Suddenly, light. Blinding, white light.

Than a line full of people.

A long line, with no end in sight. He didn't know why he was in a line, or why the sky was yellow. The confusion settled in and he was angry. What was going on? Why wasn't he- Than he looked up, and saw the ring of gold above his head. He was dead? How had he died? He made his way to the front, so shocked that he forgot to complain as the lined moved forword. It was only now that he notices the other people in the line were just floating little blobs of spirits. He still had his body. He didn't think to wonder why.

Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a huge red bearded man who introduced himself as King Yemma, and announced he was going to be judging his soul.

"Sooo, Prince Vegeta. Let's see here." He looked over a list and tisked.

"Wait- before you do that- how did I die?" Vegeta asked. "There was no fight, no threat to the planet so how-"

There was a long pause, while the king looked him over.
"You were killed, by Bulma Briefs."


This pain was worse than any he'd felt before.

"What do you mean?!" Trunks wailed, and clenched his fists.
"I'm sorry, Honey." His mother hugged him, her eyes were wet and she was shaking.
"How! How did he- last night he was just-"

"Honey- he was a conqueror. He traveled to hundreds of planets. On one of them, he picked up a parasite. It burrowed into his stomach, but because he was a saiyan, it couldn't hurt him. When he made the wish to become human it started too- well last night it suddenly- It was messy. It was horrible. I didn't want you to see that- he didn't want you to see it. I'm sorry, honey." She pulled Trunks to her chest and held him, while he wailed.

"We can wish him back!"
"He's already been wished back once, sweetie." Bulma said solemnly. And that was the end of it.

The next few weeks were numb and blurry. They had a funeral, for him. Only Bulma, Trunks, Mr. Popo, Korin, and Goku came. Goku spoke, because Bulma was too distraught to speak clearly. She clutched a rag to her face and shook her head. It was wet.

"He wasn't the best person, but he was strong. And in his final days, he made a noble sacrifice so he could be with his son, and the woman he loved. He was proud, and fierce. We'll always remember him."



"She shot you in the head while you were asleep. She never really forgave you for what you did to Trunks." King Yemma said and sighed while he looked over Vegeta's life.

"This is tricky. If you hadn't wished yourself human, I might have just sent you right to hell, but since you did… does one good act warrant eternal paradise?" He hummed thoughtfully.

"Doesn't raising my son count for something?"

"Almost everyone does that, you don't get a lollipop for being a dad. You do get one for trying to save the earth, and giving up the thing you were most proud of for your family, and for genuinely repenting for your sins."

There was a long, long pause before he finally spoke again. But Vegeta didn't care.
"Paradice." He said.


"Paradice. Now, you have two options. Do you want to go now, or be in suspended animation until your son dies, since you'd be happiest with him?"

Vegeta didn't need to think about it.
"Suspended Animation."

The next thing he knew, he was on the planet Vegeta again. It was a brutal and wonderful as he remembered. There was fighting, a lot of it. And amongst the fighters, was Trunks. His son. Grown, and strong, and winning with ease. And for the first time in his existence, he felt no anger. Not even at the woman who'd killed him. Just Joy, at seeing the strong, smart, tall man his son had grown into.

The End
(for realz this time)