime and the madman were fighting in the compound when Minato had finally gotten a good hit in on the man, forcing him to retreat in the shadows. About to give chase, he stopped when something caught his eye.

'What the hell?!'

It was a wooden pod of some sort, but what really grabbed his attention was the baby being held inside of it. Only adding to the mystery were the numerous amount of seals placed around the pod and on the child itself.

'Why is there a child here of all places?' He wondered if Tsunade knew about this. 'Regardless of whether she knows or not, I can't leave him here.'

He placed his hand on the pod and vanished, only to reappear back in his safe house. His wife, his own child, and this new one would be safe together. There was however a surprise there waiting for him.

"Minato!" Kushina jumped into his arms. "What the hell is going on? How long was I out?!"

Not having much time to share the entire story of what she'd missed, he gave her a quick summary. The crimson haired Uzumaki was shocked when she heard where her husband had found the baby and the wooden pod. She also couldn't lie to herself, despite the situation being bad, she was intrigued by the seals, who or why would someone put so many seals on a child?

Kushina turned her attention back to her husband. "So what are we going to do?"

Minato was surprised she wanted to help after what she had been through; she had guts. Then again, what Uzumaki didn't. He began to fill her in on what he was planning while they both unconsciously traced their fingers over two different seals.

As he continued, the top of the pod suddenly burst off, taking them both by surprise. Settling their hearts down, they looked in on the small child and watched in fascination as a seal began to spread over his body.

"Kinfūinjutsu: Saishō Shūnkan(Forbidden Sealing Technique: First Moment)"

No one had heard the voice save for one person. Minato and Kushina both looked on as the complicated seal covered him from head to toe. Both had noticed a small number appear on the child' right arm, it was counting upwards.

Minato's head snapped up when he felt the small jolt of chakra rising just outside of his home.

"Kushina!" He got her attention. "Grab our son!" She did not need to be told twice as she took hold of her child while he grabbed onto the wooden pod of the other baby. The house exploded in a fiery mess.

The group of four landed outside.

Kushina glared at the man with all the hate she could muster when something else caught her eye. One of the seals was finished.

'I wonder what it's going to do?' She hoped it wasn't anything bad, since they didn't need anymore of that.

"Why don't we invite my pet to play with us~." said the madman, calling the Bijū in their direction.

Before Minato could respond, a humongous pressure slammed into him, Kushina, and the madman, easily bringing them to their knees.

'Whose chakra is this!?'

As soon as the pressure came, it vanished. In it's place stood a figure, a woman by her outline. She hadn't moved an inch, though they could tell even she was affected by the Kyūbi once she had seen it.

Minato had leaned in as close as he could to get a better view of just who this person was, and his mouth hit the floor.

'B-But how is she here!? She went missing over fifty years ago!'

"Hm, so this is the future." She looked around and spotted three people on the ground. "I'm not impressed." Once she has spotted the three and the two children, she knew exactly what was going on.

Kushina saw Minato's shocked face. "Hey, do you know who she is?"

"...Her name is Senju Tōka; the world's greatest illusionist." Of course he knew who she was. He had read up on every famous shinobi and kunoichi in history. Both good and bad. The woman who stood before him was up there with Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade as some of the most powerful people in the world.

Kushina and the madman were both shocked silent. "Oh?" Tōka gave him an amused smile. "To think people still remember my name."

Minato had no time to answer her as the madman had suddenly reappeared behind him and began to use a vortex to suck him inside some hole. He quickly used his flying thunder god to escape.

Tōka narrowed her eyes at the two men. The blonde one was using a bastardized version of Tobirama's technique while the other had some of the foulest chakra she had ever felt. She was no sensor on the level of either Tobirama or Hashirama, but she knew what Uchiha chakra felt like to a tee.

Her attention was suddenly turned to the giant fox coming straight at her and the woman whom she assumed to be Uzumaki. She looked from the two of them to the wooden bed which held a part of her family.

Tōka had been asked a long time ago by both Mito and Hashirama if she was willing to take on a very very long term mission for them. She had accepted, was sealed away with Naruto, and here she was today to guide the future of the Senju clan.


