Kari pulled her knees to her chest. She could hear her parents fighting and she hated it. Her bedroom door opened and she was relieved to see Tai in the door way. Tai closed the door quietly and walked over to Kari's bed. "You okay?" Kari nodded and reached out to grab her brothers hand. "I'm glad you're here." Tai smiled and squeezed his sisters hand. "I'm not going anywhere." Kari frowned. She appreciated Tai's words but also knew he wouldn't be home forever. He was in his final year of high school. Kari knew he wanted to go somewhere for university. Somewhere that would mean he wouldn't be at home anymore. Tai sat on Kari's bed and the two siblings sat in silence listening to the yelling outside the bedroom. "I don't understand, I thought they were getting better." Tai mumbled bitterly. Kari shifted and bit her lip. "I think I may have started this one." Kari sighed and felt her shoulders sag. "Kari don't do that. You didn't-" "I did." Kari cut her brother off forcefully. "I tried to ask mom for some money for a school trip. She told me to ask dad but I was scared to. So I asked her to. The fight started when mom told dad I was scared of him." Tai stared at his sister. Kari could see he wanted to comfort her but she shook her head. "I shouldn't have said anything." Kari whispered. She felt her brother release her hand. She leaned her head back against the wall. She then felt Tai wrap an arm around her shoulders. Kari looked at him. He pulled her close and kissed her head. Kari smiled feeling safe with her brother. Her peace was interrupted when she heard a crash coming from the living room. Kari flinched and Tai quickly stood. He went to the door "stay here Kar." He instructed and he left the room. Kari frowned and quickly shuffled off the bed and went out into the living room. "What the hell did you do!" Tai's yell startled Kari. But then she looked at her mother and understood. There was glass broken on the floor and Kari could see her mother kneeling amongst it her hands bleeding. "Mom" Kari breathed in and crossed the room to her mom. She was stopped when her father grabbed her arm. "Dad! Don't touch her!" Tai yelled and Kari was pulled back aggressively. She winced and looked at her dad who was seething. "You still scared of me Kari?" He asked in a low growl of a voice. Kari didn't even see her brother move but he was suddenly in front of her. He yanked their dads hand off of Kari's arm and stood protectively between her and their dad. "I think you should take a walk dad." Tai said threateningly. Kari could see her dads jaw tighten. He looked like he wanted to fight Tai. Kari started to feel frightened for her brother. Their dad huffed and turned away. "Whatever." He grumbled and he grabbed his keys and wallet off the counter and left the apartment. The door slammed shut and Kari flinched at the noise. She stood still a moment trying to wrap her head around the events that had just happened. Tai wasn't stagnant. He immediately went over to his mom and started inspecting her hands. "Kari go grab the first aid kit from the bathroom." He instructed and Kari moved her feet to the bathroom. Her hands shook as she opened the cupboards under the sink and pulled the white box out. She stood and tried not to think. Thinking meant feeling and she didn't want to feel right then. She didn't want to feel fear and heartache about her dad. She exited the bathroom and saw Tai sweeping up the glass. She saw her mom sitting on the couch and suddenly couldn't move her feet towards her. Her bottom lip quivered as she looked upon her mother who sat on the couch, her hands red and her face pale. "Here." Tai was suddenly in front of Kari and he gently took the first aid kit from Kari's hands. He moved to prop the broom up against one of the chairs. Kari suddenly moved her feet, she didn't want to do nothing. "Let me." She told her brother and she grabbed the broom from his hand and went over to the pile of glass. Kari then started sweeping up the rest while she listened to her brother tend to their mother. "This is silly Tai, it's just a scratch." Their mother said and Kari felt afraid that her mother could dismiss what their father did. "Mom." Tai said sternly. "He pushed you, he could have really hurt you." Kari stopped sweeping to watch her brother and their mom. Their mom stopped Tai from wrapping her hands. She then pulled him close and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "My strong boy. You are such