So I've tallied up all the requests and one of the highest ones was reacting to Future Lucy's afterlife, also it makes sense to do this chapter now than to leave it till later on

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Fairy Tail that right goes to Hiro Mashima

Future Lucy is lying on the middle of the ground in a destroyed hallway of Crocus Castle. Its completely silent and Lucy lies undisturbed.

Lucy shivers in her seat at the sight of her being dead on the ground. "You okay Lu?" Levy questions

"Yer it just kind of hits home that this could happen one day on a job" She grimaces

Her body starts to glow with a golden light that makes the room look brighter. A zoom in on her face- a peaceful expression reflecting on it.

"Even when you're dead you look beautiful" Mira compliments

"Is that meant to be a compliment?!" Lucy screeches

"She is right though" agrees Erza

"Yer you're so pretty!" Wendy giggles

"You guys are nuts" giggles Lucy

"Moving on" Jellal interrupts "What is happening to her body?"

"She's going home" Carla smiles

Her hair begins to float and move upwards in the light. The golden yellow is so bright that it becomes blinding, the screen goes white.

Lucy's full body is now shown to be lying on a golden field she's in her tradition black skirt and blue and white top, her fairy tail mark is back.

"Anyone else finding this a bit weird?" Max raises his eyebrow

"Oui" Reedus agrees

"Yer I want to know where she is" Laki wonders

A gust of wind goes past and blows her hair to the left. Hey doe brown eyes open.

She stares up at the light blue sky, white fluffy clouds are present and blossom appears to be blowing in the wind.

"It's so beautiful" Lucy gushes

"It makes me want to dance!" Vijeeter stands up before getting tackled by Nab, Elfman and max who all scream out a "no!"

She sits up with a slight groan, the main Fairy Tail theme begins to play "What was that" She wonders "A dream?" Her hair is still blowing in the wind.

"I wish" Cana slurs whilst gurgling her beer.

She notices her right hand with her pink guild mark on the back of it she gasps in slight surprise, she brings it up towards her head slightly and rubs the mark lovingly with her other hand.

Lucy copies the action before Natsu grabs her hand once again, the guild watch the screen in silence- joy shown on their faces due to witnessing the tender moment of seeing the love Lucy has for the guild.

She decides to stand up and begins to walk around trying to look in all directions, she hears a "Hey Lucy!" That's causes her to stop- It's Natsu

She turns around with a "Huh?" the camera goes behind her so you can see the back of her head but not her face, standing in front of her are lots of silhouettes of her guild, Natsu and Happy and standing slightly in front of the rest of the members.

"I'm getting teary eyed" Lisanna fans her face trying to control her emotions

"On a depressing note, I'm guessing this means the Lucy was the last one alive from that time" Guildarts concludes, a beer bottle hits him on the head and his eyes pop out in shock.

"Hey old man! Why would you say something like that?!" Cana screeches

"I'm sorry darling please forgive me!" He wails, Cana turns away in a huff. Jellal, Meredy and Ultear sweat drop and stare at the pair, the other members however are just having their own convosations as they're used to the duos antics.

"Would you get over here already?" Natsu asks with an excited tone, Lucy's Face is still in a state of shock and wonder

"God I can't imagine how shocked she must be to be able too see everyone again" Evergreen mumbles, the people around her grunt in agreement.

"Everybody's waiting on you!" Happy continues

"Why aren't you movinf Lucy?" Happy wonders "I know you're dumb put you shouldn't take that long to process everything" He singers before suddenly being launched through the air by Lucy's fist.

Carla crosses her arms and sighs "You never learn do you tom cat"

Happy lets out a painful "Aye"

Lucy's eyes go wide as she finally begins to process what's going on. Tears start to gather in the corner of her eyes.

Natsu bounds over to her with a cheeky smile and a laugh, He stretches his hand out towards her "Come on we still have adventures to go on"

"Cute!" Levy cries

"I agree" Bisca grins

"You two really suit each other" smirks Ultear

Lucy blinks away the tears and she lets out a smile "yeah" Lucy takes Natsu's hand and he drags her towards the rest of the guild in a run, as they're running Natsu smiles back at her and points towards the guild.

"Thank you Natsu" Lucy beams at him

"For what?" He tilts his head to the side

"For always taking my hand and leading me on adventures" She informs him

"Yer no problem!" Natsu smiles "I wouldn't want it any other way"

Now back with current Lucy, she's holding Future Lucy's diary which glows with the same light that Future Lucy was, it disappears from her hand. A tear drips down one side of her face before falling down the other side. She reaches up to her face in shock and touches one of the tears.

"I always wondered why I cried then, I guess now I know"

"I'm crying" She states in shock.

"Way to state the obvious" Gajeel sneers, Levy smacks him in the face with a book for that comment

She looks at Natsu who's standing in front of her , she drops her hand from her face and rushes towards Natsu and hugs him from behind causing him to let out a slight gasp of surprise.

"AWWW" All the girls squeal

"Oh stop it" Lucy buries her head into her hands in embarrassment, Natsu has a light blush dusting his cheeks, it's hardly noticeable to most people but the squealing girls see it causing them to smirk at each other.

Her turns his head slightly to look behind him, she's buried her head into his scarf.

"Whooo! Get some Lucy" Cana calls out causing the immature boys to giggle.

"Cana!" Lucy roars in outrage at the embarrassing comment

"Hey" Natsu speaks softly "Is something wrong?"

"Aww so sweet" Gray mocks but quickly goes silent in his seat when most of the girls in the guild turn to glare at him.

"No it's nothing" Lucy reassures him "I'm okay"

The camera zooms out and a full body image of both Natsu and Lucy is shown. Lucys arms are wrapped tightly around Natsus chest "Thank you" Her voice quivers with emotion.

So I know this isn't a very long chapter but I'm already working on another one as well as starting to write out the dragon cry movie. I'm unsure if I should the first movie before I do the second one though, what do you guys think.

Also I haven't done any 'moments' that are set in the future for the guild yet as I was thinking of getting loads of past clips out and then doing the full episodes of the ones that are set in the future and eventually getting to the episodes that are currently airing now, hopefully I'll last that long, fingers crossed.