English version


One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda

Chapter I


ONE DAY in Amazon Lily.

"Arrrrghhhhh!" shouted a woman as she figured out a large toad flying toward her. Could not dodge, now the toad sticks on her sexy breast.

"T-Toad..." said the woman and passed out.


"KYAAAA~! Sweet Pea, are you okay?" Aphelandra shook Sweet Pea's body.

"T-Toad... i-hate... to—" Sweet Pea stuttered then passed out—again.

"Ahahahak! Ahahahak~!" There was a cheerful laughter outside the window.

"Axel-kun?" Aphelandra mumbled.

Elsewhere, a raven-haired boy was still laughing merrily, remembered the incident at Sweet Pea's house. Yupp! That boy was the mastermind behind 'the flying toad tragedy' that befell Sweet Pea. It's not the first time he did a mischievous thing. Almost all of the villagers ever got his pranks. That's why he nicknamed the troublemaker. But considering who the boy's mom is, no one would dare admonish him.

"MOM!" Axel jumped into his mother's arm.

Hancock stroked her son's hair. A small smile touched her lips. "Sorry for leaving you overlong," she said.

"It's okay!" Axel answered with a big grin.

Saw that grin, Hancock suddenly sat down with a flump. The blood flushed in her face. "Oh no! I can't hold it anymore. His grin is getting more like his daddy's grin day by day!" murmured Hancock, holding her cheeks. "Ahhh~ My son is so handsome!"

"Mom, are you okay?" Axel asked while picking his nose.

He's really like his daddy, Hancock yelled silently. Straight-faced.

Axel was the only one boy who was born to a Kuja woman. Perhaps his birth was a miracle, since Kuja women previously gave a birth to baby girl only.

Axel was born seven years ago, few months after his dad sailed in the New World. Even though he was not growing up his dad with, Axel still grows into a cheerful and noisy boy.

Hancock walked, holding hands with Axel. The simple thing that she hadn't done in a long time due of her duties as the captain of Kuja Pirates. What kind of happiness is this? Just by looking at his smile, i feel like i am the happiest person in the world. It seems just like yesterday that he was born, so i find it hard to accept that my boy has shot up wonderfully. Hancock chuckled.

Although many inner distresses she got from her son's ridiculous acts. Hancock still loves her boy wholeheartedly. Sometimes, fear grows out when Axel seems indifferent and does not want to know about Luffy. And that fear has become greater since Axel was completely uninterested as she told the story of his daddy.



"When will we visit uncle again?"

"How about after your birthday?"

Axel tilted his head, shot his mommy a sour look in the cute way—pouted his lips out. "That's too long, Mom. My birthday is two weeks away!"

Hancock laughed at her son's disappointed expression. It looks really cute.

"I want us to go tomorrow!" Axel insisted.

"Kuja Pirates and Mommy have just returned from a long voyage. You know that right? So how can we leave this island again? Axel-kun... this time, you must be patie—" Hancock freeze, her voice trailed off as a pair of a large-round-eyes stared her in hope. Again she fell on her behind—of course, with the color of rose on her cheeks.

Hancock turned her face away promptly. Couldn't bear to see her son's expression, which she said is so deadly. Whereas Axel is very cute with that look.

"You win! We'll set sail tomorrow as you want." Hancock finally agreed. I could never resist if he looks at me like that, she thought—squeezing her robe.

"HURRAY!" Axel jumped for joy.

THE FOLLOWING day, Axel raced down the stairs with his big backpack on. He looked overwhelmed because the backpack twice as big as his body.

"Axel-kun, what are you gonna do with that big backpack?" Marigold asked.

"And what do you carry in your backpack?" added Sandersonia.

"I'm gonna party with uncle!" Patting his backpack, Axel grinned broadly. "And i'm carrying meat, sake, toothpick and all the heavy stuffs together. Ahahahak~!"

"You're not of age to drink sake. I will replace that with orange juice, your favorite one."

"Auntie Mari is right, minors are not allowed to drink sake."

"But uncle likes to drink sake, Auntie!" Axel blocked Marigold who was wanting to unpack his backpack. Sandersonia and Marigold looked at each other.

"Hmm, i see... but you should also bring some flowers for him..." Sandersonia said.

"Flowers?" Axel tilted his head, confused.

"Yeah, he would be very happy."

"Does uncle like to eat flowers?" Axel asked innocently.

"N-No... he doesn't." Sandersonia gets confused on her own. "Flowers just a symbol of respect for him."

"I don't get it, but if uncle want it i will look into. Auntie, please keep my backpack for a while. I'll be right back soon!" Axel said and ran to somewhere.

"Sometimes he is an adorable boy but sometimes he is also a confusing boy," Sandersonia shook her head.

