He had been lead down the hallway by a silent Okoye, her eyes glassy as she struggled with the fact that she had failed her king. With a bow she showed him his room, as she turned Steve reached out, he had no clue what he was doing. His gloved hand gently tapped her shoulder, she stiffened. Then, his voice a mere croak from his screams, whispered: "I know how you feel." She was gone in a second.

Steve turned to his room, tears brimming in his eyes and reached for the door knob with trembling hands. This had been Buck's room, everything was a step down from the technology in Wakanda, so he could adjust. A shake ripped through Steve's body as he stepped into the room. It was undecorated, except for one picture of Howard, Bucky, Steve, Peggy, and the rest of the Howling Commandos. Steve broke.

His hand flew to his mouth as he tried to stifle the cry of pain that slipped past his lips. He collapsed on the bed, sobs causing his body to shudder, jolting the broken ribs on his left side. Blood dripped down from the cut across his temple, staining his hand. The sobs kept coming.

"Steve...?" Buck's voice was filled with fear, so much fear. Steve turned as Bucky's hazel blue eyes met his, and then Buck was gone, a pile of ashes floated to the ground, gently brushing the grass.

"Captain?" Thor's voice rumbled like thunder as he called for him.

"You shouldn't see me like this," Steve's voice was scratchy like a broken record. Thor was sitting next to him, wrapping his arms around Steve's trembling body.

"I too have lost a brother. Relax, Captain, accept my help." Steve sobbed, his body shaking, and at some point, Thor was crying as well. The two shattered, the world a spinning circle of pain.

Someone was shouting. That was the first thing Thor registered. Second, he registered that the voice was Stark's. The third was that Steven was unconscious in his arms.

"I swear to God, or gods, or whatever, if you don't let me in there right now—"

"Mr. Stark, if you don't leave right now I will contact Okoye." Thor got up. He strode across the room and opened the door. Thor had heard of the "fallout" between the Captain and Stark, but he was done with dancing around it.

"Either come in now, Stark, or leave now." Stark looked up, eyes wide. Then he shook his head and turned to follow Thor. Thor heard the slight gasp as Stark got a good look at Steve. Stark lowered himself next to the Captain, looking surprisingly old.

Tony was desperate. He felt an anguish that enveloped his soul.

"I don't wanna go," Peter pleaded. "I don't wanna—

Tony turned and stared at Rogers' unconscious body. Then, Tony reached out and hit Rogers powerfully on his left side. Rogers sat up with a scream, a painful scream, tumbling off of the bed and collapsing onto the floor. Everything else was a blur. Shuri rushed in with a stretcher, Thor was moving him out of the room.

"Mr. Stark, please, I don't wanna go—"

"Stark!" Tony looked up. "You need—"

"I'm fine," Tony said, his voice shaky. Thor awkwardly leaned forward, Tony slid back. "I'm not a hugger." Tony shot Thor a harsh look. Thor nodded.

"Sometimes we need someone to talk to." Tony looked at Thor, really looked at him. Thor looked exhausted, a deep ache, and he had an—

"Patchy Pirate! How did I not notice that earlier!" Thor laughed, a low rumble, as he through his head back. Then the laugh died and Thor was staring at him in worry. "How's the old man?" Tony said, hoping to avoid the topic about, well, him. Thor looked down.

"The Captain is struggling with trauma. He had to watch as Sargent Barnes vanished. The last time he saw his friend as himself was when he plummeted off a train, so watching the Sargent die again was very traumatic."

"His injury?" Tony whispered.

"His bones healed in the wrong position, they had to break them again to place them in the right position." Tony lowered his head.

"I don't wanna—"

Tony got up.

"Is he out of surgery?"

"Yes," Thor said softly. Tony paused at the tone.

"I'm going." Tony walked along the hallways, when he got to the hospital room, he paused.



"You're saying it's our fault?"

"I have to go."

"So much for avoiding you Cap." Tony walked in, and Rogers was trying to get up. "Woah, Old Man, don't want to lengthen your recovery!"

Rogers looked up in pure fear. He started to fumble, reaching for the shield leaning against the bed. Tony stopped, looking away.

"I'm sorry," Rogers croaked, "but I had to protect Buck."


"He didn't know, he didn't—"


"He is, was, lost! He—"

"STOP!" Tony roared. Rogers flinched. "We aren't talking about this now."

"Yes, we are," Rogers murmured. God, Tony hated how right Steve was.