a protector." Tai shook his head and resumed wrapping his mother's injured hands. "You and Kari shouldn't be in danger in our home." He scoffed and Kari watched her mother frown, "your dad won't hurt us." Kari's lips parted and Tai went wide eyed. "He just did! He could've hurt Kari!" Kari nearly held her breath while Tai finished wrapping their moms hands. Their mom shook her head becoming stern. "Your father won't hurt us. He just made an error in judgement." She then stood and Kari felt angry at her. "Mom-" Tai then cut Kari off, "mom I don't trust him. He's been different for the past year and he's getting worse!" Their mom snapped her head to look at Tai. "Don't you dare Tai. Your father is doing what he can for this family!" Tai clenched his fists. Kari crouched down and swept up the mess into a dustpan. She stood and moved to throw the glass in the garbage. "You kids should go to bed." Kari stopped and looked at her mother. She then looked to Tai who growled and stomped towards her. Kari coward slightly. Her brother was mad she could see and she wasn't sure what he was going to do. She met his eyes and saw him flinch. He then moved past her and then tossed her her jacket. "Mom you can stay here but I'm taking Kari." Kari quietly put her jacket on and watched her mom's eyes bug out "wait what?! Where are you going?!" She exclaimed and Tai put his shoes on. "Out mom. We just need to get out." He spoke calmly and Kari quickly put her own shoes on. Tai then opened the door. "He's not safe mom. The sooner you realise that the better." Kari looked at their mom who was shocked. She then looked to Tai for direction. Tai gently pushed his sister out of the front door. "We'll be back in an hour." He announced and then it was just the two siblings standing outside. Tai pushed on Kari's back and she moved towards the elevator. Tai was right behind her and then they were both inside the lift. Neither said anything to each other. Kari kept her gaze at her shoes. She wasn't sure what they were doing. The elevator dinged and both exited the lift. Kari followed her brother out of their apartment building and across the street. They arrived at the water and Kari wasn't sure what to do next. "Kari?" Kari looked at her brother who looked pained. "You know I wouldn't hurt you right?" Kari's mouth opened slightly. She wanted to yell "of course!" Instead her head moved up and down. Tai suddenly hugged her and Kari was surprised. She took a moment before wrapping her arms around her brother and squeezing. Tai then stepped back. "I saw, you know..." he trailed off and looked over the water. "I didn't mean to scare you back there. I don't want you to be scared of me. I don't ever want to be like him." Kari knew Tai was referring to their father. She shook her head, "Tai you're brave and courages. You are nothing like our dad. He's a coward." Tai smiled and put a hand around Kari's shoulders. "You hungry?" He asked and Kari nodded. "Yeah." Tai then turned her and the two started walking. "My treat, let's get some food." Kari smiled and felt safe once again. Safe with her brother. When he was around she felt like nothing bad could touch her. She smiled and walked with her brother to a nearby cafe.

The siblings sat across from one another. Tai watched his sister eat slowly. He took a drink from his water glass and felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out assuming it would be their mother. He stopped, seeing it was Matt. He then started typing out a reply. "Is it mom?" Kari asked and Tai shook his head, "Matt." He finished typing and hit send. He then placed the phone on the table. Kari put her spoon down and bit her lip. "Did you tell him?" She asked softly. Tai shook his head, "I don't think I could. Could you?" Kari shook her head. Tai nodded and the siblings made a silent agreement. They wouldn't tell anyone. They would keep their family problems to themselves.

That night Tai laid in bed thinking about Agumon. How easy it was back then, he thought. It didn't matter how close they came to death he always knew they'd be alright. He felt in control. He thought about his parents and frowned, he didn't feel in control anymore. Things seemed to be getting harder. He then selfishly felt at ease feeling like he could get away from it all once he heads off to university. His sister came to his mind and he sighed. He could never leave her. He wouldn't. Tai continued to wage war on his thoughts as the night went on.