The Senju kunoichi had caught the numbers going up and stopping suddenly. If what she had been told was correct, then she wasn't needed to help stop the Kyūbi. Instead she would help the man fight the hidden Uchiha.

Before she went to look for the two combatants, a massive spike of chakra came crashing down upon the entirety of the village. Even more so than what Tōka had just displayed. It was like a tidal wave, but unlike the giant kitsune, this chakra felt warm.

Tōka was impressed with what she felt. It was definitely much more than her own and was just slightly below Mito's. She vanished after having gotten a look at Naruto fully.

Kushina had to shield her eyes from the enormous output as even the mighty Kyūbi stopped momentarily to see what blocked it's path. Slowly putting her hand down, her own mouth hit the floor as her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. She couldn't believe who was standing in front of her.

Standing before her was a man whose power was so vast, his skill so legendary that people today believe him to be myth. A man who was hailed as one of the strongest warriors to ever walk the earth. It was the Shodai Hokage, Senju Hashirama.

It was strange though. From what she remembered the man should be in his seventies or eighties. Yet the man standing in front of her looked no older than twenty.

He just stood there.

'What is he doing just standing there?!' Kushina watched as the Kyūbi resumed it's trek.

"Where...am...I?" His words came out muffled.

Now that had caught her attention. 'Why is he speaking like that? Is he not Senju Hashirama?'

The young man had finally noticed the giant monster in front of him, heading right for him. He began to cry as he put himself in the fetal position, rocking himself back and forth.

'You need to fight son!'urged a voice inside of his head.

"Who...is...there?" He looked at the red-headed woman, who was giving him a confused glance, wondering why he had spoken out loud. After he had looked away from her and towards the monster did the surroundings become warped.


No longer was he outside, but in a place that was dark. He would have been scared, but he was not alone, there were two people in the dark with him.

The first person looked a lot like himself while the lady next to him looked like the other red-headed woman.

"Hello there Naruto, we're your parents." spoke the man.

The word was foreign to him, having never heard it before. For some unexplained reason he began to cry once more. The other two saw this and immediately moved in closer, giving him a deep hug.

"It seems you take after your father already." joked the woman. Naruto wondered what she meant.

"Stop lying, I didn't cry a lot." pouted the man.

Naruto had calmed down a bit, even chuckled a bit at the two. They suddenly became serious.

"We're so sorry we had to leave you all alone, Naruto." They both apologized. "We're going to make it up to you, we swear!" said the woman.

"I'm your father, Senju Hashirama."

"And I'm your mother, Uzumaki Mito."

"Mother...Father..." replied Naruto, testing out the words. Mito nodded to herself, pleased her seals were working if his understanding them so quickly was any indication.

"We are chakra constructs of your parents. With us being here, we can be the family we were always meant to be." explained Mito.

"While we are here, we are going to teach you all we know." said Hashirama. "But for now, you need to go back and protect your home." Naruto was thrust out of his mindscape.

~Real World~

Just like that he was back outside in the real world with only a second having gone by. A seal located on his forehead allowed him to comprehend just how much time had been passing as it increased his brain activity as well as motor functions. Though what it didn't do was give him confidence in fighting the giant Bijū.

'You can do it, Naruto!'

His mother and father were trying to reassure him, telling him they believed in him. Naruto still wasn't sure.

'Just follow my instructions and everything will be okay. I know you have the power to stop him.'

Naruto listened to his father and nodded.

The giant kitsune was getting closer and closer when it took notice of the human barring it' s path. No matter, it would wipe out it's existence. The fox began to gather an enormous amount of chakra near it's mouth.

Kushina, along with the rest of the village, could only look on in horror as they knew exactly what was going to be hurdled at them.

The Kyūbi shot it's attack. Meanwhile, Naruto followed his father' instructions once more.

"Kuchiyose: Gojū Rashōmon(Quintuple Rashōmon)!"

Five gates rose up simultaneously from the ground, ready to challenge the tailed-beast ball. The power behind the attack was vast, but not enough to break through all of the gates. The village had been spared, for the moment.

