That noise, Hiei thought as he turned toward it, What kind of creature makes that? It felt like his brain was tingling. He got goosebumps all over his skin as he sat up in the tree is was relaxing in. He looked all around with all three of his eyes but didn't see anything.

He jumped through the trees, eager to find what makes such a beautiful sound. It lead him to a small clearing in the large forest he was in. The noise disappeared. The sun suddenly became bright as Hiei kept walked forward unwillingly. Then, a piercing and electrifying pain ran through him as he passed out.

"Dark tournament's over," Yusuke said, "and now we get a break!" He raised his glass. "Glad you could make it, Genkai."

She smiled and said, "Someone has to be around to call you dimwit."

Keiko said, "Here! Here!"

Yusuke looked around Genkai's living room and said, "Guess everyone's here now." Botan, Shizuru, Keiko, Yukina, Genkai, Kurama, and Kuwabara all sat in a circle with food in the middle of all of them.

"Has anyone seen Hiei lately?" Kurama asked.

"No," Yusuke replied, "but I never see him unless he's coersed into working with me."

"I have some bad news," Koenma said in his teenage form as he entered the room, "and I'm glad you're all together right now. Sorry to ruin the party."

Botan asked, "Well what's wrong? The tournament is over, no one's causing trouble now."

Koenma sat among them and said, "I've been trying to track this down for over a year now and I finally found the source. Someone is kidnapping demons in the human world. Hiei was added to list of missing demons not too long ago and I know that's where he is."

"How do you know?" Kurama asked.

"Even though he's not on parole anymore," he explained, "he's still deemed as a threat, especially since he has the dragon of the darkness flame. We were following his movements when he lost him all of a sudden. Then we had a sudden blip on our radar before it disppeared completely."

Kuwabara asked, "So is this like what happened with Yukina before?"

"Worse," Koenma said, "much worse. I managed to get a camera close enough to peak inside and it's bad. I'm not even sure if I want to make you go on this case, Yusuke, but someone has to do it. That's why I came in person to deliver the message."

Yusuke asked, "Well what's going on?"

"An underground organization of humans, similar to the black-black-club, runs a prison for demons," Koenma said, "I'm sure Hiei's caught up in it. Look." He brought out an image of Hiei hung by chains by his arms and legs, gagged, and covered in dried blood. Several human guards were surrounding him.

Everyone looks in shock. "Hiei..." Botan said sadly.

"Where is he?" Yusuke demanded.

When Hiei woke up his neck was stiff. He straightened it out and saw that each hand was shackled and streched out, held back by chains. He looked down and saw his jacket and sword were missing, his ankles were cuffed together. He was in a small windowless dark room with bars on one side. A small door lead to a dark and gloomy hallway that he couldn't see down.

"Interesting," someone said as they walked down the hall, "very interesting. I'm surprised I didn't catch you sooner." A stout and ugly human old man appeared before him with several human guards.

"Where am I?" Hiei demanded. He looked around but couldn't see much.

"Your own personal hell, made by me, Shiko," the man replied, "don't even bother trying to break out, those cuffs steal demon energy. First, we start with the examination process." He snapped his fingers. A muscled guard stepped forward, opened the cage, then revealed that he had Hiei's sword. The guard ripped Hiei's headband off of his forhead and revealed his jagan.

"A demon with an evil third eye," Shiko said, "that'll sell for a high price. Keep going. Rip his face up, make him look less pretty." The guard used Hiei's sword against him and slashed him across his face. It caught Hiei's eye and a tear escaped, unbeknownst to him. Blood spilled everywhere as Hiei held back a grunt of pain.

"Wait!" Shiko said as he entered the cell. He leaned over and picked up a purple hiruseki stone. "A hiruseki stone," he said in amazement, then looked over at Hiei.

Hiei glared at it and insisted, "That isn't mine."

"It just came from your eye," he replied, "forget selling this one. Now, what I need to know is how did that happen?"

"I told you, it isn't from me," Hiei insisted. He tried to set his chains on fire but nothing happened.

