
This story includes MAJOR spoilers for Infinity War, so don't read this if you're yet to see it. Ok? We're going into spoilers in 3...2...1...

Chapter 1


Everything fell silent for a moment. An unspoken silence fell across the whole planet.

"Something's happening" Mantis gasped. Everybody spun around to look at her. She held her hands in front of her, distraught. They were dissipating into dust in front of her very eyes. Soon, he whole body was gone.

Drax let out a horrified groan. "Quill?" he mumbled. Star Lord looked over at him, as I did the same. He disappeared into dust. What the hell was going on? I glanced over at Quill, and noticed his hands doing the same thing.

"Quill?" I said. He looked over at me, and then down at his hands.

"Oh man." he whispered, as his body began to disappear. My heart began to pound furiously. I glanced down at my hands, which didn't seem to be doing anything worthy of notice.

"Tony." Steven called from behind me. He was leant against a pillar, and I knew exactly what was going to happen. I felt like telling him this was all his fault. He gave Thanos the Time Stone. He caused his victory.

As if reading my mind, he mumbled, "There was no other way.", before blowing away into dust. I stood still, completely paralysed. We'd lost. This was the end. I turned around, to check on Peter and Nebula.

"I don't feel so good." Peter moaned, taking a couple of rocky steps towards and stumbling into me.

"Mr Stark...I don't want to go! I don't want to go..." Peter cried as he began to evaporate into dust. He clang to my shoulders as his body began to fall apart in front of my very eyes. I could hear the pain in his voice.

He stumbled to the ground, his legs giving way beneath him. I had to help. I had to to something. But there was nothing.

"I'm sorry...Mr Stark." the kid whispered, as his face blew away in the wind. I couldn't watch. I turned away. I was all alone, on this dilapidated planet of crap. This was all my fault. I'd done this.

"He did it." Nebula whispered.

I couldn't stand, my legs were shaking too much. Several minutes passed. Hell, they could've been hours. The remains of Parker's body rested motionless in my hands. A single tear ran down my cheek and fell into the pile of dust.

"DAMN IT!" I roared, throwing the dust away, letting it blow away into the wind. It was in that second that I swore to get revenge on Thanos. I wouldn't let him get away with this. I hadn't been able to save Peter, but I could save everyone else.

Pepper. I'd forgotten about Pepper. Was she okay? Had she gone? Or had she been forced to live with this curse of survival? I had to find out.


"Steve?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I spun around, to see my best friend Bucky topple to the floor in agony. I rushed over, helpless. The very second that he hit the floor, he exploded into a whitlwind of dust and dirt. My heart dropped. Buck.

I'd seen Bucky die once before, and had to live with it for over 70 years. I never thought I'd have to go through it again. I stumbled forward, clutching helplessly at the remains of Bucky's body. Nothing. Everything was gone. I looked over my shoulder at Thor, who was still wielding his new axe. He looked down solemnly.

I stood up, my legs shaking furiously. I'd lost him again.

"This is no place to die." I heard T'Challa call from over to my left. I couldn't bring myself to see what was happening. I tried to get as far away as I could. I sprinted over to my right, where I bumped into Wanda, who was curled around Vision's motionless, colourless body. Without any words, she faded away into nothingness. What was happening?

Rocket Racoon leant against a nearby log, taking several tentative steps towards his best friend, as he began to fade away.

"No, no, no!" I heard him cry, as I turned my head. Groot was gone.

Suddenly, Natasha and Bruce rushed to the scene next to me, breathless. I looked over at them without saying a word. Placing both my hands on Vision, I counted our losses. Bucky. Wanda. Groot. Maybe even T'Challa.

Then I remembered Sam. I'd sent Rhodes to go and check on him, and he hadn't returned yet. I looked over into the distance, and saw James walking towards us in silence. Alone.

"What the hell is happening?" he asked, as a single tear fell down my cheek onto Vision. We'd lost so many. My two best friends. The king of Wakanda. A young woman I'd pledged to protect. Heroes.

"Oh, God." I sighed, falling down to my knees.