Five months later Stiles pulled into a familiar parking lot. Through the window of the office, he could see Edith behind the counter. She hadn't spotted him yet but her face lit up when he entered the office.

"Stiles." She actually remembered his name, he hadn't been sure if she would really recognize him but their stay had been kind of memorable. "Good to see you again."

She came around the counter and a moment later she had him in a tight embrace. He hugged her back, it had been a while since Stiles had gotten an honest hug. He hadn't been back to Beacon Hills over the last few months but he and his dad were talking on the phone regularly and it looked as if the people back home had gotten used to the fact that he wasn't part of the local pack any longer.

He had even spoken to Scott a few times and things were better on that front as well. Not good but they were getting there. Stiles was basically waiting for the next clusterfuck when Scott would call him for help. Because that was what Stiles was doing, right? Helping packs in need.

"Where's Derek?" Edith let go of him to peek out of the window in search for the other man.

"He and Peter will be here in a bit," Stiles told her. They had a longer drive than him but Stiles didn't mind. He had waited five months to see Derek again, he could wait a little while longer. Maybe.

"So a double for you?" Edith winked at him and hurried back behind the counter to get him a key.

"Yes," Stiles agreed. He had been worried if Derek actually wanted him as more than his beta, he had more than enough time to find other people he was more interested in. Or he could have just lost interest in Stiles. When Stiles had tried to hint that they didn't have to sleep in one bed if Derek didn't want to, Derek had told him to shut up and that chicken nuggets were still the best thing in the world. So a double it was.

Since he was in no hurry and Edith had nothing else to do, Stiles took the chair she offered and kept her company for a while.

"Anything interesting happened while I was gone?" Stiles asked. At least from a supernatural angle, the town was as sleepy as always, he could tell. His senses weren't as sharp as they used to be, at least not those senses, but he still felt the thrumming of the Nemeton when he opened his mind.

"Nothing really." Edith fixed them cups of coffee and she still kept a box with cookies in a drawer. Stiles accepted both happily. "What about you? What brings you back here?"

"We're thinking about staying for a while." Stiles nibbled at his cookie. "Maybe renting or even buying a house."

"Did we leave that much of an impression?" Edith asked but she couldn't hide how flattered she was. Stiles doubted that many people were moving here, quite the opposite. Edith's own children had left to live in the big city. This was a sleepy town but Stiles doubted it was dying. Not with the Nemeton here.

"We are looking for a place to settle down." Stiles shrugged. It would be more of a home base, neither Stiles nor Peter were cut for a quiet life, they both got restless when they stayed at one place for too long but it would be nice to have a place to come home to.

However, Stiles could picture Derek living a quiet life. Helping old ladies with the groceries and getting paid with home-made pie. He just hoped that Derek would have the time to enjoy such a simple life. With a pack around, even with such a small one as theirs, Stiles had no doubt that the supernatural activity would spike around here. It was kind of a miracle that the Nemeton hadn't drawn in others. But maybe it had already picked the ones it wanted to have around. One never knew with these trees.

"There is not much around here," Edith said, stirring sugar into her cup. "Work-wise I mean." She put the spoon aside with a little laugh. "I don't even know what you do for a living. Or Derek for that matter."

"I'm kind of a problem solver," Stiles offered. "I travel a lot."

Derek didn't have a job but it might be worth looking into that. Not that Stiles had any idea what kind of job Derek would even like to try out. Not that he would have to work. By now he was officially Derek Hale and had inherited his share of the Hale estate. Stiles didn't know how Scott had caught wind of that but it had put another strain on their relationship. As if Derek had been after Peter's money all along.

Stiles skirted the question of Derek's profession by asking about available houses around town. Which there were plenty of, he found out.

Over the next two hours, Edith told him in detail who had lived where and why they weren't living there any longer. Some had moved away, some had died, children didn't care about the houses of their parents, Stiles heard a lot of gossip and he filed everything away for future use. One could never know enough about the neighbors.

Then, finally, a familiar car pulled into the parking lot.

"They're here." Stiles jumped to his feet and was out of the door a second later. Then he was standing next to the car, bouncing on the balls of his feet, while Peter parked.

Eventually, the passenger side door opened and Derek stepped out.

He looked different. Stiles couldn't quite put his finger on it but the way he was holding himself, the easy smile on his face and the sunglasses hanging from his v-neck, it was different. In a good way. Derek had been around Peter for too long, Stiles decided but he couldn't help but stare at the v-neck. He wanted to bite Derek's collar bone.

"Stop drooling." Peter had gotten out of the car as well.

"I'm not ..." Stiles had to tear his eyes off Derek to glare at Peter who just gave him a smug smile.

Stiles didn't know what the plan for the rest of the day had been, maybe going over to Jane's diner and discuss their next steps over a burger, but it looked like Derek had other plans.

While Stiles' attention had been on Peter, Derek had stepped over to him and then his nose tickled along the line of Stiles' neck. They hadn't seen each other in person in months so Stiles bared his neck for Derek to scent him. And if he was doing the same with Derek's neck, sue him, he hadn't seen his alpha in way too long, they needed to reconnect.