'Good job, Naruto!' praised Hashirama. 'Now let's begin our counterattack!' Naruto nodded his head and weaved the hand-seals that appeared in his head.

"Mokuton: Hotei no Jutsu(Laughing Buddha Technique)!"

Tōka –

It seems she was spot on in her assumption. She did not need to worry about Naruto as the seals were doing their jobs. Although she was a bit surprised to see he could use Mokuton.

She had been lurking in the shadows for a few seconds, silently watching the two men fighting atop the Hokage monument. Which she was glad still existed till this day. She was watching, waiting for an opportunity to strike the rogue Uchiha down. Fondling a kunai and a special smoke bomb in her two hands, she pounced.

Her first strike would have been her last as she looked to sever his jugular, but much to her shock phased right through the man. That was the first time she had ever seen such a technique in her life. The blonde one appeared directly behind him slamming a bright orb into the man's back and his other hand touching his shoulder.

Tōka heard a roar and could see the Sharingan leaving the Bijū's eyes, though they still looked angered. Seeing the enemy getting up, she quickly threw her special smoke bomb directly into his face and detonated it before he could stop it.

The reason this little bomb was special was because it was laced with a special drug. When she couldn't trap her opponents within her illusions, she resorted to using deception into beating her opponents. They always thought it was a regular smoke bomb.

The drug she had put into this particular bomb was called cannabis. If regulated in small amounts it acted as a relaxing stimulant, but if taken in much larger doses it gives the user hallucinations.

She heard the man coughing like crazy slowly watching as his chest began to rise faster and faster. The drug had taken hold of him. No doubt his heart-rate had sped up exponentially. She shot forward to end this man's life.


Both Tōka and Minato heard the man suddenly shout his loudest before he started to get sucked into a vortex. Seeing her opportunity to kill him dwindling further and further, the Senju kunoichi lashed out with her kunai, severing the man's wrist.

They could both hear his screams as his voice faded away. Both looked to one another, neither sparing the other any words as they silently watched the circling wooden hands.

Naruto and Kushina –

Kushina was still in a bit of shock and awe, seeing something she never thought she would ever see being wielded again. She continued to watch as more wooden hands emerged from the ground as they continued to hold down the angry fox. It seemed though that his anger was powering him even further as the Bijū began to stand on it's legs, cracking the wood in the process.

She didn't know if this was because this man wasn't Hashirama or his Mokuton just wasn't strong enough yet. Either way, she needed to help.

Golden chains shot out of her body and began to wrap themselves around the Kyūbi, providing more support to the Hashirama look-a-like.

"Whatever you're going to do then do it, ttebane!" She could hold him, but she was still tired from her previous endeavors.

'It's best not to keep a lady waiting, Naruto.' lectured Mito, glad that Kushina was still alive and strong in the future.

Naruto nodded. 'Father, are you sure I can do this?'

Hashirama nodded inside of Naruto's head. 'I'm positive. The seal was designed to give you power and control specific to your age in the future.'

"But remember that it's only temporary.' reminded Mito. 'Once the seal wears off, both your power and control will be gone.'

'Yeah, what your mother said. So get to it.'

Naruto nodded his head as he watched the blonde man and the other lady land next to the red haired lady. He could tell his parent's were looking at the other woman in relief.

'We're just glad she made it.'

He shrugged and weaved his hand-seals.

"Hokage-Shiki Jijun Jutsu—Kakuen Nitten Suishu(Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique—Enclosed Hermitage Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands)!"

Naruto shot off like a rocket, racing towards the struggling Bijū. As he got closer, he began to raise his hand into an open palm. Written on his palm was the word "sit", and once he was right next to the fox, he touched the beast and jumped back.

"Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu(Wood Human Technique)!"

The crystal gem around Naruto's neck corresponded with his chakra as a giant wooden humanoid figure coiled itself around the Kyūbi. Slowly draining it of it's chakra.

Kushina had no clue what the man was doing, Minato and Tōka however did. Minato had only read about it in books or firsthand stories from shinobi or kunoichi who had lived during that era. Tōka had seen Hashirama use the technique when he had detained the first eight Bijū.