"Sonia-nee-sama, we should be more patient in dealing with that kid!" Marigold laughed.

Meanwhile, in the flower garden of Kuja Palace.

Axel looked around to make sure no one was looking him. Yosh! I'm gonna steal the most beautiful flower for my uncle, Axel murmured then ran close to the flower he was about to pick, but suddenly someone tripped him to fell on his face.

"Ouch..." Axel hissed.

"It turns out men are really disgusting!" said a woman.

Axel smothered his bleeding nose. "Who are you?!"

"If only I knew you'd just be a troublemaker, i must have killed you on the day Hebihime-sama gave birth to you!" said the woman, pulling the bow of her snake and released the arrow toward Axel.

Axel managed to dodge.

"Hey, are you deaf?! I asked who the hell are you?" Axel shouted angrily. "Why did you suddenly attack me?"

"You should have known without asking, STU-PID!" That woman released another arrow.

Just missed. Axel managed to dodge again, but the Haki-coated-arrow had managed to smash the boulder behind him.

"I'd never expected you could manage to dodge my arrows. But no matter if you're still a little kid, i will not hesitate to kill you!"

"What have i done, why you want to kill me?"

"You're as silly as the man with the straw hat. On the island of women men are not permitted to live!" Once again, that woman released her arrow.

"Arrrgh!" Axel fell down. The arrow managed to wound his left arm.

"Do you know... After satisfied from seducing Hebihime-sama, he took a powder. Leaving her pregnant with his child. He's really disgusting right?" The woman was preparing to attack Axel again but...

BUGH! Axel beat the woman with all his might fist first. Hotly indignant.

"You may call me silly, troublemaker or anything you want but i won't let you say bad things about my dad!"

Blood came out of the woman's mouth. Busoshoku no Haki? There is no way this brat have mastered it, she thought.

"He's not like you say! So keep your mouth shut, or else!" Axel yelled followed by his fists dashing into the girl's body spasmodically.

From the distance an old woman saw their fight. She immediately ran to the Kuja palace to report the incident and asked for aid.

"Sandersonia-sama! Marigold-sama!" The old woman yelled.

"Why are you yelling?"

"Sandersonia-sama, there was a crazy warrior who attacked a child in the garden of Kuja Palace!"

"Why are you so noisy? Anything wrong?" Hancock unexpectedly asked.


"Hebihime-sama!" The old woman cringed before the snake princess.

"Tell me what do you mean by crazy warrior?"

"In the flower garden of Kuja Palace i saw a warrior attacking a boy with her bow and arrows blindly. Hebihime-sama, please do something!"

"Did you say a boy?" Sandersonia tried to make sure.

"Yes, maybe he is around six or seven years old."

"What?!" Sandersonia's eyes widened in surprise. Her thought immediately turn to Axel, who has not been back since he went looking for flower. Flower garden of Kuja Palace? Could the boy that old woman meant was Axel-kun, she murmured then ran to the flower garden.

"Sonia, what's up?" Hancock gave chase after her sister, followed by some women warriors.

"Axel might be in danger!"

Hancock jerked at her sister's answer. "Don't tell me the boy that old woman meant was Axel!"

Sandersonia doubtedly stared her sister, who tried hard to keep up with her. "I hope i am wrong but now we have to get in hurry!"

Hancock fastened her speed. Instantly everything in her mind become chaotic. Negative thoughts began to appear in her mind, imagined an arrow went through Axel's chest. What if the arrow really pierced his heart? Hancock began to shed tears.

Luffy what should I do?


SOMEWHERE FAR away, precisely in the New World.

"Luffy, watch out!"


A barbell weighs 2,5 tons knocked against Luffy's rubber body and sent him flying.

"Oii, Luffy! Are you okay?" Chopper asked shaking Luffy's body.

"Chopper, is he all right?"

"You guys are so noisy! What the hell game are you playing, huh?!" Zoro woke up to the noise made by the stupid trio. "But, hey, why is Luffy lying there still? Are you guys playing doctor?"

"He passed out!" Usopp replied in shark-toothed mode.

Some times after...

All the crew were surrounding their unconscious captain.

"How could such a thing possibly pass him out," Zoro pulled Luffy's cheeks out to stretch, "he must be just pretending."

"That's right. There's no way a monster like him could pass out due of such a thing," Nami chimed in, unable to believe.

"This passes belief," Sanji commented then smoked his cigarette.

"Then what should we do now?" Usopp asked.

"Let's throw him into the ocean, who knows, he'll be conscious when the sea monsters sniff him out." Zoro prepared to drop Luffy into the ocean.

"IDIOT! DO YOU WANT TO KILL HIM!?" Usopp, Chopper and Nami shouted at the same time.

Finally, Zoro sprawled out next to Luffy with three smoky bumps in his green head.