"Get a room," Peter told them but he sounded more amused than annoyed.

"Already got one," Stiles countered and took another deep breath. He and Derek had spoken on the phone daily, and Stiles might have recorded some of their conversations to play in a loop to help him to get some sleep. It worked so Stiles didn't question it too much.

"Which one?" Derek perked up at that and was already dragging Stiles over to the row of rooms.

"What do you think?" Stiles had gotten the same room they had stayed in last time. There was only one other guest here at the moment and she wanted to leave in the morning. Why Edith kept the motel open was beyond Stiles but at the moment he was just glad that they had a room.

They left Peter standing in the parking lot but Stiles didn't even feel a little bit guilty about that. The scenting had turned into Derek nipping at his neck in the attempt to mark him. With Stiles being a werewolf now that was a futile attempt but Derek got points for trying.

"I need to get my bag." Stiles tried to peel himself out of Derek's arms who really didn't want to let him go.

"We won't have lube otherwise," Stiles told him but still Derek drew him back in every time he tried to get away for a moment. "I won't let you fuck me without lube. Which is in my bag. Which is in my car right over there." He tried to nod in that direction which Derek used to suck at his Adam's apple.

"Derek," Stiles whined.

"Should I get the lube for you so you can get along with the program?" Peter asked. He was having way too much fun with this.

The second Derek let him go, Stiles sprinted over to his jeep and yanked his bag out. In their room, he dropped it on the floor and dug out the lube. He had put it on top for easy access but he still had to rummage through his clothes to actually find it. Derek getting naked just a few feet from him was not helping to find the bottle quicker.

Stiles had thought about their reunion. A lot. The times he hadn't been doubting that Derek still wanted him this way and not only as a beta Stiles had thought about all the ways they would screw each other's brains out. He might have jerked off to those thoughts.

However, not once had he thought that he would finally find the bottle of lube, come up with a yesss and then face-plant on the floor because his foot got caught in the handle of his bag. Derek was standing on one leg while he got out of his jeans but he still tried to catch Stiles which ended with both of them on the floor in a tangle of limbs. And Stiles lost the bottle somewhere in the middle of that, it might be under the bed now.

Stiles let out a frustrated groan.

Derek didn't let him get up again and peeled him out of his clothes right there on the floor.

"The bed would be more comfortable," Stiles said but didn't even try to get to said bed. Derek hmmed to that but he was too busy attacking his throat again and simultaneously trying to get him out of his jeans to do anything to get them off the floor.

They did get to the fucking part of the day eventually. Derek fucked him right there, taking him from behind with Stiles on his knees and his upper body on the bed, at least part of him had made it to the bed. And Derek had used the lube. Even if Stiles had no idea when Derek had gotten that back from under the bed.

It was fast and dirty and Stiles would get a serious case of carpet burn in the morning if it weren't for his healing that immediately took care of that. It was kind of sad actually.

"I like it when you leave your mark on me," Stiles managed to say but mostly he was just hanging in for the ride. God, had he missed this.

"You like that?" Derek asked and a second later he bit down on Stiles' neck, right where he had bitten him to turn him.

Stiles came with a cry.

Derek kept thrusting, hitting his sweet spot dead on, until Stiles just collapsed on the bed. Or leaning against it to be correct.

Derek pulled out and a second later Stiles felt the hot jets of his come hitting his back.

"Did you ...?" He asked once his brain had comprehended what Derek had just done but he was cut off when Derek spread his come over Stiles' back.

"Now you're marked," Derek said, sounding way too satisfied.

They did make it onto the bed eventually and once they were there, they didn't leave it for hours.

Stiles had lost count of how often he'd come, werewolf stamina was awesome, but he was sticky head to toe with Derek's come. And his own. At least that stayed. All the hickeys and bite marks Derek was putting on him faded away way too quickly but their mixed semen stayed. Stiles would smell like them for days.

Stiles didn't know what time it was, late, most likely close to morning, when they stretched out next to each other, catching their breath. Derek couldn't keep his hands off him and was painting lazy patterns on Stiles' chest with the tip of a finger, or he was connecting the dots, Stiles couldn't tell but he was too tired to care.

"You're still my chicken nuggets," Derek broke the silence. "Can I have you?"

"You always have me," Stiles assured him. "For as long as you want."

"Is forever okay?"

"Forever sounds good." Stiles made the afford to raise his head, this had to be sealed with a kiss, but once that was done, he dropped back into his pillow. He fell asleep in Derek's arms.

A/N That's all folks. I'm happy you enjoyed this ride with me, thank you.

I am toying with the idea of a sequel, I love this little town and these people too much to just let them go, but not right away.

First I have to finish "Home is where the Heart is. Mine is six Feet under" and then there is this little plot bunny nagging me:

Working Title: Bodies of Water (and the other kind of bodies)

Summary: Peter meets Stiles when he tries to dispose a body in Stiles' lake (well, technically it's Derek's lake but semantics)