Seeing as the threat was neutralized, Minato rushed over to his wife as she recalled her chains back inside of her.

"Are you alright?" She smiled at his concern. "How's the child?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Kushina kissed him. "But what are we going to do about the Kyūbi?" she asked. "I can always reseal it inside of myself." offered the crimson haired beauty.

"No." The blonde shot down her offer immediately. "We are going to seal it, but into our son Arashi."

"No!" Kushina screamed. "You don't know how tough life is for a jinchūriki. Why are you going to condemn our own flesh and blood to a life like that?" She knew the villagers would never know, but it was still stressful knowing you house a Bijū of mass hatred. If the person couldn't handle it mentally then they would most likely kill themselves.

"I believe he will one day learn how to use it's power, and I trust no one else to do this."

Kushina was disappointed in him. "Then how would you suggest even doing it?"

"I'm going to use the eight trigrams seal along with the dead demon consuming seal."

"NO! You can't do that!" wailed the lone Uzumaki. "If you do, then you forfeit your life."

Before he could explain his reasoning, the group was joined by another.

"I'm afraid I agree with Kushina on this one, Minato." said Hiruzen, finally making his appearance.

Minato felt exasperated. He knew why they didn't want him doing this, but was it not a Hokage' duty to protect the village and her people at any cost?

"Not you as well, Hiruzen."

"Yes me as well. You don't have to do this, you're still in your prime and you have a family to take care of." He had heard what happened in the cave of sealing, his wife being one of the first to die. "The village needs you more than it does me. I will do the technique, so please allow an old man one last chance to protect his home and friends."

Minato strongly wanted to argue his point, but slowly found his resolve weakening the longer he was with his family. "Very well then. How are we going to split the Kyūbi's chakra then? Its far too much for a single infant."

"I believe I can help with that." said Naruto. He had just recently had a conversation with his parents and they provided him with a solution that had no one dying.

A few seconds ago –


Naruto was standing in front of his parent's.

"Okay, from what I heard I know what they're going to do." said Mito. "But we're not going to allow anyone to die today." Mito disagreed with this Minato person' theory that a person couldn't seal the entirety of the Kyūbi, she had done it.

"How are we going to do that?" questioned Naruto. Not really understanding sealing and deciding to follow his mother on this one.

"I'm going to give you the knowledge of the seal I used years ago to seal the Kyūbi, and you're going to seal it inside of yourself." explained Mito. "While Kushina's son is part Uzumaki, you are as well but you are also part Senju and you have Mokuton."

When she and Hashirama had been sealed inside of him all those years ago, they had felt it lying dormant. The chakra from Hashirama had only strengthened it.

"With that done, I am now going to explain just how the next coming years are going to go."

Naruto said nothing and just listened.

"We are going to train you inside of your mindscape, but it's going to be up to you to practice what we teach you outside of here." said Hashirama. "Tōka knows about us so she knows to always watch you as you train, to make sure you don't get overwhelmed. She is also going to be in charge of your physical training along with a few other disciplines."


"Go ahead."

"Once the seal wears off and I return back to normal, won't I lose the ability to think clearly?" asked the younger ravenette.

"Not so." answered Mito. "Once that seal wears off then yes, your body will return to it's base state, but it doesn't mean the seal on your forehead will as well."


"Yeah, oh, by the time you reach adulthood, you will have more knowledge and power than most of the Kage's." The reason they were going to start teaching him so early was because of the man that had escaped. Hashirama knew of only one man who could control the Kyūbi, but he wasn't positive if it was the man or if he was just being paranoid.

"When do we start?"

"In a few years." It was all Mito said. "Now go back outside and inform them of the plan."

~Real World~

"And just how would you be able to help, young man?" questioned Hiruzen. He had to stop himself from gaping at the resemblance of the man to his sensei. He already knew who the man was. They didn't call him the professor for nothing. He even knew who the stoic female next to Kushina was as well.

'I wonder how Tsunade is going to react to this? She now has two new family members.'