"Fufufu..." Robin chuckled.

"Stupid Marimo! He's totally unreliable."

"Shut your fucking trap, Darts Eyebrow!" Zoro replied, not to be outdone, but Sanji ignored him.

Sanji crouched and wagged a piece of bulk meat over Luffy's head. No one knows, since when the meat is in his hand. But, obviously, that was the most effective way to make a meataholic conscious. And it's true; Luffy's nose began to respond.

"AWWWW~ SUPEEER! He began to conscious!"

CHOMP! Luffy who had been conscious, attacked the meat at once. Until Sanji's hand also went into his mouth.

"Ye Fool! Why did you also chomp my hand?!" Sanji shouted as he kicked Luffy's head to get his hands out of Luffy's mouth.


SMOKE PUFFED out of Luffy's head. There were six piles of bumps on.

"It hurts..." Luffy rubbed his bumps.

"Thank god, there is no serious injury," Chopper said after examined Luffy's body.

"Yahohoho~ Our captain had been conscious, let's sing a song of joy!"

"Oii Luffy, it seems like you lack spirit, today. What's wrong?" asked usopp curiously.

Luffy fell silent for a while before flashed his typically grin. "I felt something odd in here."

"OH NOO! Luffy might have a heart attack!" Chopper had become hysterical at the sight of Luffy pointing to his chest.

"No, this is not a pain. But... i feel..." Luffy looked rack his brain, "like..."



Five seconds...



Seventeen seconds...



Thirty seconds later...

"Hmm..." Luffy's face began to redden with a puff of smoke coming out of his head. Like using his Gear Second but this time only his head was smoky.

"Don't push yourself, Luffy..." said Usopp, sweatdropped.

"Don't think too hard, Luffy. Just tell what are you feeling?" Robin replied as Luffy started to overload.

"There's a strange feeling i couldn't explain, my heart was beating, worrying about something. And a chaotic feeling like when i imagine there's no more meat in the world," Luffy tapped his chest.

"Ara, Luffy... you're like a father who is worrying his child. Perhaps, that is the bond." Robin said, her face showing her typical enigmatic smile.

"…" Usopp.

"…" Nami.

"…" Chopper.

"…" Sanji.

"…" Franky.

"Ano... Robin-san what do you mean of the bond?" A big question mark flickered over Brook's afro.


"..." Zoro.

"Oii, Robin, you're too exaggerating. How could a stupid man like Luffy could impregnate a woman and have a child, it takes thousands even millions of years for him to evolve into a grown man," Usopp wagged his hand in front of his nose. "Impossible! That's impossible!"

"I agree with Usopp! Even at his age he has never glanced at a woman, hahahaha!" Nami forced a laugh.

"If Luffy could impregnate a woman i will admit him as the-SUPEEER-man!" Franky commented then made a hentai movement.

"It looks like i should give him a short lecture on women, shouldn't i, Nami-swan, Robin-chwan?" Sanji said in love hurricane mode.

Luffy does not care a damn all his crew comments. He looked at Robin for a moment and turned to the vast ocean.

What are they hiding? Zoro muttered as he catches a weird sign when Luffy looks at Robin. "Cih!"


BACK TO Amazon Lily.

Hancock and the Kuja warriors had reached the flower garden of Kuja Palace. They are shocked to see the circumstances surrounding them, all the plants are damaged and there are many large gaping holes in the ground.

"What the..." Blue Fan muttered.

"This place is like a battlefield," Ran said.

"Look!" Daisy shouted, pointing to the wounded warrior who sprawled out between the ruins of the palace wall.

"What exactly happened here?"

"Why are you just stay still? Go and find Axel!" Hancock commanded.

"Roger!" The warriors replied before scattered looking for Axel's figure.

"Axel-kun..." Hancock bitten her lip. She fought back her tears. As the empress she didn't want to look weak. But as a mother she couldn't resist her fear.

"Onee-sama..." Sandersonia tapped Hancock on the shoulder, as though she was feeling the chaos in her sister's heart.

Hancock ran for her son. She searched all corners with a mouth that never stopped calling the name of her son. Until the search was over.

"Axel-kun!" Hancock cried, unable to stem her tears. She grabbed her son in a hug. "Are you okay?"

Axel nodded and burst into tears.

"Tell me, what went on here?"

Instead of answering, Axel cries even harder.


"I AM SORRY!" Only those words that came out of Axel's mouth. The rest was just a cry.

A FEW days after the incident, Axel became a cheerful and happy child again. Now he is playing a romp on the deck of the Kuja pirates ship. Like nothing bad happened to him.

AND ELSEWHERE, under new world night sky, Luffy stared at the vast ocean of stars above his head.

"I believe she must have taken care of you well. Shishishi~!"

To Be Continued—