Enjoy a small bumblebee and white rose short drabble! The inspiration came to me when I saw an edit of Team RWBY with short hair (and Ruby with long hair) and realize how absolutely gorgeous Blake looked with short hair.

It kinda makes me wish Blake will have short hair in the next Volume.

It was a decision Blake knew she was going to make sooner than later.

Thinking about it now, she wondered why she didn't do it earlier. Blake was never a fan of long hair.

It got in her way whenever she read, and she had to be extra careful with it in combat to avoid getting an unwanted trim.

The faunus guessed she was just so busy with the academic life that she just… didn't think of it much.

It wasn't until a particular conversation with a team leader did Blake not realize how she disliked her current state of hair.

"Wow, Blake, if I were you, I'd just cut my own hair. It looks so hard to take care!"

The faunus was taken aback by her words.

Ruby, being who she was, moved on with the conversation as if it never happened.

But Blake… well, she didn't stop thinking about it all day, to the point where she couldn't even read properly, which was frustrating. Eventually, her sweet girlfriend managed to cheer her up by making her tuna sandwich.

That night, she came to a conclusion…

She wanted, no, needed to cut her hair.

"I'm sorry, you want me to what?"

Blake looked down, trying to set her resolve before repeating her words to the heiress who was currently sitting down at her study desk as opposed to her, who was standing up, crossing her arms almost defensively.

"I want you to cut my hair."

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a puff of air.

"I hear you the first time, Blake. What I'm asking is why?"

"Because it gets in my way in many aspects," she said, already preparing herself for her white-themed friend's interview.

"Have you considered tying it, then?" Weiss asked, gesturing to herself.

"I have."

They had a stare off.

Weiss was stubborn, but when it came to this, Blake wasn't willing to back down either.

She'd thought it through, and she knew Weiss knew as well.

Eventually, the heiress gave in with a sigh and by saying, "Alright." She blinked before looking up at the faunus, asking, "But why me?"

"Yang is out having fun with Nora, and I don't trust Ruby with scissors."

"I don't trust Ruby with anything," Weiss said in the most serious tone possible, nodding in agreement. "What about Pyrrha? Or even Ren? I'm sure they'll be able to help you out."

Blake's cheeks were tinged with pink, but she didn't hesitate to say, "Because I trust you more."

And she meant it.

Despite everything.

Despite, logically, she shouldn't.

A year ago, she didn't trust Weiss. But… she guessed things change.

"... Fine," Weiss said. Blake didn't miss the small grateful smile the heiress tried desperately to hide.

"Thanks, Weiss."

The heiress coughed. "I suppose it is natural that you would come to my aid, I am the best teammate."

"Sure you are," Blake said with a roll of her eyes and a smile.

That was such a Weiss response.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Weiss half-asked half-screamed halfway to pushing the chair near Blake's bed.

Their plan was to commence the act with Blake sitting on the chair and Weiss behind her, on the bed, cutting her hair.

Blake frowned before repeating, "I want it-"

"You want your hair to be shorter than Ruby's?!" Weiss shrieked before the faunus could even finish her sentence.

"... Yes."

"Blake, are you sure about this? Does Yang agree?" Blake made the fatal decision to flinch at the mention of her girlfriend. Weiss caught on quick. "Wait, does Yang even know about this?"

"... No."

It'd be useless to lie anyway, especially from someone as perceptive - and stubborn - as Weiss.

"Does she even know you're going to get a haircut in the first place?" When Blake cringed, Weiss gave her a disapproving glare.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," the faunus admitted, sighing.

"I… see." There was a pause of thoughtfulness before Weiss asked, a little apprehensive, "But isn't she going to be… mad?"


"You do know how obsessed she is when it comes to her hair, right?"

"Yes, her hair," Blake emphasized. "So do you want to help me with this or not?" She had to do this now, or else she might never get the same courage to.

"Fine, but don't blame me if anything bad happens."

Blake shook her head tiredly. "I won't."

"Alright then…" Weiss took a deep breath, no doubt mentally preparing herself for what she was about to do. "Sit."

"Weiss, I don't think this is necessary," Blake said, feeling the fabric of her bow now used as a blindfold for her.

"Nonsense," she heard Weiss said. "This type of decision must be presented in a grand way."

The faunus sighed. Instead of arguing, she chose to let the heiress guide her to the bathroom, blindly following her… literally.

"Okay," she said, her voice echoing in the bathroom space. Blake sensed the heiress untying the black fabric. Seconds later, she was blessed with the sense of sight again.

And what she saw… was…

"Wow… I look like my mom…"

She looked… like herself, and yet…

Her hand traveled towards the edge of her hair.

Blake then asked the big question.

"How do I look?"

"... Just like yourself, but with short hair."

The faunus gave her a glare.