"Simple. The seal allowing me to stay in this form will soon wear out, and I will return to my base state as an infant." Naruto suddenly ran through hand-seals.

"Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu(Wood Clone Technique)!"

A wooden clone sprouted out from underneath the ground and stood next to it's creator.

"Once I turn back into an infant, this clone will only have a few seconds before it vanishes to seal the entirety of the Bijū inside of me."

"WHAT!?"shouted Minato, Kushina, and Hiruzen.

Naruto held his hand up, silencing them. "I am part Uzumaki and part Senju. My body would be more suited for this task." he explained. "Plus, I also have the Mokuton which will help me." He turned to Minato and Kushina. "Your son would only be able to hold one half of the Kyūbi along with someone having to die to seal it. My solution requires no deaths."

"Just how do you even know this?" Hiruzen had a hard time believing the youngster had such knowledge of seals, even with his mother being Mito.

"My mother left me information on the seal. It's the same one she used all those years ago at the Valley of the End." Everyone, minus Tōka's, breath hitched when they heard of the historic battleground. To think they would see something everyone thought was lost to time. Tōka merely smirked, though she hid it well, when she heard Naruto's answer.

All of their gazes lingered on him before reluctantly agreeing to his plan. "Very well then. But please be careful-"

It was at that moment that Naruto began to shrink back down. Everyone was stunned at his sudden transformation that only Tōka reacted in time to catch him. She glared at the other three who were closer to him for not reacting in time.

They all looked at the child in confusion. "I thought he was supposed to be an infant?" asked Kushina, looking at Naruto. In front of them was a child who looked no older than three.

Tōka knew that it must have been the seal that he had used in his fight to advance his age. She had read that it was forbidden for a reason, this was just one half of the backlash.

The wooden clone took this opportunity to preform its role before it vanished.

"Fūinjutsu: Genryū Kyūfūjin(Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals)!"

The clone placed it's hand atop of the eight trigrams seal as nine ethereal strings shot from it's fingers, going towards the Kyūbi. The closer the strings got the more they began to resemble dragons that soon enveloped the entire Bijū.

When Mito had preformed this technique, it had been a painful experience for not only her but for the Bijū as well. She did not have the natural defense her son did, and it was because of that defense that the fox wasn't roaring out in pain.

Tōka watched in silence as the clone had vanished, it's job complete. She got up and cast an illusion around the area so no one would interfere or see just what was happening.

"Magen: Sanjū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu(Demonic Illusion: Triple False Surroundings Technique)!"

After the illusion was in place, she gave the remaining three adults a stern look.

"This sealing is going to stay between the four of us-"

"But what about Tsunade?!"

Tōka glared at Hiruzen for interrupting her.

"As I was saying, this sealing is going to stay between the four of us, it's never going to reach the ears of another. Our presence will cause an uproar so until I have more information then Naruto and myself will remain hidden."

Kushina hummed at the name of the child, it was very nice. "You can stay with us!" The Senju home was in no shape to be lived in, plus with Minato being Hokage no one would try anything.

The Senju kunoichi gave the other woman a dull look, but was indeed very grateful for the hospitality she was being shown. The blonde one had also nodded his head.

"Thank you." mumbled Tōka.

"Your welcome, and if you don't mind, can you shed some light on who the two of you are?" asked Kushina. Tōka was dumbfounded that the woman would offer up her home when in fact she didn't know who she was. Normally she would have just ignored the question since she wasn't used to giving out such information, but then she remembered this wasn't her time nor was she dealing with a normal human being.

'She's definitely an Uzumaki.'

"I suppose I must if I am to understand my own situation as well." She would give what she felt was adequate and nothing more.

The four began to talk about past and current events all the while waiting for the seal to finish it's work on Naruto.

And there you go. As I stated before the first and second chapter are NOT Mine as they belong to Assassin of War himself/herself while I am just going to repost them on my profile. However there will be several differences from his/her story. For one I will not have Minato, Kushina, Toka, Tsunade, Naruto all have the spotlight like what I saw when I first read the story. The bad guys will have their moments as well so don't worry. REVIEW