I've posted this story before, but I ended up taking it down. I've revamped it up and really like it now, so I'm reposting it. I hope you all enjoy it!

I stared at the tests sitting on the bathroom sink and all three of them said the same thing. There was no getting around this or going back. I was pregnant and Scorpius was the father, and my own father was going to kill us both because of it.

He'd given me strict instructions when I got on the train my first year, and I swore I would follow them. Like the good girl I was, I did exactly as he told me and never spoke a word to Scorpius Malfoy. Albus, on the other hand, made it his personal mission to become his best friend. The two of us would say "hi" in the halls or be civil if we came into contact with each other, but we weren't friends or anything of the sort.

Then we all finished Hogwarts and went on our own life paths. Roxie and I moved into a flat in London while Scorpius and Albus moved into one together in Diagon Alley. After the two of them moved into their apartment, they decided to have a party to celebrate the occasion.

I ended up drinking way too much and Scorpius Malfoy was incredibly fit. The two of us gave into the long building tension that started our first year and shagged. I was gone before he woke up the next morning and tried my best to forget it ever happened –even if the sex was really good from what I could remember.

My life went back to normal after that, until my period was late and I freaked. My period always came like clockwork, I was never late a day in my entire post-pubescent life. I knew I couldn't very well go to my mother for help, so I went to a muggle store to get a few tests, with Roxie's support of course. She and I had been best friends since we were seven years old, practically inseparable. Every single memory I had she was present for, the good and the bad. I couldn't imagine going through this freak out without her by my side.

I opened the bathroom door with shaky hands and saw her sitting in the hallway cross from me. Without a word, I went over and slid down the wall beside her with shaking hands. She didn't need me to tell her what the tests said, my actions spoke loud and clear. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, and I promptly started bawling against her chest.

"Are you going to tell him?" Roxie asked after I'd gathered my wits and was now staring at the wall of our flat instead of sobbing.

"I have no idea how, but I have to," I replied hopelessly. "Oh Merlin, or how to tell my father!"

Roxie shook her head and told me, "Yeah, I don't know how you're going to do that either."

I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall in frustration. "That was the opposite of helpful! Can you try to be a better best friend and help me?"

"I'm going to be the best auntie in the entire world! I can't wait to buy clothes and decorate a nursery!" she replied, excitement lighting her dark eyes.

I just groaned and pushed up to my feet from the ground. "I have to tell Scorpius, don't I?"

Being a single mother wasn't something I'd ever thought I would have to go through. I always thought I'd fall head over heels in love like my parents and have a perfect family. Getting pregnant at age twenty was not part of the plan. Especially not by a Malfoy.

"There are always options, Rosie," Roxie reminded me gently, reaching up to hold my hand reassuringly.

She was talking about abortion, but I didn't think I could do that. I always fought so hard for a woman's right to choose, but I couldn't make that decision for myself. Even if Scorpius wanted nothing to do with this child, my parents loved me too much to make me do it alone. Even if my father was angry about my what happened, he'd never take it out on me or my baby. I had options.

I sighed and told her, "No, I can't do that. I have options, a family that'll help me if I need it."

"You know I'll support whatever decision to make. I've always got your back," she told me after she got up and wrapped her arms around me. "Best friends forever, remember?"

"So that means you'll come with me to tell Scorpius?" I asked hopefully.

She just sighed and took my hand, leading me into the kitchen. She started brewing a cuppa and I sat down at the kitchen bar. I sipped on it thankfully and let it soothe my frazzled nerves, but it did nothing for my nauseous stomach.

"I'm not looking forward to feeling like this for the next nine months," I replied as my stomach flipped. "Actually, I think I'm about to vomit right now."

I sat down my mug and ran back to the bathroom where I promptly emptied the contents of my stomach. Once it was completely empty, I stumbled over to the sink and brushed my teeth before going back into the living room with Roxie.

"Is this what my life is going to be now?" she asked, sipping her mug. "Listening to you puke for hours?"

"Oh yes, you've obviously got the bad end of this situation," I snapped, pinching the bridge of my nose as my head started to ache. "Sorry, that was bitchy."

Eventually, I sat down and penned out a letter to Scorpius. I didn't tell him I was pregnant or anything like that, but I'm sure he could connect the dots if he tried hard enough. I said I needed to talk to him about something important, but it needed to be face to face. Before I could talk myself out of it, I sent it via my owl and got in the shower to focus on something else.

I woke up the next morning and forced myself to eat some cereal, even if my stomach felt like it was rocking back in forth like a boat on unstable water. I'd barely finished the bowl when the milk curdled in my stomach and I threw it back up. How did pregnant women keep from starving to death? I hadn't been able to keep anything down for days, even before I realized I was pregnant and just thought I had food poisoning from the muggle pub Roxie and I went to sometimes after work.

I went back into the kitchen and saw my owl, Mac, sitting on her perch in the living room. Roxie had work this morning, so she probably let her in before she left. There was also an envelope sitting on the counter that I figured held Scorpius' response. The very thought made nerves fill my stomach and my palms start sweating.

With shaking hands, I ripped the envelope open and pulled out the letter inside. I read it and saw he'd suggested I come over to their flat for tea. That meant I couldn't bring Roxie, but it was probably better if it was just the two of us. The less witnesses to this dumpster fire, the better.

Once I was sure my stomach wasn't going to turn again, I got ready and Apparated to their flat. I left a note for Roxie on the fridge just in case she got home before me. The last thing I wanted was for her to think her pregnant, unwed cousin had ran away.

I'd been to Albus' apartment a few times since the hookup, but it was cleaner than usual this time. I realized a beat later Scorpius must've picked up because I was coming over. The thought made my cheeks flush and that was how he found me when he came into the living room. His own cheeks dusted as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. I was again struck with how attractive he was.

He'd ended up being tall, about 6 foot 3, with a shock of platinum hair he wore a bit long and expressive gray eyes. He almost always had a shy smile on his lips –the opposite of his father from the stories I've heard. He'd been sorted into Slytherin with Albus our first year while Roxie and I went to Gryffindor.

"Hi," he finally said, gesturing to the kitchen table. "I just brewed some tea. Would you like some?"

I nodded jerkily and went over to the table, fidgeting with the fringe on the bottom of my shorts as I sat. He poured me a cup and gestured to the milk sitting in front of me along with sugar and honey. Once our cups were finished, we sat in an awkward silence that neither of us had the nerve to break.

"Your letter made it sound like something was wrong. Do you want to talk about it?" he finally asked, sipping his tea instead of fidgeting around nervously like me.

"Oh yeah, uh, about that," I tried to start and failed. Then it was like my stomach sensed the seriousness of the moment and started twisting. "Uh, I'll be right back."

I jumped out of my chair, hearing it fall backward and hit the floor as I ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and got very violently ill. My throat burned and I felt sweat beading across my hairline as another wave of nausea slammed into me, leaving me dry heaving as all the contents were already gone from the first bout of vomiting.

"Rose? Are you okay?" Scorpius asked, coming into the bathroom with me and crouching down to brush the hair away from my face. "I brought you some water."

He handed me a glass of water and I chugged it down happily, grateful for the cool against my throat. I looked up at him after I finished the water and saw a nervous edge behind his eyes. He already had an idea of what was happening, he was kind of a genius after all.

I took a deep breath and blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

I hope you liked the story so far! Leave a review telling me what you think, I'd really appreciate it.