Weiss rolled her eyes. "You look great." Amber eyes narrowed, causing her to scoff. "Honest!"

Blake looked back at the mirror - or, rather, who was staring back.

"Do you think Yang will like this?"

"Of course she will! She's your girlfriend!"

… She could only hope that was the case.

Yang opened the door, feeling refreshed - though a little tired - after going out to the mall with Nora all day.

"Evening, girls," she said to the monochrome pair, not really paying attention to their tense faces as she put her shopping bags down. "Today I learned that Nora can eat an entire pancake in only three seconds." After she stretched, she looked at Blake with a warm smile…

Which disappeared as quickly as it came.

Her girlfriend looked up at her, amber eyes smiling shyly and expectedly.

"Do you like it, Yang?"

Yang didn't say anything. Her brain was too busy processing what she was seeing to even consider speaking anything.

Slowly, her hand reached out to those black tresses, still not fully comprehending everything.


Her face must've shown it, because Blake's pretty smile grew even more.

"Do you dislike it?"

Yang quickly shook her head. She then blinked a few times and added, "No, I- I…"

All words died in her throat when Blake smiled again.

Well… except for a few.

"Weiss, get out if you know what's good for you."

She looked back to the heiress and gave her a serious look.

Weiss' eyes widened before she hurriedly grabbed her scroll and scrambled out of the room, but not before turning back to them and warning, "Just, please. Not in my bed."

All of Yang's self-control was tossed aside when the door was closed…

And she tackled Blake.

The guilty girl looked up at her. She looked so small when she wasn't on top. So vulnerable.

Yang found herself growling.

"I take it you like the new look?" she said so casually with that smirk.

The blonde whose eyes were tinted red answered hungrily and huskily not unlike a dragon:

"Shut up and let me fuck you."

Weiss walked without looking back, trying to block out all sounds, afraid that she might hear or smell things that were… inappropriate.

She was still very much in shock that she didn't see a certain someone who was using her rose-based semblance to speed up her own pace as well…

Someone who, just like her, didn't see the other person in front of her.

Weiss felt something hitting her chest. She let out an "oomph!" as the force caused her to reel back. She was about to shout at whoever crashed into her, but stopped herself from doing so and instead said, "I should've known it was you."

The dolt in question gasped. "Oh my dust, Weiss! Are you okay?!"

The heiress grabbed the arm offered to her, and felt herself being pulled with little struggle.

"Fine," was her simple answer.

The brunette grinned. "Okay!"

Weiss' hand found itself tightly holding the young girl's wrist when she went into the direction of 'the danger zone'.

"Umm… Weiss?"

Weiss blushed. It didn't help that Ruby blushed as well. But she needed to protect her partner from getting in their room.

Weiss needed to protect her innocence.

"What are you doing?"

The heiress flinched.

She needed an excuse.

Something the brunette won't turn down.

"Let's… let's go on a date!"

… After all, Weiss truly had been meaning to ask that question. Now was as good as any…

Still, a small part of Weiss wondered something regarding Yang and her reaction to Blake's new hairstyle.

That small thought would be answered later on.


The young girl looked up at the girl who was now officially her girlfriend and grinned while answering, "Yes, Snow Pea?"

The brunette internally squealed at the effects of what her simple nickname did to the heiress.

"What does… what does Yang think of your short hair? Does she approve of it?"

It took Ruby three seconds before she fully understood what the heiress had asked.

She snorted and smirked playfully. "You think I want to have my hair short like this?"

Ruby's smirk turned into a full smile when Weiss gave her a puzzled look.

"I never wanted my hair short, Silly! But Yang keeps insisting!" she explained gleefully. "In fact, this is the longest my hair has ever been," she chuckled as she played with her dark brown hair. "And it took me three whole days to convince her not to cut it even shorter."

Ruby laughed when seeing Weiss' even more confused face.

"But… I thought…"

"You thought since she has long hair, she wants everyone else to have short hair too, right?" Her girlfriend could only nod numbly. "Nah, I don't really get why either, she just doesn't. But she does really like people with short hair."

Ruby mulled over it, frowning, before she added, "In fact, you could say she's obsessed with short hair."

So yeah... that's that.

Sorry if I didn't write the intimate scene between Yang and Blake... I don't know how to write them.

And in this (sort of) AU, Bumblebee has been canon for months and White Rose was seconds away from blossoming.

Blake and Yang were just what drove Weiss into asking 'the' question.

And yes, Ruby and Weiss did kiss.

Honestly, this whole fic was inspired by the thought of "What would happen if Blake had a haircut?"

And after two full minutes of thinking, I decided to write this! Yay!

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if this was a little too short, I was exhausted with writing my other fic, 'Fans and Girlfriends'...

I hope you had a wonderful day or night (depending on where you're from) and... goodbye!