Shiko said, "Only ice maidens produce such tears, only this one isn't the exact same as theirs. It's slightly purple while the other ice maiden we have makes white ones. Interesting. You better start talking, are you really male?"

Hiei glared at them and said, "Yes." Did you hear, Hina had twins, and one of them's a boy! Echoed in his head.

"We have to double check," the fat man said, and snapped his fingers. The guard ripped Hiei's pants down like they were nothing, then threw them back on. The guard nodded. "Had no idea male fire demons were the same race as ice maidens."

"Sir," one of the guards said, "we still have talasman cards that burn the skin off of ice maidens. He could be a mixed breed."

Shiko said excitedly, "Bring them here! A mixed breed, how rare. Fire and ice, your parents must have been quite the scandals." Hiei spit on them. "Muzzel him! I'm not going to deal with any of that shit!" The guard in the cell with him grabbed a large red cloth and tied it forcefully around Hiei's face.

The other guard came back with the talasman cards. The fat man grabbed one and threw it on Hiei's arm. It burned and sizzeled against his skin as he grunted in pain. It went with gravity and fell to the ground, leaving a huge patch of missing and bleeding skin on Hiei's lower arm.

"So we are dealing with a mixed breed," Shiko said.

"Should we sell him after all?" a guard asked.

"No," he answered, "the stones he produces are much more valuable than his mixed breed freakishness."

Koenma explained, "This prison is underground, literally. It might be easier to get captured and break in from the inside."

"But they only capture demons," Yusuke said.

"I was hoping Kurama would be willing to cooperate," he continued, "we'll put a tracker on you and follow your exact movements so Yusuke can save all of the demons that were captured there."

"A tracker?" Kurama asked, "And what if they take it off and figure out I'm with spirit world?"

Koenma explained, "An internal tracker. It'll stay within your bloodstream for a week before you...empty it out naturally. That should be plenty of time."

Kuwabara said, "I don't know, sounds like a lot of risk to go through just to save Hiei."

"It's not just Hiei," he assured him, "dozens of demons have been kidnapped by them over the years. I don't know if they're all there now but they should have more than just him."

Yusuke asked, "How do we make sure Kurama gets kidnapped by these people?"

"This," he said as he pulled a small blue pill out of his pocket.

Kurama said, "I don't know if I like this."

"What is that thing?" Yusuke asked.

Yukina explained, "I've seen that before! It forces your demon energy outward, almost like a call signal to tell others you're in the area."

"Yes," Kurama replied, "and that used to be a trick from human world. Centuries ago humans would use them to trap demons and kill them on sight." He looked at Koenma nervously.

"That's not going to happen," Koenma assured him.

"What should we do with him?" a guard asked.

Shiko said, "We'll put him in the freezer with the ice maiden. Knock him out."

A guard ripped the cloth off of Hiei's face, grabbed the back of his head, and forced a mask over his face. He held it there long enough for Hiei to have to breathe in. The room spun around as Hiei fainted.

When he woke up he was on the ground. "Get up!" someone demanded. A crack of a whip cut into his back.

He stood up. His neck was shacked and his wrists were cuffed together. Chains lead to guards. He tried to pull away but nothing happened. "Don't resist!" someone else shouted and with another crack of the whip made blood spill.

They pulled him down the dark hall. Different demons of all kinds were chained up in different cells he passed. "Is ice princess knocked out?" Shiko asked.

"Yes," a guard answered, "she'll be awaking shortly."

They walked through several doorways before revealing the largest and thickest heavy door before them. Even where Hiei was standing, he could feel the cold air creeping out of it. They opened the door and the cold burst out. "We keep it -50 degrees for our little ice princess," Shiko said, "since you're a mixed breed of fire and ice, you should enjoy it too!"

They pushed Hiei in by the neck shackle he was wearing, then took it off. He tried to escape again but they had already chained him to the ground. He had just enough chains to get within 3 feet of the doorway. They slammed the door on him and left.

Hiei looked over and saw a woman laying on the ground unconcious. He looked at her face and was shocked by what he saw.